Why don't Christians realise that Bible is just book that has collection of stories part history and myths and superstitions book?
2014-12-01 06:33:01 UTC
I don't mean to offend anyone so don't report?

Why don't Christians realise that Bible is book that is just a collection of stories?

Bible copied pagan Trinity which I have explained down below Bible also copied Greek mythology and Egyptian mythology and Persian or Iran mythology of garden of Eden which is in Babylon Persian Iran.

And Bible is nothing more than man made book which in Bible has written about superstitions and Bible has copied different religions and mythologies.
The Trinity Its a pagan teaching that came way before christanity.

Father-Son-Holy Ghost


Surely this a point where Christianity was adjusted to match a Pagan principle to make it easier to introduce to the local people.

Noah the ark is a copy of epic of gilgamesh flood and0

The Epic of Gilgamesh gives an account of a man who was told by the gods to build a boat to save his family from a great flood. Don't you think the Biblical flood originated from Sumer, just like Abraham?

10 Ways The Bible Was Influenced By Other Religions - Listverse

Is the Biblical Flood Account a Modified Copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh

Is the Trinity pagan - Let Us Reason Ministries

Pagan Roots of the Trinity Doctrine - What does the Bible say ...
23 answers:
2014-12-01 06:49:18 UTC
Akin to Aesop's Fables. Children are told from the time they're young that the Bible is true and the only source of morality, which is psychological child abuse. It takes a lot of brainwashing to get people to accept such a level of cognitive dissonance.
2014-12-01 07:28:33 UTC
Three of the four articles you cite are from Christian websites who clearly don't think the ideas they themselves are putting forth discredit the Bible or Christianity. One concludes that the Biblical flood story isn't a copy, another suggests that Pagan trinities actually make the doctrine of the trinity more credible, and the third actually says that the trinity is nowhere to be found in the Bible which would mean that the Bible did not "copied pagan Trinity".
2014-12-02 07:26:14 UTC
The Bible (particularly Genesis and Job in my oppinion) certainly contains a few ancient Jewish myths. I'll give that ground in a heartbeat and back it up with the fact that it is a collection of stories, just like most other histories. I doubt you would challenge a book on the history of the Greeks as a collection of made up stories, so why slam the Jews.

Second: I challenge you to find more than a dozen Christians who truly understand the Trinity. To the best of my understanding it has almost nothing to do with the Maiden-Mother-Crone dynamic, instead fulfilling three entirely different rules in a similar way.

Third: Of course things in the Bible are influenced by those regions, at various points in the history of Israel/Palestine/Judea the region has been ruled or the Jews exiled to those regions. America is influenced by Britain, France, Spain, and Mexico. Much of Eastern Europe is influenced by Russia. Australia is influenced by Britain. India by France and Britain. These cultures are not very different.

Fourth: Yes some aspects of Christianity have changed to adjust to indigenous cultures (holidays especially are at times where they purposefully overlap with Pagan festivals.) However, it is generally understood that many of these are tradition and ceremony and Protestant Christians don't put much stock in them.

Finally: The flood story (as well as Creation) occurs in Genesis which I have already said I think is mostly mythology. That said, most myths and legends have a grain of truth at their core. I think its apparent that there was flooding in the Mediterranean-Mesopotamia sometime in humanity's pre-history as it is a story shared by Babylon/Mesopotamia, Abrahamic Religions, and even Greco-Roman mythology.
2014-12-06 03:53:44 UTC
This bible we have now isn't the same one that used to be. They butchered it completely.

For instance the more original version of genesis was directly aligned with scientific fact of today.

Someone from the outside wrote the original. But we don't have that now.

The flood story is so crazy to know about. The flood "covered the earth" it says. Earth=the ground. It was never worldwide and it never said that. There was a flood and it covered the ground. And it isn't hard to know that the weather can be manipulated in different ways if you have the knowledge and ability to do so.

The boat didn't rest at the top of a mountain either. The book was changed. It "rested in the hill country of ararat." It once said.

This is all so ******* stupid. yes there are other beings and yes they know we are here and yes they do things here. They have alot of technology and scientific knowledge even, they may even be able to make us alive again.

You know this book never spoke of hell? It was never in there at all.

This is all so ******* stupid.
2014-12-01 22:15:59 UTC
Yes, the Genesis flood story is based on the older Mesopotamian one - the literary parallels are incontrovertible. However, the website you list that claims Genesis bases its second creation story on an older Zoroastrian one is simply inventing the facts. Firstly, the Zoroastrian material is notoriously difficult to date with the first physical manuscripts dating to around the 9th and 10th centuries CE. Also, there is no record at all of an "Adama and Evah" in the Zoroastrian literature. The story of Adam and Eve is actually loosely based on a story in the epic of Gilgamesh. Finally, there is no trinity doctrine in the new testament - it is present by inference only and is certainly not based on any pagan original.
great knight
2014-12-01 19:10:58 UTC
My friend there are at least two religions who claim the God of Moses but "Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also."- The Word of God. What is the most popular kind of lies? The one that twists the Word of God. Where did this idea come from? Do you think they made it up one day because they are soo smart? Twisting the Word is the trick of the devil. Lies have always been but study history, The Word always continues, here is wisdom:"Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."- The Word of God. Now, will you say marriage is from the government for example? Of would you say multiple religions take in marriage so that proves they all had the same idea? The Word goes from the beginning until the end and explains everything, including where these religions and lies are coming from. Rather, we see the snake appearing unto this day. Why is that? These lies you are being told are literally of the dark.
2014-12-03 09:35:21 UTC
For starters, Noah's Arc is on Mt Ararat, just like the Bible states. In the booklet, Arc of Ararat, 2 Armenians who were used to the seasons there, went to the Arc and saw the stalls inside and the shape. If you look at the accuracy of the prophesies in the Bible, you will see they have been fulfilled or coming up shortly.
2014-12-01 12:17:28 UTC
Most Jews and Christians believe the Bible is a collection of many writings by many authors over a period of hundreds of years. There are stories, histories, biographies and letters and political commentary. There are songs, poems, wise sayings, laws, and commandments. There are lessons about life and love and God.

