#1 White horse
lst Seal (Rev 6:2) Beginning of sorrows! Matt 24:1, 2 Thes 2:1 ,Rev 16;14, Matt 7:15, "Wolfs in sheeps clothing" w/o arrows but with a bow. Matt 7:22 "Evil doers". Much debate on who is the rider of this white horse. Could this white horse represent spiritual warfare and False Prophets? Sent to conquer with words! The battle that we are in right now as in 2 Timothy, Chapter 3. Many will come saying they are "of Christ", not the Christ, but saying "Jesus is Lord" and doing miracles etc but teaching false doctrine.
NOTE: We can combat spiritual warfare by putting on the "Whole Armor of God": Ephesians 6:10-16
#2 Red horse
2nd Seal (Rev 6:3)- Greek meaning: flame colored, fiery red. Rider to take peace and prosperity from the earth. To kill- Greek meaning: to butcher, slaughter, mane. (Joel Ch 2:3) 9/11 Terriorism, suicide bombing etc Terriorism takes away prosperity. Wars and rumors of wars (Matt 24:6).
*Great Sword (Rev 6:4)- "Great" meaning in Greek: fear, exceeding great, greatest, high, large, loud, mighty, sour afraid, strong, mega sword or weapon such as atomic, hygine bombs. (suitcase bombs)
#3 Black horse
3rd Seal (Rev 6:5)- famine (Matt 24:7, Ezekiel Ch 4:10-17, Zec 6:2 & 6:6); shortage of food as in Joseph's day (Gen 41:30, 45:11, 47:14). War begins famine. Great inflation. Oil and wine are liquid and would not have been measured or judged by the scales, limited.
#4 Pale horse
4thSeal (Rev 6:7)- Greek meaning- greenish pale. (ref Zec Ch 6:3 & Hosea Ch 13:14) Death- kill and Hades- Hell. Jewish term for the abode for the wicked dead. A fourth of the earth to be killed. Various plaques, diseases and pestilence from the beast of the earth. (Aids, Ebola, Sars etc)