What exactly is the 23 Enigma, and why are so many people obsessed with it?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What exactly is the 23 Enigma, and why are so many people obsessed with it?
1106 answers:
2007-02-08 16:30:12 UTC
think of the relevence of the number 1. you see it everywhere. in front of other numbers, behind some numbers. sometimes it's on a sign, sometimes in the paper. it's the first number that is quantifiable, it has singular properties, and many people have been the first at something in history. it's so eerie!!!

the media is really something, isn't it?
2007-02-09 12:24:27 UTC
This is a classic example of Yahoo Marketing!!! A fictitious identity is created, such as this one, and it is used to keep the consumers talking about the given product.

Is it a coincidence that the only questions that this user has asked are completely related to the movie?

Yahoo, you are a sell out! And I thought you were cool!
Dr. NG
2007-02-08 16:30:37 UTC
It's all movie hype, I'm surprised anyone is buying into it.
2007-02-08 16:37:32 UTC
There is nothing to it. When people see something a couple of times they find connections between everything. There is also no significance to the number 666, and toast doesn't always land butter side down. The human mind has evolved to where it will try to find connections between everything on the off-chance that it will see a significant correlation. Such correlations include the striking similarities between certain species, indicating evolution. Unfortunately, it also leads us to preposterous conclusions like the 23 Enigma and religious faces on toast.
Derek K
2007-02-11 21:46:53 UTC
Wow. A guy on my hockey team wears the #23 jersey. Should I watch out for him? He does seem like he could be evil - or at least especially significant.

Come to think of it, there's been a 23rd in every month that I can remember...even February. This is starting to get weirder the more I think about it.

Hey, I was 23 once. Wow. Now you're really freaking me out.

Enough of this nonsense, I'm going outside to fly a kite with my daughter, and try to get a life.
2007-02-10 12:52:21 UTC
Does nlc stand for New Line Cinema?

How many ppl (estimated) make up the "so many" who are interested?

Sounds like hype.

The 23 enigma is just a violation of the scientific method. You aren't supposed to only look at things that support your hypothesis. That makes the findings worthless.
Question Mark
2007-02-09 23:19:38 UTC
Why are so many obsessed with the number? IF they are, it's because many people BELIEVE ANYTHING. There's 23 words for ya -- coincidence???
Kenneth W
2007-02-11 10:43:27 UTC
I havent heard anything about the number 23 until this stupid movie came out. The number that is everything is the number 42, as it is the answer to life, the universe and everything. 23 what a joke way to try and make something of the number though, its kind of pathetic just like the movie. Dark curse of the number whatever, tell you what the number 3 or 7 has more dark stuff attached to it than the number 23.
2007-02-08 17:12:29 UTC
All I can say is that 23 is one of the prime numbers. What mystical significance it has evades me.
2007-02-08 16:20:00 UTC
Throughout history, the number 23 has had mystical significance., as its the Pentagram: 2 & 3 points. This number appears too frequently for it to be a co-incidence. 23 has an energy field that is resonating all around us. Also 2+3=5, in binary: '101'which is another number you see everywhere. The human body consists of 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. Geometry is based on 23 natural laws. There are many examples that describe the power of this number. However, many believe that the number is cursed with dark and evil properties. I believe that It means something if you empower it to by believing that it has some mystical power over you. The way you use it is the key to understand it.
2007-02-14 18:33:31 UTC
Allen Iverson was already obsessed with the number 3 before he got into the NBA, so when he saw the chance to make it into the NBA he was very eager to be part of the NBA project. In fact, he's so obsessed that his NBA number is 3. But he is not alone; the number 3 has puzzled and captivated many babies across the globe for many years. Just type number 3 or 3 iverson in your browsers and see what people have to say about it. But be wary, while some sites glorify the magic of the number 3 (Alexander the Great didn't cut the Gordian Knot at age 3, Adam and Eve have at least 3 letters in their names), others reveal the dark curse of it(3/0 is not dividable, the Mayans believe the world will end on December 23, 2012-if u add the last 2 numbers it is 3). Oh man the number 3 is CRAZY! Who agrees with me???
Mr Hex Vision
2007-02-12 23:39:23 UTC
Why has it got to be the number 23 you can agrue that the number 5 is just as important, 2 + 3 = 5. Plus then there all the little quirks with the number 5 that are inportant. Why can't it be any other number 1 or 2 or 3 etc etc etc, if you did some research they too would throw up some insteating facts. But the reason why the number 23 is so obssed by people by the moment is that there is a new film out that propary has to do with the number 23 or a film called 23 so why not drum up some adversting on yahoo answers, get them all into a frenzy so they get almost brainwashed into going to see the movie.
2016-12-20 07:13:21 UTC
2007-02-15 05:12:40 UTC
The Mayans believe December 23, 2012, the world will end. If you use numerology and add That date by month/day/year=4.

Which according to some other Indian Tribes will be the 4th time the Earth will be "reborn".

The codex documents, are useful, but I just cannot get into the obsession mode and base my life around them.

I knew a man who, like Mark Twain, was Born when Hailey's Comet flew by. Then passed away, when it few by again I believe in 1976. Now, I can round it out to 23, but really it = 6.

All of this Enigma information is interesting, and will catch the attention as Dan Brown did w/ The De Vinci Code. Which also fascinated many people.

By and by I will keep an open mind, as usual, and enjoy this for what it is, an Enigma. But by no means a good, solid and such an obsessive behavior to follow as the truth.

The one true God would mock this as it is written, as He will do to scientists, after all it's all just a theory. Not the Truth or answer to all of the real salvation questions we seek as man.

Conclusive Evidence:

It's border-line magical fascination. Fun to watch. Like pulling 23 Rabbits out of a Hat. How cool!
2007-02-13 08:05:58 UTC
In all honesty I never knew anyone was obsessed with the number 23. I have become obsessed with about 23 of the answers you've been sent.

I agree with one of the posts mentioning that a certain dinosaur is satan (which I can't find anymore). Anything and everything can be twisted to be something else.

As for the complaints of movie marketing, I can't see this coming from yahoo but a very smart businessman who understands the power and pure brilliance of I am also a businessman and without such marketing (tricks to some if you must) then you wouldn't be able to find or wouldn't know about half the products your looking for and half the world would be unemployed. If 23 people who posted here go to the movie (and even enjoy the movie) then I don't see anything wrong with it. Marketing is bad when you let yourself get sucked into buying something you don't want or need and that is a sign of personal failure and not that of the marketer.

As for December 23, 2012. December is the 12th month and 2012 is 12 years after 2000... Thats scary but then the end of the world should be on the 12 of december 2012 for it to be logical...right?

I have now managed to write 23 three lines of text. I could add many more self made 23 coincidences... But time is money. Bye
Me, Thrice-Baked
2007-02-12 17:04:04 UTC
The number 23 neither captivates, puzzles, or enthralls me; nor does it's "far-reaching consequences" give me an obsessive disorder. Any number can become incidental when one looks at its 'history'. 2/3=.666. Oooh. Are you joshing with us? Are you deluded? It equals .6666666 as well. As for the Mayans, numerologists would be more interested in the fact that there are two twelves in the date - 12/23/'12. Not that it really matters.

23 minutes ago I had a chicken salad sandwich with 23 tiny pieces of chicken in it and 23mg of mayonnaise. It was good. Now, more than 23 minutes later, I am actually responding to this ridiculousness and I haven't got a clue why. Perhaps it was the chicken salad.

This is a movie that will create an entire new generation of neurotic obsessive-compulsives (of which I have already been there, done that). Think I'll skip it this time. Thanks.

Highly coincidentally, the phrase "You've ruined the movie, man" has 23 letters in it.
2007-02-12 14:51:19 UTC
Most of the things listed are just non proven legends. However a similare occurence happened with Sept. 11. Or Hitlers birthday of 420. So I really don't know, as far as the movie goes, when it was first announced it sounded more like the other movie Stranger than fiction. Now it is a thriller which I think is great that Jim Carrey is expanding outside of simply comedy. Oh one more thing there is another numerical thing the 6 degrees of seperation, and then again 2*3 is 6. And there are also weird coincidences associated with Lincoln and JFK. Also how vague some of these number connections are, I could pick any number and come up with the same results. Plenty of people die on the 17th for instant, etc.
2007-02-12 12:07:51 UTC
Like others have said, this is a lot of hype. What I dislike the most is that the movie represents 2/3 as .666, to tie it in with the anti-christ. 2/3 is not .666 it is .667 ! 2/3 is closer to .667 than it is to .666.

You say Alexander the Great cut the Gordion Knot at age 23. He did it with a sword. He could just as well have cut it when he was 22, or 16, or 10 or any other age - so no big deal there about 23.

I've read that Jewish tradition says that Adam and Eve did not have 23 children, but 33 sons and 23 daughters, for a total of 56 childrens.

As for Dec. 23, 2012 as the Mayan end of the world - some scholars say the correct date is Dec. 21, 2012. In any event, one question - did the Mayan predict the end of their own civilization?

In summation - don't believe the hype!
2015-01-25 08:59:39 UTC
My biggest question in regards to the number 23 is, is it all hype or is their a basis for it, such as Phi (or The Golden Ratio [1.618], aka The Divine Proportion). Science has proved that Phi exists all around us (thus the name Divine Proportion), but can Science lay the same claim to the number 23 or is it simply coincidence? That is where my obsession begins and ends with the number 23. In ancient times the beginning of the year was in March, not January, so if one were to abbreviate the dates using numbers March would be month 1 and January would be month # 11. Therefore, dates wouldn't add up correctly. Also, it doesn't take into accout that different cultures still use non-Julian calendars so those dates don't add up either. As a further example we have my birthdate, which according to our modern system of numerical abbreviation adds up to 23 (month and day), however when the year is figured in it adds up to 2001 or just plain 3. My sister's birthday all added up is 17. My best friend's is 20. Ooh scary? Not really...
2007-02-15 03:34:50 UTC
HI There,

The number 23 is a myth The greeks made up stories to explain the planets, how we became, how we evolved so the number 23 must of have been mentioned in a story. The number 23 spread and spread until it became a global conspiracy. The number 23 has gotten a bad name so every one thinks of it as a bad charm, just like the No. 13 Its the same as all the other days but since it has a bad name the bad things stand out more. Maybe like December 23, 2012 People will be fearing that day will be terrible, just because that number has a bad name.
2007-02-20 05:41:28 UTC
I attended a maths talk once on number 23.

The first thing noted about of 23 is that it is a prime number. It is already special there because it cannot be divided further in other numbers except 1 and 23 which do not really make a difference. Of course, the talk stretched on to things like how to find other prime numbers and some really complicated formulas which is out of the topic here. The thing is number 23 is the jersey number of some of the best sport players like David Beckham and Michael Jordan and obviously there must be something to the number 23 for all these phenomena.
2007-02-19 23:44:46 UTC
Throughout history, the number 23 has had mystical significance., as its the Pentagram: 2 & 3 points. This number appears too frequently for it to be a co-incidence. 23 has an energy field that is resonating all around us. Also 2+3=5, in binary: '101'which is another number you see everywhere. The human body consists of 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. Geometry is based on 23 natural laws. There are many examples that describe the power of this number. However, many believe that the number is cursed with dark and evil properties. I believe that It means something if you empower it to by believing that it has some mystical power over you. The way you use it is the key to understand it.
2007-02-15 13:06:19 UTC
Throughout history, the number 23 has had mystical significance., as its the Pentagram: 2 & 3 points. This number appears too frequently for it to be a co-incidence. 23 has an energy field that is resonating all around us. Also 2+3=5, in binary: '101'which is another number you see everywhere. The human body consists of 46 chromosomes, 23 from each parent. Geometry is based on 23 natural laws. There are many examples that describe the power of this number. However, many believe that the number is cursed with dark and evil properties. I believe that It means something if you empower it to by believing that it has some mystical power over you. The way you use it is the key to understand it.
2007-02-15 03:16:30 UTC
23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 i 23 23 23 23 23 am 23 23 23 23 23 23 O 23 23 23 B 23 23 23 S 23 23 23 E 23 23 23 23 S 23 S 23 23 E 23 23 23 23 D
Random G
2007-02-13 13:27:35 UTC
People are subtracting and adding and multiplying birth and death dates of people to get the number 23. Truth is, you could get almost any number frequently if you added and subtracted in a different pattern. And, what about the spooky number 1? It's everywhere! The year begins on the 1st day of the 1st month! Gasp! It's all superstition.

And the Mayans didn't believe the world ended on Dec. 23, 2012. It was their calendar that went in a certain pattern and they continued to go further into the future, calendar-wise, but their calendar was abandoned when they reached Dec. 21, 2012 due to the toppling of their civilization. It's not even the 23rd in the first place.

So, before you got Yahoo to make this all official and post this on their front page, couldn't you have at least checked an Encylopedia, or Wikipedia at the absolute least?
2007-02-13 09:46:23 UTC
The number 23 is not really anything special..... 333x2=666 so what. adam and eve are just a story in the bible. How can you be absoutley sure that Alexander the great was 23? there are wierd things for almost every number lets take 7 for example.... 7 deadly sins 7 gates to hell what about 1 one starts the new year 1 is one of the two numbers computers run on. The same thing happened w. 666 on june sixth of 2006. If you search hard enough you can find something for every number.
fast eddie
2007-02-20 14:02:09 UTC
Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

just remember.... its all a conspiracy
2007-02-20 12:35:10 UTC
Other 23 Sites

THE 23 list! from Impropaganda (RIP)

23 Page from Reality Mechanics

Vigintitresology The Web of 23

The Process

The 23 Enigma from Cut23

Capt. Clark Welcomes You Aboard

Mystical Significance of 23 by R. Temple

23 The Cosmic Number

The Law of Fives

About 23 by Jim Fournier

Enigma 23 by Mabus

The Black Notebook

The 23 Enigma

23 List from

Fear 23!
2007-02-20 03:34:16 UTC
About the 23 Enigma

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.
david a
2007-02-19 20:53:40 UTC
The number 23 was glorified in The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson. Also the Principia Discordia mentions 23 in the law of five (2+3=5) George Herbert Walker Bush and William Jefferson Clinton are 23 letters. Howard Phillips Lovecraft also.

Famous basketball player Micheal Jordan was #23.
2007-02-18 19:11:02 UTC
Ok lets look at it like this...the number 23 coincidentally occurs as part of a number of events in history...however, the problem here is that the number is being overanalyzed...we can take another number, for example, lets say the number 4 and incorporate that into certain events...a leap year happens every 4 years, as do the Olympics, America got it's independence on the 4th of July, there are 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Civil War lasted 4 years, and the Red Sox won the World Series in '04...the number 4 coincidentally also happened in other events, but the movie isn't called the number 4. It's called the number 23 because of it's incorporation into different events. You could use countless other numbers to bring up weird comparisons, but it just depends on what number you choose to analyze and research. The number 23 is just that, analyzed and thought out.
2007-02-15 14:28:22 UTC
I just wanted to say that there is no proof that the Mayans think the world will end December 23, 2012, that is an assumption that was made. If you actually research what you say, you would find that they had a huge circular tablet that served as their calendar. Many people believe that the world will end on December 23, 2012 according to the Mayans because that was the last date that their calendar was built out to. There is no proof that December 23, 2012 will be the end of world, it is just a theory, at least until December 23, 2012 happens to come around.
2007-02-13 16:31:01 UTC
I think that people are obsessed with the number 23 because it was Michael Jordan's basketball number. 23 is a cool number. Many greats (who I can't think of right now) have been the number 23. I personally do not have or have had anything weird with the number 23 but I do with the number 19. In school, I was always the 19th person, like all of the time. Seriously no joke and at my first job my pin number was 19. One time I was number 10 for something but then I was like 1+9=10 so 19 showed up again. Weird coincidence? Maybe. Nothing weird or spooky has ever had any correlation between 19 and my life. I have never killed anyone or like stabbed anyone 19 times. 19 just shows up in my life a lot just because. There might be some weird mystery behind it like "23" but I really don't know right now.
2014-09-21 09:10:21 UTC
When you think about it, you can use any number and have it appear in many places.

Using 21 as an example,

In 1776 (1+7+7+6), the Declaration of Independence was written.

In 1929 (1+9+2+9), the stock market crashed.

In 2001 (21 without the zeroes), the World Trade Center was attacked.

The holy trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) times the number of sacraments (7*3=21).

Using 37 as an example,

The number is used in the movie "Clerks".


By the way, for 23, you forgot:

The number of flavors in Dr. Pepper
Lisa S
2007-02-24 17:50:29 UTC
This is just plain bunk. All this business about dates etc doesn't take into account that we've only had our calendar set as it is since the "dark ages". In ancient times the beginning of the year was in March, not January, so if one were to abbreviate the dates using numbers March would be month 1 and January would be month # 11. Therefore, dates wouldn't add up correctly. Also, it doesn't take into accout that different cultures still use non-Julian calendars so those dates don't add up either. As a further example we have my birthdate, which according to our modern system of numerical abbreviation adds up to 23 (month and day), however when the year is figured in it adds up to 2001 or just plain 3. My sister's birthday all added up is 17. My best friend's is 20. Ooh scary? Not really...

This is just another case of people seeing only what they want to see and ignoring other blatant facts. I think the movie sounds entertaining, but that's it. This should be classified as ENTERTAINMENT. Everyone's looking for something to give their lives should be given meaning through what one does with it, the relationships built, not some stupid, arbitrary number.
2007-02-18 11:50:30 UTC
I also know that Noodle from Gorillaz is interested in that number. She had a factfile about it in her room:

1. There are 23 letters in the Latin alphabet

2. W = 23rd letter of the alphabet, It's symbol is 2 points down, 3 up.

3. 23 is the first prime number in which both digits are prime numbers and add up to another prime number. (2 3 = 5)

4. The number of joints in the human arm is 23.

5. Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes

6. It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body.

7. The song "Just a perfect day", originally by Lou Reed, has been released in a special BBC edition, and is performed by 23 famous artists

8. In the song "Gett Off", by the artist formerly known as Prince, the lyrics read: "Gett off! Twenty-three positions in a one-night stand".

9. The Police; Their song "Synchronicity I" is 3:23 long.

10. Kurt Cobain; Born 1967: 1 9 6 7=23. Died 1994: 1 9 9 4=23.

11. U2; U is the 21st letter in the alphabet added to the number two gives you 23.

12. There are 23 buildings on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington.

13. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived at 221b Baker Street for a period of 23 years.

14. 23 is the lowest positive integer number not scoreable with one dart on a dartboard

15. Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated.

16. According to biorhythm theory, everyone has a 23-day physical cycle

17. The world's fastest human can average 23 miles/hour in the 100 meter dash

18. 23 degrees Celsius is "room temperature" on Earth.

19. Asteroid researchers measuring the rotation periods of asteroids reported that none were found with periods of less than 2.3 hours. A rotation period of less than 2.3 hours would cause them to be torn apart.

20. The axis of the planet Earth is 23.5 degrees

21. 63 years, the average lifespan of a human being on the planet Earth, is roughly 23,000 days

22. Nissan is a brand of Japanese cars. In Japanese, "ni" is 2, and "san" is 3. (Although '23' is 'nijuusan')

23. The average smoker smokes 23 butts a day
luck d
2007-02-15 11:36:15 UTC
I'm sure this answer will get lost in the crowd, but here goes...

To point out that you get 666 by dividing 2 by 3 and that this has anything to do with the number 23 is silly. Twenty Three is 20 + 3, not a 2 and a 3 standing next to each other.

Also, the "supposed" number of the beast is Six hundred sixty six. When you divide 2 by 3, you don't get this number, you get a number that is smaller than the number 1. The result is POINT six six six six etc...

And here's the real corker... 666 isn't even the historical number of the beast. Recent research into the original texts has shown that historians got it wrong for a long time. The real number of the beast (what ever that means) is 616.
2007-02-15 06:13:15 UTC
I don't know anything about the obssesion but I've noticed that the 23 egnima worked in the Roman and other ancient times

Example:Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was killed

Alexander the Great cut the Gordian Knot at age 23. Adam and Eve had 23 children
2007-02-14 11:02:17 UTC
It is interesting, but like so many have answered, it's not that big a deal when you consider other numbers as well. 0, 3.14, numbers 1 thru 9, 12, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 34, 45, 56, 60, 64, 67, 72, 78, 89, 90, 180, 360, 365, etc..., But the biggest obsession we all have is with 10 or 01 however you want to look at it. 10 represents zero and one, or, in other words binary code, the language of our computers. It seems we're a lot more obsessed with that (even though many of us are not even aware of it).

Also, we have a strong influence from centuries past, specifically, psalm 23: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." etc...

Also, why is it when dealing with these paranormal based movies, you always have some poor, beat up guy(s) or girl(s) running around just trying to survive. Probably just for dramatic effect, right? I'm sure the mathemeticians and scientists at the university who are actually studying numbers phenomena aren't going through all this drama, and they probably laugh when they see a movie like the number 23.

Still, it seems like an interesting movie, and I'll probably see it at some point, but only on the 23rd of the the month. :)
2007-02-12 16:25:15 UTC
If all things are connected to this number, 23. Then they would also be connected to 5, because 2+3 is 5. Or 6 because 2*3 is 6. You can play with numbers and words and make up something different, but sometimes you want to connect it with 23 so you try and find a connection. A few times you will find a connection, but not always. There are infinite things in the universe and they cannot all be connected to ONE number. I think it's all a way to play with people's minds. It is interesting, though to find the number 23 everywhere. Hopefully, I will learn a thing or two from the movie.
2007-02-13 15:25:53 UTC
Actually, 2/3 is rounded to become 0.667, and the Mayan belief is for the world to end on December 21, 2012 (12/21/12).

