A few days ago me and my mom where on vacation. She asked me if I had drawn symbols on our mirror in my bathroom. I had no clue what she was talking about. When we got back from the trip, I looked at the symbols and told her that I didn't draw them. She said I was joking but I wasn't. They are very detailed and they look like they mean something. We have house cleaners but I doubt that they drew them. There are a total of 5 symbols, I think there used to be six but my mom erased one to see what they where drawn with. They are drawn with soap. There is also a screen lying in the frown of my house in the bushes and all our windows have screens, but I doubt that has anything to do with the symbols. I asked my best friend what she thought they where and she didn't know and she thought that it was creepy. Me and my mom are the only ones that live in the house and I doubt our cats could have drawn the symbols. I can't find a picture of any of them online. Please help me.