2009-05-16 00:54:44 UTC
there was a hole in the earth seemingly bottomless, after splitting the stone and dropping one half into the hole and a long time had passed, the portal would open if not the other half thrown in as well, but it thrown in too late, first hellfire would engulf the earth unless something was there to smother it. The stone was not thrown in soon enough and the world's corruption was reaching a dangerous height that could have ended up tipping the much needed balance of good and evil, and so the world was flooded and ended for the first time. After a while the remaining heat from the portal made much of the water evaporate until there was land again, also some of it was tossed to the area that was know as Abraham's bosom. The funny thing about how people think of God is, in fact, he can not see the future, merely just taste it. He created the devil to be as he is now, he knew where the sparks would run to when he designed the devil. In a way, we are an experiment of his, he has been ever change our blueprints for that we are the race of God. God put many limits on what he can and can't do, if he had not, the results would not be pretty. Mysterious thinking is his. If absolute power corrupts absolutely and knowledge is power, then absolute knowledge can also corrupt absolutely. However since wisdom is present and applied to everything in his doing, it's not corrupting him. Wisdom is the cure and preventative force for corruption by knowledge.