Do you believe Sasquatch could be real?
2011-07-02 13:10:54 UTC
We all know the crazy tales about this legendary creature. But do you think it is possible for such an animal to exist? Though I do believe it is highly unlikely, I do NOT think it is completely impossible for Bigfoot to be real. No, I have never seen Sasquatch. Nor do I live in a Bigfoot "hotspot" . But many people in the Pacific Northwest say they have...
Fourteen answers:
2011-07-02 13:17:25 UTC
Yes, if you see him in a tree crotch betting on your wrist watch playing hop-scotch. Or so says "Stomping Tom Connors" in his song "Sasquatch"! (hear the song)
2011-07-03 07:50:24 UTC
Yes, Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti is real. I didn't believe in their existence until I saw the evidence:

1. The Patterson-Gimlin Footage. Even though it was shot in 1967 no costume has been found and there is no evidence to show that it was faked. Roger Patterson swore on his deathbed that it was real and Bob Gimlin has never said it was a hoax. Patterson also passed a polygraph test.

2. All the sightings. Bigfoots have been seen over a thousand times in Washington state alone, and in Oregon they have been seen over two 2k times. Sightings are all over North America and are also in China and Russia. All the sightings suggest the same type of species.

3. The footprints. There are so many casted and documented Sasquatch footprints also showing signs of a Bigfoot.

I could go on all day with more reasons but I'll leave you with three. Do some of your own research and you'll realize how real Bigfoot is.
2011-07-03 21:17:39 UTC
Bigfoot is Cain, who has been cursed by God to live forever and wander the Earth until the last judgment. Bigfoot Cain even survived the great flood in the time of Noah. The Mormons (LDS) believe that Bigfoot is the immortal Biblical Cain (son of Adam) who was forced to roam the land to and fro for all time. This belief originated with LDS Apostle David W. Patten (November 14, 1799 – October 25, 1838). David W. Patten was not only the first Mormon martyr but he met with and spoke to Bigfoot Cain on two or more occasions. I know the Strangite Mormons of Wisconsin still fervently believe this since I got in trouble as a child for going against this belief which was held by a houseparent. Bigfoot Cain being immortal is why no Bigfoot body or other remains like teeth have ever been found. No hunter or werewolf would never be able to kill the Bigfoot and there by break the unbreakable curse of immortality that God has placed upon Bigfoot-Cain.

Adam was made in the image of Almighty God and Cain, son of Adam, is in the image of Adam. So Almighty God looks like a Bigfoot.
2011-07-03 11:51:32 UTC
I think they are real creatures. I had an encounter with something in the middle of the night about 15 years ago very near the site of the Patterson film that pretty much convinced me they exist. I have been studying the subject for over 20 years.

I made this stabilized version when studying the gate several years ago. It astonished me how smooth see turn out be. It is more obvious when it is blown up. MK Davis made the claim that she was bouncing up and down and I didn't believe it so I stabilized the background and then moved the frame to the right a fixed number of pixels. It isn't stabilized on her but on the background.

I was just checking on some sightings in a place where I may go to and noticed this one kind of out of place on the way. It is is one of thousands of sitings but it is one of the more interesting ones. I found it by downloading a kml file at

He really went to a huge amount of effort to compile the sightings

There is a possibility that bigfoot may have its DNA analyzed. There is a paper from Dr. Melba Ketchum about a large number of DNA samples that is undergoing peer review right now. It may be out in a few months. I still don't know what to think about that since I have been disappointed by evidence in the past.
2011-07-02 14:50:21 UTC

There's half probability that the Sasquatch IS real, since there has been loose proof and witnesses of Sasquatch. In fact, in a place called Sandy Bay in Canada, Sasquatch is seen there a lot, but no one is ever quick enough to take a picture. It tends to take off as it senses human presences.

I hope I was of help!

2011-07-02 15:51:57 UTC
Google " gigantopithecus " << A Primate that lived as early as 2,000 years ago, he was a huge 10 ft tall primate.

Go To " TeamYin " on youtube (Channel) He has one of THE BEST bigfoot youtube channels
2016-11-13 08:29:51 UTC
nicely there is no good real information to back it up yet think of for minute. at first you have people who don;t be attentive to a minimum of one yet another offering you with comparable descriptions Now based on the quantity and the undeniable fact that they don;t be attentive to a minimum of one yet another something that massive can not merely be a accident. Secondly in case you bypass out into the woods and notice wood knocked over nicely I don;t think of a bear ought to knock over tree except it became right into a sapling and that i'm no longer talking little wood the two gorillas and chimps makes nest of branches if "Bigfoot" is a style of ape it could make appropriate experience that they could do something comparable with wood. Now I don;t be attentive to in case you have watched the tutor finding Bigfoot yet they have been given a tape from a police vehicle. nicely as this vehicle became into using on f beat something massive on 2 legs walked a 2 lane highway in approximately 3 or 4 steps. Now on their team they have a huge guy named bo bo who's approximately of i could say 6'3 or 6'4 no longer a small guy with the aid of any stretch of the mind's eye. so they tried recreating it with Bo bo simply by fact the Bigfoot Bo Bo even working ought to no longer do it in 3 steps it particularly too him on the component to six working and he has long strides. So in case you belive in it cool in case you do cool to boot all of us have our very own belifs and finding bigfoot is a outstanding tutor they get some good belongings you need to computer screen it
hey hey hey
2011-07-02 13:16:15 UTC
Yeah I think he could be real. There's still species that haven't been discovered on the planet and maybe Bigfoot is one of them. Maybe he's not exactly how people describe him but maybe people are seeing a new animal
2011-07-02 19:25:38 UTC
well there has never been any scientific evidence whether or not big foot/sasquatch actually exists its always been hear say or people will believe on what they think they saw.
2011-07-02 15:15:39 UTC
nope. not possible.

and i have proof...and that is that there is no proof.

no body of one has been recovered. one has never been shot by a hunter or hit by a car.

so all you hunters out there..if you see fire. and if one runs in front of your car....accelerate to ramming speed and dispatch the damn thing to the great beyond.

at that point i might almost believe. almost.
2011-07-02 13:17:06 UTC
I believe there is definitely a possability. There is so much in this world that we don't know about. Juse because we are unware dosent mean it doesn't exist.
Olive Sorceress
2011-07-02 16:27:22 UTC
There is no giant wookie running around the woods.
2011-07-02 13:25:11 UTC
Yes I do! They are extraterrestrials origin from another planet. Same as the chupacabras (goat-suckers).
2011-07-02 13:11:47 UTC
YES i have seen him myself.

he was in my backyard eating soup.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.