who shot john f kennedy?
2005-12-23 00:54:40 UTC
just sayin
Seven answers:
2005-12-23 01:09:34 UTC
i did, as soon as i finish building my time travel machine.
2005-12-23 01:02:37 UTC
The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the thirty-fifth President of the United States, took place on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, USA at 12:30 PM Central Standard Time (18:30 UTC). Kennedy was fatally wounded by gunshots while riding in a presidential motorcade within Dealey Plaza. He was the fourth U.S. President to be assassinated, and the eighth to die while in office.

An official investigation by the Warren Commission was conducted over a 10-month period and published its report in September 1964, concluding that the assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza. A later official investigation by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was conducted from 1976 to 1979, and concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald probably acted with at least one other person. The assassination is still the subject of widespread speculation, and has spawned a number of Kennedy assassination theories.
Big Will
2005-12-23 00:59:39 UTC
The Government
2005-12-23 01:12:38 UTC
Lee Harvey Oswald
2005-12-23 01:02:20 UTC
The driver of car Kennedy was in.
2005-12-30 10:37:21 UTC
The government thought he knew too much or was becoming too powerful so they hired a hitman to shoot him.
2005-12-24 06:38:32 UTC
Why is this in mythology and folklore?

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