Dude, you're missing the point. Belief in God isn't matter of evidence (physical or otherwise). That's why it's called "faith".
If we had absolute proof, there would be no need for faith, right?
I believe and have faith in the Lord because I know in my heart that He and His word are the truth. I could give a crap about any kind of evidence (for or against).
EDIT... again:
First of all, I'm not trying to say that I have all the answers because I don't. I'm also not trying to convert anybody because I believe in freedom of religion (including the freedom to not have a religion). And as strange as it may sound, I'm not really all that religious anyway - though I am pretty spiritual when it comes to God and I do believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I've just... experienced too much not to believe.
As for the "need" for faith, I can only tell you what that means to me - it means (among other things) hope. The hope, the faith that there is a higher order to things. That we're not just carbon bags filled with water, protein and bio-electricity that stumble about on a random rock hurtling through a cold, empty void. That we're not just a bunch of meat puppets who only serve to make little meat puppets and then drop over. That we are more than the sum of our parts.
Because if there is no God, if all this is just random chaos and chance, if my hopes, my dreams and my love for my fellow man are nothing more than the random firing of synapses... then what's the point?
If that's true, then all the monsters that live amongst us (serial killers, rapists, child molesters & murders, ruthless dictators & tyrants, etc) are right: that life is ultimately meaningless and random. That we are utterly alone. That people are just replaceable objects to be used and tossed aside.
Now of course, I obviously don't believe that. I believe that people are more than the sum of their physical bodies - that they have a soul. And I believe in a loving, caring God. And I guess that I believe in what people are calling "intelligent design".
Does that make me anti-intellectual? Nope, I read, think and contemplate all the time. I love science and logic and reason. But I also believe in the human heart.
Perhaps I should have spoken more clearly in my initial post (though of course I didn't know at the time that this would turn into a debate). What I should have said was this: I don't need specific, utter proof of the existence of God because I see it all around me every day. I see it in physics, in chemistry, in the complex and elegant processes of life. I see it in the big events of life and in the small (it's there if you look). I believe in evolution AND I believe that God set it all in motion when He created it. This cosmos, this "great machine" just fits together to well for it to have been just random chance.
Now you say "No god who hides from me, playing childish games, is worthy of my worship." But the thing is... one of the most precious things God gave us when he created us (besides the ability to think) was free will. The ability to make your own choices - for good or ill. To make your own way in the world.
If He were to appear in the sky tomorrow in some grand, pyrotechnic display and tell everyone what's what... then what would be the point in free will? What would be the point in making a choice when there's only ONE choice? If He's here physically everyday telling you what to think and feel, then what's the point in thinking for yourself at all?
And as for the "playing childish games" part, who are you or I to judge? Did you or I fashion the cosmos and then set it into motion? Can you or I know every possible outcome or consequences that our choices and actions will have? Can you or I see all ends? Can you or I see and/or manipulate the whole tapestry that is creation?
Well, I know for my part that I can’t, because I’m not some sort of super being with an ultra-level intellect (much less a divine one). But if God is indeed God (and I think that he is), then He can see the whole “big picture” by default, and so would know what was best for it. There's a quote that says: "the Lord works in mysterious ways". Well, I say that it's only mysterious to us because we can't see what HE sees.
Sorry for being so long, but I was just trying to answer the question the best that I could.
God bless.