i want to get involved in witchcraft, what should i do?
robyn p
2010-01-05 13:59:00 UTC
like, where should i start? ever since i was a little kid, ive always been interested in wicca and vampires, stuff like that, and well, i just feel like getting involved in witchcraft. anyone got any good advice, places to start?
27 answers:
2010-01-05 16:23:00 UTC
Oh good grief, I can't believe some of the answers you got. Some of these people need to grow up and stop being so full of themselves thinking they know everything!!

Anyways, try this link. It gives some good basics on how to start the path of Witchcraft. But remember that this is not a game. It's not a way to get whatever you want, gain a boyfriend or transform you into some mythical creature.

Oh and Witchcraft has NOTHING to do with Vampirism, and Wicca is completely separate from Witchcraft. Witchcraft is a practice whereas Wicca is a religion.
2010-01-06 08:03:41 UTC
Do you understand your own motives for wanting to do this, or is it just a sense of adventure? The term Witchcraft itself is full of ambiguity, misinterpretation, myth, propaganda and confusion, this may not be as easy a consideration as might be thought.


From what you say, I think you may already have some confusion or even delusion about what you are considering or talking about. "wicca, and vampires, and stuff like that". Is it just a fascination with the occult that you have? If so, I should be concerned that you find out whether this is healthy for you to get involved with or not. That is not to exclude knowledge about it, and this should be your first intent. Research without commitment first. Take your decisions along the way, but give yourself time to learn and conclude. Don't rush it.


Prime directive: Do not accept anything at face value. That goes for everything, not just the 'occult'. People will try to get you to believe whatever they want you to believe. They may even believe that they believe it, but that does not guarantee what they believe is the truth or reliable. You have got to sort that out.


My understanding of witchcraft is that it is derived from a study and practise of the use of herbs and potions, primarily with a healing intent. If your intent is to pursue a path of healing, then this would be a good motive, and less likely to bring you mental or physical harm.


There are many bookshops and I suspect Internet Sites where you can find endless information about this. Place more suspicion on the Internet Sites. Do not ignore what religion has to say, but put it into perspective. They have a vested interest and many have a blind acceptance about what is 'written', and they should be ignored.


Common sense is a great moderator. If you find yourself doing things that you are not comfortable with, or anyone tries to persuade you to do so, then I would be very very wary.


So read, discuss, and learn, but leave commitment for a while. If the process takes you down a road that makes you feel comfortable without pressure, then that should be a good sign. Otherwise be very careful. There is the dark side. You do not want to go there. Your well-being would be at stake and the outcome unlikely to be benign. I have glimpsed it, and it is a bottomless pit with absolutely no virtue. A dead end for the dead. Not your kind of place believe me!...
2010-01-06 04:25:11 UTC
Honestly? i think you should go back to the books. Because you need to understand that there are no vampires..this is on no way connected to Witchcraft. And Wicca is not the same thing as Witchcraft on the whole, although some Wiccans are clearly Witches (before anyone bites my head of) There are some useful links given, here are some more for you. this is a site that deals with traditional types of paganism and witchcraft, don't try to join just yet, the membership is somewhat limited but the forums are open to everyone to read and gain knowledge, and they are really informative folks. this is the children of artemis site, it deals in Wicca for the best part, it will help you understand certain things. this is another site with quite a broad base of craft related subjects, and advice for such as yourself. Also, try the pagan federation for your area. Try to stop, and wait, and be patient, if you are serious, it will come. Another poster suggested forging a connection with nature, good idea. But forget all the vampire stuff!
Star Danser!!! <3
2010-01-07 07:36:02 UTC
Vampires have nothing to do with either Wicca or witchcraft.

Furthermore, Wicca and witchcraft are two entirely different things.

Witches (male or female) practice ritual magick (defined as the act of using one's will to create change); this is not the same as stage magic, like pulling bunnies out of top hats, or fantasy magic like Harry Potter, or anything you see on TV like Charmed or MindFreak.

Wicca (practitioners, female or male, are called Wiccans) is a religion that was founded in the 30s, 40s, and 50s by Gerald Gardner. It is polytheistic, meaning worshiping multiple gods, and is very nature-centered.

Wicca and witchcraft are not mutually inclusive, meaning not all Wiccans are Witches and not all Witches are Wiccans.

If you want to learn more about Wicca, go here:
2010-01-05 14:31:15 UTC
Wicca and vampires are not even remotely related. Also, Wicca is not necessarily connected to witchcraft. Not all witches are Wiccan and not all Wiccans practice witchcraft.