When you think about it, you can use any number and have it appear in many places.

Using 21 as an example,

In 1776 (1+7+7+6), the Declaration of Independence was written.

In 1929 (1+9+2+9), the stock market crashed.

In 2001 (21 without the zeroes), the World Trade Center was attacked.

The holy trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) times the number of sacraments (7*3=21).

Using 37 as an example,

The number is used in the movie "Clerks".


By the way, for 23, you forgot:

The number of flavors in Dr. Pepper

The haploid number of human chromosomes

1787, when the constitution was written

1976, the bicentennial celebration
2007-02-12 17:25:29 UTC

All of that is very interesting, because the number 23 as well as the numbers 10 and 13 have been numbers which gave me a lot of luck in life. Also, as you can notice 10 +13 = 23. It did begin for years with the number 10 alone, then the 10 and 13 together for more years, then finally the three of them all together: 10, 13, 23.

I don't believe those numbers were coincidence in my life though.

But, honestly, i never heard of the number 23 being what everybody is written here. Like what, you learn everyday. Thanks for this question, it taught me something new or at least gave me the opportunity to read what everybody else thinks about this number 23.
Galen L
2007-02-12 15:31:00 UTC
The enigma of 23? What on earth are you talking about? Oh well, now I am interested, I will just run right out and get in line!!! I don’t know maybe 23 million was the offer you made Jim Carrey that caused him to laugh the hardest? Maybe 23 million is what you should pay in reparations for asking a question that is really an advertisement? Sponsored ‘questions’. Congratulations, you have created a new form of spam. I hope 23 million is what yahoo charged you.
2007-02-12 11:47:56 UTC
The fascination for some, of the number 23, is as varied as the amount of equations that can compute the number. Many regard it as holy, some regard it as evil, science regards is as the beginning and continuance of life, and yet many simply think of it as just a number.

We as humans can see a great many variants into something as trivial as a number. We can turn anything before us into evil, pure, holy just by looking at it different ways. For example my favorite numbers are multiples of 4 (4,16,32,64....), so using that fact, the very first time I saw my husband was August 23, 1990 (8+2+3+1+9+9+0=32) and we were married on May 11, 1996 (5+1+1+1+9+9+6=32).

Yet, there are a great many facts associated with the number 23, i.e., the how many seconds it takes for blood to circulate through our bodies, how many pairs of chromosomes are in the human genome, and the fact that Psalms is the 23rd book in the bible.

My biggest question in regards to the number 23 is, is it all hype or is their a basis for it, such as Phi (or The Golden Ratio [1.618], aka The Divine Proportion). Science has proved that Phi exists all around us (thus the name Divine Proportion), but can Science lay the same claim to the number 23 or is it simply coincidence? That is where my obsession begins and ends with the number 23.
2007-02-12 10:17:25 UTC
I believe that this is really nothing more than people's obsessive attempt to make order out of chaos. Certainly entertaining (I will be the first person to run out and see a vampire movie but to say that I believe in vampires is just nonsense) but come on guys, you might as well believe in the tooth fairy (i'm sorry if YOU DO believe in the Tooth Fairy)

Alexander the Great may have cut the Gordian knot at age 23 but I also hear he cut a square knot at 21, beginning a long tradition of cutting that lasted until his last days when he was said to be constantly cutting the cheese.

Adam and Eve had 23 children??? Says who.

When relating the September 11th coincidence, while we are asked to count the month as one number of the equation, the year as 2 numbers (unless you are counting the zeros, then it would be 4) and although the day is 2 digits we are asked to count it as 1 number. Why would that be?


Because, if you didn't your result is not as impressive.

9+1+1+2+1=14 or 09+11+2001=2021

See, no goose bumps.

Here's another coincidence, in I.Q. testing, 23 is a REALLY low score.

I plan on seeing the movie when it comes out and expect to be entertained, but getting more from it then that, is just not in my tarot deck.
Billy Butthead
2007-02-12 06:03:49 UTC
The origin of 2-3 is the sequence 1-2-3.

They are the only consecutive prime numbers.

2 is the only even prime number.

1 and 3 connect the 23 in sequence.

This significant mathematical fact [23] has been missed by mathematicians down through the ages.

Look at Adam and Eve with 23 children.

A 23 year old,naked male and female alone in the garden of Eden how could this happen?

Only 23 could do it!!!
Cheshire Cat
2007-02-19 22:18:08 UTC
It seems to me that if I really wanted to screw with people's heads I could say I was obsessed with the numbers 3, 5, 7, 11, etc and so forth. Out of near infinite permutations and excessive amount of time I can reasonably say that any one of these numbers shows up a freakish number of times. Of course, I would be silly because so do a lot of other numbers. What I know for sure, however, is that the real power of "numerology" is in mathematics. You see, there is a direct correlation between amount of math education completed and average personal lifetime income. That said, saying "I hate math" invokes the Math Curse, which destines someone to have less potential overall income than they could have otherwise earned. Each person reading this will know that it is true through their special power of self-fulfilling prophecy...


Good luck. I'm betting 3, 5, 7, 11, 18, and 27...

Nobody asking why 27 is supposedly the the perfect time to get married and not 23? I mean, what's up with that? Get your numbers right, people!!
2007-02-15 05:10:59 UTC
I like the #23 because I was born on the 23rd of April so I'm sure most people have a number they like but for some reason 23 gets more 'publicity'. Also 666 being the devil's number is a popular misconception, in 'The Book of General Ignorance' by Stephen Fry it says that the real demonic number is 616.
Pirate of the Bassein Creek
2007-02-15 03:46:02 UTC
Number 23 is a number of Mercury (planet) because the total of 2 &3 is five, which is a number of Mercury or 'Budha'. The people under the influence of this no. are brilliant. One more fact is that the people who are borne on this no. are able to escape the bad situation. The culprits borne on this no. are difficult to punish as this number helps them to slip, like mercury slips from anyone's hands. This no. has no occult or "black" dimension as some answerers have said here. Answering this question might be the marketing gimmics as some have said. But it does not make any difference to me.This no. is a prime no. and it's total 5 is also a prime no. which happens rarely. If someone finds this no. lucky, or decisive in the path of life, then that person is able to go scot free doing literary anything. This is a no. which is also a central no. It has no pair as all other nos. have. (1-4, 2-7, 3-6-9) The people under the influence of this no. choose their way by themselves. They do not come under anyone's influence. In case of conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the people representing this no. become cheaters or thugs. Under the influence of Saturn these people best work as a spy.
2007-02-15 03:02:46 UTC
The "23 Enigma" is a belief that the number 23 is of particular or unusual significance.

23 is the smallest prime for which the sum of the squares of its digits is also an odd prime.The floor function of e^ = 23.

23 is formed from the concatenation of the first two primes.

In the disaster movie Airport, the bomber has seat 23.

The smallest prime number which is not the sum of two Ulam numbers.

230 + 231 + 232 + 233 + 235 = 6449063 and the sum of 6 + 4 + 4 + 9 + 0 + 6 + 3 can be written as 3 x 2 + 2 x 2 + 2 x 2 + 3 x 3 + 0 + 3 x 2 + 3 = 32, the reversal of 23.23 is the only prime number p such that p! is p digits long.

The smallest isolated prime, i.e., not an element of a set of twin primes.

23 requires 9 positive cubes to represent it. Note that (23) = 9. "Hilbert's problems" are a list of 23 problems in mathematics put forth by David Hilbert in the year 1900. The problems were all unsolved at the time.

Psi (y) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet.

2n is congruent to 3(mod n) for n = 4700063497, but for no smaller n > 1. Homo sapiens have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The largest prime with its least quadratic non-residue greater than sqrt(p).

Cyclotomic rings are formed by adjoining the n roots of unity to the integers. Montgomery and Uchida independently showed that the first of these rings to have class number greater than one is formed by adjoining the 23rd roots of unity.

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson lived at 221b Baker Street for a period of 23 years

23! is the least factorial in which the digits 0 through 9 appear at least once.

W is the 23rd letter of the modern English alphabet. Have you ever noticed that it has 2 points down and 3 points up?

There are 23 definitions in Book I of Euclid's Elements.

At the height of his career, Professor John F. Nash, Jr., interrupted a lecture to announce that a photo of Pope John XXIII on the cover of LIFE magazine was actually Nash in disguise and that he knew this because 23 was his favorite prime number

The largest integer which cannot be expressed as the sum of two squareful numbers. A number is squareful (or nonsquarefree) if it contains at least one square in its prime factorization.

Archbishop Ussher argued that the world was created on Sunday, 23 October 4004 B.C. Note that he was Primate of All Ireland.

William Shakespeare died on his birthday (23 April).

David Bloomberg (Bryan Greenberg) is a penniless 23-year-old painter when he meets the fourteen-years-older Rafi Gardet (Uma Thurman) in the movie Prime.
Grin Reeper
2007-02-14 10:48:18 UTC
Here is my opinion and take it for what it is.

It human nature to love a mystery. To be able to draw conclusions from variables and fine some cohesive bond in nature. The word enigma means mystery or a puzzle or an encrytion. So if were able to solve all problems by solving the puzzle of #23 then you see its fancination.

It has been said that the simplest of things may hold the key to the universe. If a simple number like 23 can be used to give us the meaning of life... cure cancer... let reach the ends of the cosmos then you see why there is such intreage in the idea.

People minds are amazed by the idea of finding the answer... what answer you say. The answer to everything. We are wired to find order in a chaos. find peace in a storm. If the answer is one little number think of the power that it would have.
2007-02-14 05:14:30 UTC
The main thing about the significance and the engima of the number 23 is that it holds the key to a lot of things, possibly even life itself. You take Human DNA for example, the basic structure is that each person has 46 chromosomes, which comprises 23 from the father and 23 from the mother.

And then of course you have the 23 conspiracists, who say 23 is another sign of the curse of terrorism - Look at 9/11. If you add the numbers together in the date, 9/11/2001 - 9+11+2+0+0+1 = 23. Freaky? You bet.

Then take the bible. There were 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, one of them (I think it was Peter) declared that he didn't know Jesus - which left 11 who always claimed they did. 12 + 11 = 23.

If you are looking for freaky, wierd, "oh my god" kind of stuff, 23 pretty much hits it.
2007-02-14 01:56:12 UTC
The numbe 23 sometimes appears in the context of the Baha'i Faith.

The Baha'i Era began on 23 May 1844, which was also the birthday of 'Abdu'l-Baha, who was the Centre of Baha'u'llah's Covenant. However, I'm a bit skeptical that the number 23 has any real significance. Other numbers, such as 5, 9, 12, and 19 seem to be much more significant in a religious sense.
2007-02-14 01:00:28 UTC
Who are the people obsessed with 23? I guess a lot of people in Hollywood are obsessed with looking 23? Having people think they are 23? Wanting to date people that are 23?

Oh, and your comment about some sites glorifying the magic of the number: "Adam and Eve are said to have had 23 children" sounds like that was a mistake. Shouldn't that have been included in the dark curse category? At least, having 23 children sounds more like a curse than a blessing to me!!!
2007-02-13 05:16:44 UTC
23 seems to be an odds and ends number filled with mystery, chaos, and new beginnings.

I must admit that up until now, I have not been aware of the allure that number 23 appears to hold for many individuals. Like 13, 23 is associated with luck, although primarily good luck. Apparently, anywhere you look, the number somehow comes into play. The earth rotates around an axis that is positioned at a 23-degree angle. During human reproduction, the sperm and the egg each donate 23 chromosomes to the daughter cell. One of the most famous Bible verses, which begins with the words “The Lord is my shepherd,” is the 23rd Psalm. Many superstitious folks would be quick to point out how prevalent 23 is in real life. In my opinion, one will see just about anything one wishes to see if one is focusing in on it, but it is both weird and wonderful just how far beliefs of any sort can be stretched.
Kevin P
2007-02-12 17:17:15 UTC
September 11 is another example of 23. 9/11/2001= 9+11+2+1=23
Our Man In Bananas
2007-02-12 14:12:42 UTC
I love numerology and this kind of stuff...

I love the way you can add 2 and 3 and get 5, and if you multiply 5 by 23 you get 115, and if you add those numbers up you get either 7 (1 +1+5) or 16 (11 + 5, then you add 1 and 6 to get 7 aaahahahahaha !)

and 7 is very important in Chinese numerology, multiply 7 by 3 and you get 21, add those together and you get 3 ... always 3 ...

You can also multiply 2 by 3 and get 6, now if you write this number down 3 times next to each other, you get 666, and when you add those numbers together, you get 18, and those numbers added make 9, which is 3 to the power of 2 ...

hmmm, interesting...

but what does it mean ?
2007-02-12 06:15:45 UTC
>> Jim Carrey was already obsessed with the number 23 before he got the script for his upcoming thriller,

Here's why...really....

The world is large. There's lots of people. They're lots of things. How many things are there in the world? Only about a trillion squared.

Then someone notices there's lots of stuff that has's just a coincidence. That person tells someone. The second person says "huh? Is there more to this? and starts looking'.

Lo and behold, there's 23 everywhere...why wouldn't there be. Tells another person that "Me and my friends and seeing 23 everywhere..." and guess what...more evidence shows up.

Etc. etc. etc.

And evidence is exactly how people determine what facts are. It's just comical to say "but just look how many things happen at 23!".

(But did Jesus die at 23? Did Einstein have 23 teeth or great theorums? Is the 23rd letter the most popular? Were 23 people killed in at the '76 Munich Olympics? etc!)

This is just people wanting to belong by claiming they know something special. But there's not anything special. The only 23's I know in my life is Micheal Jordan. (But why wasn't Wilt Chamberlain 23?)
2014-08-16 19:50:04 UTC
All this business about dates etc doesn't take into account that we've only had our calendar set as it is since the "dark ages". In ancient times the beginning of the year was in March, not January, so if one were to abbreviate the dates using numbers March would be month 1 and January would be month # 11. Therefore, dates wouldn't add up correctly. Also, it doesn't take into accout that different cultures still use non-Julian calendars so those dates don't add up either. As a further example we have my birthdate, which according to our modern system of numerical abbreviation adds up to 23 (month and day), however when the year is figured in it adds up to 2001 or just plain 3. My sister's birthday all added up is 17. My best friend's is 20. Ooh scary? Not really...
2007-02-20 01:58:00 UTC
There is no 23 enigma. It was created by someone desperate for ideas for a book, and a handful of people latched onto the idea. I think Jim Carrey's making a mistake connecting his career to such a flaky subject. By the way, 2/3 does not equal .666; the 6's go on infinitely. In base 6 math, 2/3=0.4; base 12, 0.8; base 16(hexidecimal), 0.AAA... (A base 16= 10 base ten)
2007-02-15 07:33:36 UTC
No one it's really obsessed with 23... well... there's *always* someone obsessed with the number 23; but if you search in search engine you will found that 23 it's not so famous number.. in the scale of the twenty the most famous number it's 25 (in 4,010,000,000) for obviusly reason.

The fact it's that "you" made this movie and need to make some rumors in the web to catch more attention people and "hits" (or click) rate trough the web... next time take the 69.. a much "holy" number in these times
2007-02-13 17:30:23 UTC
The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.
2007-02-13 04:10:02 UTC
It does have a mystery to it. I was born on the 23rd, 11/23/1976. I was intrigued to see myself always looking at the clock at exactly 11:23. If you add up 1+9+7+6, the year I was born, it = 23. I was in a unit designated as 2/3. I lost my virginity when I was 23. I have known this for some time and it remains elusive to me as well, but it does have some positive aspects. MJ was number 23, as well as other really talented athletes. It has to do with some event that happened on a certain day or time in history that is mathetically connected to some future event that will govern the future here in the physical. A formula if you will to some event that is going to happen.It could be our attention to the number is creating our own little superstition and sometimes it is good, but if we try for too long,we could end up finding some scary things.
2007-02-13 04:02:12 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994 (1+9+9+4=23) and was born in 1967 (1+9+6+7=23).

The first Morse Code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23.

The Salt March, initiated by Mohandas Gandhi to protest the salt tax, lasted 23 days.

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616.

Actor River Phoenix, was born on August 23, 1970. He died at the age of 23, on Halloween 1993.

Julius Caesar is alleged to have been stabbed twenty-three times when he was assassinated.

The plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper (The Day the Music Died) occurred on February 3 (2/3), 1959.

2007-02-12 10:52:46 UTC
If you put the number 2 on the bottom and the three on top there is a heart shaped figure with a left and right ventrical on the outside of the heart in the picture shown. I think it has a sublimenal thought behind its shape. That is what I see.

Also J=10+C=3+2+3 = 18 which equals 9; a Holistic Prime #, God's number. No matter how greater the number it is always 0-9.
2007-02-12 05:35:50 UTC
The mystery of 23 has always been there PTV, William Bourrows,

Hymn 23, 23 Skiddo all know it or show evidence. It is also symbolically convenient, the numbers are sequential and common yet mathematically random, and slightly higher than a child can count.

It's just kind of cool on it's own, it can represent the male and female that make 1.

On the other hand, you can pick a number any number, and sooner or later you will find it any where. It's all up to you.
2015-01-29 05:47:16 UTC
In ancient times the beginning of the year was in March, not January, so if one were to abbreviate the dates using numbers March would be month 1 and January would be month # 11. Therefore, dates wouldn't add up correctly. Also, it doesn't take into accout that different cultures still use non-Julian calendars so those dates don't add up either. As a further example we have my birthdate, which according to our modern system of numerical abbreviation adds up to 23 (month and day), however when the year is figured in it adds up to 2001 or just plain 3. My sister's birthday all added up is 17. My best friend's is 20. Ooh scary? Not really...
2007-02-12 06:11:20 UTC
You are almost completely wrong regarding the Mayans. Their date is 12-21-2012 and has nothing to do with the end of the world. Instead, it's when several of their astronomical calenders line up to flip over at once. Think of it like 11:59, 31, December, 1999; except in this case they were tracking astronomical events that occur in the scale of thousands of years instead of minutes, days, months, years. As for the other examples you mentioned, it's almost surprising that you couldn't come up with anything better, considering the amount of times any particular number has arbitrarily appeared in history. In other words, the 23 Enigma is a lot like god, angels, life after death--only in order to believe in it, you would have to be even more stupid.
2007-02-24 09:49:04 UTC
Old folks tales!!!

If you believe everything that leads stems from superstition, then you would end up being powered by them. In other words, what you will believe in your mind will eventually become true.

My theory :- believe there in the good of everything created by God.

Fact:- 23 is a prime number, and more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some prime number. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 & 3 are small enough and therefore can be included in complx calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can become coincidental with significant events. 2 & 3 are also the most frequent factors (exl 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

Your mind is a power-full tool - use it correct (to your advantage), and you will succeed.
2007-02-15 16:25:36 UTC
Numbers can be easily associated with anything relating to history or situations. Take the 9-11 example. A lot of people believe that that number means something and can be connected to other things, coincidentally or factually. Anyone can easily think of a number and connect it to any particular thing. All you have to do is research and look for coincidences. An example is my birthday 7/6/82. Add em all up = 23. Scary? Not really right?
scary shari
2007-02-15 16:01:27 UTC
It's interesting to hear that 23 has "puzzled and captivated millions across the globe [WORLD is proper usage, not globe] for many years."

I'm 34 years old, graduated college magna *** laude, passed the rigorous Jeopardy contestant search twice, and used to work as a journalist. Plus I've always loved obscure facts and intriguing lore. HOW IS IT, then, that until I heard of the movie "Number 23", I had NEVER in my life heard anything about this number and the fascination and mystery it holds for people? Isn't that odd? ;)
Take it from Toby
2007-02-15 07:48:20 UTC
There are 5 people in the world "obsessed" with the number 23. One of them is apparently Jim Carrey. The other 4 will most likely be the only ones who are buying into this whole promotion of the movie on Yahoo Q & A.
2007-02-12 22:53:51 UTC
To me number 23 is just a number. Any given number can be as 'significant' as the other given enough attention and ado about it. If you think about it - if I take any given number such as 18 or 33, and I find all the significant events related to this number whatever the events maybe, I could build it up into a enigma like anyone else could. Every number in the world will have something important or even some black event tied to it- the millions and millions of people around the world will find significance somewhere in those given numbers or any other set of numbers for that matter.
2007-02-12 21:21:19 UTC
What a load of hooey!

23 is a great number, because my husband and I are both born on the 23rd day of the month and we met when we were 23 yo. I went into labor on the 23rd day of the month.

When the Powerball jackpot gets to 23 Million we're going to invest our school loans in lottery tickets and buy at 11:23 pm (23:23 military time) at the convenience store in the 2300 block of 23rd st. Then, when we lose all of our money, I'll have a nervous breakdown and spend 23 days in the hospital, while my husband has an affair with a 23 year old bimbo he met in his CS 230 class.
Dane Aqua
2007-02-12 21:02:56 UTC
The number 23 be so interesting since numbers speak to our Subconscious; our dreaming while awake selves.

Many ancients & pagans knew the number 23 = 5 & 5 equals the planet Jupiter... the planet of expansion & opportunity. The planet Jupiter or heavenly body Jove be the king of the gods. So quite fortunate to wear !

