2008-12-16 01:36:48 UTC
ive also heard that the earth is apparently gonna enter the galactic equator, or equator of the milky way, and remain in it for the next 30 or so years. and i have heard that a supernova would occur (but u'd think thered be evidence or something i don't think somethink like that could appear out of know where
i personally don't believe anything will happen in 2012 besides elections in certain countries, and updates in technology and so forth, and higher traffic on the internet.......but, why is everyone falling into this belief that in 2012 just life as we know it is just gonna cease to exist and we'll all be dead......... maybe the mayans just stopped writing and updating there calendars due to war or epidemics or some reason.........
i mean did the mayans make predictions about what will happen in 2012 after the calendar runs out? i mean these dooms day predictions come out of the blue ever couple years or so......and idk why..... the end of the mayan calendar is causing ppl to think about things so irrationally....where the evidence something will happen at this date? whats giving ppl this idea about the end of the world?
ive heard so many ideas like the crystal skulls apparently have some kind of role in 2012, ive heard one of the crystal skulls was found on the moon (and just to clear things up, i don't believe any of this i just think people are being irrational about this whole 2012 thing and the mayan calendar ending...cause theres no basis to it and i think ppl are over reacting)........ive also heard theres all kinds of hieroglyphics in the sphinx in hieroglyphics of all the major monuments on earth and religious temples......hieroglyphics of 9/11...and hieroglyphics of technology that shouldn't of existed in ancient egypt.....ive also heard that theres a structure on mars that looks like the sphinx (ive seen this one on tv on the discovery, and history idk about the martian sphinx thing.........ive heard beyond pluto theres a planet that looks exactly like earth except it has a ring like saturn, and it has two moons (ive researched this and can confirm this as false or true).......and ive heard there was a computer found at the bottom of the ocean that had information written in a dead or unknown language..........and apparently all this has something to do with 2012 and how something catastrophic is gonna happen or life as we know it will change greatly...
i mean as far as christianity goes this could be when the antichrist reveals himself or comes to power or w/e..or the rapture will occur and other things out of the book of revelations.........
I don't know about the prophecies of other religions.....
but ultimately i believe in 2013...14..15...2020 and so on human life will still be here......unless i global scale nuclear, chemical, or biological war or w/e breaks out.
i mean things that could become a problem later down the road is global warming, pollution, lack of fossil fuels, search for alternative fuels, the way we disspose of certain materials and possible the decrease in wildlife or source of food and other things could become a problem in the future near to distant future.
I personally don't believe we're in trouble in 2012....i think maybe people are over reacting over the mayan calendar, and because of the radicals are making doomsday predictions to scare people. and people are just fallin in to this doomsday idea, without any basis or evidence to this idea just to because they're gullable and scared....which is the weakness of the general public. but thats my thoughts.
but, i would like to know what everyone else's thoughts on this 2012 things is, and what ur reasons for believing in this is?
But, i apologize for any errors in grammar and spelling im no