One of the best pagan, Heathen and Wiccan websites on the net is Witchvox. It's here -----> Cruise around there and acquaint yourself with the different faith paths and practices. There is no right way to be a pagan or Heathen of any variety - the old faiths lack a set dogma and are focused more on one's personal relationship with the world around them and any deity or deities or other entities that one may honor. So do learn and study as much as you can and choose your own path, be it Wicca, another form of paganism, one of the Abrahamic faiths or some other "other" - or even a "combo faith" like ChristoWicca. Do not allow others to unduly influence your walk with the divine, no matter how you may choose to define it. It is YOUR relationship with the divine, not theirs, and YOU are the one who must face the consequences of your actions, both good and bad.

You have probably been lied to by Hollywood and the most likely well-meaning but equally ignorant people around you about what magic actually is, who witches are and what they do and what, exactly Wicca as a faith system entails. Put very simply, magic is nothing more than a focusing of one's own energies to help achieve a desired result or goal during which a deity(ies) or other spiritual entities may or may not be addressed, directly appealed to or honored and that may or may not be highly ritualized, depending on the individual(s) involved. In other words, it's pretty much the same as prayer in other faiths as they have the same basic intent. It's just in the judeo-christian-islamic prayer formula, the deity is ALWAYS appealed to and/or addressed and they stick to just one. So keep that in mind as you study. If you wanted to explore because you thought you could learn how to make things go *poof!* and bend to your will, that isn't the case. Anyone who tells you they CAN teach you to do that should be avoided at all costs.

Oh, and congrats on actually trying to learn rather than just declaring yourself "Wiccan" and then begging for spells to turn yourself into a mythological creature. Not only are there no such spells (or creatures), that sort of thing is incredibly annoying to my Wiccan and pagan brothers and sisters, magic working or not.
2010-01-05 21:32:18 UTC
All right - Wicca is just one pagan religion/belief system of many, witchcraft can encompass a huge number of religions and practices (often one religion will call all others witchcraft) and vampires are folklore, so you need to decide what you want to learn, or if you want to study it all. I did, but that is a neverending persuit since there are just so many religions and sets of folklore that are and have been found in the world. I took my first mythology class when I was in 3rd grade and I am turning 30 this year and am still learning.

Check out these sites for original texts that may be useful. They have some hard to find documents that have been invaluable to my study:

Remember "demon" is in the eye of the beholder - what Christianity calls a demon Hindu calls a god so learn about the spirit and make your own decision:

Cat Yronwode has a highly reviewed class on Hoodoo on this site, though she wants you to do some study on the subject before you join:

Or try reading some of the writings of Aleister Crowley (actually there is a pretty good documentery on him on On Demand right now if you have it). I found his philosophy particularly helpful (to be fair, I am biased since I'm an Atheist Thelemite), but basically study everything - science (I've found physics particularly helpful, though a good foundation in biology, sociology and psychology is a good thing to have to look analytically at the information), philosophy, organized religion, religions that are no longer practiced, different sects and how they communicated with their gods/demons/spirits. As you learn, you will begin to find what fits you best, and then when you know specifically what you want to learn, you can look for someone to teach it to you. I suggest you don't join anything right away. Give yourself time to learn at your own pace - any group that pressures you to join right now is a group to avoid.
2010-01-05 14:30:03 UTC
At one point in history even many Christians practiced the crafts. Then the Church began using the word witch and attached it to the crafts.

This is just some of the Crafts practiced by both Pagans and Christians before the Burning times.




Bone setter


Maker of potions

Candle maker

Animal caller


Teachers of philosophy



Maker of poultices


Finder of Ley Lines


All of those within the above crafts were then called witches by Christianity and many executed for practicing their craft.

To study and work in any craft is not becoming a Witch. It is not those of the Crafts . As well, a Witch may practice any and all the crafts. The Christians have been banned from using crafts by threatening their souls with eternal pain even when the crafts are to help the sick and the maimed physically and emotionally.

Those calling themselves Witches practice about one tenth of the Crafts that were practiced in the centuries before the Christians brought forth the word Witch for those they wished to condemn as heretics. That today Witch is an honorable title that can be taken by many who do not even know the extent of crafts that have been practiced by some of humankind since its beginning. That there are many who call them Witch is the sign of the opening of many eyes to true reality.

Vampires and such have nothing to do with the crafts or Witches.
2016-04-29 23:00:23 UTC
Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to

Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.

The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.

Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.
2010-01-05 14:26:53 UTC
Vampires have nothing to do with Wicca. The link I added is a good basic way to learn about Wiccan.

There are also some good Wiccan books you can get in book stores. You may find them in the "New Age" section.
2016-10-07 12:16:48 UTC
properly, there is the Blaire Witch venture. it somewhat is approximately 3 little ones that wander away interior the woods on an identical time as doing a documentary some witch that lives interior the woods. it somewhat is stable and creepy!
evolved 909
2010-01-05 15:35:09 UTC
I would suggest generating an involvement with nature - learn about herbs and horticulture in general.

Go out and pick the ones that are free, bottle them or grow them.

