My guess is the internet won't be totally shut down. More and more is being controlled and clamped down. there's talk about a 2nd internet coming on line where the government will control far more. It'll be much faster and supposedly keep out spam and viruses more. But it's a trap.
Be more concerned with what the anti-Christ is doing. The internet is a tool that businesses and people and the government all use. They track people with the internet for example and that sort of info is very valuable to the anti-Christ.
We're near the start of the tribulation period and the rapture of the church of Jesus Christ is even more near. More and more Christians are coming out saying how near they feel the coming of the Lord is. Just recently, Franklin Graham said something to that effect.
While a Christian can't give a date of the Rapture, we can certainly point to dates being set by those that don't serve God and are in power to bring the anti-Christ government in place.
Back in 2008, at a Bilderberg meeting, it was said they have a plan to mark the world population by 2017. They could miss "their" date, but if that is the 666 Mark talked about in the Bible, then the Tribulation period is very near. H. Kissinger said, not long ago, that within 10 years Israel wouldn't exist. Israel has announced they have 122 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and lots more oil off their coast and Russia wants part of it. (Putin flew into Israel in 2013 with hundreds of oil and gas people to talk with Israel.) Russia and Iran are linked and will likely come against Israel soon along with Turkey, Libya and a lot of other countries. Also, it seems pretty clear who the anti-Christ is... he fits all the descriptions in the Bible. There's much talk about forcing Israel into a peace now. Countries are turning over power, for nothing, to world organizations at an increasing pace. For example, in March 2014 the USA announced they were turning over control of the internet to who knows what group. The Club of Rome has a plan to split the world into 10 economic regions very soon and some believe it has already happened, people are just not informed yet.. Per the Bible, the anti-Christ is given even greater power about the time of this occurrence. (see the prophecy of the ten toes mentioned in Daniel as well as Revelation chapter 17). World Elite are driving the world to destruction in order to bring in their new world order plan on their terms. There's many more things I can mention but haven't the space to do so. The Tribulation is very near.
Jesus is God Himself, Jehovah, YHWH, The Creator, fully Deity & fully man. Who came to die for our sins in our place so we would not have to go to hell for our sins. He provides eternal life with Him in heaven for all that believe on Him. Acts 16, Romans 10:9-13 explains how to be saved.