Because Lewis Carrolls birthday is on the 10th of June. Add 10 and six, and you get 16, the sum of the first 4 odd numbers, 1+3+5+7=16 1+6+7, add the seven, to the sixteen, and we come up with the mystical 23, which takes us nicely into the Law of Fives, 2+3=5 The most accurate, and fnordish method of exploring cognitive bias, and underlining the Correlation = Causation fallacy, an inconsistancy in our mapping of spacetime, that quantum mechanics almost sprang up to explore.
So instead of a linear timline, punctuated by events, 1 ------- 2 -------- 3 -------- 4 -----------5,
we get a much more complex, and variable model. a five ponted star, in fact, where each event is directly and connected to, and dependent upon the other four points. Anyway, to answer the Question, I lied about Carrols birthday, made up all that other bollocks too, so feel free to disregard. The Ticket, as you may have already asscertained, means Ten Shillings, and Sixpence in old Money. (Half a guinea) or about forty quid today,