Jews believe the authors of the Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament) were inspired by God.

Christians believe the authors of both the Old and New Testament were inspired by God.

The Bible's primary purpose is to teach us the truth about God and His (or Her) love for us, not to teach facts about history or science.

All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 105 and following.


The Flood

Most Jews and Christians do not take the stories of creation in the Bible literally. We believe the stories included in first 11 chapters of Genesis tell religious truth through figurative language and not necessarily historical fact.

People often reflect that every ancient culture has a flood story and this fact discounts the story of Noah. Or they claim the Jews stole the story from another people. But wouldn't a truly worldwide flood prove the "flood" instead?

About 10 to 12 thousand years ago the last ice age ended, melting a lot of ice. So much that sea level rose about 400 feet. This "flood" was world wide and it is reasonably expected that the story would live on in very culture.


Anisimov et al., Chapter 11: Changes in Sea Level, Section Sensitivity to climatic change, Figure 11.4, in IPCC TAR WG1 2001.

Science Daily: Lost civilization under Persian Gulf?

Current Anthropology: New Light on Human Prehistory in the

Arabo-Persian Gulf Oasis

With love in Christ.
Elyse Rose
2014-12-01 17:10:57 UTC
Along with being that , as you have said,, it also is a great collection of history of mankind and the trials and lessons he has learned over the years , even since before he could write .. and which these lessons and failures will occur again and again until we get it right of fail for the last time . ..and I'm not talking religiously at all .
2014-12-01 18:11:43 UTC
First off how or what meaning the bible has for you is not the same feeling that most Christians have for their version of the bible.......... Another thing if you took the time to read the bible it would have explain to you and everyone else as to why did God give the bible to the Greek to write and publish...... Now in order to agree with you to a point I must admit that the bible is a collection of stories that have a tremendous effect on us Christians that understand what God is trying to teach us that people with your lack of understand will never learn to appreciate...... But in spite of you we still have love for you for that is what God teaches us to do no matter what nonsense you choose to express...... Also the bible does teaches us about how myths and superstitions get their start(via Satan and his demonic hoard) and how to fight against myths and superstitions through God and Jesus The Christ......... So that people that believe as you do will never be able to shake our faith in our creator and the gifts and blessing that God Share with us like Jesus just to name just one of the many gifts and blessing that God has given to his creations( The human race)......................................
2014-12-01 11:08:20 UTC
I'm afraid the Triple Goddess - Mother/Maiden/Crone was invented in the nineteenth century by Victorian anthropologists.
Old Man Dirt
2014-12-01 07:55:48 UTC
Having looked into much of mythology you cite, I have reached the conclusion that you have just as much right to pontificate as the Pope. I will give all of your pontification and the Popes the same consideration. The heart of the matter is that both you and the Roman Catholics have reached the wrong conclusions. You might have some facts right- but the details are wrong!
2014-12-01 06:43:34 UTC
If it is what you believe it to be (which I agree to a certain extent), why on earth woukd you care? It certainly isn't going to affect your life too much so long as those Christians treat you with respect.

Now I have to ask you, do you really think you are treating decent Christian people with respect when you phrase this question in such a manner? Do you really think that YOU have earned respect from Christian people?
Roberta B
2014-12-01 06:40:53 UTC
Historical documents and manuscripts indicate that the Bible is much, much, more than that. It did not need to rely on Greek and Egyptian mythology, or Persian mythology. It is very important that the history of the Bible is carefully examined before we misunderstand its powerful and important role in human history. In there are two search destinations that are worth examining:

"Bible History' and "Is the Bible The Word of God"

Also, you are invited:
2014-12-02 01:54:39 UTC
and the koran is only written by one man and look at the result a cult with a billion followers
2014-12-02 15:34:39 UTC
ya know I really don't know what to believe anymores.. sigh... I go to church but the more I look into it the less I believe.. it honestly saddens me... :'(
2014-12-01 11:10:16 UTC
hi there.

every prophecy comes to pass.

if it were mere stories, myths and superstitions none would come to pass. humans just can't do that.
2014-12-01 06:48:39 UTC
The Bible, the best selling book of all times bar none, has been validated by objective science as truth. Its validity is no longer up for debate.
2014-12-01 15:04:51 UTC
I can understand why you present your argument in an "elementary level" forum like yahoo.
2014-12-01 06:37:21 UTC
Because they get more joy from believing it's holy. Also they figure they'll get holy by believing it's holy.
2014-12-01 06:37:16 UTC
Why don't you realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and as such there is no "right" or "wrong" opinion? Like yours?
2014-12-01 06:36:39 UTC
Your interpretation from your worldview.
Use Your Brain
2014-12-01 06:39:12 UTC
they indulge it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.