Y R the people who answer the questions on "yahoo answers "so mean ?
Heather B
2007-12-07 22:43:21 UTC
I mean, isn't the purpose of this thing to have community? Is this all there is-- freakin' vampires, athiests, and demons!
40 answers:
I luv Matt!
2007-12-07 22:49:22 UTC
Telling me! Isn't this thing meant to help people not abuse them. If you haven't got anything use full to say then just don't. It probably makes them feel better and smarter about themselves that they think someone else is wrong. But in the end they are the dumb ones.
2016-05-22 07:11:02 UTC
sweetie even if ur nickname was "JACKASS" still nobody has the right to be mean to u without knowing u, so lets not be shallow and focus on ur name. i agree with u, there are many mean and cruel people here, in my opinion some of the reasons are: -some people feel neglected, so they try to be noticed that way -some people's opinions are lame and idiotic, so they insult people instead, knowing that their true opinions will be transparent -some people are not open minded to discuss issues concerning their race, religion, culture..etc, so they become offensive for no reason -some people dont trust others, they always get the wrong idea about the askers' intentions -and some poeple are just evil making fun of many askers, just because they dont like the topic. u know, i asked a question before, concerning the young american soldiers dying everyday, i really feel bad for them and i blamed President Bush. just because i mentioned that i'm an arab, u cant imagine the harsh answers i got, although my intentions were good (i wont win a prize if i act concerned u know) my advice to u, feel free to ask whatever u like, and only give attention to the people who are here to help honestly. i know it hurts but, those mean comments shouldnt affect u, as they come from sick pathetic people.
2007-12-07 23:01:25 UTC
well look at some of the question that are ask. then you have to remember that a lot of people are just plane mean and on a venune like this were no one will know who they are, you will get all kinds of crap. When I was driving truck, the first thing I did when I would go in to a truck stop for the night was turn off the C.B. so I did not have to listen to all the crap and *^#*. If you have time some time ask a question you know the answer to just to see all the wrong answer you get back.
2007-12-08 03:55:25 UTC
There are a lot of reasons why we are so mean. I don't think you should rule out some of the questions are tactless. An example, "Who, like me, thinks that science is a beautiful form of black magic?" Hello, the problem should be apparent if you are not interested in the occult and those who are have widely varying opinions -- but. "Black" magic is never beautiful. The normal use implies that the operator is trying to force his or her will on the cosmos in defiance of natural law. The only use here which should make sense is that all magic is black. And tarring the diverse magickal community with that same brush implies that we are trying to defy the natural law of science -- or arguing we should. The asker said in an addendum he wasn't trying to bait anyone, but he didn't apologize so I don't think he understood how broadly offensive that word was.

Another question that raises arguments is how seriously we should take questions and answers. I will freely admit I don't take everything that seriously, I will do C programs which show the algorithms I want to show better than they answer the peoples' questions (but if they are asking for C programs that can mean they want us to do their homework which is unethical). I will use the Wikipedia and Robert Graves as mythology sources -- but subject to checking of course. Graves in particular had some very firm ideas about the Matriarchal origins of European Culture which have influenced modern neopagan thought but which are unsound from a scholarly point of view. His treatment of old poems and other records was often partial and biased. What can I tell you? He did not pretend to be Mircea Eliade, rather he was a successful poet and novelist who was trying to share life lessons -- which had included lessons from his time as a Classics student at Oxford. I asked a question about something I remembered from the White Goddess, knowing his interpretation probably had some basis in scholarship but (I thought) making clear that I was interested in the information he got his conclusion from rather than the conclusion. I was, in fact, taken to task politely by a woman who didn't think I should be relying on him for information at all. If you are going to take him seriously as a scholar, don't. Why argue that Yahoo! Answers is not a scholarly journal? Graves with all his faults can be a good source of fairly reliable information about pre-renaissance literature. He can also be a source of misleading information, but if you are willing to read him critically checking him is a very straightforward process. Some people don't feel this way and certainly they are entitled to their opinions. I did not give that woman Best Answer because someone else actually answered the question. I'm still going to cite Graves when I think it's relevant.

Some of us are losers, and some of us aren't but are passionate about our lifestyles. So we take umbrage at things others might not think are offensive.

