2012-10-19 18:29:30 UTC
Golden Magic was created from the dust of the Tree of Life, or World Tree (Yggdrasil was not the only world tree motif in mythology). And it is lead by a Trinity of Gods:
the Almighty Father-the King and Patriarch, protector, wise man, righteous, noble, represents all things good in man.
the Great Mother-the Queen and Matriarch, nurturer, caregiver, wise woman, warrior woman, humanitarian, represents all good things on woman.
the Blessed Child-the gender-neutral Messiah, selfless, loving, angelic and merciful.
and there is the Dark Trinity:
the Beastly Father-the Tyrant and Rapist, brutish, barbaric, bloodthirsty, rigid and vile.
the Dire Mother-the Adulteress and Wicked Stepmother, cold, cruel, shrewish and possessive.
the Willful Child-the Anti-Messiah, spoiled, callous, selfish, undisciplined, prideful and liar.
what do you think? how does it sound?