While I doubt the world will end (don't think the Mayans had everything correct) nor do I believe in Adam & Eve.

I believe in the power of this number as the supreme power of the heavenly bodies. Jove's symbols are lightening, color blue, rainbow.
2007-02-12 17:59:52 UTC
Ummm... yeah. You could do the same thing with any number. Ever seen /Quiz Show/? Herbert Stempel asks a friend for a number, any number. As I recall, his friend picked 33, and Stempel then he rattles off a series of facts about that number involving history, geography, art, and sports. If you cherry-pick the right group of coincidental events (how many here have ever heard of the Gordian Knot?), and play a little fast and loose with the truth (e.g., conveniently rounding 2/3 down at the third decimal point, or translating an ancient Mayan prediction to our modern calendar), you can "prove" anything.

Good luck with the movie, though.
2007-02-12 16:24:08 UTC
I think 27 is more coincidential.

"I will admit the movie looks cool and I have always liked Jim Carrey, especially in a serious role. But as for any significance of the number 23...


Come on! Give me a break. You can pick just about any number and crunch it down to something bad if you span over the entire history of human existence. That's the problem with numerology.

Here let me try...

My friend was 27 when he died.

Ironically he had driven exactly 27 miles from his house before that fatal accident that day.

There were 27 people on the bus that hit him if you count the driver.

It was February 27th when it happened.

I got the call at my office at 9:22 that morning. 9+22=27.

His dad, who had died about a year earlier, died on 11/12/04... if I add those three numbers.... yep 27!

I had only known my friend a little over a couple of years... the other day I just figured out I had known him almost exactly 27 months!


No bull, my birthday is May 22nd. 5/22. 5+22=27!

Let's try public history...

The Tenerife Air Disaster (considered the worst air disaster to date by Guiness book of world records) when two 747s collided was in 1977 on March 27th!

October 27th, 1997, the dow jones suspended trading for the first time in history because of a record drop on the index!

The Station Nite Club Fire, which killed 100 people and injured more than 200 was on 02/20/2003... if we use your method of addition, like you did with 9/11/2001 then we get 2 + 20 + 2 + 3 = 27!

The Titanic sank on the morning of April 15th, 1912 at 2:20:05am... 2 + 20 + 5 = 27! If I add the April 15th + the 12 from 1912, 12+15 = OMG! Its 27!!!!

In Genesis, God created man in the first chapter. Guess which verse? 27? Yep!

In Exodus 14, Moses closed the red sea over the entire advancing Egyptian Army in verse... ah, come on you already know.


You see we could do this all day. Take any two digit number you'd like and I can make a bullcrap list for you of sure things that make it a significant number...

I better shut up or you'll do a sequel called 27!

...and now... it's 27 minutes past my bedtime... GOOD NIGHT!"

2007-02-12 15:51:15 UTC
I'm sure you could take any number and make it seem spooky. That movie looks stupid as hell and people are being sucked in. I was born March 22, 1963. I'll bet someone could take that and work it so that it had something to do with 23 and find some dark hidden meaning. Well guess what? It's just a number. The movie is just a movie, and you're falling for the hype. Jim Carrey is just trying to get his career going again. People are so gullible.
Burnt Emberes
2007-02-12 04:01:47 UTC
It is absolute bunkum, the number one has a signficance to many people, two might also be significant, Need i go on. Why don't higher numbers have more significance, because there are no more than 31 days in any calendar month, come on, this really is just hokum. Numbers the lower they are will have more signifance. below 31 that is. i used to wear a number nine on my football shirt, then the 7, 6, 5, 8, 11. i could say that i use the number nine on my lottery ticket, how many other people use birthdays for the lottery, why because the numbers hold a significance to us. 23 special in any way. not a chance. Placebo effect more like.
2007-02-12 00:52:13 UTC
Because after reading success stories on Snakes On A Plane and Serenity, Joel Schumacher is trying to create hype for a phenomenon that simply isn't there.

Snakes on A Plane was a wish granted for bubble-gum action fans who blog about movies. Serenity was a good premise that was skirted by "pass or fail" television execs. at Fox looking for their next X-Files.

Don't get me wrong, I like Joel's work... Falling Down, Batman Forever and Gossip were great movies. Necessary ones. But after a string of misses, he's making fans indulge in artificial hype instead of showing the possible merit that the Number 23 (the movie) could have: A new perspective on a life of obsession. That alone could propel hype for such a movie more effectively than trying to copy past results.

So in short, whoever "Number 23" is who asked this, tell the director this: "Joel, make some art, man! Don't follow people! That's what you do best at! Sure, you swing, you might miss, but no one will fault an original work. Take a look at M. Night Shyamalan!"
2007-02-15 12:27:59 UTC
I want to see that movie. I thought the whole "23 enigma" thing was created just for the movie, but apparently it has been around for years. I think it's all coincidence that many things happen to have the number 23, 2, 3, or any numbers that add up to 23 associated with them. The end.
2007-02-13 16:21:52 UTC
23 has been my favorite number/lucky number since I was a little kid. Now I am 23 years old. hmmmm.... it's kind of sad because I would probably want to see any movie named "23"... but this one really does not seem very interesting. I'd rather see "Ocean 23" or something. They would need so many actors for that one that they could throw Jim Carey into the bunch without a problem. And, he wouldn't have to fabricate a fascination with the number 23.
8 In the corner
2007-02-12 12:50:22 UTC
I was playing roulette in the Slots of Fun Casino next to Circus Circus in Las Vegas with people from Mexico, Southern California, Ohio and Nevada.

Two girls from S. Cal. said, "Let's all bet on the number 23 Red for one turn of the wheel and nothing else."

We were all half drunk and everyone said OK! There were chips stacked all around and on 23. There must have been $50-75 on the number in all. Guess what hit? Yep, 23 Red. We were all high fiving and yelling when we got in trouble for leaning over the layout. The pit boss was really pissed. He yelled at us for blocking the cameras and wasn't going to pay any of the bets. They checked the tape and nothing was blocked so he had to pay off. The casino paid out about $2000 to us and we had a blast the rest of the night.

23 has been good to me, I always bet it now and it comes up frequently. I walked up to a wheel once just as the dealer waved off any more bets. I just said 23 Red to the players before the ball dropped into 23 and then I walked away. Gave them something to think about for a little while. One guy yelled after me, "Hey, what's the next one?"

BTW, Jim Carrey is a total jerk and not funny. He is nothing more than stupid. I refuse to watch any of his crap at the theater or at home.
2007-02-12 22:27:41 UTC
Some neat things I noticed about 23...

The 23rd letter of the alphabet is W. W is the only multi-syllable letter in the alphabet.

The 23rd psalm is thus:

. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

. He maketh me lie down in green pastures;

. He leadth me beside still waters.

(23 words)

2 is the first even number. 3 is the second odd number. Added together, they make 5, the second prime number. Multiplied, they produce 6, the first perfect number. 2+3+23 is equal to 28, the second perfect number.

2^3 is equal to 8. 23 is the 8th prime number (3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23).

log 23 is almost exactly equal to ten times pi divided by 23.

25,852,016,738,884,976,640,000 is 23!. There are 23 digits in it.

20,880,467,999,847,912,034,355,032,910,567 is 23^23. There are 32 digits in it. 32 is 23 in the mirror.

In finance, a "529" is a college savings account. 529 is the square of 23.

12,167 is the cube of 23. 12167 is an area code in rural New York. There are 230 homes with 1 vehicle. There are 23 people who pay rent of $250 - $299. There are 23 people of "European" ancestry who live there. The median home value for an African-American household is about $23,000. There were 23 girls born there in 2000. 23 of the people who live there are 23 years old.

Coincidences? I'll let you make up your own mind...
2007-02-24 07:49:10 UTC
You can do that with any number without even thinkin for a second. What a stupid thought for a movie. What about 24?

There are 24 hours in a day

There are 24 cycles in the Chinese solar year

There are 24 Carats representing 100% pure gold.

There are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet

In year 2024 a Permanent outpost on the moon is to be completed and permanently staffed.

There's a million more...
2007-02-20 08:12:32 UTC
1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 all of these include all of the above 2's 3's and 5's and 2+3+5=10 1+0= 1 so technically everything boils down to the number 1.
ashwin parihar
2007-02-14 07:19:06 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.
2007-02-13 19:07:07 UTC
Basically believing the number 23 is magic some how is like believing Kevin Bacon is god because he can be connected to every other famous person in the world using only six degrees. If you are looking for a magical number try pi, or e, or the speed of light. Those are strange and significant numbers that are actually worth studying.
2007-02-13 09:31:35 UTC
First off, I study math.

When working with as much math as me with theorems and postulates, the number 23 actually has no coincidences in Math. It doesn't appear out of nowhere or often enough to be alarming. I think the number 23 has been made into urban folklore legends such as drinking soda with rock candy making you explode. People that came up with these things were probably high on either mushrooms or lots of weed to think up these "coincidences."

Truth of the matter is that when you study the number theory, either way you slice it, 23 does not appear in nature. It is a mere obsessin to figure out what we cannot explain. We have a tendency as humans to find answers to the unknown and this is an explaination to the pure coincidences that exist.
2007-02-13 08:23:17 UTC
Has Jim Carey taken a crazy pill? Why do I need to ask that in the first place, I mean to star in a horror flick when you've already established a career isn't the best idea. Ever since Lost came out with its set of mysterious numbers, which also contains the number twenty three gasp! Producers are just ready to jump on band wagon of any flavor of the month if its popular because that means more people will go see it, aka more money for them. I like Carey as an actor so I hope it works out for him, but this movie looks like its for those poor geeks that went to math camp.
2007-02-13 05:44:01 UTC
The number 23 is a prime number and is also the smallest that is not a twin prime. Because of this proximity to 0 and the prime aspects the number is more likely to pop up from time to time through out the world. Think of the number 7943. 7943 is *MUCH* farther away from 0 and thus is less likely to show itself in day to day use because the chances of you seeing 7943 items is much less than 23. Of course, 7943 can be any large number and the larger, the less likely you are to see it in the world.

If you are superstitious, or someone who has a need for meaning in things, you will be apt to see connections to many other things, not just the number 23. Do you believe in astrology? Do you believe in religion? Do you believe in luck? Do you believe in magik? Do you believe in the significance of the number 23? Get my point?
2007-02-12 18:39:33 UTC
Honestly, I would have to agree on the redundancy of this question.

Upon a normal distribution curve, with numbers actually reaching infinity, the probability of any one number being more important than another is basically negligent. I mean, other than obvious reasons such as, "1 is more important than 376,400 because toddlers learn the number 1 before learning the number 376,400"

Grow up people, the only historical significance I can think of the number 23 is that is the exact number of times Julius Caesar was stabbed on the Ides of March. 23 senators so 23 dagger wounds. Caesar died. Who-hoo.
Chris R
2007-02-12 12:38:42 UTC
There was a 1970s science fiction trilogy called "Illuminatus!," which was written by Robert Anton Wilson (who died recently) and Robert Shea. The story is a wild mystery-thriller-adventure that dissects, explores, parodies, and revels in every aspect of New Age pseudo-religious culture, government conspiracies, secret socieities, postmodern psychology, and so on, that the authors could think of.

One of the central running gags of the series is the number 23. The number 23, or permutations of the number 23, occur hundreds of times throughout the books. The authors went to great pains to build a satirical religion ("Discordianism") around the "sacred number 23." The authors even pointed to the famous "23 Skiddoo" as proof positive of a secret Illuminati conspiracy to control the cosmos. The authors tried to find 23 references in everything from Star Wars to astronomy, purely as an exercise in lambasting the complete subjectivity of numerology.

I would say that this constitutes the first, really thorough 23-related escapade in American popular culture.
2007-02-12 07:00:43 UTC
I have read about the Mayan calendar and Dec.23/2012 on the It was very interesting now I look forward to see what is really in store for us on that date. You should check out photon belt on the youtube, what this guy Micheal Tsarion says about about 2012 is also interesting and sort of makes me think about what the Baptist says about the Rapture. This Photon belt is supposed to cleanse the planet, which in the bible says one person stays the other leaves.

I have been doing a lot of youtube watching and and I can't believe some of the things that are on there. Type in Mark of the beast pres search then go through the stuff. you can also type in mark of the beast 666. Look at what they say about the verichip.

After watching all these videos,a friend gave me a book called Traveler By John Twelve Hawks. This book is captivating, it's based on science fiction but is in fact things that are happening today.

I suggest every one to read this book, also if the official gets to read this comment, it would make for a great movie.

I consider this book to be just has great as the Lord of the Rings.

Alright I've received 2 negatives and i guess it's because I said the Traveler is as good has Lord of the Ring. I take that back the Lord of the Ring is the best and it really is.

Alright now 3,what's up with that?
2007-02-12 05:02:31 UTC
The only meaning about the number 23 is that it comes after 22 and before 24.
2007-02-12 02:59:36 UTC
the number 23 spirals through space is Earth. The Earth's axis is tilted so that as we circle the sun you can imagine the spiral path of the North pole. Now look at everything in cross-section from the side with the sun horizontal to the Earth [as most people do imagine it for some reason]. The north pole is tilted away from the Sun to the greatest degree on the winter solstice and towards the sun on the Summer solstice [which gives us the changing seasons]. Now measure the angle between the equator and the horizontal plane that the sun gives us and what do you get? The angle is 23.5°.
2007-02-19 13:53:44 UTC
I don't want to get involved in the controversy that may be caused after the release in this movie, but I think it's simply fascinating. I mean, the relationships between completely opposite events and things in the world that people can find are amazing! Looking at all the the ways that the number 23 applies to our lives is really interesting.

Can't wait till the movie comes out.
Captain SBDA
2007-02-15 16:19:58 UTC
Interesting fact that I just discovered...

I’m on a mission to prove that Algebra is evil (I really dislike it) and I found this:

The number next to the letter is its place in the alphabet.

A- 1

L- 12

G- 7

E- 5

B- 2

R- 18

A- 1

Now, if you add these up, it adds to forty-six. Now, if you take 23 and add 2+3 you get five. The fifth letter in Algebra is B, or the number two. If you divide forty-six by two, you get, of course, 23. 2 divided by 3 is .666. (It’s actually .66666666666667) Therefore, Algebra is evil. I win.

Honestly, the whole 23 thing is just coincidences. Sure, they’re cool, and I like to find 23 lurking around every corner, but it’s all just a coincidence.

P.S. Here’s something to add to your 23 enigma: Dr. Pepper has 23 delicious flavors. Best soda in the world, man!
2007-02-12 11:06:04 UTC
Actually there aren't that many people obsessed with the number 23. This is yet another example of a product being whored.

At least get your facts straight...the Mayan Calendar ends on Dec. 20, 2012. You are simply lying by suggesting it is the 23rd.

Since this question has no real value at all besides whoring a product, I have flagged this question for "Spam and Advertisement" and I suggest everyone else do the same. This is a blatant violation of the Terms of Service.

2007-02-12 08:26:58 UTC
I don't understand it either. It is like the number 13 for some people. They would freak out when that number is mentioned. Micheal Jordan had the number 23 on the back of his jersey and no one cared. Today, another basketball star named LeBron James has the number 23 on his jersey and yet no one cares much about that number. I have 666 points on my account and I am answering this question to make it go away. Speaking of 666, more people are afraid of this number than 13 since it is the mark of the antichrist. I think this number 23 business is blown out of proportion. Lastly, I am 23 years old and that doesn't change me one bit.
2007-02-23 19:27:24 UTC
Though, I might say the rest of you're facts are true, well I'm pretty sure they are, there's something that I see a flaw of....

If I may recall, when I was a bit younger, in 1999, they had predicted that all computers would malfunction, and so would other electronic devices, in other words: Chaos, or the Apocalypse.

They said when the clock stroke on December 31, 1999, at 11:59:99, one second later, on 2000, January 1st., they had claimed it would be on the lines of world chaos or something of that sort.

So then there was the market scames of being "Y2K proof", as in that the eletric devices would be the year 2000 proof, but as we can see we are still alive, no? Are there giant volcaneos everywhere? Is the sky painted red of crimson? No?

Then there's my proof, nothing happened. :)
2007-02-19 23:29:22 UTC
In my view the 23 Enigma is nothing. It is a random occurrence. The mark of the devil is 666. Not 0.666666667. I'm sure if people looked more deeply into numbers then they would find something close to that. 777/666 = 1.16666667. It's a major coincidence. Have you ever read the "proof" Tupac is not dead?

Read it, although it does not completely relate to this subject, but it has the basics. It's nothing more then a random coincidence.
2007-02-19 22:39:05 UTC
Do the Mayans believe that the world will end on Dec 23, 2012? If we only have 5 more years to live, the last thing we should do is watch this movie.
2007-02-19 22:09:54 UTC
Before I heard of this movie and saw this question, the only number 23 that was mystical was and is the great Michael Jordan. If you seen him play then you truly saw magic. The rest of this number 23 stuff is nothing but made up folk-lure just to hype what I'm sure will be a dumb movie. Can anyone one say "Blair Witch Project"?
2007-02-15 15:40:00 UTC
I only know one person from my past who had a "thing" with the number 23. He was good at reading tarot cards. I don't think that : So many people are obsessed with it. I cannot discount the fact that you can reduce everything to different numbers- the universe is very mathimatical. I also believe that numbers vibrate to its own energy and that different numbers have their own influence for individuals. I have a "thing with 11:11. Everywhere I go since I was 15-I would run into that number and would see it all the time! Still do. Each individual has its own purpose or reason for relating to different things. Our universe is so interconnected -it does matter how you think and what you use your talents for. Its up to you to do good or bad. And its is all how you look at things too.
2007-02-15 12:56:42 UTC
the enigma 23 is a huge cypher of numbers into an infinite code-some people think that there is a mystical aura around it and its associated with everything that happes in life, death and the universe other people think its just a odd coincendence and other think its just a hype for a movie and the media created it to make money it could be real, it might not we'll never know especialy if the world ends on december 13, 2012 then we wont be able to know because then were fuc]{ed
Jody Lynn
2007-02-15 11:20:01 UTC
I never hurd anything strange about the number 23 until this movie was being advertised. I think it is a bunch of hype to get the movie better ratings. Last I knew jim carry was into oneness. Not obsessed with the number 23.
2007-02-15 09:44:01 UTC
Just like our September 11th 2001 attack.

9+11+2+0+0+1= 23
2007-02-15 08:08:54 UTC
If you look at ANY number you can find coincidences with a ton of things. 23 is just the number that is in a movie so it is being hyped up. And by the way, the Mayans didn't think the world would end on Dec 23rd, 2012. It is the end of the fifth cycle of their calander and actually it is on Dec 21st, 2012.
2007-02-15 01:46:44 UTC
2007-02-13 19:36:00 UTC
I thought this was kind of interesting....

think about this,



12+3=15 and 1+5=6

1+23=24 and 2+4=6

its a triple 6. *makes dumb ghost noises*

6 isnt even evil. Neither is triple six.

The fact that people are buying into the whole triple six nonsense is a mystery in itself.

If anyone really wants to discuss numbers, you cant use biblical references that arent proven.

My proof is math, and I just want to figure out why things like my example work.

It facinates me.

So if anyone wants to talk numbers and patterns in a non-biblical fashion, I up to it.
2007-02-13 18:37:45 UTC
23 is just a number, however, humans magnify it by a whole lot more that neccasary. The fact that coincidences occur, causes people to think it is not more than a number. However, 23 is just a coincidence in reality. Similar to the number 13, associated with bad luck, and 7 with good luck, it is the obsession of the supernatural that drives people to think 23 is more than a number.
2007-02-13 18:20:33 UTC
The only people obssessed with the number 23 are the poor saps who made a movie by that name and are desperately trying to promote that movie, now. To the rest of the sane world, 23 comes after 22 and before 24 and doesn't hold a candle to 40.
2007-02-12 11:35:04 UTC
As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.
2007-02-12 06:30:17 UTC

Personally I'm not obsessed with the number and I think it's just a regular number like any other. To me, the 23 is the enigma found between number 22 and 24.
2007-02-12 00:09:25 UTC
Look at a number. Any number. Let's say...37. I'm sure that there are ten thousand ways to connect 37 to pretty much anything.

Also, 2 DIVIDED BY 3 IS NOT .666!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 divided by 3 is .66666666666666666666666666666 etc, etc

2 divided by 3 is an infinitely repeating decimal. It an endless number of 6's. And as for what the Mayans believe, some people thought the world would end in the year 2000.

For the love of God, stop asking about the number 23. All you're doing is making people waste their lives by believing there's some sort of power behind the number. And you're making me hate you and your movie.
2007-02-15 18:18:19 UTC
I used to be 23 once does that count for anything. And 23 backwards is 32 and I was 32 once also. And I know I have caught 23 fish before. I also have 23 pairs of socks and if you count all of the socks I only have one of I have 32 Pairs...Boy this really is creepy. This is really more profound than I had originally thought, the more I try the more I find 23 everywhere.
mcnatt c
2007-02-12 22:03:51 UTC
All of the things mentioned above do calculate into the number 23 ..23 .666 it is scarry if you dwell on it and try to make sence of it.And it is really scary when you have a number put upon you for life that has three 6's in it 666.It is something to think about it!!!!!Thanks to questions for reminding me of the revolutions that man have made of these numbers through out the centuries.LOL.Never dwell on this stuff or it could drive one crazy!!!!!!
Da Mick
2007-02-12 16:21:21 UTC
Hey, maybe we can get Michael Jordan involved (23) and there's also Reggie Miller (32) IF you reverse the numbers. And man, I bet Doctor Pepper is selling through the roof! (23!) Oh, there's a strange coincidence, I WAS 23!!

