What kind of people are the luckiest in the world?
2006-01-18 10:23:13 UTC
What kind of people are the luckiest in the world?
Fourteen answers:
2006-01-18 10:29:37 UTC
The happiest people are the luckiest.
2006-01-18 15:44:05 UTC
The luckiest people are the ones with friends and family that love them... the ones that don't need money to be happy and are content just as life is. Too bad everyone can't be happy like this!
2006-01-18 12:47:32 UTC
People who feel they are lucky are the luckiest!

My answer might have sounded crazy but just think about it. How many people do we see who are never content with what they got. So many.

People who have money...want more money.

People who are in power...want more power.

70% of the world population lives in poverty. If we get up in the morning, have a roof, bed to sleep, something to eat in the fridge and have clothes to wear, we are the luckiest 25% - 30%.

We might look at celebs and think that they are they think the same??? No...not all of them. Some of the celebs have gone through..are going thru..hard life...not with lack of money..but with lack of peace of mind.

So luckiest are the ones who are content, not greedy, who love everyone and those who don't judge others based on their race,religion,sexual orientation and other things...for they are always at peace and so they are lucky.
Space Cowboy
2006-01-18 20:37:25 UTC
2006-01-18 10:31:54 UTC
In addition to what Curious 1 so well said, the luckiest people are also often those that make their own luck, as well. Recognizing opportunity when they see it; keeping their eyes and attitudes open to the world around them.
2006-01-18 10:28:16 UTC
The ppl that are the luckiest are the ones that can survive abything
2006-01-18 10:28:21 UTC
The Irish.
2006-01-18 10:24:24 UTC
People that know true love..that learn to forgive..has peace in their life and knows how to enjoy the simplest things in life.
2006-01-20 19:35:05 UTC
Those rare few who realize what they have while they still have it. This moment is all we have, so if you can realize how beautiful your life is in this moment, you have all the luck you will ever need.
2006-01-18 18:03:25 UTC
People that are truly, and unconditionally happy. Rare, and lucky I would say.
2006-01-18 10:33:35 UTC
people who find contentment and happiness even with nothing much to live on
2006-01-18 14:17:38 UTC
Tri and Curious1 rock on!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself.
2006-01-18 19:15:17 UTC
Rich people!
2006-01-18 11:30:56 UTC
those who found fulfillment and direction in life.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.