Do you believe that the world will end in 2012 -and give me evidence for both sides please-?
2010-12-03 22:20:36 UTC
I do not think the world will end at that time but watching tv shows like The Nostradamus Effect make me worried, and some other shows have good evidence so I'm a bit nervous, hah.
Fifteen answers:
Keith O
2010-12-03 22:36:17 UTC
G'day Purple,

Thank you for your question.

No all that will happen is the Mayan long calendar will end in December. According to NASA " Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012."

The fears are based that the Sumerian planet of Nabiru is headed for collision the earth. Note that this was supposed to happen in 2003 but deferred to 2012 when it didn't happen. All that will happen in 2012 at the end of the long calendar will be the start of a new one similar to 2000

Don't worry about any shows about Nostradamus. I remember watching a gloom laden prediction show supposedly based on Nostradamus in 1979 that the Ayatollah Khomeini was the Antichrist and Teddy Kennedy would be President of the United States. Neither happened. Don't worry about it.

I have attached sources for your reference.


2010-12-04 03:48:15 UTC
The Mayan long count is a cyclical system. We are presently in the 13th baktun of the current pictun (20 baktuns) which ends on the 21st of December 2012 of the Gregorian calendar, we then simply begin the 14th baktun.

There are NO Mayan prophecies related to the end of baktun 13, however they do mention that on the last day of baktun 14 a great celebration will be held to honour the workings of a great king.

By the time the Spanish arrived in South America no-one was using the long count system to mark time anymore anyway.

Now for the "other" threats.

Polar inversion, this happens quite frequently in geographic terms and hasn't once destroyed the world, moreover the magnetic poles are moving all the time anyway which is why the value for adjusting magnetic North to calculate grid North changes. Magnetic North pole is several miles away from where it was 100 years ago.

Planetary alignment, there are no planetary alignments that will coincide with 2012. Similarly there will be no alignment between the earth, the sun and the galactic core in 2012 anymore than there is every year as the earth orbits the sun.

Planetary collision, there are no planetary bodies on a collision course with us that would impact in 2012, although we are due to be whalloped pretty hard by a large asteroid sometime soon this could happen any day at any time and is no more likely in 2012 than it is today. You have a better chance of being killed by an asteroid impact than winning the UK national lottery even though no-one has ever been killed by an asteroid strike in all recorded history (however a dog was killed when a meteorite struck a building it was in), then again you are more likely to die going fishing, walking on stairs, driving a car or taking a bath.

While I admit, the idea of an extinct ancient civilization predicting the future by means of a lost knowledge is appealing somehow, the Mayans clearly did not predict the end of the world, they even managed to miss their own extinction at the hands of the Spanish so if they failed to predict the existence of humans other than themselves how could they possibly have foreseen the end of the world some 600 or so years after their own demise.
2010-12-04 06:43:51 UTC
Nostradamus' predictions are not true. Google it and research them yourself for this evidence.

There is so called scientific evidence that a polar shift might happen with the axis in the Earth shifting.

A lot of predictions in the past done from religious nuts contained some scientific knowledge and that is why they managed to fool as many people as they did by saying that a comet would hit Jupiter and so forth. However the return of apparent Biblical prophisies never happened..I wonder why?

There is no reason for the world to end in 2012, everything going around about it is just a scam. The only thing that is going to happen is a new shift from the age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius.

Again, really nothing to worry about..
Spread Peace and Love
2010-12-03 23:49:21 UTC
No I do not think the world is going to end in 2012. Only God knows that information. Just live every day fully people. No one knows when their time will come life is precious and we are here for a very short time. Don’t worry about the world ending or anything else. If the world ends it ends there is nothing you can do about it. I’ve skimmed a book on Nostradamus and he had predictions going all the past the year 7000, despite that future is not set in stone. People are only having a guess at what his predictions meant and who they pointed at. There are some who think 2012 will be the beginning of a spiritually awakening for many. Praise God if that does happen.
2010-12-03 23:15:03 UTC
i know exactly how you feel,i thought the world was going to end in the year 2000 as it was predicted by nostradamus writing " a man with a moustache was going to end the world "and at the time Saddam Hussein was being hunted down,i was worried sick and it made me ill vomiting acid,how pathetic is that!!! my advice to you is to stop watching the programs its all a load of rubbish,if you believe the world will end in 2012 theres basically nothing anyone can do,please dont worry its all a load of rubbish,wouldn't the world be mayhem if everybody believed it & our british soldiers wouldn't be risking there lives in Afghanistan for this the end of the day anyone can sit and write what they think will happen in years to come,(all cars will be electric,all houses will be solar powered,therel still be no jobs etc,etc etc)
2010-12-03 22:25:30 UTC
i dont know what to think about it.

the reasons i dont:

1. they have predicted it to end in previous years; never happened.

2. part of me just doesnt.

3. recently, the news has stated that people decided that its not going to happen until like 2063 now.

the reasons i do:

1. when the planets align, what else would happen?

2. why would the mayan calendar just randomly end on December 21? why not December 31 & just not start a new year?

3. everything that they have said that will happen, has recently. earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis. a lot.

part of me believes it, the other part doesnt.
2010-12-04 01:00:01 UTC
peoples thoughts are changing. This Earth will not end. In 2000 we changed our place in time and space. We are no longer in the Age of Pisces, we are now in the age of Aquarius.

The Eqyptians calender goes up to the year 3600.
2016-04-24 04:27:35 UTC
Ask George Carlin, Religion,
2010-12-03 22:41:32 UTC
i don't understand because I read a Nostradamus book and it said stuff that would happen in 2023 even and how more women would be in political power and how more women will run for president.
Jessica Robledo
2010-12-03 22:24:06 UTC
yes and no :/

Yes because how a lot of the cultures around the world all say, believe, and have the EXACT date for the world to end, all the stuff happening and going on right now (ex: Global Warming, terrorists attacks, economy getting worst, food scarce, etc.), it's all coming true! :O

And no because i want to live a happy life :)
Nic B
2010-12-03 22:21:55 UTC
The mayans probably just didn't see a point in making a calendar go soooooo far into the future.
2010-12-03 22:24:06 UTC
Nope. Remember the commotion about the year 2000? What happened? Nothing.
2010-12-03 22:23:19 UTC
to keep it short and sweet people said the world would end in 2000 and have made various claims throughout the hundreds of years, we still here?? Yes point made
2010-12-03 22:23:53 UTC
Actually I'm amazed it hasn't already happened.
2010-12-03 22:23:05 UTC
I hope it ends right now so I don't have to read this question for the millionth time again!!!!!!

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