Seriously though, yes some numbers hold universal mysteries. (I explained the number 7 before...) Besides it's nice to see Jim Cary expand a little bit in his acting career. (Hell, I loved "The Truman Show")
2007-02-12 08:37:13 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

Why are so many people obsessed with it?

I don't agree with the statement "so many people are obsessed with it". In fact, this is the first I have heard of it.

Unless you live in a cave, you know that this supposed "obsession" is something that is being generated by a media campaign to sell tickets to a movie, and part of that mass media push is the concept that "new trends in hollywood sell billions". This is a lie.

It's great when media and promotion companies can sell a movie, entertain the general public, present us with a film that is not only entertaining, but uplifting, educational, and has soul, but it's a frightening thing when a media and promotion company can push beliefs on the general public, pull the wool over their eyes for a few months, enforcing a lifestyle on people all in the name of making more money for themselves. This is the line I don't think they should cross.

I understand what is behind the hollywood machine, and if the rest of America does not, then they are fools.

Here is an idea Hollywood, make a movie about yourself. Make a movie that exposes the mass media marketing conglomerate fat cat greedy yuppie criminals for what they truly are. Liars and manipulators who brainwash unsuspecting people into believing lies, and then after they have taken their hard earned dollar, it's on to the next "trend". These executives are nothing more than inflated salespeople whose sole responsibility is lying to get money.

While you're at it, include in that movie the life story of every actor, comedian and entertainer that has wanted to be involved in Hollywood that has been ruined, killed, excommunicated, and psychologically damaged as a result of the Hollywood machine, and have George Carlin direct it!

I think that would be a better movie than some swill about numerology made by a jerk off, no talent, overactor whose only claim to fame is putting a microphone up to his butt and pretending he can talk through it.
2007-02-15 12:50:52 UTC
A) The "23 Enigma" is a promotinal stunt for a crappy movie.

B) Who is obsessed with it? Just cause some things are linked to the number, and Jim Carrey is reportedly obsesssed with the number, although it is funny that we didn't hear about that before the movie started promoting itself, doesn't mean there are large groups of people out there obsessed with it.
2007-02-14 15:07:57 UTC
Before I thought I know. After seeing the trailer in YOU-TUBE I don't now and I had more goose bumps than ever in my life with just the darn trailer, how is that possible. I thought 23 being considered a bad number like 666 or 13 was superstition, but it connects more that thoughts number to many things it more mystical more mysterious and scary and it relates to 666 and 13.
2007-02-14 04:31:09 UTC
The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.
john d
2007-02-14 01:23:28 UTC
Never heard of this number theory. 23 IS SAID TO REPRESENT GOD'S JUDGEMENT IN THE BIBLE. This theory is probably made up, but the Lord's judgement is going to happen as sure as we are we going to die. TAKE HEED NOW! Look around... churches are corrupt, the world is more corrupt, and things fly now that even twenty years ago were unheard of. Morality is running out like time. There is no need to scare anyone into joining or buying anything. Judgement will happen and it's God's will that we obey His law perfectly. I'm not a crackpot. Look around you and if you honestly feel something is wrong in the world, you need to open the Bible and start from there. Believers and agnostics, take another look before you reject the good book again. I'm concerned, not crazy.
2007-02-13 15:21:17 UTC
Adam and Eve had 23 children? Wow, I need to study the bible more.

And Jim Carrey was obssesed about the number, yeah, I bet he was talking about it since he was 23 years old

The Mayans believe the world will end...didn t the wolrd end already for the Mayans?

Enough time spent
2007-02-12 17:13:01 UTC
Nobody's obsessed with the number 23. This is the first I've ever heard of it. Just because the marketing people for this movie say it is true, doesn't make it so.

I've never met anyone who even knew there was such a thing as a 23 engima. Never seen one TV show nor heard 1 talk radio program that ever mentioned such a thing. And I've seen shows like Unsolved Mysteries and Sightings and Coast to Coast AM, never has the 23 enigma been even mentioned.
2007-02-12 15:05:45 UTC
Who knows if the significance of the number 23 has true meaning or if it is all hype, but how can somebody say that the number 666 has no significance to it either? I'm not trying to shove religion down anyone's throat but that is the mark of the beast, or, in lamen's terms, the devil.

When you think about it though, any number can have a big significance in someone's life. It seems like it may be all relative and general like horoscopes =]
2007-02-12 12:45:44 UTC
U CHOOOSE 2 bliv who u want to the world was suposabably goin to end las year 6/6/06 and a scary movie came out that day about the devil and 23 repreenting 666 is feb 23 and the movie is comin out da 23
2007-02-12 11:00:44 UTC
I think someone got that really wrong I think it is the preoccupation of the evil one is sex sex sex and someone had bad hearing.

Well car insurance companies give men breaks at about that age and also if they get married so it must be related to their becoming more responsible such that they are less of an insurance risk so I am also guessing it is related to a 2 person relationship such as a marriage turning into a 3 person relationship with having a child.

Maybe because when they were a young child they went beyond the world being all about one to two to three people same for maturation they are no longer into me in a relationship and go into an us then we relationship type view of life.

Less selfishly motivated and more relationship/world focused?

Other than that maybe the numbers look good on a mural or if you go fishing it is better to catch 3 fish than 2 or 23

The numbers look good together and we are attracted to curved figures especially men.
2007-02-12 03:55:46 UTC
Well, the 23 enigma seems to have originated with Robert Anton Wilson, since he mentions it in his novel/triology Illuminatus (he also provides a solution to the enigma in that novel, for those who read it properly).

In discordian catma (a bit like dogma, but much more flexible), the number 5 is associated with Eris, she that done it all, and so 23 is revered, since 2+3=5.

For some more 23 connections, you can check these guys:
2014-06-01 04:16:40 UTC
The number that is everything is the number 42, as it is the answer to life, the universe and everything. 23 what a joke way to try and make something of the number though, its kind of pathetic just like the movie. Dark curse of the number whatever, tell you what the number 3 or 7 has more dark stuff attached to it than the number 23.
2015-04-20 21:29:43 UTC
You say Alexander the Great cut the Gordion Knot at age 23. He did it with a sword. He could just as well have cut it when he was 22, or 16, or 10 or any other age - so no big deal there about 23.
2007-02-23 10:30:14 UTC
Shut up! I am getting so annoyed by you asking about the number 23! Its a number! It comes before 24 and after 22. Some people are 23 years old. There is the number 23 in every month of the year. All these years have gone by; 1023,1123,1323,1423,1523,1623,1723,1823, and 1923. 2023 will go by soon! Yep! Yeah! Interesting huh?! Yeah! Bye! And stop your advertisements, they are really annoying! Thanks!
<3 Kaitlyn*
2007-02-20 10:21:36 UTC
i agree with some others on here. yea, when u read about all the things relating to 23, it seems amazing. but, in reality, if u pick any number and research it u are going to find links to it everywhere! just picking names of presidents that have 23 letters in it or whatever isn't very scientific. all anyone is doing is taking the number and searching anywhere they can to find something that matches up with it. it's all hype and i don't see why the world would end on dec 23, 2012.. why not feb 3 2323?? haha..
2007-02-13 07:30:56 UTC
Sounds like this question is just to promote the movie. I've never heard of people being 'obsessed' with the number 23, 52 or 35 for that matter. Just a way to get $$ for a movie.
2007-02-13 05:06:01 UTC
A man's life unravels after he comes into contact with an obscure book titled The Number 23. As he reads the book, he becomes increasingly convinced that it is based on his own life. His obsession with the number 23 starts to consume him, and he begins to realize the book forecasts far graver consequences for his life than he could have ever imagined.

i was also told that if u sit down and work it out 23 also becomes 666
2007-02-12 15:13:49 UTC
23 is a prime number.

[Here's a nerdy joke!

Q. Why is 2 an odd number?


A. Because it's the only even prime!



uh...2/3 is not ".666". Sorry, but it's not. It's either "point six repeating" (.6666666........) or .667

You wrote, "The Mayans believe the world will end on December 23, 2012."

...what about Dec. 12, 2012? I don't believe the world will end then, but that's the date I've heard.

Well...have a great day!
Ice Queen
2007-02-12 08:48:05 UTC
It's a load of crap. It's just coincidence, nothing more. The reason why it seems mysterious is because someone made a fuss over it and wrote a book. How about the number 3? Or 15? Who says Adam and Eve had 23 kids anyway, the bible only actually mentions 3. It sounds like someone just making stuff up to make a case for an idea (I shudder to even call it a theory) that someone thought of one night when they couldn’t sleep and had nothing better to do.

If you look for something hard enough, you’ll start finding it everywhere.
2007-02-12 07:45:10 UTC
All the best movies have a 23 somewhere in it. I've been checking this out for 20 years, and it is true. Not necessarily integral to the plot, just stuck in there: apartment number, bus number, somebody's age, even once 23 birds flying over a scene. This was presented in the Secrets of the Illuminati. No coherent explanation offered, just a whole lot of maybe this, maybe that.
2007-02-12 02:52:39 UTC
George W bush was born on July 6th 1946, 761946, 7 plus 6 minus 1 plus 9 minus 4 plus 6 equals 23
2007-02-15 11:46:54 UTC
For me it's the number 13. It smacks me in the face daily.

My wife and I tried for years to have a child and after 13 years of marriage, she finally became pregnant. My child was born on Friday October 13th 2006. My Grandmother died on July 13 1984. Our home we purchased was finalized with the specific price of $113, 590 after closing costs and title. My favorite NBA player Nash wears number 13. And there are smaller instances everyday that happen. Like looking at the clock and it happens to be 10:13 when you look. Or you go to the store and buy something and your change is 13 cents or 13 dollars. It happens all the time, not just once and a while.

So while some may find it just a coincidence or reading to much into something, unless you experience it constantlt and repeatedly you just don't know how it is.

What does it all mean, I don't know but it has been happening to me for almost 20 years.
2007-02-13 18:30:48 UTC
is 23 related to the symbol Y2K?

oh yeah wow 9/11/2001 adds up to 23, but it also adds up to 5

is this a movie or a tv show? i'm not interested already and will be keeping my money thank you.

sounds to me like 666 which i never even heard of until 25 years ago and still don't care about. magicians don't understand decimal notation so 0.667 is probably not something to get worried about. of course 3/2 is 1.5 and thats a pretty dangerous number too

what about the numbers in lost?

who gives a toot about mr carrey anyway? who he?

did adam and eve really exist and who said they had 23 kids?

what about pinch-me? we he/she one of their lot? who did cain and abel marry?

the mayans may have believed that world will end on 23 december 2012 but the jehovahs witnesses have believed the world was to end on at least four dates before now and have been wrong all the time. they were not the only ones to get it wrong.

what happened on the night of 31 december 1999? nothing.

bleagh. carrey's last decent movie was the mask. after that, nothing worth watching
2007-02-12 13:33:38 UTC
The funny part is that this number is only on base 10. Lets work on base 5, 12, or 20, and if the same patterns arise, I'll start giving it some more thought.

In the mean time, always nice to see all of us talking about this new hit movie coming out and giving it some more publicity. Yay for band wagons!
2007-02-20 07:05:01 UTC
What is the 23 enigma? Who cares?

Why are people obsessed with it? They're not.

This is a sponsored question and a pretty embarrassing attempt at marketing a film starring a guy who hasn't had a hit movie in years.

The studio folks are clearly pissing their pants with fear that this film is gonna tank real bad if they're trying to drum up interest by turning to Yahoo Answers for promotion.

In fact, this whole lame-*** promotional effort has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I will now avoid this movie like the plague.

Good work, losers.

2007-02-19 05:00:43 UTC
Interesting facts! You're really smart! Jim Carrey is one of my favorite actors, but sadly, the number 23 has never puzzled me until I saw that poster of "The Number 23". Freaky, but cool. Hope we're still around by 2012!
2007-02-16 02:01:52 UTC
this is just ridiculous how people are trying to make something out of this number,so because adam and eve had 23 kids and the rest story does attcahed to anything,not even talking of evil numbers like 3,7,9,11,22,6 i mean they are more evil-related numbers than 23 but um nobody really knows for sure because there is no proof of what we are saying left to me i dont even believe any number is evil,is just that our mind wants to evovle everything and trace it to something ,just like after the world trade center blast,people started making pictures of it with a 20-dollar bill in a folded way,thats a good example of what am saying so come to think of it is just our mindset,i know when most people read that he mayans believe the world will end in 2012 many will be scared,plus the devil at work too will make it scarier just believe in yourself,the bible is one of the oldest book in the world i seen where is said we should be careful of number 23?
2007-02-15 13:31:12 UTC
Apparently, many "Evil" or "Spooky' things are connected with the number 23. Many superstitious people find this, well, spooky, or evil, and therefore obsess about it. Personally, I find nothing interesting about it and ignore the fact that 2/3 is .666. In fact, 2/3 is not .666. It is point (insert infinite 6's here).
2007-02-15 06:25:30 UTC
i understand your intrest, i was wondering the same thing when i saw previews for jim carrey's movie.. but some of the things you listed are false. first, adam and eve and myths, therefore they did not have 23 children. (this may offend some people but i am a catholic, attending a catholic school and we are studing the bible and it was a myth made up in the time period before the exlie.) also 2/3 is not .666, it is .7, .67, .667, .6667, ect. becasue it is repeating and you round, it would never be .666.
chRisto R
2007-02-15 04:12:05 UTC
Numbers have certain vibrations to them. 23 is no different. There are attractive (opposite of repelling) factors when that number appears frequently, which makes it more visible to a person.

It's kind of like when a person gets a magnet... they look all around for metal which their magnet will be attracted to. Everyday things around them now look a little bit different, because the magnet they hold seeks something specific (metal).

I'm _not_ saying that a person is deliberately seeking to encounter this number, but the energies of the number are aligned with that person's path, and they are merged much more frequently. Partially because they are aware of that number appearing often, as well as there is a purpose for that number to be appearing at that time and place.

Coincidence it is not. It is alignment and attunement. For me the number is 11:11
2007-02-15 02:39:07 UTC
23 Enigma, or 13 episode or the worse 8 fear, are all man made,

Be it in India, or in any country, the occult can tell what happened in the past,by reading the mindof the person sitting aginst him, Can any one tell what will happen to him.

I have seen a lot writing what will feautre in the next days paper, by writing it and asking the person to keep sceret until the next day. But any body allowed some one, what he had writen, all are allowed only on the next day to see, because, He let the mind read what he thinks, Mind reading and mind messaging is an art, a science not anything connected with super natural
2007-02-14 09:57:13 UTC
As far as the number 23 goes, I've always liked it for one main reason: It's my birthdate (2-23, which also means I'll probably see the movie that night just for giggles) I think you can take just about any number and find a signiciance it it. Hmmm....02-23-1979, 2+2+3+1+9+7+9= 33, oops, that's two 3' must be a sign! lol. I'll have to check my social and drivers liscense :D
2007-02-14 06:38:56 UTC
I've heard only a bit about this number before the movie trailers, but was aware of the apparent significance, though, as one answerer mentioned (if not others I did not read) 2/3 actually equals .667. I knew about that odd and oft-overlooked fact long ago.

There are two trains of thought running in my mind on this matter:

1. Numerology seems to hold some odd significance in our lives. (Try for help in that area). All numbers hold value in some way. Why they are sometimes deemed to mean evil things, though, is unknown.

2. Numbers are what you make of them, as is "fate." You can see the truth and counteract the bad, if you want. Never assume that you cannot change your "destiny."
2007-02-14 02:20:56 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.
2007-02-14 00:24:08 UTC
Stop makin conspiracy theories once movies come out. Its a damn movie. Thats my theory. When 'Signs' was released every one was all about crop circles. Now it '23' . Big whoop. Everything that relates to the # 23 is a coincidence. Nothing else. No plots for the end of the world.....And second, its Jim Carrey!!! Was there ever a good movie he was in that wasnt a comedy??? Nuff said.
2007-02-13 07:33:13 UTC
It's just a number that pops up a lot. The movie is completely fiction and nothing to do with the real book based on the number other than just mentioning it. It's all self-fulfilling prophecy. It's just a number.

and the Mayans predicted the end of the world on December 21st, not 23rd.
2007-02-12 15:15:26 UTC
Here are a few of the things that I have found out about the number 23:

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The pattern of DNA shows irregular connections at every 23rd section.

Humans have 23 vertebra running down the main part of their spines.

Blood circulates the body on average every 23 seconds.

The average head of human hair can support 23 tons of weight.

Measure the circumference of your head in inches and see what you get!

The golden section, an ancient progression of whole numbers represented by the series 2,3,5,8 etc. is repeated again and again in Nature.

Biological symmetry also mirrors the importance of the number five [i.e. five main bits spread out like a starfish, arms, legs, head etc., then five fingers, etc.].

Five (2+3), is an immensely significant number in all ancient and some modern rites and rituals. Take the pentagram and modern [post-Crowley and Chaos] magick.

The male and female sexual cycles run on different scales. Male cycle: 23 days. Female cycle 28 days [lunar month]. You blokes out there may not know about your sexual cycle but if you were a Tantrist doing your sex magic on a regular basis then you would!

The I-Ching, practised by Taoist scholars since one thousand BC, uses coins (of which tails value 2 and heads value 3) to create a process of divination that views past, future and present as a whole. Central to the philosophy is the realisation that current reflection and meditation will effect the course of events. The I-Ching provides no set predictions but shows a possible course on one fractal arm of the future.The 23rd hexagram of the I-Ching signifies Chaos, Disintegration. It's a timely reminder that if you create order and take it too far you set the store for it to implode and wipe out what you have been working for, sound familiar? Thus 23 has a strong theme of rejection of modern materialistic values.

The 23rd crops up around all of the Solstice and Equinox dates, again creating a stronger link between us humans and the Universal forces of nature that act upon us. You can reject and ignore these forces as much as you want but the seasons still affect you more than you can possibly imagine.

The Solstices mark the coming and going of the seasons and form a strong link to our ancestors. For them of course these times were of tremendous cosmic and spiritual significance [is there any need to mention Stonehenge?].

December 23, 2012 is the day the classic Mayans said the world would end.

The human biorhythm cycle is 23 days long.

The Harmonic Convergence occurs every 23,000 years.

Geosynchronous orbit occurs at 23,000 miles above Earth's surface.

an egg, the single unit of potential life contains 23 chromosomes.

The periodic table of elements, the fabric of the universe contains 92 chemical naturally occurring elements [4x23].
2007-02-12 13:28:46 UTC
I think many people are obsessed with the number 23 because, like 666, it is scary. People fear paranormal things. But I hope the world doesn't end on December 23, 2012, that is soon!! but it looks like a good movie.
2007-02-12 13:07:29 UTC
It seems like the same thing with number 11 and 9/11. I honestly just think it's a strange coincidence...

It's kinda crazy though that he was obsessed with the number 23 before he got the role for the movie
Live Forever
2007-02-12 10:26:05 UTC
People buy into anything like this. You could come up with this crap using any kind of number. It just happens that 23 is the one that got popular. I am not superstitious at all and have never had any reason to be scared/obsessed about it, even though I was born on Friday the 13th. (Nov 1981). So just forget about it and maybe it will go away.
2007-02-12 05:11:35 UTC
The 23 Enigma is a belief that the number 23 is of particular or unusual significance.
2007-02-25 00:23:51 UTC
My obsession is not that of the number 23, but of the number 13. After going to see the movie, "The Number 23" I went crazy, adding everything up. Everything is 13. All I can see is 13. Everytime I look at the clock, --:13. Everyday I constantly see 13. What is wrong with me? Why cant the obsession go away? Please, help me!
2007-02-13 19:35:38 UTC
I think it's all a load of boll*cks!!!

I, and i bet others here, had only ever realised all this about the number 23 when they saw the advert for the film. Up until then, i never batted an eyelid at it!! Never even though about a number having a power. If it really did have a power then surely it would use it to make everyone know about the 23 enigma! and not let us learn about it from what other people think!!!

So what if 2/3 = .666 and 666 is the devil's number. 666 is only the devil's number because that's what someone made it up to be!

Just the same as god made the word "and" mean something "and" something! He could've chosen "refginha" to mean and, "me refghina my mates drink beer"

Supersticion in general is boll*cks! People say friday the 13th is bad! If it bad and unlucky/cursed whatever, then why aren't people sh1t scared of thursday the 12th!???

2016-12-12 14:06:43 UTC
The Number 23 Conspiracy
2007-02-19 21:21:04 UTC
23 is just a smokescreen, the real number is 42 which is as stated by The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. people who believe in the 23 enigma are the same people who believe in the easter bunny and still sleep in underoos.
2007-02-17 00:14:57 UTC
almost everything can break down to evil number 23. I say evil because if you divide 2 by 3 you get the answer .666,AkA,sign of the devil.Like for example you get 23 chromosomes from dad and 23 from mom.Almost evreything can break down to 23,which is scary.That's why people are obsessed.
2007-02-15 18:49:10 UTC
23 follows 22 and comes before 24. People fall for anything and everything apparently. Suddenly people are picking a number and assigning superstition to it. And because famous people are doing it, so the sheep follow suit. This generation would be right at home claiming the earth was flat if everyone said it was.
Alex H
2007-02-15 16:00:59 UTC
Listen to this...