Arguments are a part of human nature and something about human/computer interaction seems to encourage flame wars anyhow. Check out the Usenet archives on Google. I'm afraid you're going to have to accept that community is not always a pretty thing and the mean answers are something which you are going to have to accept if you're going to have much to do with Yahoo! Answers.
Babak Kaveh
2007-12-08 03:48:42 UTC
People mostly get mean" when you start to ask questions about sensitive matters, without being sensible and sensitive yourself? E.g. I saw your post on "Why everything that comes out of germany is Evil?", now if i was German, and I was thinking that you are not, which you probably aren't, it could happen that I just would want to kick you hard enough to make you shut up!!!

You could have refolmulated your story as: "Is there any reason why Hitler rose to power in Germany, and why the people of his time actually supported his outrageous plans for the future of the world, while in most other countries of the time, extreme right-wing beliefs were shunned by most of the populations?" and there would be a good answer to that in the political QA section.

The way you asked your question however, you only deserve the answers you got.

some guidelines for you:

1. Don't ask questions that are too general: e.g. "Why is everyone here mean?!"

2. Don't talk about sensitive matters, e.g religion, beliefs, politics, unless you are prepared to do it maturely.

3. Do not ask questions that are not questions. e.g. "Why are followers of the religion XXXX so nasty, and why do they piss me off, and why are they all terrorists?"

if you do any of the above, and you have done them all, expect most people to be mean. actually, i have so far only gotten good answers, and a huge majority of people here are really helpful if they find a question to be informative and intriguing.

Thanks everyone for this great community. And to you Heather, I hope you grow up and learn to improve, instead of blaming others.

In Love and Light.
2007-12-07 23:00:39 UTC
not all are mean,but some Questions attract different people and also attract different responses,so sometimes an opinion could be misinterpreted as mean,but some people are just down right rude>we should be able to agree to disagree,it doesn't mean your all wrong or right,depends on the subject.This will happen on or off the net.don't take to heart an answer that upsets you on yahoo,there is some nice people here too.cheers always :)
2007-12-07 22:58:15 UTC
Hey, atheists aren't necessarily mean. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they're evil.

Online communities are much different than personal communities. The people are often not sociable in real life. But even so, they let it all hang out online. There's nothing to hide on the Internet . . . you're much less restricted than in real life.

Now, don't take this all so seriously. Some people will inevitably find your questions or answers to be stupid. Just ignore them and move on. It's better for you. Good night!
2007-12-07 22:57:35 UTC
I've wondered the same thing myself. I guess its just their nature.There seems to be a lot of mean and bitter people out there. Angry too. What enjoyment do you all get from being mean? Just ignore those ones. There are also nice people out there who seem to truly want to help someone, not just dump on them. Your right. That is the purpose of this. To help each other. That seems to be lost on some people. Its easier to show off and be a beast than to actually help.
Digital Age
2007-12-07 22:48:39 UTC
It is like that all over the Internet.

Some people see the Internet as an outlet for their positive interaction with others....making friends, getting to know each other, sharing information, talking , etc. The Internet becomes a place for them to be themselves and grow as individuals.

However, the Internet also allows people to remain anonymous, and there are many people with evil and darkness in their souls who use the Internet to hurt others.....insult people....and basically, be bad. They figure they can get away with it because they are anonymous.
2007-12-10 13:12:24 UTC
I try not to be mean. I answer all the questions with thought and legitimate information that's backed up with sources, when applicable. Not everyone on here is mean.
2007-12-07 22:54:24 UTC
I haven't attracted too many mean people to my questions.

Having said so, some people, derive temporary 'highs' from breaking down other people, or at least trying to.

Remember school?? Lol
Ronnie j
2007-12-07 22:49:01 UTC
Some people are born mean, some are raised mean, and some work at being mean.

