I want to become a powerful sorcerer?
2012-04-17 10:52:25 UTC
I want to be sorcerer with the ability to influence anyone and anything. None of that New Age, charge the crystals, harm none bull crap, I want to be a legitimate black magician. I'm planning on using my soon to be obtained sorcerous powers to become an influential businessman. What do you think?
Eighteen answers:
2012-04-17 18:26:08 UTC
You have been watching to many movies. I am a black ceremonial magician and it takes years of study and dedication, and it is nothing like you see in the movies. You can use magick to make things happen, however it is probably nothing like you think. A lot of it will require new age practices and the use of metaphysics. You're powers also will not be obtained soon, like I said it takes years of practice. Start small and work your way up. Start with low magick before you start ceremonial/high magick. The harm none bullcrap you mention isn't bullcrap but it's not required to be followed. Everything is balanced, meaning there is just as much good as there is evil. If you break that balance there will be consequences. Also the day you deny magick will be the day you loose everything that magick ever got you, so remember that one.
2016-11-09 11:30:00 UTC
How To Become A Sorcerer
2015-08-07 05:37:25 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


I want to become a powerful sorcerer?

I want to be sorcerer with the ability to influence anyone and anything. None of that New Age, charge the crystals, harm none bull crap, I want to be a legitimate black magician. I'm planning on using my soon to be obtained sorcerous powers to become an influential businessman. What do you...
2016-12-30 10:28:04 UTC
How To Be A Sorcerer
2013-11-13 15:16:58 UTC
What you seek is not what you think you seek. Sorcery and magic will upend your life. If you think that magic is an egotistical, self-seeking, grab bag of sex and material wealth, then you will be disappointed. Magic and sorcery completely changes your whole life, from the heart, to the mind, and to the body. The power that comes from magic is really your self-power that you get when you get to the depths of yourself. In other words, you currently live in a matrix. Sorcery is almost like taking the red pill. You see yourself for who you are, not for what your parents and teachers and government wanted you to be. The confidence that you lost is restored. The "thou shalts, and shalt nots" are shown for what they really are. Sex and money becomes easier because you find a new confidence within yourself, which is attractive to women, and is also influential in the work world. But, there is a cost. That cost is your life. When you embrace sorcery you are basically denying your life plans and goals, and giving those up to be used by spiritual entities, whether for good or bad, (hint: choose the good, it leads to long life and peace.) But the thrill of purpose and ecstasy and joy of helping others and bringing good things to pass will be your reward.
Sebastian L
2012-04-17 17:34:31 UTC
hahahahahah john WTF. get lost idiot.

dude don't seek power :)

power comes at a cost. seek knowledge and power will come faster than you think.

want a good book on this? if yes look up "Magic, White & Black by Franz Hartmann".

It explains many things.

You can do anything with magic but man if you **** up it will hurt you at the most painful spot. Trust me. You could win the lottery but after a year you would probably die or end up with cancer or something that is just really bad... Magic is asking favors of entities that demand a lot more in exchange. Do things with your own power it's the only way to avoid the consequences.
2012-04-17 16:17:30 UTC
Such things require great sacrifice, and you don't always get what you were expecting. I do not believe that you have the dedication to manage it. I could tell you my ways. But I will not. If you really want it, find your own. Just remember, to gain power, you have to give something else up.
2012-04-17 18:16:09 UTC
Well I'd suggest Goetia personally. If you're willing to pay the price, a deal with a demon is a quick path to power.
2012-04-17 11:56:37 UTC
Excellent. I myself am a gentle healer... a saint. Yet I understand the dark arts a bit. Many will condemn you and tell you their is no way to instant power, but I have a key for you. Stand in front of a mirror, and light a candle, or sit outside and pour a circle of bay leaves around yourself and burn a dried up olive. As you do this say these words... This will let you influence the world around you and create it in the image of your imagination, much easier than if you went by crappy new age books, that do not explain how to achieve the goals you want.

Here is the verse:

Oh Lillitu! Valde era nox noctis! Adeo mihi! Meus animus quod somes est vestri possessio! Repleo mihi per immunda phasmatis! EGO sum vestri mancipium! Tribuo mihi nusquam , EGO tribuo vos panton. Meus cruor pro vestri obtutus. EGO vos ledo mihi! EGO sum a canis a nequam fimus. Planto mihi vestri vernula. sicco meus animus quod restituo per quisquam vos votum. Ledo meus mens quod somes. Sanctus Lillitu , EGO precor vos expleo explevi expletum mihi per umbra quod bellua. Contamino mihi , EGO sum vestri mancipium. EGO mos gero mille tener vobis. Lillitu meus animus quod vestri umbra es unus , ledo mihi , EGO sum nusquam.
John Forsythe
2016-01-25 17:50:56 UTC
2012-04-17 13:35:34 UTC
Move to Hollywood and try out for the next movie that has a sorcerer in it.

Sorcerers are NOT real.
2012-04-17 10:53:57 UTC
Have you tried heavy drug use and a psychotic break?

Seems to work for most people who want to be sorcerers or prophets.
2012-04-17 10:55:44 UTC
**** you, I am the only bestest sorcerer ever and you will fail. I cast level 99 herpes and level 22 screw you buddy.

I am up there with wookies and jedis ***** so you will never ever be on my level, do you hear me.

