Do dreams really have a meaning about life?
2006-03-01 20:47:52 UTC
I have the same dream that I am hiking in the beautiful mountains(of course I am drunk) I always atrt falling off a cliff, any ideas?
Eleven answers:
2006-03-01 21:45:24 UTC
first, I'd just like to say I'm impressed that you took the time to go back to your question and edit it by apologizing for the misspelling. If only everyone on this site did that it would save people who care about the english language so much useless grief.

Some people believe dreams have a purpose, others think they only exist so your body doesn't shut itself off completely during a state of semi-unconsciousness (therefore, the brain activity is random and nothing has meaning).

I guess if I had to obtain any meaning from your dream it would be that the beautiful mountain represents your life as you know it (even though it may not feel like it at times). The fact that you are drunk in the dream is interesting, as is the part where you keep falling off the cliff. I would take that to mean that drinking can easily lead to your demise, and you should watch yourself.

Of course that only works if you enjoy yourself a good drink a little too often. Do you have what some might call a "drinking problem"?
Elk n' Fresh
2006-03-02 04:55:05 UTC
Sometimes they do, sometimes not.

I believe that dreams are actually a psychic prediction of what will happen in mere moments. For instance, you dream that the sun is going to explode, suddenly there is a flash of lightning that wakes you up... your subconscious is constantly predicting while you dream.

Does your dream correlate in any way to what's going on while you sleep? Could falling off a cliff mean that you're about to fall off the bed?

It all might have a broader meaning, but for me, the meaning seems immediate.
Giggly Giraffe
2006-03-02 05:04:51 UTC
I'm guessing u enjoy drinking ... and you probably love to hike ... so, interprete this dream as beautiful ... you're happilly drunk, skipping though the beautiful mountains, then you come across this cliff which you joyfully skip off of because you're so happy that nothing can phase u.

Then you're dream state will become confused, and you'll end up joyfully happy in you're waking moments ...
2006-03-02 04:52:43 UTC
Usually, dream dictionaries are useless. What's a cliff mean to YOU? How do you feel before you fall? After? During? Any colors stand out? If so, what do those colors remind you of? How do they make u feel? Describe your feelings and sensations, then you're closer to an answer to your question.

Either that or dreams are just synaptic responses in your brain while you're unconscious. :P
2006-03-02 05:20:26 UTC
Look at the first tarot card, the one with a zero on it, or no number, of the major arcana called, The Fool. Look at it frequently during a single day, while pretending it is you. Keep it next to next time you go to sleep, looking at it one more time and say, "The Fool. Me"

The fool represents the spiritual searcher, suspending reason to experience, though they clearly have prepared for the trip (the bag).

Get back to us. Let us know what happened, if anything.
2006-03-02 04:48:40 UTC
Don't drink and don't climb a cliff at the same time.
2006-03-02 09:16:57 UTC
I think dream representing ur passion that not achieveable, something you want to do it when you are awake but you haven't done, anger. that so while you sleep it represent it.

sleep have a meaning and sometimes it is true.
2006-03-03 04:39:11 UTC
Dreams are but a twist on reality. we take fragments of what have lived or seen and bash them together
2006-03-02 05:34:50 UTC
dreams are your ID speaking to your EGO, my best bet is you're

drinking to much and screwing up your life.
2006-03-02 10:21:23 UTC
2006-03-02 09:14:25 UTC

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