Do you understand your own motives for wanting to do this, or is it just a sense of adventure? The term Witchcraft itself is full of ambiguity, misinterpretation, myth, propaganda and confusion, this may not be as easy a consideration as might be thought.
From what you say, I think you may already have some confusion or even delusion about what you are considering or talking about. "wicca, and vampires, and stuff like that". Is it just a fascination with the occult that you have? If so, I should be concerned that you find out whether this is healthy for you to get involved with or not. That is not to exclude knowledge about it, and this should be your first intent. Research without commitment first. Take your decisions along the way, but give yourself time to learn and conclude. Don't rush it.
Prime directive: Do not accept anything at face value. That goes for everything, not just the 'occult'. People will try to get you to believe whatever they want you to believe. They may even believe that they believe it, but that does not guarantee what they believe is the truth or reliable. You have got to sort that out.
My understanding of witchcraft is that it is derived from a study and practise of the use of herbs and potions, primarily with a healing intent. If your intent is to pursue a path of healing, then this would be a good motive, and less likely to bring you mental or physical harm.
There are many bookshops and I suspect Internet Sites where you can find endless information about this. Place more suspicion on the Internet Sites. Do not ignore what religion has to say, but put it into perspective. They have a vested interest and many have a blind acceptance about what is 'written', and they should be ignored.
Common sense is a great moderator. If you find yourself doing things that you are not comfortable with, or anyone tries to persuade you to do so, then I would be very very wary.
So read, discuss, and learn, but leave commitment for a while. If the process takes you down a road that makes you feel comfortable without pressure, then that should be a good sign. Otherwise be very careful. There is the dark side. You do not want to go there. Your well-being would be at stake and the outcome unlikely to be benign. I have glimpsed it, and it is a bottomless pit with absolutely no virtue. A dead end for the dead. Not your kind of place believe me!...