What do you do at your altar? (Wiccans)?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What do you do at your altar? (Wiccans)?
Fourteen answers:
2009-05-20 06:30:09 UTC
I usually do full moon rituals along with the Sabbats and such there, and maybe a personal prayer or two when I feel like I need it. I am relatively new to Wicca as well, so I don't really have a set list of things I do or follow just yet.

Also, I think you are mistaking Wicca with Paganism. Pagan religions were practiced before Christianity, but Wicca itself ( which is just pretty much a meshing together of a variety of pagan practices ) was created around the 1950's by a man named Gerald Gardener (sp?).

You yourself said that you were new to the faith, so why would you automatically assume that you must be right? I think a lesson in humility, and studying, is long overdue here.
2009-05-20 09:26:13 UTC
Hi there, I am not sure how much I can add to what the others have written, other than to say that an altar isn't a prerequisite to work. We do a lot of work out of doors (living room Wicca only on inclement days - but this IS the UK, and it rains a fair bit!!) and out of doors we don't use an altar per se, just a rock or a stone as a place to put certain ritual items

As an initiated Gardnerian Wiccan, I can only speak for my practice, and not what other people may or may not do.

Our altar and our temple are built/taken down at each esbat/sabbat. My altar at home is not permanent, it too is built and taken down each time I do work.

An altar isn't, for us, a working space for witchcraft, but a place to use to put things, to use in building one's temple, as the altar for the North's part of the religious element of Wicca, rather than the practical requirements of witchcraft, which in all truth do NOT need a sacred space. We just tend to do such work in a circle, because that's how we work.

My main altar holds my working tools, candles, statues of god and goddess, elemental representations, (earth, air, fire, water). I have altars at each quarter also - though much simpler!

We don't "do" things ON the altar, it holds tools and things to set up our temple, there is a little bit of blessing work goes on there, but not much else.

When we do work, e.g. cord magic, or candle magic, talismans and amulets, we tend to sit on the floor and work in the circle.

I do the same at home. Sometimes I may set up the altar on my coffee table and my temple round it, but I prefer to work in my dedicated temple space.

Just a little of what we do, hope it helps - you will find out in time what you want to do with on and around your altar. Email me if you've any questions, and I will do my best to help.

Welcome to the Craft!


I forgot to mention that Wicca is not older than Christianity as I think others have mentioned - easy mistake to make. What are now termed pagan religions (i.e. non Abrahamic faiths) have been around longer on this globe than the Abrahamic ones. Wicca though is a modern initiatory Mystery Tradition - i.e. an experiential religious path. It's more than books, it's doing, growing, learning, suffering and expanding one's consciousness. If you want to know a great deal more about Wicca, may I recommend you to Vivianne Crowleys books, in particular Wicca: A Comprehensive Guide to the Old Religion in the Modern World - you can find it on Amazon.
2009-05-20 12:14:36 UTC
I really don't keep one up all the time. I did for about a year, but my cat wouldn't stay out of it.

I will set one up when needed and what I use will depend on what I'm doing. Recently for a full moon meditation I only lite a yellow candle and incense. If I am dedicating a tool or spell work I will set up a full altar and activate it.
2016-10-06 12:46:41 UTC
hi, I even have 2 chalices one with consecrated salt the different with water. on the 2nd I even have 2 white curch candles left and precise representing the crescent one and the Horned one I quite have a eco-friendly and pink candle to the two element at the instant yet i adjust the colors each and every of the time reckoning on what i'm doing. at present I also have a smart owl statue and my athame engraved with pentacle. I quite have a wood Pentacle that sits interior the middle with little bells on appropriate. I constantly have amethist and sparkling quartz as my base crystals and upload to that as quickly as i think to. Your adjust sounds high quality. Seashells are super for improving hobby. i take advantage of charcoal to burn my incense on in many cases and combine my very own factors at the same time while obtainable. Blessed be :)
2009-05-20 05:50:50 UTC
Wow!! Some people were not listening to their mothers when she said that if you cannot say something nice...DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. I am so tired of the bashing of differing ideas and choices....

To get back to your questions... At my altar, in the morning, I light a candle and send a prayer. The altar is also a place where rituals are performed; however, not all are performed at my main altar. I have another sacred space outside in view of the lake behind my house. I also sometimes use my tarot cards at the altar where my connection to the divine is strongest. (But not always there)

I hope you find what you seek and have a wonderful journey getting there!

Bright blessings and peace to you.
2009-05-20 16:51:16 UTC
the alter is a sacred space where Magick is gathered. then you send it out to do what you want? Its a place of protection so you can forcus. for healing spells, an outdoor alter is best, the alter must be in a clean space, clutter free and to represent your dedication to the wiccan way.
Gandalf T
2009-05-20 06:57:03 UTC
Full Moon Rituals (called "esbats"), High Holy Days Rituals (Sabbats), and any magickal workings, spells or rites that need to be done. Ocassionally, I will do tool blessings, cleansings and dedications on my altar.

