Do you think freemasons,Illumnati,templars etc etc evil?
2011-07-01 10:18:09 UTC
I felt like asking people this ill put down my opinions as well :3

My opinion on freemasons
My uncle was a master mason but hes like one the nicest guys I know so hes 100% not evil.I don't think hes evil but im not sure about the like grand grand master masons because some are celebrities and poltics that when i start to get a little unerved.Note:The reason i can almost be certain my unlce is not evil is because he once told me a hell of alot about the masons like the classes and stuff.He also told me knight templars still exist >.<

Illuminati.My opion is there dead on evil and probaly going to do something like put those new RFID chips in our wrists to control our minds.I will never trust them

New world order
Put it this way im never setting foot in denver airport after looking at those murals and scary horse statue.

Monks in armour
Hiding some ancient treasure?
All of there are my opinions of secert societies.
Livvi ^.^
Six answers:
2011-07-01 10:35:49 UTC
The Illuminati was a short-lived group that had no real power. Conspiracy theories grew up around them, and have been popularized in the last decade by authors like Dan Brown (The Davinci Code).

Freemasons are a secret society fraternity, most of whom are Christian but all of whom believe in a Higher Power, who believe in being upstanding citizens and family men, and good friends. Can't argue there.

New World Order is a Christian conspiracy theory and is not actually known to be a group.

Templars were Christians in the early years of Christianity that came into conflict with the very church they had once protected. It was money & politics. They are not hiding a treasure, though they probably found one (monetary, not religious in nature) which is probably why they got very wealthy all of a sudden.

When studying any of these things, it's important to find reliable sources. Too many myths cover truth, particularly from evangelical Christians who think all these groups are out to conquer the world.
2011-07-01 10:25:49 UTC
Masons are not evil, the founding fathers were Masons and used the order to establish the form of government.

The Knights Templar do not exist as a force or large group today.

The loaned money to the French government and the Church so they were attacked and killed so those loans did not have to be repaid.

Some of the Knights escaped death, but the organization does not exist, and does not have any power.

Illuminati, do not exist, this is like people saying the Skull and Bones club controls the government and the political process in many countries of the world.

Most societies or organizations that want to change the world order or control countries hide behind a false face, such as the current Administration, but they are not members of a cult that has been operating for hundreds of years.
2011-07-05 07:46:05 UTC
Well no offense but you need to keep cooking in school for a while...your not quite done yet.

So lets get to the facts. Freemasonry is alive and well and has been for almost 300 years. It is a Fraternity and not a religion or political group. You already know that your Uncle is a good person, well it stands to reason that most Freemasons are as well.

Where you go a bit off track is the celebrities and politicians thing. Most of the celebs you hear about on Uboob and the Internet that some claim are Freemasons are not.

There is no one Grand Master of Masons. In the US there are 50 of them, one for each state. They are elected to that position for a term of one or two years and then they step down. They have nothing to do with the civil government so no reason to be unnerved.

Your Uncle was right that the Knights Templar exist, but the group he is talking about has nothing to do with the historic Knights Templar of the 12th - 14th century.

The Illuminati was a small group of men in Ingolstadt Bavaria (that's in Germany) that began in 1776. They were not devil worshipers or an such nonsense, they were a group that believed that the monarchies of Europe and the Church were too entwined and too corrupt to rule. After a few years they were found out and one of their own members turned them in and they were suppressed. After the fall of most of the absolute monarchies in Europe, their existence was mute anyway. They disappeared completely by 1786-89. Don't believe me? The man who began the whole group escaped Germany and wrote all about it in a book called Diogenes Lamp by Adam Weishaupt.

So considering they no longer exist, it is impossible for them to plant anything in your wrist.

Anyone claiming to be part of this group is lying or delusional.

New World Order - Another conspiracy theory and even if it were true, would have nothing to do with Freemasonry. As Freemasons are not a political group and are all independent with no central authority. So it would be impossible to plan such a thing.

As for DIA, please see here and try to learn something:

Understanding and knowledge are the key to not looking like a fool and propagating these silly ideas. If you knew more about the artist and what the mural depicted, it is not scary, except in the fact that it does show humanities dark past. But also depicts a bright and peaceful future.

Lastly Freemasonry is not a secret society. Our buildings are clearly marked and listed in the phone book and/or have FB or websites with listing of when and where we meet.

Again the Templar's of the 12th century are long gone and so is the Illuminati.


The Freemasons do not nor did they ever 'work' for the Church to find the Illuminati. The Prefect of Bavaria did this himself and that's that.

There are only 3 degrees of Freemasonry, so Wiccan could not have heard on TV from a 33rd degree Freemason about anything. The penalties referred to are symbolic in nature and no one has ever been subject to them.

I wish some would check their fact before they embarrass themselves. In fact there were 39 signers of the US constitution, 13 of which were Freemasons.

There is no such person as Capt Harry Morgan, unless they mean Harry Morgan the actor who played Colonel Potter on MASH TV show. William Morgan was a person in the early 19th century in Batavia NY who supposedly faked his way into Freemasonry in that town and then when discovered and expelled threatened to write and expose of Freemasonry. He disappeared in 1828 never to be seen again and many people blamed the Freemasons for his disappearance, although nothing was ever proven. William Morgan was a scoundrel who could not hold a job and married a preachers 16 year old daughter against her father's will when he was almost 40 years old...yeah real reliable guy there.

Yes George Washington was a Freemason as were almost half of his commanding generals. Out of 44 US Presidents 14 were members of the Fraternity. The last being Gerald Ford. Yes that includes Harry Truman.

Freemasons are pushing nothing except Brotherhood, truth and relief. Freemasonry's singular purpose is to make good men better and its bonds of friendship, compassion and brotherly love have survived even the most divisive political, military and religious conflicts through the centuries. Freemasonry is neither a forum nor a place of worship. It is not a religion nor does it teach a religious philosophy. For nearly three hundred years it has attracted men of high moral character who support the tenets of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice.
2011-07-01 14:48:28 UTC
I heard on TV from a 33rd degree Free Mason that they are not part of the New World Order, BUT there penalty for telling others information is to Des em bowel them. Cut there guts out.

There were also eight free masons that signed the United States Constitution.

Captain Harry Morgan may have been a free mason, and was murdered by the Free Masons.

George Washington WAS a free mason

President Harry Truman was another 33rd degree free Mason.

Some believe that the Free Masons are the organization pushing for the New World Order the most.
2011-07-01 13:20:49 UTC
The way that i understand the story around the Free Masons and Illuminati is that the Illuminati were a group of scientists who were against the church and went into hiding because they were prosecuted for it. the Free masons were part of or working for the church to try and find the Illuminati. I may not be right on what i know but that's what i do know about it.

for my answer im going to say that both were not evil, they just had different interpretations of how the world should be.
2011-07-01 10:25:57 UTC
No, new world order conspiracy theory is promoted by ultra religous extreme conservatives, one of the key people doing this is a wacko named Henry Lamb, historically many religious groups have been at odds with masonic groups in the past even though all they do is try to help people and find ways to benefit society.What you are hearing today is no different.Other fanatics spreading these kind of viscious rumours are radio host Bob Larson, and pamphlet creator Jack Chick.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.