9/11 2001


2007-02-15 15:22:26 UTC
My opinion is the number 23 is just a number it can be obsessed to some people and there's really nothing wrong with it. My sisters birthday is on January 23rd she's not evil or posses. It's just a number it should be given good luck to some and if some people want to be obsessed with it then let them. I don't really know why people are obsessed with this number it is really each to there own really what this number means to them. If some people think it's a curse let them if some think it's good luck let them. Really it's really to each and everyone what they think it really means. No one really knows do you. Just a number 23.
2007-02-15 11:20:58 UTC
11:11 is a much more spiritual number and often considered spiritual by many.

I personally have seen 11:11 in numerous places, often too many times in 1 day to be. And it is not subconscious vision because for instance, I have looked at my watch or pulled my Ipod out and seen 11:11 as the time, as well as 11:11 in other forms (such as the timing of a song, currency as 11:11 (very strange), etc.)

Most people I talk to consider it spiritual. I think it is more significant than 23
2007-02-14 10:40:58 UTC
I think 23 is an interesting number.

Its a prime number

2 + 3 is a prime number 5

23 Michael Jordans Number (not sure what this has to do with anything)


23 pairs of chromosomes

The earth spins on a 23 degree axis...

my birthday...
2007-02-14 05:00:59 UTC
i don't know what the 23 enigma is but people are probably fasinated with it because they think it has either great signifagance to them or because they like history and a lot of things revolve around the number 23. but don't don't forget we have thousands of years of history for humans on this planet and millions of years for other things so many other numbers are used millions of times but you just don't hear about the other numbers much because some people don't really care about numbers much but like u said their are quite a few people obsessed with 23 no ones obsessed with any other number.(well except 666)
Critical Mass
2007-02-13 21:28:01 UTC
oh my god, this extremely insightful and thought-provoking "question" will surely pique my interest in the new movie The Number 23. it clearly will be the best movie of all time. i'm so glad i saw this "question", and i'm also relieved that Yahoo thought it was important enough to put on the front page! how else could everyone learn about what will surely be the most important film ever made?

oh wait, it's probably going to be another movie that looks interesting in the previews but then turns out to be infinitely disappointing. also, Yahoo should be ashamed of such an obvious plug for a movie. shouldn't this forum be a place where people can actually ask questions and interact, rather than yet another outlet for advertisers to shove their crap down our throats?
2007-02-13 07:18:14 UTC
This just shows you that people will believe anything the media tells them. It's all hollywood hype. Remember scientology? It came on the scene a few years ago and people started believing it, even though it had been around for years. Now that hollywood and the media isn't talking about it as much, people need another piece of BS to believe in. With all this 23 hype, and the hype on Anna Nichole Smith, it won't surprise me if they find a way to connect the two. Just watch.
2007-02-12 22:22:26 UTC
That's all crap that 23 is like unlucky and dark. No one knew anything about 23 supposedly being cursed before this movie. I happen to think it's lucky and stuff since I mean MJ wore it in basketball and look how good he did. So the people who say 23 is dark are kinda saying that MJ was evil and stuff. Well that's it and I'm out.
2007-02-12 19:07:13 UTC
Numbers are of no importance, no one number is special, none of them hold the answer to anything, just as times are not special. Our brain is evolved to a level high enough to find correlations between tons of things, which can make us rather paranoid at times.

The truth is that the number 23 is not puzzling, it isn't special or mystical, and this question in itself is all over promoting a movie, which is utterly pathetic. Come on Yahoo, you guys can do better than this, featuring questions whose sole purpose is to advertise is an all time low for Yahoo. I'm disappointed.
2007-02-12 09:20:53 UTC
Oh for gods sake , to what extent do people actually beleive that crap , there's nothing engimatic about the number 23; hell , there's nothing wrong with any number. Each and every number is simple a unit of the mathematical order of things so why don't you give us a break and stop wasting our time with rather sensless than superstitous questions. Good luck with the money sucking propaganda , I'm sure you're pretty good at that

No hard feelings.
2007-02-12 02:10:23 UTC
The twenty-three enigma?

That took twenty-three spaces to write... spooky...

2 and 3 are the 4th and 5th numbers in Fibonacci's series of numbers:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,

610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711

When it is calculated out to the twenty third value you notice that there are 2 7's and 3 1's?

ooh even spookier...

Musicians sometimes start their song's with an unannounced 1st count followed by, 2 3 and...

I'm getting goose bumps...

I was 23 when I moved in with my girlfriend who later became my wife then my ex-wife and now it's been a total of 23 years that I have known her.

Now that's a scary thought...

Come on there are always coincidences and eerie relationships if we look hard enough.

Everywhere you look something can be made suspect, although in the example using Barney and proving he is Satan... Yup, I knew that was true...

Anagram ed: In-Game Game-In

It's just silly...
David H
2007-02-11 23:45:16 UTC
23's a pretty small number, of course some things are gonna happen that make 23. That's all there is to it, tell me something like "the number 506 has showed up in history 100 times!" and it'll be a little easier to believe it's mystical.
2007-02-11 22:45:37 UTC
"Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything."

As you can see, 23 is no more special than any other number.
2007-02-24 07:50:30 UTC
~ 23 multiplied by 32(23 reversed) equals 736~ 7 is the number of god, 3 is the number of sixes in the devil's number, and 6 of course is part of the devil's number.

I find the number 23 extremely interesting as i have just converted from agnostic to protestant so things like this entertain me very much

p.s. notice that the 23 word in my answer is devil's. that wasnt premeditated either!
2007-02-19 23:12:53 UTC
There was a guy from Spokane, WA who legally changed his name to "Love 22". He liked to stand on street corners and hand out "22-dollar bills". He just loved that number. And I always thought he was one-off. What were the chances?

BTW, it's 21 December, 2012, NOT 23 December. Some people just have to bend things a bit.
2007-02-15 14:00:19 UTC
Ok, 2 divided by 3 is not .666. You never end a number like that when its .666666666666666666666666667. You end the number .667 to show that it continues on or.666 with that bar above the last six to show it goes on. Saying the answer is .666 exactly is wrong.
2007-02-15 10:51:46 UTC
Looks like the De Vince Code really started something....why not get ont he band wagon and get what you can when you can.

Its interesting however, and even somewhat thought provoking, maybe the 23 was just the way of ancients leaving us a clue that would help build a better society. That simple.

I have however heard that all is over in 2012. Even that though is usless information. For once we are dead, nothing really matters on this plain of existence.........does it?
2007-02-12 21:19:38 UTC
Well i was thinking about it. I looked at a box that has the number 543 on it. 5x4=20+3=23. And i went up stairs and it was 5:43pm weird. I think every number revolves around the number 23 if you if a way.
2007-02-12 19:38:41 UTC
It's similar to all the foolish hype that went into the DaVinci Code. It's all about making money, not about reality. Wake up and know the truth! People spend so much of their time wasted on this junk, they should be reading the Bible to find out what is really coming down the pike. Try Revelation sometime, now that would make a great movie!
2007-02-12 14:21:21 UTC
Actually, the occurrence of 23 is real, well as real as human nature.

It is our nature to notice patterns. That is how humans survived and evolved.

There are gurus that find patterns in everything from the stock market to global warming, none of which mean anything or have any power, save what we give them.

Take a look at DaVinci Code. That had so many historical and physical fictions in it, yet out of their ignorance, many people not knowing better believe it to be true.

Enjoy the film for the thriller it is. If you try to read more into the myth than is there, enjoy the reality of your highly developed brain.
2007-02-12 13:20:44 UTC
Well actually Adam and Eve were rumored to have 7 children (in the Dead Sea Scrolls). And the mayans ended their calender on the 21st of december in 2012 (they never specified if the world would end or if the 5th age would begin).
David S
2007-02-12 12:48:05 UTC
The number 23 or '23 Enigma' is only significant for those who study or have any interest in Numerology. Just like triskaidekaphobia or the fear of the number 13.
Tabulah Erassa
2007-02-12 11:53:56 UTC
46 chromosomes are a combination of 2 23s coming together. Some people believe in the number, cool. Um, yeah. Significant, I guess.
2007-02-12 09:48:34 UTC
"The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter."

Also the 23 Enigma might just be a case of apophenia. "Apophenia is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the "unmotivated seeing of connections" accompanied by a "specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness"."
2007-02-12 06:02:22 UTC
I emailed a friend about the 23 enigma and listed a bunch of examples. I asked him whether it was a coincidence.

He sent me a short email back, scoffing at the idea. His email contained exactly 32 characters and spaces in the response. The opposite of scoffing is praise, and the opposite of 32 is 23.

Both add up to 5.
2007-02-25 05:30:43 UTC
Im also obsess with the number 23.
2007-02-21 09:51:23 UTC
I wonder what the Mayans will have to say if the world doesn't end on December 23, 2012.
2007-02-15 19:06:04 UTC
i dont think the 2/3 thing has any significance because that only works out in base 10 which is only coincidence that we use, the 2+3=5 thing is just stupid, and the Mayans were stupid too, and Adam and Eve didn't exist, and Alexander was a fag

oh and the 2+3 thing is stupid because it only works when 23 is represented in base 10, which i said earlier is just coincidence that we use
2007-02-15 00:09:23 UTC
23 that's stupid the number 23 has no significance in life only the no.13 is mysterious Friday 13 its says bad luck always follow that number like when your driving in good Friday or Friday the 13 you might end up dead like a car-crash or being hit by a truck okay .so 23 is just an ordinary number anyway i used 23 in the last digit when i am buying a lottery ticket or even horse racing guess what i always lose okay thanks.
2007-02-13 03:51:00 UTC
23 is a prime number. i never heard of that till now.

coincident i don't know. how about this

i was borne 11-26-56- at 6:13 my moms room number 313. i was her 3 child. 2 had died at birth before me.

I was born during a leap year;which comes every 7 years.

I am one of the most blessed and people on the planet. i am extremely blessed. these are my numbers.

I am extremely blessed. I am a christian. I don't believe in superstition. I believe that God blesses me.!

I am always winning stuff.

wild! it is interesting.

Diff rent numbers have significance for diff rent people.

But all Good things and fortune comes from God!
need help
2007-02-12 14:30:30 UTC
"others reveal the dark curse of it (2/3 is .666, the Mayans believe the world will end on December 23, 2012)." IS THIS SOMETHING LIKE WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT 6/06/06????


is there any one who know really what this movie is about???
Fred L
2007-02-12 14:23:30 UTC
Personally, I like it because it's a prime number. In fact all the prime numbers seem to fascinate me (although they rarely hit at the roulette table). 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31 -- that's what i play at the roulette table. oh yea 0 & 00 -- but those aren't numbers!

So what's the big deal about 23? Why not 19? 19 is much sexier than 23, 17 is illegal though.
Not so Fast
2007-02-12 12:04:29 UTC
The Mayans believe
2007-02-12 01:34:10 UTC
There is no significance with the number 23. You can pick apart anything and have it add up to a lot of different results. 23 just gets notoriety so everyone wants to aim for it.

Example American Airlines flight 77 and 11 are fatal flights on 9/11.

7 + 7 + 10 - 1 = 23. Notice that I used the tens digit of the 2nd flight as the number 10. I just made this up to satisfy my purpose.
2007-02-19 21:23:33 UTC
I saw the number 27 as another interesting number, and I don't recall where I originally saw it, but its cube root was three, which was a primary number. The numbers 2 and 7 were also primary numbers. 27 is a multiple of nine, and as are several other multiples of nine, 2+7 = 9.

But I would imagine that we can find something mystical about almost any number.
2007-02-15 15:27:37 UTC
Oh, I just love Jim Carrey. I am curious, how do you know how he feels about this number 23? Sounds like numerology to me. So what! The Bible is full of hidden codes and numbered coded relations. I don't know much about the number 23 or the movie yet...but I will go and see it. Sounds fascinating!!!
2007-02-14 06:31:13 UTC
23 is prime, any odd number appears in the form 2n+1

consider n=23 then the resulting odd number is 2.23 + 1 = 47 which is also prime and a whole lot more.

It is a factorial prime 4! -1 = 23

incidentally the first two factorial primes(and primes in the general sense) are 2 and 3.
2007-02-14 06:18:03 UTC
I agree with others who have said its mainly hype -- but from an older source other than Jim Carrey's movie. It's the number of flavors in Dr Pepper. The hype from the soft drink (invented in a small town in SW Virginia) over the years has probably help "sow the seeds" for this hype.
2007-02-14 05:14:43 UTC
This is just a superstition.I mean we see the number 1 everyday.No one makes a big deal about it.So why should 23 being seen every day have such a huge impact. The number 23 is not cursed.Its just a number you paranoid losers.
James T
2007-02-13 07:35:01 UTC
Oneof the more recent correlations to the 23 enigma that people seem to be latching on to is 9/11/2001, which adds up to 23. this of coure\se is cincidence.
The Wired Computer Guy
2007-02-12 22:36:27 UTC
2 divided by 3 = 666
2007-02-12 16:14:56 UTC
as far as I know - nobody cared about the number 23 before the movie, they won't care after, and they didn't care last year or the year before or 10 years before or a 100 years before and they wont' care in 1, 5, 10, 100, 1000 years from now either. only the people trying to make something out of nothing. It's just marketing -that's all.
Victor ious
2007-02-12 14:17:08 UTC
let me answer this in my best Homer Simpson voice;

"Stop it! You're scaring me. What did I do to you that you want to scare me with all those numbers!?" <> "23 chased me in my nightmares and chased me in grade school. IT WAS EVERYWHERE! Then I got smart one day and ate it! But now, 23 years later, its back to haunt me. Who'd of thought 23 has a ghost! Certainly not, me."

AHEM - answering for myself; Numbers are just numbers. The only time they have major significance is in use for construction, figuring out mathematical equations and so on. There are perhaps amazing coincidences with single digit numbers as well. I'm not losing any sleep over the number 23. Unless it comes to eat me, then I might have some level for concern.
2007-02-12 08:20:49 UTC
Well if you had a BRAIN you would know that 2/3 is .667 or .666666(and on and on it never ends) also that the Mayans believe the World will end on Dec 21, 2012. It ISN'T the 23rd. It is the WINTER SOLISTICE. So stop spreading false information. Although since you are just here to promote a movie who cares.
2007-02-12 05:28:13 UTC
The number 23 has been observed throughout the centuries, and many people believed that everything has a connection with the number. I believe that there are events that seem to go hand and hand with the number, but it's merely coincidence. There is no significance with the number.
2007-02-12 10:06:55 UTC
I have never heard about the 23 Enigma but I am suddenly very interested to do more reseach to find out more to see for myself what is fable and what is fiction.

BTW: I will be 32 after 2 days and 3 nights after this movie opens!!!
2016-02-22 06:42:22 UTC
All of this Enigma information is interesting, and will catch the attention as Dan Brown did w/ The De Vinci Code. Which also fascinated many people.
2007-02-24 04:06:17 UTC
sold their soul maybe? lol dunno it's all in your head. An example, if I said I was born on 6/6/666 AD then you would say I was automatically the devil or something dumb like that *if it were that date....but as you can see --"In Chinese culture, 666 sounds a lot like the words 'Things going smoothly'. It is considered one of the luckiest numbers in Chinese culture. It can be seen prominently in many shop windows across the country, and people there often pay extra to get a mobile phone number including this string of digits."'s all from point of view

& everything has a different meaning to different people/cultures so I'd say that even though you think it means something it probably does not they are just superstitious.
2007-02-19 04:39:04 UTC
he "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

he 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

Amazing 23 facts

Here are a few of the things that I have found out about the number 23:

* Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.

* The pattern of DNA shows irregular connections at every 23rd section.

* Humans have 23 vertebra running down the main part of their spines.

* Blood circulates the body on average every 23 seconds.

* The average head of human hair can support 23 tons of weight.

* Measure the circumference of your head in inches and see what you get!

* The golden section, an ancient progression of whole numbers represented by the series 2,3,5,8 etc. is repeated again and again in Nature.

* Biological symmetry also mirrors the importance of the number five [i.e. five main bits spread out like a starfish, arms, legs, head etc., then five fingers, etc.].

* Five (2+3), is an immensely significant number in all ancient and some modern rites and rituals. Take the pentagram and modern [post-Crowley and Chaos] magick.

* The male and female sexual cycles run on different scales. Male cycle: 23 days. Female cycle 28 days [lunar month]. You blokes out there may not know about your sexual cycle but if you were a Tantrist doing your sex magic on a regular basis then you would!

* The I-Ching, practised by Taoist scholars since one thousand BC, uses coins (of which tails value 2 and heads value 3) to create a process of divination that views past, future and present as a whole. Central to the philosophy is the realisation that current reflection and meditation will effect the course of events. The I-Ching provides no set predictions but shows a possible course on one fractal arm of the future.The 23rd hexagram of the I-Ching signifies Chaos, Disintegration. It's a timely reminder that if you create order and take it too far you set the store for it to implode and wipe out what you have been working for, sound familiar? Thus 23 has a strong theme of rejection of modern materialistic values..

* The 23rd crops up around all of the Solstice and Equinox dates, again creating a stronger link between us humans and the Universal forces of nature that act upon us. You can reject and ignore these forces as much as you want but the seasons still affect you more than you can possibly imagine. Now this is something that I WAS aware of and the Solstices have always been a intriguing time for me as they mark the coming and going of the seasons and form a strong link to our ancestors. For them of course these times were of tremendous cosmic and spiritual significance [is there any need to mention Stonehenge?].

* December 23, 2012 is the day the classic Mayans said the world would end.

* The human biorhythm cycle is 23 days long.

* The Harmonic Convergence occurs every 23,000 years.

* Geosynchronous orbit occurs at 23,000 miles above Earth's surface.

and one more question to the question's author if u are interested in these types of facts now just type divine propotion or 1.618 in ur browser and see the greater significance may u not go bonker about that
2007-02-14 23:12:25 UTC
I haven't ever heard of the number 23 thing but I keep hearing of 11:11 thing. People seem to be obsessed with the time 11:11 and its meaning.
2007-02-12 18:38:47 UTC
23 is 5. cause if you add 2+3=5. now 5 is a very significant number.,because five carries five unknown energies that is inter-locking four of earth major energies as:atom,proton neutron, and electron.this 5 unknown energies is a property of the outer space force which has a connection to UFO. not the unidentified flying objects but;------ The Universal Force of Order. this has never been studied or researched or worked out before as a subject in the field of developing science technologies. however should man finally find its way towards this matter,maybe,we will be more advance now in the universal literacy program astronaughts and space explorer,scanners,are striving hard to acquire.never mind my spelling, am just trying to relay to you all earthians what is neede to be imparted cause after all, we good alliens, as your space brothers also care so you can be qualified in the universal congrigation as one galaxy in the NASTAL ORDER of Atardom .soon when the universal language is tought to you, you will fully understand you have been longing to understand at last is obtained.i should have talk more but time is up..... next time na lang...........
2007-02-12 17:53:01 UTC
Ha! Stupid Mayans. Watch it be december 23 2012 and nothing happens when the mayans are freeking out. I'll laugh at them all. Just like the guy on the 700 club... fool!
2007-02-12 16:19:29 UTC's a sign....I'M GONNA DIE!!!!! But really, "The Number 23", what is your problem? I think you need help, in more ways than one.

As for this actual question, I think it's you that's obsessed. Who would actually take ALL this time trying to find out the "mystery and magic" behind a number that preceeds 22 and is followed by 24. Is this actually your job?

I better start working in the film business.
2007-02-12 05:19:57 UTC
It's an enigma to me why Jim Carrey makes 23 dull boring movies a year
2007-02-19 22:26:47 UTC
I don't know anyone who is obsessed with the number 23 other than people who wanted to wear jerseys like Michael Jordan. I think it's a bunch of hype to boost promotions and curiousity for this new movie.
Casey Kc
2007-02-13 00:02:22 UTC
or does it hav an ancient way to explain this number? 23 is quite cool lolz my birthday also on 23th XD

btw mayb i wacth too much movie but i still believe this world still got many thing that cant explain by science ...

mayb 23 is base on some ancient language ... or mayb a drawing that look like 23 so every 1 keep say is 23...

like satan y ppl say 666 = satan... is coz of the number of the demon or ?... no 1 can sure bout it...

myth~ Rox
2007-02-12 23:19:44 UTC
I did not know about the 23 enigma until this time....The only reason I am answering it is because, my Dad was killed in a car accident on December 23,'00. I was all freaked out about Y2K, now I think I'll always wonder about Y23.
Bobby J
2007-02-12 15:32:16 UTC
The only thing mystical about the # 23 is when I have $50 on # 23 on the roulette wheel and it actually comes in. :-) Of course I also like the number 17.... Dang there went that theory
2007-02-12 12:42:15 UTC
I thought it was December 12, 2012.

Get it? 12/12/12 ?

I've never heard of the "23 Enigma" before the movie.