Have a blessed day!
M ★
2009-05-20 07:52:41 UTC
Hello, my altar is in my bedroom, as I still live with mums! That's where I burn my incense, and usually has a crystal or too (amethyst, citrine, pink agate, flourite) on there to benefit the room. I meditate infront of my altar and the space infront is where I perform my magical workings; my spells and rituals and cleansings/consecrating.

I have been Wiccan for over four years, and i'm 17. Please visit my site below, please join the forum! :)
2009-05-20 05:55:01 UTC
You can pray, practice spell casting, meditate, practice visualization, honor deities, divine, create poppets (as well as other miscellanea), etc...

Also Wicca is NOT older than Christianity. Paganism may be older than Christianity, Witchcraft may be older than Christianity, but WICCA is not, it's roughly 50-60 years old.
Shadow Storm ☥ Witch ✡ Healer ☯
2009-05-20 06:23:34 UTC
Ray, there are plenty of religions already and I know that perhaps your point of view is that people keep comming up with different traditions but we must remember that each person has their own tradition aside from the one they follow with their main orgnaization.

Such as christians, while they have similar belifes it is safe to say that they all worship differently behind closed doors but for the sake of sharing spirituality they form a group such as christianity, wicca or any other religion where like minded people can go. Are there enough religions? I don't think so. the more choices there are the better. It allows people to truly choose and feel like they are at home with people that feel and think the same way.

Religion is a tool used to deliver spirituality (your closeness to god) and there can never be too many.

As for the people who speak ill of the religion, please work on your own fait and practices before you try and speak of ours. You say we're going to hell for our practices then you turn around and tell your followers to not pass judgement and that let he who is without sin cast the first stone. If you don't help make this world a better place then you are not part of the solution and if you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. Step aside and let people find god in their own way.

As for the question (my apologies) I do everything at my altar. From making jewelry, to my rituals. Sending healing energy. I use my portable altar for readings. What it is is just a consecrated altar cloth that i can toss on any counter top and magickally transform it.

I make jewelry, magickal items, readings, write spells, excecute spellwork, do my brainwork, meditate, read, study or even eat at times.

There is no limit as to what you can do in YOUR sacred space. My entire home is sacred and treated like a temple. My bed where i receive healing is an altar as well. As soon as I get on it my brain switches on to receiving the healing energy i need. - So your altar is a place where you can focus, where you can switch on your spirituality to help it grow and so it can be applied to your entire life. You can learn to make incense on your altar, which will introduce to you the vibations and uses of herbs that god made and in turn get you close to him/her. You can read something on spirituality this in itself is a strong method of blessing your altar for the purpose you intend to use it for. In your reading you will vibrate to your thoughts and these vibrations will be imprinted at your altar and when you sit there it will eventually just switch you and make you ready for magickal workings.

This is scientifically proven that our bodies react to odors, the place around us and also sounds. So come up with a little ritual before you do anything. I for instance keep a bell on my altar to cleanse the area ni a quick way. I sit down, ring the bell three times as I pray for the area to be cleansed and I be made ready for my workings. I keep sage as well and an incens burner so after or before the bell (i do it interchangably) i light the sage and just breath in the scent and let it just cleanse the area further.

I ground and center myself and get to work. After a long time of doing this, hearing a bell will immidiately change your mode from mundane to magickal. Your focus changes even as you smell the sage.

Even eating at my desk gives you the opportunity to look at what you are eating. i sit here sometimes and send energy to the animals and plants that gave their life to me, to the earth and through them I worship god. So worshipping god is not limited to praying to him directly but being appreciative and loving all her creations. Even loving each other without judgment is worshipping Diety. To tell someone who is offering up their idea of worship that they are wrong is extrely unethical. So don't buy into anything that people tell you. Any opportunity that brings you closer to the devine spirit is an opportunity oworth taking. I feel that some of the comments here are not at all a step towards god but a step backwards but i'm okay with that.

Let your creativity and intuition guide you to tell you what you can do at your altar. No need to limit yourelf..if it feels right, do it. It's your altar you know what is respectful and disrespectful within it.

My altar can hold food while I eat and think of life but I do not appreciate visitors to place their cups or beer there as if it was just another table. There's a difference here. One is a magickal act, an act that will help me grow while the othe is just setting down an item that has no place there. Notice that it's not only what you do but how you do it. Yes you can have a full plate setting, or an iPod or even an ash tray but what makes the difference is that your plate is your eating time to feel closeness to gods creations and think of life, your iPod can have relaxing medation music and a big no no might be
2009-05-20 05:31:09 UTC
Wiccans are more interesting choice of reglion. Haha. The books are interesting and gothic. It's fun to read and play the rituals. It's just awesome.
2009-05-20 05:14:46 UTC
no offense intended.

i have no right to question your beliefs
2009-05-22 08:54:53 UTC
mmmmmmmm.......................................................................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................DON`T KNOW
2009-05-20 05:37:19 UTC
you are going to hell for worshiping false idols

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.