They come first in their lives, and care not for others. One reason they act like jerks, and put other people down, is to make themselves feel important.
2007-12-08 17:35:55 UTC
Not everyone is mean, A lot of people don't care about other peoples feelings because they are self centered jerks!
2007-12-07 22:52:54 UTC
You can't expect everyone to be nice. Some people are just naturally mean. And besides, this is the internet. Everybody feels safe to do whatever they want because it's anonymous.
Mikey's Mommy
2007-12-07 22:46:20 UTC
Not everyone is mean. I try not to be, I know if I get annoyed I sound mean. Really though, I try to keep an open mind before answering.
2007-12-07 22:47:27 UTC
Because the people asking the questions equate atheists to demons and vampires.
2007-12-07 22:46:54 UTC
christians and politicians are equally as hateful. i think they should show people's levels by their names w/o having to click over it, if i knew some of the people asking questions were new i would most definately give them an easier time than someone who had been here forever. But sometimes the level of ignorance is just too appalling to let go.
2007-12-10 21:44:17 UTC
They are trying to find their way in their spiritualless world and they need you and me to help them. Just play along with them, they will get tired of us good people and leave someday.
2007-12-07 22:48:01 UTC
Not all of us are mean. =)

Theres just a lot of immature people on here who think just b/c theyre hiding behind a computer screen that they can insult others. I get a lot of mean comments too but I just try to ignore them.
2007-12-07 22:46:11 UTC
because some people have nothing better to do then to try and mess with people minds. They're called losers, and theres a lot of them on here
2007-12-09 01:24:02 UTC
i dont know!! its like they gotta put someone down to pull themselves up!! and they couldn't do that in real life. b******!! sorry if someone said somethin mean, it happens all the time to me. just give them a low rating or report their answer for harrassment!!! hahaha.
2007-12-08 01:08:32 UTC
Don't worry about it, Some peoples are mean. But not all people.
2007-12-07 22:49:29 UTC
is a christian an athiest????? if so you r right but umm im a christian not an athiest. Jesus saved me so i dont have any demons with me or vampires for that matter so i dont qualify for that category but my guess is alot of people dont have a life or christ so they figure the biggest thrill they can get is making people feel stupid soo yeah
2007-12-07 22:46:30 UTC
Some people ask really stoopid questions and just like real life ppl can be mean.
2007-12-08 15:54:05 UTC
the answer is on the blackboard at this site...
2007-12-07 22:48:22 UTC
peoples real personalities come out on the internet. they feel emboldened to say stuff that they would be to cowardly to say to someones face.

i should add that most of the people on y.a. are respectful.
2007-12-07 23:18:14 UTC
because they're to weak to do it in real life so they have to vent on the internet to piss people off to make themselves feel big
2007-12-08 11:03:18 UTC
I am only mean when someone asks a really stupid question, other wise I'm respectful.
2007-12-07 22:57:09 UTC
because ppl are cowards in real life and a r jerkoffs on the web , its rlly quite depressing. i mean i try to be an asshole in both worlds but thier is no pt on the internet because the conflict will never get resolved. but yeah anyone who talks **** about me, i give em my address and tell em to say it to y face... they never do ,cowards.
2007-12-07 22:47:13 UTC
sorry if people on here being mean to u. they were mean when i asked a question too. some of the people here really suck
2007-12-07 22:46:52 UTC
yea on charmed!! but this is reality so you know people just suck sometimes
2007-12-07 22:45:47 UTC
because im tired of answering the same question over and over and over again. besides that, i have no respect for anyone anymore. its all the same, just a different day.
2007-12-07 22:46:09 UTC person on this yahoo answers called me loser, stupid, and i have no knowledge
2007-12-07 22:46:39 UTC
umm bcuz ppl ask DUMB questions on here!!!

and all the ppl u named scare me too.


veronica :)
2007-12-07 22:46:41 UTC
because thier stupid and they think it will help if thier that honest!!
2007-12-07 22:46:05 UTC
maybe they are tired of answering questions which they feel are so senseless
2007-12-07 22:45:25 UTC
because they have no lives so they assume that they have a valid opinion
2007-12-07 22:53:06 UTC
people SEEM mean to you because your frickin brainwashed

and you stink
2007-12-07 22:45:47 UTC
because their b*tch asses are hiding behind computer screens. none of them would ever say anything like that to anyone's face. LOOZAHHHSS!
2007-12-07 22:46:02 UTC
bcuz its funny....lolz

nanana. idk there bored bitches

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.