I've never heard of anyone being obsessed with 23 before the movie. Where are these millions?
2007-02-12 06:53:13 UTC
I have no idea why people are obsessed with this number. My "strange" number-neither good or bad is 11. It always seemed everytime I looked at the clock that it was 11 minutes past the hour. In fact I asked a co-worker the time-he looked at his watch and told me-5:11.
2007-02-21 04:23:35 UTC
Michael Jordan #23
2007-02-20 10:04:09 UTC
There are 23 Burger Bars in West London that point towards Belgrade's main train station. Some creepy stuff around, some stuff deliberately provided for public consumption
2007-02-15 17:34:44 UTC
In this caes, the number is much like a word in the sense that it is a symbol to which humans assign meaning. The meaning lies not in the number any more than it does in any word; the meaning lies in us. We can ascribe to the number any meaning we choose. For me the symbolic significance of the number 23 relates to the 23rd Psalm. Most symbolism has some kind of religious/spiritual connotation.
2007-02-15 16:08:16 UTC
Some believe the same for 6... Satatan... or 666

Or 7.... God...

Or in Holland one says 11 is for crazy people

Or 41 is my favourite number...

Or 2000 is the year of the apocalypse....

Others say it´s 2006... because Jesus was born 6 years later in fact....

what about 9-11- World Trade Center..., or 7-12- Pearl Harbour...

If we want to find...

We´ll find...

And I don´t think you´lll find a number of which I couldn´t write a great story....


108 is for Buddha.... For all of you LOST watching people !!!
2007-02-14 10:33:23 UTC
i must have been living in a cave....the movie "23" is the first i've really heard of it. I know of other "magic" numbers: the lucky number 7; the unlucky number 13--at one time when people would build houses there would be an "extra" (small) step to avoid having 13 steps, the 13th floor would be left out, etc.; 666.
2007-02-14 05:39:30 UTC
Actually, the Mayans believe the world will end on December 21, 2012, as that is the thirteenth "cycle" of the calendar.
2007-02-13 03:14:53 UTC
Pure coincidence.

If you look hard enough in hindsight, you can find a way to make any thing seem like it has some mystical significance. It's like these people who claim Nostradamus could predict the future, but none of them can actually predict future events with his prophesies! They only point out events that have already happened and interpret his prophesies to fit them!

Enigma 23 is no different.


Things like this:

The 23rd element in the periodic table is Vanadium and its symbol is the capital V, which is the Roman Numeral five, and also the peace sign with two fingers up and three fingers down

And this:

William Shakespeare's first portfolio was published in 1623.


Are just 2 samples of the bizarre connections we humans strive to make to give these things like enigma 23 some meaning.

You know why? Human brains are genetically hard wired to strive to impose meaning in a chaotic world. It's the way the brain works. It's why we look up at clouds and see shapes, it's why we designate names like Taurus, Leo and Aries to random star formations.

This is no different. We're trying to impose meaning on something which has no meaning.

Oh, and if this is supposed to make me watch your movie...I'm not. Try a real marketing campaign...haha
2007-02-12 14:51:40 UTC
the number 23 means only one thing it was great when I was 23

know I'm 52 what a wonderful life If you double or triple multiply it by any number its still an odd number.

some one posted something about chromosomes 23 I have 24 is that good or bad .

some one posted some thing about the Masons If you want to know there secrets join them.

look I'm just an old country hillbilly my ancestors came from the Isle of Berra and the Isle Of Mann .there was nothing passed down from generation to generation about this.

But I have been wrong on occasion .You will have to show me I'm from the Show me State.
2007-02-12 13:50:09 UTC
Hmm...Interesting...But I didn't heard anything about magic of 23 number. I know some magic about 3, 7, 666 and some other numbers, but 23!? Any way my birthday is July 23th...Realy interesting...
2007-02-12 11:48:54 UTC
actually I think whoever picked the #23 is off by 1 number. the #24 actually is a much more significant number. for example, there's 24 hours in 1 day (whoa, doesn't that just blows your mind?), and there's 24 months exactly in 2 years worth of time (WOW!!!), and Kobe Bryant, the LA Lakers star player, changed his jersey # to 24 from 8 just this, they sure messed up when they decided to make a movie about the #23, dumb, dumb, dumb!
2007-02-12 08:59:51 UTC
I see a work number I had 137 all the time- nothing special-nor is the number 666 going to damn me, I havent heard of the mythology of 23,but people need something to rally around now that davinci's code is old news.
Dayton S
2007-02-12 07:16:10 UTC
Well, recently, there's been a whole lot of hype in the media, especially pop-culture because of the relevance of the date of 9/11 stating that if you add up 9+11+2+1 you get twenty three. And I suppose the magic lies in that if given long enough you could make something add up to twenty three. Much like the sites that say that they can guess what number you are thinking of. Like, add nine, multiply by 15, subtract by the number of times the number 7 appears in the number. And your number is... blah. Whatever. Basically, however "Mystical" the number may be, to get lost in attempting to find patterns in things that are only there if you add together things just so you can find that specific thing you are looking for, you lose site of all the facts. For instance, right now, last night I bought 23 items at the grocery store; a 12 case of Slim fast, a gallon of milk, a box of pudding, buy three get three free yogurt, two lemons, and a box of popcicles. Ooooo... if you add it up, there are 23 things there, but if you go by the same logic, the fact that there are 12 or so popcicles in a box blows through your theory of how to add. It's not a conspiracy unless you are looking for one.... but hey, You can make up your own arguments for anything. Shoot, how do you think Scientology came about?
2007-02-12 07:06:28 UTC
The only significance I can see about this number is that it comes after 22 and before 24, remember it is just a number and as that it has a place holder in a space time continuum that goes on into eternity. So if 23 has significance what about 2323, or 23232323 and so on.
2007-02-12 05:16:49 UTC
Sounds like a lot of hype. 2 and 3 are easily used anywhere. I don't see the obsession... rather, it just seems like silly coincidence.

And frankly, I preferred Jim Carrey's sillier comedy, like Ace Ventura. I think he's making a career mistake with this film. For instance, look what happened to Robin William's post-Mrs.Doubtfire career...
candie's dad
2007-02-12 12:32:27 UTC
Its just a game!

Our brains seek new challenges.

Now, its Number 23.

Tomorrow, it could be Figure 8.

Meanwhile, check this out:

David Beckham of Real Madrid wears Jersey no 23.

I hear he'll be using the same jersey no in he's rumoured new US club

Do you also remember that Michael Jordan used Jersey no 23?
2007-02-12 09:57:07 UTC
Well you can have fun with this just like Schroedinger's Cat. As well as the more unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.

It has been referred to in Cthulhu mythos by H.P. Lovecraft.

Although, more than likely it is simply a form of Apophenia, "seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data." Although this is the basis of Cryptology, and I won't delve into that here, so as not to bore those who are seeking a simple answer.

I hold a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and this is one of those "Thought Experiments" that are used to strengthen you mental muscle. Much like the aforementioned cat.
2007-02-16 20:05:56 UTC
I like the number 22 actually... heehee :)

But wait... if I'm Number 1, and 1+22=23 that means that... *gasp* I'M EVIL!!!


Jeesh, you can find coincidences with any number... So what if it's 23 or 17382659474? Or 22, which is my lucky number... teehee.
2014-10-29 21:38:22 UTC
Alexander the Great may have cut the Gordian knot at age 23 but I also hear he cut a square knot at 21, beginning a long tradition of cutting that lasted until his last days when he was said to be constantly cutting the cheese.
2007-02-23 21:31:00 UTC
Michael Jordan was number 23. That is what I think of when I hear 23.
2007-02-20 06:21:03 UTC
We all would like to tap into someting magical, mystical, spooky, something that gives us a glimpse into the future, to have that kind of power, something proves to us some level of the spiritual and we all want it to be that easy. 23. If this movie did not come out it would have been some other "phenomenon". It's all hype. By the way some of the answers to this question are hilarious!!
2007-02-20 01:09:07 UTC
Im suprised that Jim Carrey is actually playing a serious role for once in his life.

Alas, the movie has such an infintile plot. That's probably how he keeps a straight face.

Two and Three, Three and Two.

Reminds me of preschool.

mistress minx
2007-02-19 22:52:00 UTC
There are plenty of people who have obsessions with numbers. People have lucky numbers, unlucky numbers. I know a guy who won't touch fifty dollar bills because the number 50 has haunted him all his live. Bad things come in three. There's this HUGE religious connection to the number 7. It's all in people's heads and any amount of coincidence can be linked to virtually any number.
2007-02-15 19:51:42 UTC
Oh great! Another movie a la "Da Vinci Code". And it most certainly has potential power. Just wait until Yahoo plasters 23 on the chess boards as they did with Da Vinci Code. You will hear screams and curses far and wide.

I wonder if Yahoo's marketing depratment is in room 23 ?? ???

woooooooooooo !! !!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeee !! !!!

Oh no !! !!! Now the punctuation is getting all weird !! !!!
2007-02-15 15:59:41 UTC
It just bull$^%^$ you can squees 24 or 21 from many other numbers too, and many historic events also took place on any other number not related to 23.

If you keep cruching numbers you can link any numer you want to anything.

Now the media wants to make it look like everything hapened on 23 something.
2007-02-13 14:28:33 UTC
The world will end when God is ready for it to. Not when the Mayans say the believe it will. All those coincedeces do however freak me out. Espeacially Kurt Cobains suicide one. I've even added up the day that Anna Nicole died to see what the Number would was 19. so yay.
Don P
2007-02-12 22:36:57 UTC
Actually, not all that many people had heard of it, at least not the "millions" mentioned in the question, until the production company, or it's marketing department, invaded Yahoo! Answers and forced us all to read this same question over and over again, almost every time we log onto Yahoo! Answers. I don't know about you, but I suspect taht by the time the movie is actually released, I'll be so sick of continually having to read this same question, and having it block other, REAL questions on Y!A that I'll be too pissed to even go see the movie.

Does corporate marketing have to invade every single aspect and every single second of our lives? That is the REAL question.
2007-02-12 13:10:59 UTC
They're a bunch of idiots! Anyone can make a bunch of meaningless connections between things that are not connected. For example, I woke up this morning at 7am and I stopped at the store on my way to work and got 7 cents for change. Coincidence??? No, it just proves the significance of the number 7!!! Seriously, folks, get a life!
2007-02-12 11:58:24 UTC
i know why 23 is good and bad. 23 was good when it gave chicago 3 straight championships, bad when the number was raised. bad when it was replaced by number 45. good when it came back and won 3 more straight championships. i can see what you're saying. 23 is the greatest of all time. oh yeah, and everybody wanted to be like 23.
2007-02-12 11:51:03 UTC
The human obsession with "significant" numbers is a strange thing. What animal is concerned with unraveling the mysteries of the number 23? We seem to need to justify our existence by looking for almost invisible coincidences connected to this number, and it's fueled purely by our intelligence. For we are beings of intelligence, which is our let down. Beings of instinct don't bother with numbers and their connotations with current and past events.

I'm still gonna go see the film though....
2007-02-12 09:28:38 UTC
you are wrong about the mayans. they said december 21 not december 23. yah its true that 2/3 = .6666 devils number. 46 chromsomes divided by 2 is 23. what things like B.C? B is the 2nd letter of alphabet and C is third letter of alphabet. Is there a connection?
2007-02-12 08:36:51 UTC
Not sure what it is about 23. I have more of an addiction to the number 73 for some odd reason.
2007-02-12 08:03:36 UTC
Lol i just wanna say one thing, people got too much time on their hands. But for a science enthusiast like me, new theories/discoveries are always music to my soul. Anyways im not going to get much into this top but for the girl who said 2/3 is .6 or .667, all i gotta say is wow! what calculator are you using and its .666 (there is no rounding off numbers in the problem, this is not junior college math)
2007-02-12 06:24:44 UTC
There is no "23 enigma". I'm reminded of the whole "Dark Side of the Moon x Wizard of Oz" thing. You know. Urban myth. Seek and ye shall find. Also, your question is not serious, it's just a feeble attempt to market a movie, but hey, Yahoo! ain't free, now is it.
2007-02-12 06:19:08 UTC
This is the first time I hear of this number 23 having a mystical significance - but then, I don't usually go searching around for this kind of stuff.

I've got a life.

I think I will put it in the same compartment as the Da Vinci Code and Halloween.
2007-02-14 08:13:59 UTC
What it boils down to is that people need to try to make sense of things when in reality, sh*t happens! The 9/11 attacks? No connection to 23, it just happened. People noticed slight coincidences on the 20 dollar bill, instantly it became the biggest 9/11 conspiracy yet. I dont get it.
2007-02-13 00:32:36 UTC
i dont think the number has anything to do with the real life incidents. its just the number , guys. like every other number, some events might have took place on 23 date or some gr8 personalities might own their bday on 23 and so tjis does not become a magical number..its all hype about the number.
2007-02-12 14:31:47 UTC
does that mean that Michael Jordan and LeBron James are devil worshippers?


Alexander wasn't so great if all he could do was cut knots at 23... shoot, i was TYING knots by age 5.

the last adjectives i would use to describe the number are 'puzzling' and 'captivating.' it's a number. it's a bad movie.


2007-02-12 11:20:59 UTC
The Mayans didn't believe the world would end on 12-23. They had no input on it. Maybe they just got bored after writing out the calender for the next 2000 years.
2007-02-12 08:17:19 UTC
movie are just running out of ideas for a good movie. so why not make up a lot bs about the number 23 and have everybody see it. it will be like a lot of those movies that look like it makes sense but in the end it is just a lot of bs.

might watch just to see it but i do not believe in no magical numbers.

my birthdate is the 13th one day of some year it will be on a friday. it does not have evil meaning to me. A number is just a NUMBER there are no meanigs behind it unless you want it to have a meaning.

same goes with the dollar bills. it is just a manipulation of what you say or do.
Maple Leaf
2007-02-17 21:46:01 UTC
Gee, I must live in a vaccuum! I've never heard any of this! The only reason I like 23 is because it was my shirt number when I played basketball. In the years I wore the number 23 because no other shirt fit me nicer (God endowed me, what can I say!), I was team captain and mvp.
2007-02-15 11:46:41 UTC
I know alot stuff was said about the number but what about Michael Jordan being number 23. Kinda strange.
2007-02-15 03:58:18 UTC
This is an advertisement couched as content. This is a growing trend in any UGC (User Generated Content) medium. The nadir of which was probably the Cillit Bang case:

I say when something like this comes up, if you really want to discuss it, create your own subject on it and suck the impressions and eyeballs away from the company paying to appear as a user.

Granted, this says "sponsor" on it but still, seems cheap and low to me.
2007-02-14 00:36:22 UTC
Pongada Pokkatha Muttakudhigala
2007-02-13 09:01:41 UTC
Some people have to have some make believe THING to hold on to - the number 23, the number 13, rosary beads, whatever. Anyone can find any connection between any two or more tings if you twist and turn what you want to see into what it is you think you see... Take 9/11, take Lincoln and Kennedy... Take my wife, please.. [Oh, sorry... :-)]

It's nothing. Get over it.
Mark G
2007-02-13 03:48:49 UTC
I live on Route 23 in Pennsylvania. I belong to an athletic club and my membership number is 23. Other than that, it's all BS
Prodigal Son
2007-02-12 20:40:51 UTC
It's because they don't understand the true meaning of life. If they were really enlightened, they'd be obsessed with the number 42 (47 if you adjust for inflation) which is what you get when you multiply 6 by 9. (base 13, of course) 42 is the meaning of life, you know.

Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Be With You,

Cal-el & Black Canary
2007-02-12 19:15:36 UTC
The users of this thread have spoken. There's nothing left to say except that I hope this movie bombs in the cinema. And whatever Yahoo's getting out of this, I hope something happens and they loose out on whatever deal they're cooking up.

Oh and BTW the major Mayans date is December 21st, 2012. Only a small majority believe it's on the 23rd. For a movie promoter you aren't very smart, actually you're quite dumb.
Meta Irie
2007-02-12 16:13:08 UTC
What is the question here? Sounds like some bozo trying helplessly to hype up the movie. Just for that alone, I will NOT

watch the movie, the DVD, games, or whatever other marketing out there. I'd rather watch QVC than deal with this bozo ...... at least I know up-front that I am being sold something.
2007-02-12 15:59:29 UTC
I dont understand the big deal bout the numbers thing. Its a freaking number for crying out loud! Next thing you know people are going to be afraid of 7! I dont see the big deal bout 666 either or 333 being half evil, it shouldnt be evil at all because its only numbers!
2007-02-12 11:40:07 UTC
I honestly do not think that anything special exist about any particular number except for the number 666 which appears in the bible as the mark of 'the beast'. However, if you must attach any importance to any number then try 2billion - the number of people living on less than a dollar a day!
2007-02-12 10:10:18 UTC
We're talking about a movie here. Anyone can make a combination of dates and events add to 23. The movie is fictional. The only obsession is getting advertisement.
2007-02-12 07:32:33 UTC
It most certainly is NOT movie hype (to answer some other people's scepticism).

A friend of mine has been obsessed with the number 23 for as long as I've known him. I remember I once rang him at 23:23 in innocence and he freaked out talking about synchronicity, etc etc. That was about 10 years ago.
2007-02-12 05:15:20 UTC
It's a trick question because nobody's really obsessed with it. This is not the best way to market a movie because you're forcing a question that never really existed to begin with. But I like Jim Carrey. Ever hear of Pi?
2007-02-12 00:13:23 UTC
The number 23 is creepy to me.

Personally I like 222 or 444 the most.

The number 333 is even scarier... especially when I used to see it all the time on clocks etc.

P.S. Answer more questions.
2007-02-15 11:34:20 UTC
Everything can have a meaning to it if you are obsessed enough. Many times I have had a song or number in my head and then I walk by a radio and hear that song or see that number. Human beings are creatures of habit and repetition. BTW doesn't Dr. Pepper have 23 flavors. We are all screwed!!!!!
2007-02-15 11:19:05 UTC
This reminds me of how everyone sees 9:11 on their clock everytime they look at it and stuff since the attacks. Once people assign purpose to a number thir mind starts noticing it more than other numbers/events. Just human psychology.

Also, S@tan haS 23 BalLs In hIs mOuTh teH OmFg!!!!!
2007-02-12 16:20:05 UTC
there is no "mystery'' about it. It's a number and thats it. It's just another mvie out to scare the world into superstition. I mean Davinci Code, all of it started form a painting. Soon people will belive any thing. Have you ever realize HOW MANY people belive they have "powers", are aliens, Have item that hold spirits, burnt toast with a message on it, God stuck kernel of popcorn. PEople are just so plain stupid they'll belive anything. This world is going nuts over superstition.
Freekie deekie
2007-02-12 07:27:40 UTC
Dude Dont beleve"its too common to be a coincidence" Sience has proved that 23 is The cosmic # of coincidence so yeah its a coicidence and also some of the people here must be in a cult of some sort because there are bizzare cults thatworship the # strange as it may seem
DOC Holliday
2007-02-20 07:54:51 UTC
Mayans believe IT will HAPPEN on Dec 21 2012, not Dec 23
Lindsay M
2007-02-15 18:54:15 UTC
The number 23 has special significance to certain dates and events, but no more than any other number. If you take any other number, you will be able to find a significance to certain things with that number as well.
2007-02-14 03:30:14 UTC
the number 23 is your life cycle of happenings its takes 23 cycles of your lifestream to make something happen.23 has a down side to the reverse cycle of 23 is 32 numbers are a mystery because we dont use numbers in our cycles because they are hidden.. example 9/11...9 is a revoluntionary and ever changing number the number of changes the number 2 is a witness number it takes 2 to 3 witnesses to prove a crime...
2007-02-13 23:23:51 UTC
God most explicitly communicates through physicality and atomic structure, natural "coincidences" and through the black hole effect of highly solid realizations. To deny anything's significance is only one reality of the infinite. But to look at this number as wisdom, and wisdom can objectively be discerned, is largely out of context to furthering an understanding that preceeds from wisdom. Grasping the implications and workings of that which we can feel most passionate about is an irony, as it's unnatural for anyone to make moralistic relevancies to symbology and then claim to be pursuing moralistic perfection as anything other than an after effect. No benefit will come of deifying the mysterious, but in acknowledging the purpose behind it, we can come to bring about the conditions for its unravelling.
cyndi m
2007-02-13 18:22:41 UTC
i believe in the number 66 i was born with the number on my belly and i was born on 12/24/80 IF you add 6+6=12 and when i was born i had my two front teeth so add all of this up and my mother bought a lottery ticket with the 66 number and she won some money so why don't you figure that out....
2007-02-13 06:29:50 UTC
I think people are obsessed with it because it's more interesting to think everything is connected than to think it's all seperate. If everything can be traced backto one thing, the number 23, it gives things meanings.

But trying to explain everything with a number is rather irrational. A person could spend their whole life trying to connect everything, and not understand that that isn't the point.
2007-02-13 06:00:20 UTC
People are obsessed with it because they have no life. What's so interesting about the numbers 2 and 3?
2007-02-12 19:07:40 UTC
Am 23 yrs old so that means I am cursed or something now till i become 24???

Naaaaa...dont think so, and about 23 dec 2012 the world gonna end ? I think nothing will happen and we still will be posting in yahoo answers !
2007-02-12 13:52:00 UTC
This is to my own calculations.

2 X 3 = 6

2 + 2 + 2 = 6

3 + 3 = 6

Now, 3 + 2 = 5.

You see how three equations totaled 6? 3/6. 666.

That's just to my own calculation.
2007-02-12 13:23:35 UTC
The Mayans did not believe the world was going to end. The calander does not end that day, instead they believed that something big was going to happen that will change the world. NOT that the world would end. and the date is NOT December 23 its December 21 the winter solstice.
2007-02-12 10:48:52 UTC
The number 23 shows up in a lot of areas that are within in our world.