I hate you and i will steal your girlfriend with my boy sorcerer good looks and wicked spells.
Wes T
2012-04-17 12:21:20 UTC
Gee, that's a terrific idea.
2012-04-17 23:27:52 UTC
2012-04-17 11:27:21 UTC
Not sure if pitiful or troll :|
2014-05-23 15:50:50 UTC
I see this is an older post but I will still share my learned concept of the term (Brace yourself It's going to be long)- "Sorcerer". A good place to start is reading, and reading things not offered as "Free gimmicks" The arthor Jason Miller has an Incredible book called "The Sorcerer's Secret". In the book he talks about the the differenc between "Witchcraft" which has a general worship around seasons, celestial deities, sabbaths, cycles, and so on. And then "Occultic" which is more ceremonial, spells, incantations, charms, summoning. A sorcerer is a combination of these practices and many more, where in the practitioner respects and finds the medium of these planes and combines them into his own. Magic is not narrow, so there isn't only witchcraft and occult; Kabbalah, Voudou, Santeria, etc are but few of the many practices all connected to the source.

"New Age" Material is kinda like kindergarden-5th grade we all have to start somewhere, though alot of the material can be bogus, A true sorcerer is one who takes what concepts apply and work for him/her and morph them to his cause. Never take someone's laws for magic working as "the only truth", the only golden experience is theory in practice; question everything even what I'm writing! Sorcery is a lone practice. We all have our individual wants, goals, needs- And A sorcerer is not one to simply sulk in the creases of a cult as their, chanter, diviner, handmaiden/servant, so on.

Some of the most of my powerful workings have come from my indepth work with crystals, simple candle magic, gregre bags, enchanted charms and so on, so to dimiss them as "folly" is the first step for either faliure in magical workings, or worse...getting caught up with the big boys(spirits/entites) when you're not ready, resulting in some bad bad, Very bad consequences.

The "Black Magician" also known as the left hand path can be a shiny title to the dabbler/novice, take what you want, snap a finger to trigger, spin an incantation and wham!! But trust me the only way to walk a path solely dedicated to that would require a stone cold unwavering spirit. you can't ask for the legions of hell to work with you yet be afraid of the dark, the bumps in the night, shadows dancing on the wall, etc. Those spirits will not only laugh at you but bully you something feirce until you run away from magic all together, or worse!!

Now for the not so fun stuff: Meditation, psi energy manipulation, Divinitory work, is the first concrete foundation that any "Sorcerer" should have before delving further into Left(dark), or right(light/healing) hand magic.

How can you control or change anything when you can't hold a proper visualization?

How can you properly protect yourself without a psi shield, or enchant that relic/crystal/talisman without psi energy manipulation.?

How can you see anything clearly in your workings if you can't even scry a crystal ball/mirror/etc (definately important when summoning unseen spirits)

Now for the Fun Stuff: Familiars and Spells

Familiar: Craft your first Familiar, if you feel you are not ready for this don't press it and start with something smaller till you are.

Sorcery is about commanding certain energies, key word, commanding. what better to command than an entity you create. For the fastest, best result go with a familiar(Pet) to search and retrieve, or search and observe.

A journal or grimoire is absolutely a must for this, being that you must create a sigil for the pet, remember baby steps. Imps, Knomes, Fairies are ideal- don't used deceased pets or people (they can become parasitic because of attacthed emotions). draw or write out a descripition of appearance and personality be as descriptive as you can, add color if you like. from the drawing or description form a sigil, it could be the face of the imp, the decription of the knome (combining the letters to form the sigil) or the color of the fairies wings. A full moon would really empower but is not absolutely required- light a candle of the pets color or sit outside under the full moon's light and call them forth.

"Familiar Drawn Upon this Page I summon thee forth to serve this Mage"

easy enough incatation, you can make your own but don't over-complicate.

now say: "Familiar's Name" Rise x3 (3 is the number of manifestation)

Visualize the pet ripping themself forth from the page, 2d at first but as they levitate above the page they pop! exapanding into a 3 dimentional chracter.

Here comes Psi manipulation: extend out both hands and with eyes either open or close channel them your energy, they are of you so need your vital force to become animated, at this point your pet should giggle/flutter/flinch with life. Now tell them their purpose: "I have summoned you to this plane to search and retreive this- book/comb/shoe/etc, on this eve you shall be born and you shall rest but on the next eve(tommorow night) I shall send you forth to do your bidding. That which I have commanded of you is that which is only in your power to do. You shall not disobey me, Or I will cast thee into oblivion ,never to return (at this point with hands still extended exude the vibration of strong dominate energy, the pet must know you are not one to be to be tested to tried). Ask: Are you willing to submit yourself to me and my orders?

They should cower and respond yes, if they hesitate, say no, or don't respond at all rip their page from the book instantly and shred their page while commanding begone!

...If they do agree then say: Good, now rest until tommorows eve. elevate your dominate hand above them and push down shrinking them down back into the sigil placed in your grimoire. Now close the book and upon closing shout

So shall it be done!

The next night Summon them again, call them 3x and say rise. visualize them coming from the page and poping into 3d, go to an open window or door and say go forth now my pet and do that which I ask and do not return until the task be completed! so shall it be done send them out and close the book.

Fairly simple two birds with one stone a familiar pet and a spell

praise and reward them upon completing destroy them if they don't destroy them when they are no longer needed, or keep them handy. This is only the beginning

Tips: DO NOT CREATE A INCUBUS OR SUCCUBUS they can be fun and alluring but can become parasitic, jealous, possesive, and dangerous to others friends and lovers alike.

IF YOU create a guardsman or guarddog for protection make sure to let them know what is and isn't allowed this means visiting friends relatives, especially children who are suceptable.

THE LONGER the Familiar remains animated the smarter it becomes, look out for and scold/punish for pranks, tricks. My first pet was an Imp who I had retrieve my crystal ball (which I got for free as a gift)

yet once his task was done he would play tricks on whomever visited my home by misplacing their wallet, keys, shoes! It was cute funny at first but I had to set em straight/ he is still in my grimiore to this day!!

Oh yeah Good LUck!!
2012-04-17 12:29:10 UTC
You should see a dr. :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.