I joined the Order in 1996, moving rapidly through the ranks and into higher symbolic degree work.
There are hierarchies of opportunity far removed from traditional clubs, such that an established system of placement has been created to observe the Entered Apprentice from day 1. If - and when - the Brother demonstrates talent, ambition and a certain aptitude for a particular service, he may be invited to meet with representatives of the peripheral societies. One such group induced me to consider politics, which I entered for a time under wise counsel. Always, there are handlers to guide and assist the inexperienced.
The largest civilian intelligence-gathering "agency" in the world, we may call upon worthy fellows in practically any industry or bureaucracy known, given proper time and permission. Suspected terrorist activity being planned at some remote university physics department? Masonic faculty will telephone Quantico instantly. In American Freemasonry, the candidate swears an oath to obey the Constitution and to take no part in any insurrection/revolution. As such, you can count on Masons to vigilantly protect and serve this great Nation.
But what about extenuating opportunities: Considering stock in a certain company? Wondering which insurance, mortgage or accounting firms will best fit your needs? Could your son or daughter benefit from an otherwise competitive internship at the best firms on Wall Street? Does Yale sound nice? Golf or luncheon with executives of Fortune 500 companies? Perhaps simply to unwind with a fine cigar and build relationships with fascinating men all over the globe? The Masonic Ring, alone, guarantees nothing; the ambition and loyalty of the Brother paves his path. It's not a religion, save for that which one observes independently from superstition. It's not Luciferian, as unusual outsiders have falsely claimed since 1013 A.D. If it were, dark forces would not seek to stamp out our light for humanity. "A house divided cannot stand...", so spake the Master.
The truth is that the Order is so far removed from Luciferian activities as day from night. The secrets of a Master Mason were protected in order to give validity to membership, due to the benefits of affiliation. Precisely like a Union card, those secrets -- when properly communicated from Brother to Brother -- guaranteed that the person receiving a service actually was an entitled, dues-paying member. There is no other reason for the blue lodge secrets. Sorry. No Bigfoot or Baphomet sitting in the lodge hall, smoking a pipe and communicating with Elvis, aliens or elves. The only masonic "goat" is an acronym which defines a Freemason's loyalties: "God Overcomes All Troubles" G.O.A.T. See? No Elvis...just grandpa asserting his faith in a solid construct.
All of which means virtually nothing to Joe Sixpack attending his local Blue Lodge, enjoying catfish dinner with his friends and speculating on some upcoming mayoral election. For him, the Order is rich in love, support, character-building, community service and fellowship. Were the E.A. to never advance sidelong from 1st to 32nd degree, such a fraternity would, in and of itself, be more than sufficient to meet the needs of worthy fellows throughout the ages -- a sort of outer portico well-maintained and delightful to behold.
The father of all fraternities, the Freemason, alone, is imbued with certain quiet confidences and assurances that he will succeed. I can tell you that certain members of peripheral societies are responsible for observing potential candidates. Traditionally, Blue Lodge Masons do not "recruit" members; unofficially, we of various peripheral or appendant societies recruit influential people constantly.
What is the Freemason's secret? There are MANY. In Da Vinci's fresco there truly is a secret, but it is one creatively hidden in plain sight. Obtain a clear computer image of it, print out a full page color copy, and fold it to reveal no fewer than nine paintings hidden within the fresco. Be patient; you'll find the fold marker indicators. If they were easy to locate, Leonardo would have been burned at the stake, grumbly old knight that he was.
Why have we woven an immutable web of power brokers, spanning centuries? It never has been to control worldly events - far from it. Few will protect it but members, and we care far more for the Order than most other ties. Your answer may be found at a table for two, turned upside down. If you still want to know the secret of secrets, start here, but in the name of the Lord beware that whereupon you enter.
Freemasonry, ultimately, is much like University. There are untold directions a good man may elect to travel, revealed to him by degrees. One may "major" in community giving and fund-raising. A more personally ambitious sort might elect to establish business and social networking connections. One thing you'll not find in any Masonic lodge is dogma: since day one we have been persecuted for encouraging free thought. Were it not for free thinkers like Sir Francis Bacon, Galileo, and Sir Isaac Newton, where would society be today? Religion has its place, but the Order has long been a place of refuge for those philosophers and scientists whose advancements defied conventional or dogmatic tolerances. The protection of free thought being necessary for an enlightened future for mankind, the secrets of Masonry guarded early scientists and philosophers as they sought support and funding for their work. Here, too, is reason for the secret handshakes, knocks, and other means of recognition: certain death awaited those brave men who defied both Crown and Papacy in search for scientific answers to better the human condition. The best safeguards they could create were these and other symbols of recognition.