"EROS was the mischievous young god of love. He was depicted as a child (variously as an infant, a boy, or a young teenager) armed with either bow and arrows or a flaming torch. At other times he was shown bearing a lover's gifts - most commonly a hare (his sacred animal).
Eros was sometimes regarded as the foremost of a troop of winged love-gods, known as the Erotes.
The young, mischievous Eros was usually distinguished from the elder Eros (or Phanes), an ancient being who emerged at the beginning of time as the force driving early procreation and the creation of the universe.
[1.1] APHRODITE (Ibycus Frag 284, The Anacreontea Frag 44, Apollonius Rhodius 3.82, Pausanias 9.27.1, Plato Phaedrus, Oppian Halieutica 4.10, Hyginus Astronomica 2.30, Ovid Metamorphoses 1.452 & 5.363, Statius Silvae 1.2.51, Apuleius 11.218, Nonnus Dionysiaca 4.238 & 33.4)
[1.2] ARES & APHRODITE (Ibycus Frag 575, Nonnus Dionysiaca 5.88)
[1.3] OURANOS & APHRODITE (she was born pregnant with Eros from the genitals of Ouranos) (possibly Hesiod Theogony 176, Sappho Frag 198, Nonnus Dionysiaca 33.4 & 41.128)
[2.1] OURANOS & GAIA (Sappho Frag 198)
[3.1] ZEPHRYOS & IRIS (Alcaeus Frag 327)
[4.1] EILEITHYIA (Pausanias 9.27.1)
[5.1] POROS & PENIA (Plato Symposium 178)
[1.1] HEDONE (by Psykhe) (Apuleius 6.24)"
I hope that it helps. Good luck