Does anybody have information on Vampires?
2008-09-12 19:04:45 UTC
On HBO there is a series called BloodCopy. Also, There's a website for it. [] Now, I'm not ignorant enough to believe everything I see on TV and it looks pretty fake. But, they were talking about Vampires "Coming Out of the Coffin" Did vampires make their presence known? And any other information on vampire would be nice.

Or you could just tell me I'm crazy and to stop wasting my time. :p [Even though I wont!]
Seven answers:
2008-09-13 08:42:28 UTC
When I was younger I would run home from school to watch "Dark Shadows" - any one out there remember that???

Anyway to answer your question, I would look into books written by "Konstantinos"-he has a good book called- Vampires, The Occult Truth.

He has also written other books which you may find interesting to read.

I would never tell you to stop wasting your time, every one is interested in learning, if you stop giving your brain something to think about it will sooner or later stop working.
2008-09-12 20:41:08 UTC
ok, for the one who said its based on fear

I walked into the room do you fear me?

Sorry I couldnt help it lol.

anyways I agree with Crazy, why? because Ive had experience. Most dont even know thats what they are until later in life. Its called awakening. Though, its not as dramatic as you may think. thanks to the Twilight series (I am just as big a fan but I dont believe a real life Edward Cullen style vampire exists)

Psi vampires are the ones who can absorb energy, that is what I am. How did I figure this out? My best friend who is very keen on magick the real kind not hollywood's version caught on. I was exhusted, I could bearly stay awake in school. I went to my doctor and they did all sorts of blood tests and they came back fine. I was sleeping for more then 12 hours a day on weekends. Finally he suggested I practice on him, taking his energy. It worked.

But believe what you may. There are many who say we are not real, say that were just groupies, or fans, or wannabes, or my personal favorite "psychotic people who should be confined".

There are sang vampires who require blood once a month, sometimes only once a year. And they will hardly ever admit to what they do unless you truly believe them. why? because of the persecution that comes along with believing. WIth admitting to what you are.

We do not live in coffins

We are not allergic to garlic

We do not turn to ash or shimmer in sunlight Though there is truth to some burning easily, depends on skin type though. However it kills my eyes but thats very logically blamed on my glasses and the fact I was born with light sensitivity

If you stake us we will die because logically anyone/ anything you stake through the heart will indeed die

We do not murder people

And vampire cults where people claim to be the undead make us sick too dont worry

But in short answer to your question

We try to stay hidden due to the fact no one believes us when we say we are so why waste the breath?

Oh yeah

Were not immortal or terrible beautiful, I wish that was the case
2008-09-12 19:12:38 UTC
The whole Vampire thing is based on FEAR...

The "Modern" Idea of the vampire dates to Braham Stoker's book Dracula.



90% of all the stuff you see and hear about vampires is all Post 19th century inventions to sell books and films...

There was a disease that rampaged across both the new world and the old world... It was known as Consumption but I think it was tuberculosis... And it caused people to cough up blood and die slow, lingering deaths and people back then didn't understand that invisible bacteria and virus caused illness so they put the blame on "Vampires".

The "Cure" was to name the first person in the village to die of the disease then dig up the corpse and if "The hair and fingernails grew" then you knew it was "A vampire" so you took our the heart and burned it to ash, dismembered the corpse and rearranged the bones in to a "Skull and crossbones" style like on the flag of a movie pirate...

Then you make the sick drink a tea made from the ashes of the heart...

Unfortunately, the 'cure' never did a damn thing because it was a stupid and superstitious thing based on ignorance of medicine and antiseptics but still... It spread the idea of "New World Vampires" far and wide.

The vampires of myth have NOTHING AT ALL to do with our sexy modern idea of the vampire... And oh how sexy do I find it!!

I STILL dream of the Vampire Lestat coming to me in the night and making me one of the sexy Anne Rice Realm of Vampires...

But unfortunately, mythology doesn't make it true...

There are still people that believe in all sorts of nutty stuff that is 100% based on POPULAR CULTURE and not the TRUE original mythology... Now, come to me with the story from the ORIGIONAL myths of the Vampires and I MIGHT believe you because not many people in the modern world knows the origins of the myths and stories...

Enjoy the fiction... But don't expect to meet Lestat or Pandora in the middle of the night...
2016-10-16 08:06:41 UTC
An skill vampire is a guy or woman guy or woman who's surprisingly manic skill point drains you emotionally and bodily. They in all probability do no longer even comprehend they are doing it. There are crystals which you will get that absorbs the skill, so which you will no longer sense so drained after being around them. One crystal this is powerful at soaking up detrimental skill is Black Tourmaline. the suited advice i'm going to provide you is keep away from people who seem to depart you drained after spending time with them. outstanding Blessing!
2008-09-12 19:19:09 UTC
real vampires and hollywood vampires are almost completly different.. a real vampire is just a person with some flaws. vampires have no strenths over regular people. they dont die from the sun, they do however get really burnt and prefere not being in the sun, they dont need blood, but they do crave it and they get blood from donors, and some can absorb this type of energy from people just by being near them... thats about all i know and i am not 100 percent on everything
2008-09-12 19:15:59 UTC
They suck. Go to your local library they have tons of stuff on vampires from novels to encyclopedias.
Still campaigning in 57 States
2008-09-12 19:12:44 UTC
Don't worry they can't come into your home unless they are invited.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.