In science:

- Chemistry: Avogadro's constant is 6.022 x 10^23

- Biology: In somatic cells, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes.

In math:

- The sum of th first six digits of Pi (3.14159) is 23 (3+1+4+1+5+9).

In religion:

- 2 divided by 3 is 0.666 (the number of Satan)

- December 23 is Lucifer's Day
2007-02-12 09:29:03 UTC
The number 23 has no more significance than any other number. It doesn't have 'mystical powers' or evil curses or anything like that. It's just a freaking number. The only thing that has any real power of the sort is Jesus Christ.
2007-02-12 03:28:01 UTC
People are not obsessed with it. You just hope they are because it sells movie tickets.

This is Spam and Advertisement. Therefore it is against the Yahoo Answers TOS. Therefore it deserves to be reported.

How much is Y!A getting paid to put this pointless drivel up? I'm off to the Taxes section help some people with their tax returns now. You know, stuff that can make a difference.
2007-02-12 03:11:57 UTC
This 'Number 23' bull is all new to me. Sounds like a load of studio-induced movie hype ... even this question (which isn't really a question) was posted by the movie's publicity dept, just to get everyone here talking about it.

People, don't buy into movie advertising disguised as news/posts/forum debates etc. Its corporate sneakiness at its lowest.
Swathi Rao
2007-02-12 01:21:45 UTC
Wow! never knew all this stuff about the number 23. Thought it to be a normal number. But if you ask me, there isn't any "Enigma" with 23, u know. Its just due to the films barging in and ruining up the situations. I don't know why people get obsessed with nonsense when there are much better matters in the world to be concerned of... :-)
2014-07-22 08:08:43 UTC
Here is an idea Hollywood, make a movie about yourself. Make a movie that exposes the mass media marketing conglomerate fat cat greedy yuppie criminals for what they truly are. Liars and manipulators who brainwash unsuspecting people into believing lies, and then after they have taken their hard earned dollar, it's on to the next "trend". These executives are nothing more than inflated salespeople whose sole responsibility is lying to get money.
2007-03-07 03:00:19 UTC
......then the following people who manufacture the following cars must also be obsessed :

* BMW323

* MAZDA323

My car registration ends with "666". These are the numbers people are obsessed with. The sign of the devil!!!!!

I did not pick these numbers.

My birthdate is the "23". What happens to me????

First time I ever heard of the obsession with "23"????


peppa-ann23 (hee! hee!)
2007-02-19 20:58:25 UTC
They aren't. Saying numbers that are not 23, 23 is misleading and just playing with your imagination. 23 is 23 it is not numbers added together or randomly found and assembled as such. What fascination? All fabricated Hollywod suck in.
2007-02-15 19:49:41 UTC
That's the first I've heard about any significance to the number 23. I think it is human nature to look for patterns in things around us. Other than that, I see nothing special about it.
2007-02-15 16:34:25 UTC
one of Discordianism's central beliefs in the law of fives: All things are connected directly or indirectly to the number five. the second part is... depending on the ingeniuty of the person. 23 is one of the biggest parts of this, as 2+3=5. It commonly occurs in Jungian synchronicities, or meaningfull coincidences.
2007-02-15 16:26:33 UTC
Micheal Jordan was number 23!
2007-02-15 15:32:33 UTC
Man..what will you people do to promote a movie these days...the only person that is obsessed with 23 is mostly likely you and the whole film making company.
2007-02-14 09:08:50 UTC
Whoa - we're on the 23rd page of answers here. And I think the Michael Jordan number thing has been mentioned at least 23 times so far. People don't read the comments before they comment. It's annoying.
2007-02-14 08:58:06 UTC
23, thats easy. It is the number of movies Jim Carrey hopes to make in his carrer but he realize that if he keeps making garbage (Dick& Jane to start with) that he will never make it that far. Comedy is that hardest part for a type cast actor to stay alive. Adam Sandler is done, Will Ferrel of all people looks to be going down. It happens to everyone who does comedy. Chris Farley would be done but maybe it was lucky that he died at his peak. Jim Carrey is done in funny roles too.
every little thing
2007-02-14 06:12:23 UTC
Hey today is The 14th!!

If you subtract the 4 from the 1 you get 3, and if you subtract the 3 from the 1 you get 2. Switch them around a bit and you've got 23....coincidence??????

HEHEHEHE, I had my fun with the question!
2007-02-13 22:37:14 UTC
i did not think there was anything eery about it, but my dog died on january 23, joke. and on top of that...a bus ride which me and my family were going to take to las vegas crashed on june 23, 2006. there was also a time i was a time when my family arrived at and chicago fir ribes(a restaraunt) and me and my dad walked up to the front to get a table. the lady asked if we needed a table for 2, and the machine flashed .666, and we said "no, three" i just made all that up
2007-02-13 07:38:01 UTC
Uh, I think we are promoting a movie here. I neverheard of the number 23 enigma until I started seeing advertisements for this movie. Heres your sign.
2007-02-12 18:34:20 UTC
all I know is 42 comes up as a lotto number more than 23. Thats the only numbers I care about.
2007-02-12 15:33:43 UTC
David Hesner, Chicago Bears #23 returned first Super Bowl kickoff for a touchdown. First to happen ever.
IsHiTa PaSrIcHa
2007-02-12 08:53:53 UTC
think of the relevence of the number 1. you see it everywhere. in front of other numbers, behind some numbers. sometimes it's on a sign, sometimes in the paper. it's the first number that is quantifiable, it has singular properties, and many people have been the first at something in history. 23 is the same man!!!
2007-02-12 04:11:10 UTC
Why shouldn't they be, I always liked twenty three! I was saved at age twenty three, after seeing my future as a wall beyond which I could not see. My life became essentially useful at age twenty three, but not due to that number, rather what happened to me, what decision I made. But it's not a big deal. No spirit, or wierdness or number or spell or curse has any power over you if you have Jesus in your heart and you are one of His. But it's a Number, that's all!
2007-02-24 12:57:11 UTC
Another thing is the World Trade Centre (9/11 terrorist attack)

September 11/2001





Go to this. its a video with Jim Carrey. He tells a few more.
Bethany H
2007-02-24 08:21:55 UTC
Well I don't know if it is a bad number or not but when i saw this question it reminded me that my car wreck 5 years ago was on Jan. 23rd and i nearly died i had a torn aorta and a broken hip,broken femur(left) and dislocated hip.(right side) If you want to say that 23 is bad i don't know, but It made me wake up and not trust things or people so easily. (It must not be a bad number because I'm still alive.)
2007-02-22 19:46:35 UTC
for me its 9:33 but thats when I had my wreck a couple weeks ago or was it 9:23 when I had it .I might go see the movie .I said I wouldnt but I love Jim Carey.But as for the world to end ,theyve been saying that since I was little and now its gonna be 2012 I doubt it .
2007-02-13 03:13:00 UTC
Now behold let me describer 23 Enigma

1. Movie Hype

2. Making CRAP of something which doesn't exist

3. Another Failure of Movie Makers

4. I'll Kick them 23 time,, ohh i am realizing 23 is indeed common , coz i wana punch them 23 times too
2007-02-12 21:09:17 UTC
Forget 23. It's 666 you should be worried about.
2007-02-20 07:46:04 UTC
This sounds more like self-promotion than an actual question. I know absolutely no one who cared about the number 23 until promos for this flick came out.
2007-02-20 03:18:49 UTC
Hey!! I JUST NOTICED this but of this date, this writing I HAVE OVER 2300 points here in Y!As!!! Weird huh???!!

Woo hoo!!!!!!!!

ps, ALSO WE JUST CHECKED THE MATH, but will somebody tell us how they got 9/11 to equal 23??? 9+1+1+2+(00)+1=14??? UNLESS you really mean, they're adding 1+4=FIVE??? and some weirdo said now make 5 into 2 digits, I thought we're SIMPLIFYING and stopping at ONE NUMBER???

pss, we have a mind-bender obsessed freak in our family who believes in the number 47, 10 pts for answering ours to our satisfaction! lol
2007-02-15 11:25:26 UTC
Probably because that's how old I'll be in July 2008. and that's the age of my oldest sister right now, and I also just ate 23 potato chips when the serving size is only 12 . This is freaky!!!!
2007-02-15 06:21:14 UTC
you can make any number seem like it is "the number" omg my age divided by the number of kids i have plus the number of pets I have right now is 23. you get what i mean? If you do enough math you can end up with any number that you want. numbers are numbers and thats all there is to it.
2007-02-15 03:57:20 UTC
It's because we've seen so many Michael Jordan commercials and now Lebron James wears the infamous #23
2007-02-14 21:22:20 UTC
I think you are more obsessed with the number 23 than most people care.
2007-02-13 19:30:31 UTC
if you multiply all the numbers in 23 together you get!!!! 6 and 6 is 111nth of 666! ahh so creepy! and if you add you get 5! 5 is the number of toes AND fingers we have, amaziing. if you take all the numbers in 666 and add them you get 18 18+23= 41 OMFG SO CREEPY. math is scary sometimes!
2007-02-12 21:36:54 UTC
You know, some people will believe anything I think the Mayans are a bit off with their prediction and I think it's all a myth. The Bible says that Lord Christ Our Savior will come back to Earth and take all of his desendants up with him. And their will be seven years on earth and after those seven years he will come back for his desendants. I think that what the bible says is true also I agree with zachary9351 It's all movie hype.
John R
2007-02-12 14:11:50 UTC
Michael Jordan
2007-02-12 10:50:37 UTC
Must be a man thing it holds nothing special for me

I am assuming it is related to the fact that insurance companies give men a break on insurance at about 24 so it must be at that point in time they mature more for some reason and become more responsible.
2007-02-12 09:44:05 UTC
It is unclear why so many people pay attention to this number. You could literally take any two digit number between 10 and 99 and come up with a list of facts and events that make it seem supernatural. It is interesting to discuss, but there is no legitimacy to any of it.
2007-02-12 07:43:16 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.
2007-02-12 04:15:46 UTC
23 X 3 = 69


2007-02-12 02:08:03 UTC
When a society allows itself to be duped into believing that certain numbers can cause events to unfold, then that society deserves the end results of its beliefs. Far to much time is wasted debating and discussing topics that in noway, shape or form have anything to do with changing the world around us.
2007-02-12 14:11:43 UTC
This is so stupid! There is much more so called "stigma" surrounding the numbers 1-9 than there is with the number 23. Besides, 2/3 is equal to .6666666666........., if you use only three decimal places it's .667, and the number 666 doesn't mean jack squat anyway.
2007-02-20 05:20:15 UTC
I think I answered before to this question ,

according to a book 23 means Heaven while the reverse (32) is Hell
2007-02-20 03:40:26 UTC
2+3=5; 2/3=.666666666` 23 is a good age to start a family.
dew drop
2007-02-13 09:30:19 UTC
all the numbers are part of our life....just like the friday 13th number 23 has always a mystic value...but iits juct for taking peoples attention...and nothing else its a good number cuz a cute person with intelligent mind born on that 23 of march and having gr8 life ...yup thats meee...i like number 23
2007-02-13 08:48:14 UTC
If you add 1 together 23 times it ....... oh my..... it comes up as 23.....

and if you multiply 1 23 times it comes up as ........ oh no .... not again

2 - 3 is -1 - if a number is minues one that will mean the world will abort itself, oh no

who the hell gave these people the right to add or subtract or multiply any of the numbers to make it add 23. i didn't gve them the right, and if i didn't and i am teh giver of mathematical rigts - who did
2007-02-11 23:56:28 UTC
it is just a prime number, nothing magical about it 1 23 4
2007-02-20 00:32:40 UTC
Not sure, but Michael Jordan was number 23.
anwar m
2007-02-16 16:52:19 UTC
it is symplie esay, as i can show you, 2/3=.666

witch is the devils number and that the year 2012 wich the mayans belive is the end of the world, take the 12 from 2012, then divied by 2,

then you get 6 wich is the devils number [again]

then, take the year 2012 and divide it by 666, you get 3.021021 then multiply it by 666, you get 2011.9999 then round it of and you get 2012.
2007-02-15 22:21:16 UTC
You know, someone mensioned it a couple of times and I asked them why, but all they said was, "You'll see. Just wait." That is it!! I mean, i too have to know, right? It has just been bugging me for a while, then I let it go. And I read this question in an ad and I was, "Oh yeah, Hey, you did not tell me about..." And they just repeated the answer I did not need. Why a big secret?!?!?! Some one tell me!!!!!!!!! I AMAMAM the center of the galaxies!!!
2007-02-14 07:12:54 UTC
The number 23 by itself might not hold enough significance, but I think if you combine it with all the other conspiracy theories (ie. Illuminati, New World Order, 2012, etc.), it all correlates to something big.
2007-02-12 12:47:25 UTC
Occult Bookshop

258 High Street

Glasgow, Scotland

Tarot Reading

0141) 553-1990

Magic is Magic
Gezza D
2007-02-12 07:57:52 UTC
If I don't get the No 23 bus at the right ime in the morning I am late for work
2007-02-21 09:26:17 UTC
study Vedic maths, Pythagorean philosophy of number. and esoteric automorphism. Number is an entity/conscience completely INDEPENDENT of human conscience and physical sensory observation and perception, or an abstraction that can only be intellectually perceived and not physically touched felt weighed or measured but yet number is what is used to quantify and weigh physical objects. oh and by the way the movie is what one could call "mathematical based fiction" the key word being fiction.
april showers
2007-02-20 06:55:11 UTC
What special significance can this number have ,I would like to know.I was born on the 23rd of April.And several times a day I will look at the clock at precisely 423!
2007-02-14 09:40:45 UTC
Whatever the real enigma is the film looks like a study on someone with a bad case of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Besides everyone knows the answer to it everything is 42.
2007-02-13 22:16:42 UTC
It's all BS! Anything that creep Carey thinks about is an obsession. Met him. Genuine creep worst class. He's not acting in the "pet detective movies. He's really that idiotic.

Met Adam Sandler, too. He shouldn't be allowed around kids by himself! Serious!
2007-02-13 18:08:07 UTC
22/7 is a much better number then 23.
2007-02-13 09:03:11 UTC
Number 23 is just that, A NUMBER BETWEEN 22 AND 24. there is no significance to it.
2007-02-13 03:39:18 UTC
I've read the same or similar question before , I never came across to No. 23 and its magical spell, hope all the fuss is not only 'cos of J:C:'s movie.
Yolanda F
2007-02-13 03:27:49 UTC
I am a twentythirdian- one who sees constant occurences of the number 23. It is impossible for me to now not notice the number as it shows up everywhere. This didn't happen at all until my stepfather introduced me to the number and I began to scout for more ways to joke with him about. The number won't show up unless you look for it!!!
2007-02-13 01:01:30 UTC
Oh, woe is us - the gloomiest time of the year is looming dead ahead. Stay under the covers and wallow in comfort food on monday, jan.23 - it's the most melancholy day on the entire calender, at least said a british psychologist who backs his claims with a scientific formula.

forger the ides of March. beware [W+ (D-d)] x TQM x NA, cautions cliff Arnall of the..
I'm not telling you my name
2007-02-12 18:42:20 UTC
LOL I was born on the 23rd, and yes, I am kinda unlucky -- this is enough to make me believe in the "magic" of the number 23. Then again, it all could be a coincidence. We see strange things all around us.......
Donovan G
2007-02-12 13:21:43 UTC
No offense to Jim Carrey, he is a great actor. But being obsessed with a number is really pathetic. Get a life. Its just a number. Ooooh, the number 23. Its really annoying. Could y'all please stop trying to get publicity for your movie. I ain't gonna watch it.
2007-02-12 11:44:53 UTC
Wow! I was sitting here reading this question and I made it about half way through the answers when suddenly my boss called and said that she was giving me a raise of 23 cents more an hour. These cheap bastards never give more than a nickle. Now that is a mystifying coincidence.
2007-02-12 08:37:26 UTC
It is a classic exmaple of Apophenia, which is the experience of seeing patterns or connections in random or meaningless data. The term was coined in 1958 by Klaus Conrad, who defined it as the "unmotivated seeing of connections" accompanied by a "specific experience of an abnormal meaningfulness".

FYI: 13 and 17 are two numbers that had the same mania associated with them.
2007-02-12 06:17:06 UTC
Ohhh, it's a MAGIC number! Wooooeeeee! If you believe so much in the power of numbers, how about looking into the 'magic' of compound interest, cut your debt and do some investing in interest-bearing accounts? That's some power you can actually use.

23 skidoo!
2007-02-15 01:34:17 UTC
23 Mysteries?
2007-02-24 21:07:45 UTC
OMG!! my favorite no. is 23....

I was born on Dec. 23..........

So youre saying that the world will end on my 20th b-day...

omg.. i want to see myself celebrating my 20th b-day happily!!!!

Im so scared...

in this question,, i can only read negative answers,,,,

Is there any positive or good reaction about 23?

you guyz make me scared.....


I still like 23 because,,,

its really my favorite and wait,,,

M. Jordan is no.23!!!!!!!!!!!

and Jordan became very succesful and famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-20 04:08:51 UTC
1) the obsesion is due to an unusualy high level of apophenia in a fairly vocal minority.

2) the "enigma of 23" a part of discordian belief (incidently a system of thought that makes L. ron Hubbard and his nuttyness look relitivly sane) in the "law of five"

another phrase to describe it would be "total b*****it"

what blair witch did for urban ledgends, (ie made them apear legitimate for not being as obviously contrived as that film was its self) this will probably do for bible code/da vinci inspired conspiracies/numerology in general.

[sarcasm]realy cant wait[/sarcasm]
2007-02-19 20:42:18 UTC
David Beckham's Jersey is 23!
2007-02-15 16:18:12 UTC
Michael Jordan wore the number 23 jersey whe he was playing basketball and he was the best NBA player of all time.
2007-02-15 14:58:55 UTC
Folks that believe in numerology ascribe to the notion that many events in life are related to 23. As numbers are a human created concept, it seems that humans attribute many events to things they don't understand. I don't know how many folks are obsessed with the number versus those who are obsessed with aliens, sports, celebrities and other notions.
2007-02-14 10:49:17 UTC
For billions of years all things go into cycles.the earth,the creatures,all things .theirs a season for everything.also a accumulation.and an end to all their is a their has to an end.

The number 8 is totally bad for me,personally. everyone has a different number or set of numbers that's perceived to be good. and whats perceived to be bad.this world has cycles inside of cycles inside of cycles that will culminate into an end.and a beginning of a new cycle,23 represents that end and also that beginning,

were to not worry or be afraid,as this is a natural phenomena.

Bad actions or Iron shackles and Good actions or golden chains, remember that and realize it.and your on your way to a true balance in your life.

Peace.Pray for Peace .the war of civilizations is coming nearer every day.
2007-02-13 13:42:49 UTC
I will not predect when the world will end but Christ is coming soon when you read your bible, you hear rumors of war and wars so it will end sometime in the near furture. according to the bible we will have to take the number 666 and if not the way I understand we will be exucated for our faith, for not taking the devils 666 number. we are getting closer to it and what a beautiful it will be for all Christians to be before God.
2007-02-13 08:55:37 UTC
why dec 23. 2012? if u go with 23, why not feb 3rd 2323 or something like that. its just a number, no one knows for sure what will happen in the future. good luck all.
2007-02-13 07:51:58 UTC
Only Yahoo's marketing team & the producers of this BOMB-to-be are "obsessed" with this nonsense, and keeping it online here... I predict that only 23 people will see it, after yawning here everyday (and reading enough to lose any interest they may have had, by the first day..?).
2007-02-13 06:51:54 UTC
Yeah, it does sound like quite the hoax doesn't it? HOWEVER- I am continually shocked at the amount of times I've been to the casino (isn't gambling a sin or something) playing roulette and 23 has won. I'm serious, like hundreds of dollars.
2007-02-12 23:58:14 UTC
Jesus Christ, its just a freaking number! There are way to many conspiracy theorist out there. I'm sure one conspirist with his/her gift from the gods, could locate some kind of sign in my dodo,(maybe a piece of corn, or a peanut, if we are lucky) and swear to whomever they pray, my magical turd is either going to save or doom the world. But just in case this turns out to be a prophetic truth, I'll be sure to flush the toilet twice the very next time I make an offering to porcelain god.
2007-02-12 13:41:09 UTC
Wow I didn't even know that 23 has some kind of significance until I saw it here on yahoo answer.. Marketing it for the movie ?? But You've caught my attention... I'm now puzzled with it myself now. 23 Myth or Fact .. That is yet to be debated.
2007-02-12 10:14:46 UTC
It's all a bunch of hooey! I can't believe that intelligent people don't have better things to think about. How about coming up with a health care program that works? Or finding a way out of the mess in Iraq?
Jesse M
2007-02-17 09:10:51 UTC
Everyone Thinks This Is Jim Carrey's Big Break!
2007-02-14 16:30:05 UTC




2007-02-12 20:28:35 UTC

Uh, ok. Hmmm. 21,000 hits.

How about searching something stupid, like "nose hair"?

302,000 hits. Hmmm. 8 times more than "23 Enigma". Funny, there's no movie about nose hair, since people seem 8 times more interested in it.
2007-02-12 07:24:29 UTC
Crazy how we're buying into all the hype over a movie and a stupid number? Isn't it bad enough that some people are paranoid about the number 13? It's just a number, people. Quit reading so much into everything.
2007-02-11 23:08:36 UTC
So the movie's coming out 2/23/07...


