Looking For A Witch/Wicca To Train Me In The Ways Of magic?
2009-01-13 23:32:03 UTC
Im Looking For Anyone Who Can Do magic Spells, Chants, Magic Stuff Plz Message me With Your Email Or Email Me Thxs
Email- joshua.monk@hotmail.com
Eight answers:
2009-01-14 06:21:28 UTC
Hi Josh. Here's the deal. No reputable witch or Wiccan will train you unless you're 18 yrs. old or have your parents consent. That doesn't mean you can't get started on your own. I would suggest you begin by reading books by Scott Cunningham or Christopher Penczak. They will give you a better understanding of your chosen path as well as what is and what isn't. You may also want to check out a local pagan group or metaphsical store for more information. Listen and use your own judgement. Do only what you feel is best for you.
As a clarification: Witchcraft is a practice. It can encompass many different areas of study including but not limited to healing, scrying, tarot, and other forms of divination, and yes spell-craft. Wicca on the other hand is a faith or belief system. They are not necessarily interchangeable. You can ascribe to one or the other or both. That will become much more clear as your studies progress. And yes, there are studies. Be prepared to study and learn. Nothing is free and very few things come easy.
Good Luck
2009-01-15 01:00:22 UTC
Be careful asking questions like this to people you dont know you.
Wicca firstly, is the name given to the nature religion/belief system -people who follow it are called Wiccan(s) Witchcraft as has been said is a practice. You'd need to be over 18 to be taught as has also been said. You need to study and understand the fundementals and ethics of magic yourself if that is all you are interersted in because no one of the Wiccan faith is going to randomly just teach you spells etc- there is far far more too Wicca than that for one, it is a complete lifestyle.
☥ Kirra Blackhart ☥
2009-01-15 11:01:49 UTC
Rather than opening your email inbox up to a avalanche of christian hate mail (ie posting your email address is not a wise thing to do), have a look at Yahoo Groups, do a search for Wicca and see if there are any groups there you like the sound of.
Also, do a google search for Wicca forums, and join one.
Good luck!
2009-01-14 08:41:12 UTC
Plenty of books in the library. Just remember the difference between White and Black magic White is for good and pays in arrears. (little and slowly) Black is for Bad and usually pays in advance, and thereafter and thereafter and some more. It is all the same power for two completely opposing purposes.
2009-01-14 20:13:53 UTC
You can email me if you like.
Rogue Christian: Lachrymose
2009-01-15 02:40:20 UTC
Christianity is amazing. ajnachakraguy@yahoo.com
2009-01-14 10:38:02 UTC
you e-mail me, tell me what you want to learn and why.