If Illuminati and Freemason don't worship Satan...?
2012-03-31 02:36:35 UTC
then why are they using satanic symbols in music videos and making artists use satanic hand symbols? alot of y'all are saying "whoever's saying freemason and illuminati are devil worshipper, y'all are ignorant do some RESEARCH" then how the **** are you gonna explain all these devil signs used in the media? we must understand freemason and illuminati are antichrist, that's why they're supporting NWO. smh
Fourteen answers:
2012-03-31 08:50:10 UTC
Okay, first off the Illuminati are not Freemasons. I have a family whose a Freemason and it's simply a fraternity. My family member in it is a Christian and very nice person, so I'm pretty sure he's not working with the antichrist. Symbols like the eye atop the pyramid and etc. simply mean you believe in a higher power. Freemasonry is not a religious thing though, just like living in America you can be part of whatever religion you want. Freemasonry does a lot of donations to hospitals and etc. - they're not working with the antichrist. Just like the whole entire population of everybody on earth there are good and bad ones.

As for the Illuminati....I actually don't like them...
2013-11-23 18:22:06 UTC
. .Do you want to know where you're wrong? Let me explain;

First of all, sweetheart, what Satanic symbols? The horns && the triple 6's, I can understand, but the Eye of Horus is NOT a Satanic symbol--it's actually a protection AGAINST evil. It's this crazy thing called reserve symbolism. Look it up. Secondly, how can these aforementioned people claim the name "Illuminati" if they worship Satan/Lucifer? "Illuminati" = "enlightened" in Latin. First of all, worship, greed, && evil conflict against the notion of Enlightenment altogether. Before you people accuse Illuminati of "Satanic worship", look up what "enlightenment" means, and then talk. The entire notion of enlightenment has NOTHING to do with worship, greed, or any other vividly ludicrous accusations placed against them. These claims were merely composed by super mega Christians who seem to believe anything that isn't affiliated with God must be evil, but really, these people are free-thinkers, meaning, they do not revolve around the worship of any kind of higher being, or worship overall. To be frank, the only thing worse than these bogus claims are the people who think they know everything about them when they don't know the first real fact other than the asinine fairly tales and conspiracy theories these right-wing nut jobs created with little to no actual logic, reasoning, or sufficient proof. I mean, for God's sake, there's still people claiming that the Illuminati && Freemasons are reptilian aliens from outer space. Really? Kids, do your homework before you run around, making accusations that will indeed make you look stupid n the end.
2012-04-02 09:01:00 UTC
The Illuminati no longer exist.

Freemasons do NOT worship Satan.

Neither group has anything to do with music.

The groups that use satanic symbols because, in their ignorance, they believe Satanic symbols are cool.

Anyone claiming that The Freemasons and The Illuminati are Satanic are just about the most ignorant and uneducated people on the planet. These kind of morons can't even back up their claims with real sources. Can you?
2012-03-31 16:04:32 UTC
The Illuminati were a Bavarian political action group that advocated the overthrow of European monarchies. They ceased to exist 227 years ago. They were never a religion.

Freemasonry is the world's oldest social fraternity and largest philanthropy. It isn't a religion.

Freemasons don't make music videos, nor doe they make any artists use satanic hand symbols.

More importantly, there isn't any such thing as a 'satanic hand symbol.'

2012-03-31 09:05:44 UTC
First of all, the Illuminati do NOT exist. They ceased to exist over 225 years ago.

Secondly, the Freemasons do NOT worship Satan.

Only ignorant and uneducated morons would believe otherwise.

Thirdly, the Freemasons do NOT make anyone do anything. Have you ever heard of free will? The musicians that you speak of use Satanic imagery because they think it's cool, not because somebody forced them to do it.

You are the one that need to do some research before you post nonsense like this. Posting this kind of rubbish only shows how uneducated you really are.
2012-03-31 04:13:21 UTC
Without wishing to appear rude

It is you my little friend that is ignorant.

The illuminati have not existed for about 250 years

The Artists you see in music videos are not Freemasons.

I am a Freemason,we do not worship satan,

It is you that needs to do some proper research,watching TV and youtube does not make you an expert on Freemasonry.

I on the other hand have been a Freemason for over 26 years,I have met Freemasons from all over the world,I have yet to met a single one that has any interest in the occult,

Come back to me when you have researched from reliable and decent sources.
2016-05-17 08:57:31 UTC
What a load of bollocks I am a Freemason You are a fool Unless you can supply one shred of evidence to support your wild claims,you should keep in the fiction and mythology section
2012-04-01 19:57:22 UTC
What you see in music videos now is no differen then the stuff marilyn manson did, It's all for show and mysteries sell ! big money in that business and even bigger if people think you are involved in some sort of cult activity or secret society, There is a good reason why Jay Z is almost worth if not worth by now over a billion dollars, People like Lady Gaga are copying this style,Think about it. I would do that stuff too if i knew that i would have a huge net worth, The only mystery here is how many zeros are on the check
Robert B
2012-03-31 02:41:15 UTC

The freemasons are basically a dining club for businessmen and the Illuminati don't exist.

You should buy a new tinfoil hat - your one is leaking!
2012-03-31 06:19:54 UTC
Well, I don`t know much about anything in particular. But one thing is for certain and two for sure. People have change and for the worse. Majority of people on Earth are worshipping something other than God. Whether the Illumanati is real or not, devil worship is spreading and something is causing this somehow. This is undeniable.

See how the supposedly freemason attacked you and listed his credentials WITHOUT ANSWERING YOUR ? Common among people "supposedly" in the know. We suppose to trust his word over yours because he`s one and more "knowledgeable" about SECRET SOCIETIES. That`s more reason why we should ? his (freemason, illumanti, etc.) word and others actions.
2012-04-01 09:30:50 UTC
i believe yah. freemasons not at the top dont know whats going on. what makes me believe government infiltration is:1 why would the cia conduct experiments on soldiers for Mind control MK-Ultra.]

2why is our (US)military in a bunch of different countries around the world trying to set up governments under our control.

3.Look at who controls Fema, The Fedral Reserve, Our Educatoin board, our energy companys, food and water look you have to get your food from the government. its illegal to sell wild game who knows what they do to our food. The world trade organization is also controled by the elite.

The fed has a monopoly on printing money and they are backed by a government with a monopoly on force.

why is the U.N. trying to set up a world currency?

maybe im wrong but something is seriously messed up with how things are being ran.wake up people!
2012-03-31 03:20:30 UTC
Wow these people are dumb. Illuminatti is real. They not only control usa but the whole world. Politics industry religon. Its all set up so we can disbelieve in christ. Even masons infilitrate churches and are feeding people lies. The thing is if you belive in any other god than jesus your worshipping satan. Freemasonry requires you blieve in a higher power. They dont even care what god u bellive in. That should pull up a red flag. I had a long talk with a master mason convertrd to christian. Hope i helped. And btw people whosay they dont exist are scared that theyre not in control of theyre own lives and are in denial.
Gabriel Archvngel
2012-03-31 02:41:35 UTC
The illuminati are real, so real they are everywhere but they don't control all the industry.

like spanish music & south america is nothing to do with the illuminati,

whatever they believe in god but they fear him, they use satanic and mason

to move the drops in secret to control all, they are aliens that mind control

the most powerful, rich and important people.
2012-03-31 07:29:49 UTC
I know that both ex Bush presidents and Mitt Romney are Illuminati Members.

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