No way its a fake.
1) The image is photo-negative from a time centuries before photography.
2) The image contains 3D info that does not exist in any painting or photograph, and which proves that the cloth covered a body. 3D image analyzers were invented in the latter half of the 20th century, long after the first appearance of this cloth.
3) The image is forensically accurate (post/pre mortem blood flows are distinguishable, veinous/arterial blood flows are distinguishable, the thumb is turned inwards because a particular nerve has been severed, the nail was through the wrist not the hand, etc etc etc etc.)
4) The wounds from the scourging match the tip of the whip favored by the romans called the "flagrum" People in the middle ages did NOT know this.
5) Pollen from Israel has been found on the cloth, showing that it had at one point in its history been in the area (there is even a high concentration of pollen on the cloth from a flowering THORN plant which ONLY grows in a 50 mile radius of Jerusalem, and which is concentrated by the head)
6) The weave is an ancient style weave for people who had a lot of money.
7) The hair in the back was tied in a kind of pony tail known to be favored by young jewish men at the time of jesus.
8) The cloth measures out in cubits (a unit of measurement used by the jews).
9) There is a length-wise strip of the cloth on the edge which was at one point cut off, and then resown back onto the cloth. The point? The stitching used to resow it matches an extremely rare form of stitching found in the ruins of the ancient Jewish fortress of Masada.
10) For the cloth to have survived the chemicals and putrecence which are produced from a dead body, it MUST have been separated from the dead body no later than 4 days. After that, the decaying body decomposes linens right along with it.
11) The wounds all match those described in the gospels. Puncture wounds in the head (crown of thorns), puncture wounds in the wrists and feet (crucifixion), scourge wounds from a horrible beating (scourging), and a puncture wound in the side (from a roman spear to make sure he was dead).
12) We know from history that there was a shroud in Constantinople that had the image of Jesus' body on it, and which was taken to the city from Edessa in the 6th CAD. This cloth disappears from the historical records in Byzantium after the city is sacked by crusaders.......only for what we now know is the shroud of turin to appear in France a hundred years later in the hands of one of the descendants of the 4th crusade.
13) There is a legend in Edessa about a disciple of Jesus bringing a cloth with the image of Jesus on it.
14) In the 100 years between the sack of constantinople and the first appearance of the Shroud of Turin, historical records show that knights templar worshipped a cloth with the image of a man on it, and used it in their initiation rituals. The first certain owner of the shroud was also a descendant of Knights Templars.
15) The C14 tests, the ONLY piece of scientific evidence which pointed against authenticity, were ruled to be accurate but invalid. Apparently they tested a portion of the cloth which had been mended in the middle ages. Newer cotton fibers were spliced with older linen ones, they were rewoven, and then dyed to match. This came out in the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Thermochimica Acta in 2005, and was later (re)-confirmed by Los Alamos Labs.
16) This extraordinary cloth is the most studied artifact in human history, and it is asserted to have been in the tomb at the precise moment when Jesus' dead body came back to life. This is an inexplicable and extraordinary cloth associated with an allegedly supernatural event. Odd coincidence, yes?
17) To believe this to be the work of a forger, you would have to believe that somebody invented the concept of photography, 3D image analyzers, knew incredible amounts of forensic information centuries before his time, sprinkled pollen from the Holy Land (of the right types of plants) onto the cloth, etc etc etc, TOLD NOT A SOUL, only to hopefully fool people living long long into the future. In two words: NO WAY. (not to mention that he couldn't have possibly checked his work on the photo-neg/3D qualities, since there were no cameras, no photo paper, and no 3D image analyzers. How did he know he got it right?)
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