A wives tale- smelling burnt toast before a heart attack?
Dora M
2009-01-24 02:02:03 UTC
Ever since I can remember I thought that people who had a heart attack often smell burnt toast. Just recently I was talking to someone about heart attack symptoms and when I mentioned the toast they looked at me very strangely as though I had just told them the earth was shaped like a banana. So anyway I looked it up on the internet and found out its just an old wives tail but found nothing about it's origin and was wondering if anyone could tell me were this bazaar myth came from
Seven answers:
☆Shady Vendetta
2009-01-24 02:08:56 UTC
I believe it's when your having a stroke you smell burning hair
2016-11-04 05:21:55 UTC
Burnt Toast Heart Attack
Michael Darnell
2009-01-24 08:11:12 UTC
The smelling of burnt toast is not related to heart attack it was a symptom of one woman's epilepsy...

Here in Canada the Historica foundation has been airing "Canadian Heritage Minutes" as long as I can remember. They're mini-vignettes that showcase things that "are a part of our Heritage". They play so often that most Canadians can quote them.

One is about Dr. Wilder Penfield who did research into epileptic seizures. He was able to map brains because he once had a patient who smelled burnt toast right before she had a seizure. Penfield is shown using his "Montreal Procedure." Applying only a local anaesthetic, he would probe the exposed brain tissue. Guided by the responses of the patient, Penfield would search for the scarred tissue that caused the epilepsy.The vignette ends with the woman lying on an operating table, the doctor poking her opened skull and her saying "Burnt Toast. Dr. Penfield I can smell burnt toast."

Anyway, you can watch all the Dr. Penfield vignette at
2016-03-15 02:21:04 UTC
No i dont. my daughter was born with a mass of hair and I had bad heartburn, but how did this happen when she was head down about 28 weeks onwards. Just an old wives tale.
Gin uchiha
2009-01-24 02:59:50 UTC
yes ive the same doubt

too well seems no one knows

it might only b the inavailability

off air to the person making them create a smell of burned carbon

well who knows if this is not a lie well

no one asks a person who gets an attack
2016-04-07 03:45:05 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

i never had any heart burn and my son was born with a full head of hair. and never lost any for that matter. but everyone asked me if i had heart burn and were surprised when i said no even the nurses in the hospital
2009-01-24 02:30:32 UTC
Personally I hadn't heard this one, but there is much more to "old wives tales" than many people think!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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