If you grow them you shall learn to care and look after them obtaining a personal link to an aspect of magic.

And thus, you shall already have your unique signature upon one aspect or ingredient needed to assisted in your desired endeavours.
2017-03-02 07:00:56 UTC
2010-01-05 14:53:56 UTC
witches see things for what they really are, you don't have to practice magic to be a witch, witches always watch, and learn from others mistakes. everyones magic is different, just try out anything your interested in and see if it works for you, but NO black magic, witches never do anything out of pure greed or anything for themselves,magic is not a toy,it is a tool and a force to be used with great caution no fooling about because its to dangerous to get yourself into trouble, and too hard to get out of trouble. Magic must always be balanced, if you curse mentally catching them, you must let something else go, oh and don't forget the normal part of life, or you may lose it. If you want to find magic, you've already found it!!! Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
2010-01-06 07:53:40 UTC
Do a lot of research before you do anything.
2010-01-05 14:13:17 UTC
Let me guess, you're an adolescent female from a middle-class upbringing and a decent educational background. Right? I only ask because that's the most common source of witchcraft and supernatural belief and interest. 90% of the vampire/witch/ghost questions here are from bored, adolescent girls with over-active imaginations. No offense to you of course, and my apologies if I'm wrong.
john wondering
2010-01-06 06:12:28 UTC
Read about it, see it for what it really is, then move on to something worth getting involved in.
2010-01-05 14:07:35 UTC
Here's an excellent website:

Thing is, Wicca isn't real witchcraft, it's full of Christian symbols and meanings, don't trust it.

Witch actually means 'wise one'

Witchcraft is using the powers of the mind and soul to get what you want, that website is the best source of such information and techniques to empower yourself enough to perform magic.
2010-01-05 14:04:52 UTC
I'm failing to see the connection between witchcraft and vampires. There are many other branches of witchcraft you might want to look into, Wicca is a fairly new religion and seems very popular with middle aged women with henna tattoos and spice racks! Witchcraft is a pile of crap just like all other religions.
2010-01-05 14:41:12 UTC
you sound too naive. like some twilight teenybopper tryiing to get mystical
2010-01-05 15:29:42 UTC
go out and buy a book. Oh and you might want to stay clear of Salem, Massachusetts!
2010-01-05 14:05:22 UTC
Take an on line course.
2010-01-05 15:27:43 UTC
reaking Free From Occult Practices

Have you made the mistake of dabbling in the occult? Then consider what happened in the first-century city of Ephesus. Many there "practiced magical arts." But some were moved by the powerful works the apostle Paul performed with the aid of holy spirit. The results? "Quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody. And they calculated together the prices of them and found them worth fifty thousand pieces of silver. Thus in a mighty way the word of Jehovah kept growing and prevailing."—Acts 19:11-20.

What does this tell us? That if a person wants to escape the clutches of the demons, he or she must destroy all paraphernalia related to satanic worship! This includes all books, magazines, posters, comic books, videos, amulets (items worn for "protection"), and demonistic material downloaded from the Internet. (Deuteronomy 7:25, 26) Discard any paraphernalia that might be used in divination, such as crystal balls or Ouija boards. Also, get rid of music or videos that feature satanic themes.

It takes courage and determination to take such bold steps. But the benefits can be great. One Christian woman named Jean% purchased a computer game that seemed harmless at first. As she worked her way through the game's levels, she discovered aspects of the game that had spiritistic overtones. Before long she began having violent nightmares! "I got up in the middle of the night," says Jean, "and destroyed the game CDs." The result? "I haven't had any trouble since."

If you demonstrate real determination to break free, you will succeed. Recall the determination that Jesus showed when the Devil tried to lure Jesus into worshiping him. "Jesus said to him: 'Go away, Satan! For it is written, "It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service."' Then the Devil left him."—Matthew 4:8-11.

Do Not Fight Alone

Do Not Fight Alone

The apostle Paul reminds us that all Christians "have a wrestling . . . against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12) But do not try to fight Satan and his demons alone. Get help from your God-fearing parents and the elders in the local Christian congregation. It may be embarrassing to confess your involvement, but it can result in your receiving much-needed support.—James 5:14, 15.

Remember, too, that the Bible says: "Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you." (James 4:7, 8) Yes, you have the support of Jehovah God! He will help you to break free from the snare of the occult.
2010-01-05 14:34:45 UTC
Grow a broom.
Holden McGroin
2010-01-05 14:34:32 UTC
Rethink your decision.
2010-01-05 14:11:15 UTC
a black cloak and pointed hat plus a broomstick and a cauldron, then the library to find any books on spells
Pinkie Pie
2010-01-05 14:08:18 UTC
2010-01-05 14:07:24 UTC
tie yourself to a stake and set yourself on fire?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.