I have a co-worker who says she wishes me no il-will, but it is obvious to me, our boss and my other co-workers that she dislikes me. She seems to say things and they happen soon, if not immediately, such as; one time, I was standing on a chair (I know you aren't supposed to) to adjust a lightbulb. I had already been on the chair once without falling ( without her saying anything). When I got back up on the chair, she said "don't you fall" and within literally seconds, I fell, smacking the side of my face on the glass cabinet, wrapping my leg in the chair and nearly breaking it!! She didn't say a word or seem concerned and another co-worker (her friend) laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes. We work in sales and several times when I have been either working on, or had a substantial sale, she will say something negative like " they will return it", "they won't come back" or"she won't get it out of layaway / will cancel it altogether" which in every case, that is exactly what happened! I recently had a dream about her inwhich we were outdoors running from a tornado. She got into the house and locked me out with the tornado coming at me! I told our boss about it and she told me that this woman would do that to me!! I haven't done anything to her. She is constantly accusing me and others of stealing her sales, even though she consistantly exceeds her sales goals every month. I try to get along with her the best I can. One day recently, I mentioned reading The Secret. Her reply was "I don't need to read the secret, I already HAVE the secret!" What do you think......Is she practicing witchcraft? Do you think she has a hex on me? Even our former boss said she has a power of some sort. She seems to "say it and make it happen". She wins the lottery when she plays. If she did put a hex on me, how do I counteract it? I keep telling myself that karma will come back to bite her, but it never happens. She is mean, but puts on such a good act that people who don't really know her think she is so sweet. She gets mad when I get a compliment from our boss or a customer, or when she isn't the top salesperson of the day or week. She is always the top salesperson of the month. It is so frustrating to be treated this way and not know what to do about it. Any suggestions?