Doesn't work. 7 in numerologey has to do with solitude, which probably means this movie is going to be poorly attended.
Alliv Z
2007-02-11 22:40:39 UTC
Hi !!

Yes!!! It is true the number 23, does has an enigma, just like the number 15, 38, 100, 0, etc!!!!

All numbers are an enigma!!! We haven't even scratched the surface to what the really mean. Wether is 23, 52, or any other, they are very important, if they weren't we would NOT have numbers at all!!!

I don't know much about this number thing, but is certain that the number 23, is so important, because without it, we couldn't keep counting by three's one we get to 23.

Plus without it we would break the pattern, of counting by ones, already having the # 3, & 13. Which reminded me, that which number do you think stands out more??? 23 or 13???

Just as an example of how important numbers are, forever the number 13, has being one lucky numer for "UNLUCKY" events!!! So there is to say, that we connect numbers accordinly with the events we can remember or are documented, but in reality numbers had being playing an unprecedent roll Probably from the begining of times.

For example, why if ADAM & EVE were two; why they ate only one apple??? You see??? two + one = 3???

Or the age when JESUS THE LORD died, 33??? And like in the Bible, the number SEVEN is also refered as very important, those were the years of bad luck, sickness, hunger, etc. Or the SEVEN words that JESUS THE LORD said just before HE DIED!!! Or the SEVEN SEALS!!!! The Bible referes to 7 SEALS that need to be open before the secon coming of our SAVIOR JESUS THE LORD!!!!

Some people think they know a lot, probably they know more than I do, but in reality compare to everything that IS TO BE KOWN, no one knows !!!! ONLY GOD KNOWS!!!

Not even Satan knows, that's why he is in the position that he has being, for wanting to know everything, and played trying to be GOD, who is the only ONE who knows everything!!!! Just like Adam & Eve, they got tricked by Satan, into eating, "THE FRUIT OF KNOWLEDGE"!!!!

So is my opinion that which ever number it is 23 or which ever, each one has their one mystical power to them!!!

Not to forget, that for every positive number their is a negative one; as the number line goes: (Example): Starting on (0) negative & positive numbers.

..............-23 -22 -21- 20 -19 -18- 17 - 16- 15 -14 -13 -12 -11-10 -9 -8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 0 +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 +11 + 12+ 13 +14 +15+16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21 +22 +23.............

So what I.m trying to bring to light is that for everything positive, there is a negative and viseversa!!!! So if your experience with the # 23 is positive or negative, no one should be surprise about it !!!! Keep counting!!!!

2007-02-18 09:55:53 UTC
Has anyone else noticed that the movie is opening on Feb. 23. Not only is it the 23rd day but it is the 2nd month and 3rd week of that month.
2007-02-17 05:46:53 UTC
Hmmn funny how there seems to be exactly 23 comments on the first page of this topic.To be honest this is the first Iv ever heard of this 23 enigma...lets not take it all too seriously huh?
2007-02-16 04:26:35 UTC
i was born on 23 march at 23.00(11.00 p.m)

and my favorite football star david beckham(23 real madrid fc)

my favorite number is 5 (2+3) and finally room number in a hotel was 23 and there is nothing special about me so i think it is just a coincidence just a movie that's all....
2007-02-15 22:54:50 UTC
I just wanna say that if you think this is all just media hype.. you are sooooooooooooooooo wrong. And that is exactly why this movie makes me mad, everyone is reading into it now and that's not it man... I believe it has to find you and it found me way before this movie came out. My calculus teacher gave me the damn curse and I believe everything about it so wholeheartedly and if it is just some "media hype" thing then apparently all the millions of people out there who it found way before this movie are mind readers. including people hundreds of years ago. beeyotch.
2007-02-15 03:32:13 UTC
Funny thing this is this is first time iam hearing about the number 23 all this time the only thing i knew about this number is that it is a prime number
2007-02-13 03:21:45 UTC
Actually it is multiples of 18 that are significant. Never heard of 23. Interesting.
2007-02-12 01:37:31 UTC
Actually, 20/3 is 6.67, what about 46? 40/6 = 6.66? AND 46 = 23 *2, ZOMG TWICE AS BAD! This is stupid, you could pull this crap with any number
2007-02-21 18:41:42 UTC
Sounds like your the one who is obsessed. One day you will realise that the number 23 meant nothing at all and you will feel angry at yourself for chasing something that was and never will be there. Are you depressed? Are you looking for a meaning in life?
2007-02-23 13:15:44 UTC
It's just like 6 degrees of separation, you can do it with the number 23 or any # I'm sure - it's mathematically possible with any number
2007-02-20 11:23:09 UTC
the no. of my house is 23
2007-02-20 10:20:23 UTC
numbers are fun to play with, 7, 6, 23, prime numbers, its the little things like that that makes math fun, but generally their just coincidence. bungie studios is in love with the number seven, and generally incorporate amazing sub stories into the games that you can follow if you use the mathematics of it. but outside of that, I'd say its usually just coincidence.
Brown-eyed girl
2007-02-17 12:00:53 UTC
Well, I think you answered your own question. I really can not wait to see the movie. People could be obsessed with any number though. Like on 4-20. It could be significant to Hitler or to the Columbine shootings or it could just be about pot.
2007-02-15 07:17:36 UTC
I feel that the myans might be right, majority of the stuff that they have predicted came true so far. . . People like to believe in something. I believe in that the number 13 has the power of luck.
2007-02-14 09:38:46 UTC
This is the first I've even heard of this enigma, about the only reference I've heard of is in the Dr. Pepper commercial. So if anything I associate the number with my favorite soda. Like someone else posted it's all just hype and superstition.
2007-02-13 21:36:35 UTC
At the time of this writing, this question has been starred 230 times, which is a multiple of 23..
QQ dri lu
2007-02-12 21:06:55 UTC
Might be coincidence, but

Avogadro number 6.3 x 10 pwr23

Plank constant 6.62 x 10 pwr-23
2007-02-12 20:29:14 UTC
world ending 12 23 1012 man thats not cool
2007-02-12 16:08:48 UTC
This is a butt load of crap to make money. All people do is make up little stories and pick out the numbers they want and do a little math to make it equal 23. I must admit that it is pretty cool, but it is just hype.
2007-02-12 09:48:04 UTC
Wikipedia Library > Reference > Wikipedia 23 (numerology)

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The number 23 appears in many mysterious coincidences - but only to those who notice them.The "23 Enigma" refers to the belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

Unusual circumstances being linked to 23 are mentioned by William S. Burroughs. He tells the story of meeting a ferry captain named Clark who claimed to have sailed the same route without an accident for 23 years. That very day, however, the ferry sank, killing all aboard. Later that day, Burroughs writes, he was thinking about Clark's ferry accident when he heard that a Flight 23 on a New York-Miami route had crashed. According to Burroughs, the pilot's name for the flight had also been Clark. Burroughs began collecting incidences of the number 23 in a scrapbook and referred to them in his writings.[citation needed]

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the possibly self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it. Finally, it is the largest integer that is a valid day and a valid 24 hour clock hour.(dubious; discuss)

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve solipsism and some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.

A 23 enigma list

This is a list of unusual happenings or circumstances commonly brought up as instances of the 23 Enigma. It should be pointed out that many entries on this list are of dubious accuracy or verification status, while others are the result of stretched applicability, such as a disregard of decimals or remainders, or the confusion of modern calendars with ancient ones. Links between the following phenomena and the number 23 often rely on adding digits of dates etc. together, or performing other manipulations on them, in this case it would seem that these are arbitrary, and that similar transformations could construct many other numbers from the same starting point. There are in fact no fewer than 4132920 integers without the digit 0 in their decimal representation whose digits sum to 23. Another objection to many of these is that they rely on using specific calendars or conventions of measurement, such as the division of the circle into 360 degrees, or the day into 24 hours, or the fact of using 10 as the basis of our system of representing numbers. However, these are often not valid objections to a conspiracy theorist since they could be seen as evidence of the presence of the influence of the number 23 in the establishing of the these conventions and calendars. The actual significance of every single occurrence is questionable. It is completely unclear, and seemingly impossible to determine, if the number 23 actually appears any more frequently in connection to events of historical importance etc. than say 22 or 24.
2007-02-12 02:09:41 UTC
40 Enigma is more enigmatic.40 days in the desert...etc etc........70 Enigma -the 70 wise men etc etc. Leave my 23 alone. It is not a commercial entity. It is just a number.
2007-02-22 14:10:47 UTC
well whatever its significance......we wont know till it happens....666 is the mark of the beast....saying that 666 demons will flood the earth from hell......and it is true there are alot of coincidental occurances of the number 23......whether good or bad.....i think 666 is way more important and should be looked into more.
2007-02-13 16:21:27 UTC
to me 23 means psalm 23 i don't think it has anything to do with the 3-666 that is not it .
2007-02-12 10:40:15 UTC
Michael Jordan made number 23 famous, everything else is just hype. You could come up with the same thing with just about any number up tp 100, if you wanted to take the time to research it.
Jerry P
2007-02-12 10:20:19 UTC
The obsession is created by the media as a marketing ploy for a film. This is advertizing hype, herd mentality. It has nothing to do with real science, archeology, or mathematics. Numerology is occult nonsense, nothing more.
2007-02-12 03:23:55 UTC
23 Enigma refers to a belief that all incidents are directly or indirectly connected to number 23.
2007-02-25 13:13:33 UTC
If you type 23 into your browser you get a sneaker MMMMM.

Micheal Jordan a member of the illuminati
2007-02-20 10:08:08 UTC
The question is ridiculous, since people attach meaning where there is none. It's just a number, and as someone earlier pointed out, a prime number. But that's it.
nguyenxuan hung
2007-02-18 17:57:27 UTC
Ba` con oi toi hoi Nguyen Thi Thanh Nha`n
2007-02-15 01:21:45 UTC
there is no enigma, we are the one who made it. 666 is a number like the others before beeing an "evil fact". so we ar trying to look on the window without moving the drape.
2007-02-14 11:13:05 UTC
The world will end as we know it..on 12/12/2012 at 11:00 pm
2007-02-14 06:09:44 UTC
There is nothing special about the number 23. It's all hype to promote Carrey's upcoming movie. And you all are falling for it.

Oh well, there's one born every minute! (Or is it, every 23 minutes???!!!)
2007-02-14 06:06:53 UTC
Oh will you stop this hype. It has nothing to support yourself. Be wary, the more hype you create the more people would expect from the film. Make sure it just doesn't collapse at the box office because of the hype.
Lindsey H
2007-02-12 21:53:25 UTC
When I posted this there were exactly 23 people who answered 23 hrs ago,so what does that mean for them?
2007-02-12 18:02:01 UTC
Many people are not. This is a cheap way to promote your movie...and guess what....It will not help it. Carrey is a good guy, but the theme here is too heavy for him as an actor. I do wish him well, but history tells us it will not do well. I hope I am wrong.
2007-02-12 10:07:38 UTC
Anything is possible, of course. It could be that these things seem real to those into numerology. Or it could really be that there is something about the number 23. So far, that number hasn't had any meaning for me, so I couldn't tell you.
2007-02-12 08:41:03 UTC
Hey I'm 23 right, I would say now is time for my mysterious life. A lot of changes happening to me right now. This is my turning point become man of the riches LOL
Roxas of Organization 13
2007-02-12 08:40:26 UTC
I was almost born on November 23rd, but I was born a couple weeks later. My mom told me that I was born two weeks late, and I had looked at the calendar and it cam up 11-23. Scary.
2007-02-12 08:35:22 UTC
If you believe that the number 66 can be equated to number "26" or "two sixes" , numbers which whenever either appears alone (or within any string of numbers you happen to come across), you know it symbolically indicates the ineffable presence of the God of the universe, then you know that the number 33 can be equated to the number "23" or "two threes" which whenever they appear alone (or within any string of numbers you happen to see), symbolizes the presence of the Messiah/Messenger who as son of the God of the universe, somehow redeemed humanity for its failure to have faith and hope, and to place Love for God and each other above everything else.

TWH 02122007 on the significance of number 23
2007-02-12 08:26:33 UTC
Nobody is obsessed with the 23 enigma, except for low-rent marketing plants such as yourself and the young children who are fooled by you. Seriously, this is ridiculous - this site is to allow individuals to answer questions for each other, not to let you unroll your ham-fisted marketing campaigns.
The Orange Whisperer
2007-02-11 23:34:59 UTC
I was actually quite obsessed with the number 60, but now I'm convinced. 23 is da bomb!

No wait it's not.
2007-02-16 08:30:09 UTC
My cat's breath smells like cat food.

29 letters - 23 = 6 .... 2*3=6 ...OMG! It applies to everything.... Total waste of mathmatics, but it might be a good flick though.
2007-02-13 04:49:14 UTC
666 was invented out of fiction not fact. Lucifer was the Arch Angel of white light and fell from grace after questioning God. Samiel, another Arch Angel, descended of his own free will. Thousands of other Arch Angel fell from grace or descended of their own free will. God put them all in one category, the devil. I don't believe these Angels were evil in anyway. If anything, God is evil for what he did to them. It really ticks me off and offenses me when people use the word devil or the numbers 666.
2007-02-25 19:45:58 UTC
OMG you have a bunch of answers! mabe it's cause your an "official" cool! aaaaannyway I don't think the world will end in 12/23/12.
Tony C
2007-02-20 01:07:05 UTC
Holy Crap! There are exactly 23 pages of responses to this question with precisely 23 responses per page!!! Ahhhhhh!
2007-02-15 14:38:12 UTC
What? Im confussed, Then if all of this is the case then this year when I turn 25, and the #'s of my birthday add up to 25 I should play the lottery because this is significant? Yall are cracked up!
2007-02-15 03:55:33 UTC
Ok, how about 46 : 4/6 = .666

im sure there's a whole bunch of stuff you can associate with the number 46.
2007-02-15 03:36:43 UTC
I suppose that 3.14(pi), 42(meaning of life), 7(sins), 13 (ghosts or friday take your pick), 101(dogs),60(news or to steal a car),44(to do a bank job), 25(prison), 28(rehab), 8(snuff films), 9(Hell) 12(unhappy jurors), 6(dead people or clones), 4(guys needing revenge), 1138 (Shades of Huxley), 34(Santa), etc...have meaning too!
2007-02-14 09:46:26 UTC
The 666 thing is nonsense for a start - the number of the beast is in fact 616.
2007-02-14 04:02:01 UTC
think of the relevence of the number 1. you see it everywhere. in front of other numbers, behind some numbers. sometimes it's on a sign, sometimes in the paper. it's the first number that is quantifiable, it has singular properties, and many people have been the first at something in history. it's so eerie!!!
2007-02-13 23:12:29 UTC
the 23 enigma? it's an ingenuis marketing technique for the movie 23. lol

people are obsessed with it because they love advertising.
2007-02-13 21:37:42 UTC
Nowadays its the Jordan rule. Think about it, ask your kids, ask any male age 18-40, maybe even ask your girlfriend (if shes into sports), what is the first thing that comes to mind when they hear #23.

I'm willing to bet over 80% will say Mike Jordan.
2007-02-13 18:16:24 UTC
I'm surprised nobody mentioned 23 Skidoooooooooooooooooooo
2007-02-13 14:42:24 UTC
I read it was the number 27.

2012 eh? Good thing I have cancellation insurance for my 2013 cruise tickets.
2007-02-13 07:48:14 UTC
I'm getting obsessed with disgust because I have to see Jim Carrey and his Dr. Dimento look every time I come to this site.

In you face advertising is turning me off from wanting to ever see this movie. It tells me that the movie won't be able to stand on its own. ~
2007-02-12 22:58:25 UTC
number 23 is very interesting to search for
2007-02-12 15:59:00 UTC
23 is my favourite number but not beacuse of any myth or any reason like that it is just because i am in ove with one tree hil and nathan scotts number is 23. Ppl have their own reasons not because of myths or history because of the pure hotness of james laferty and chad michael murray :) <3
2007-02-12 14:25:35 UTC
Numbers and time are all man made enigmas, as well as religion and the nature of our deity. they mean nothing except in our own heads.

As far as the Mayans go, i find it intriguing that they are one of the most powerful and prophetic civilizations of our world yet they could not save themselves from extinction.
2007-02-12 13:25:12 UTC
I've never heard anyone utter anything about the number 23 unless it had to do with Michael Jordan.
2007-02-12 10:49:23 UTC
No one is obsessed with it. Stop making up some conspiracy. There are already enough out there.

Every number can be said to be linked to some spooky things. It's all about math. No big deal.

Keep selling your movie though, I know I won't see it now.
2007-02-12 04:58:38 UTC
Dont lie to people. The mayans said december 21 not 23.your giving fake propaganda to support your claim of "23"
2007-02-14 21:21:47 UTC
Well, just like the number 13, many people find significance or a relation to bad luck... I don't see enough connection to good or bad.

Same will hold true for any number... if you do enough research, you will find some historical or significant connection to it to justify glorifying it, to yourself at least....
Nasrin S
2007-02-14 10:10:37 UTC
I am sorry, but am rather sceptical about such 'mystical' numbers. In fact in this amazingly complex universe, I am sure you can find 'n' number of mystical and mysterious/enigmatic properties to attach to any random number or sequence. Maybe in 5 years you will be wondering about the significance of 12, or 77, or 99 or whatever. Get it?
2007-02-12 21:07:09 UTC
Enough of the commercials. Don't You think that We haven't heard about the movie already? Some publicist is starting to put people off the idea of going to see the film!
Alex K.
2007-02-20 09:56:23 UTC
I doubt anyone will see my reply, but December 21st is when the Mayans believe the world will end. So cut that false P.O.S. out of there right now...
2007-02-20 08:49:40 UTC
I'd heard bits and pieces as I have with many other numberr stigmas,



etc, to name a couple more, I supposed if you study any numbe combination long enough or thorough enough you'll find many anomalies associated with the number you chose
2007-02-20 06:06:13 UTC
The "23 enigma" is related to marketing and advertising.
2007-02-19 21:19:31 UTC
Dont forget the mystical flavors of 23 in Dr.Pepper!!!! lol this is ridicoulous guess what, 1+1=2 and -1+2=1!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-15 17:36:44 UTC
every number in the world is used quite often for things. It's a marketing gimmick to sell a movie and people are so naive they'll believe anything.
2007-02-15 15:04:47 UTC
3 X 23 = 69. hmmm. That is freaky.
2007-02-13 19:24:16 UTC
you know, for all this "23" hype, the first site that popped up when i put it in the search engine was the movie site for "# 23". hmmmm... could that mean that... you guys have discovered a new version of advertising? Go get a life and work on your stupid movie. leave us yahooligans alone.
2007-02-13 16:47:08 UTC
I will be 23 one day.
2007-02-13 01:40:22 UTC
the number 23=5 and it was Michael Jordan number he worn on his jersey
2007-02-12 22:56:26 UTC
Michael Jordan wore number 23...what does THAT mean?
2007-02-12 21:46:13 UTC
in 0023 a man named billybobjoesidcarlebayfredyo [23 letters!!] fell of a cliff that was 23 miles high... Now unless you do 23 pushups, 23 jumping jacks and send this to 23 people he will come and steal your soul
2007-02-12 18:16:50 UTC
MJ was number 23, there's no problem, and english numbers were invented after real curses
Prettiest Man
2007-02-12 17:33:39 UTC
Jim Carrey's name has 9 letters. Jim:3 letters, Carrey:6 letters. 6/3= 2. 2x9=18. 18+2=20. 20+3= 23!!!

omg omg.
2007-02-12 07:30:56 UTC
Not 23, 47.

47 Rules

All hail the great Mufti!

Go Sagehens!
2007-02-12 07:30:35 UTC
Here is the real story. You can take most any number or pairing of numbers and, if your a mathemetician, you can make parallels and origins and crossways occur in any sequence you wish by manipulating the "external" or "random" aspects of your input to come to the final number that you desire. There is nothing "mystical" or "magical" about it. Grow up and get a life!
2007-02-12 05:01:11 UTC
How much does yahoo earn to bother us with these nonsense questions that are intended only to hype a movie that we all know will be terrible?

Oh, and nobody is obsessed with the # 23.
2007-02-12 02:39:27 UTC
I've seen the ad for 23 about 23 times, and now I have an uncontrollable urge to bolt for my front door, and go and drop perhaps $23 to see it. What can I do?? Oh, please put the ad on for the 24th time so the hex will be broken.
2007-02-15 09:22:17 UTC
People obsessing with a number... Now THAT"S something stupid!!! People! get a life! It's not like the world is gonna end on the 2.3.23 (Feb. 23/2023)... or will it??
2007-02-12 13:22:35 UTC
Hey, lets not forget that Michael Jordan with the CHICAGO BULLS again Bulls you know they have Horns uuuuuu. He was the number 23.......aaaaa... I knew that something evil was the only way that could fly like that ......

Heres an all points bulletin, we need to cee where this Jordan character is. oh my its 1:23 right know dum de dum.. uuuuuu
2007-02-12 03:01:50 UTC
No wonder Jordan played like the devil all those years!! How the hell does anyone know how many childern Adam and Eve had? That's a better question!
2007-02-15 09:13:22 UTC
I have not heard of anyone in my life who is 'obsessed' with the number 23.
2007-02-20 09:15:59 UTC
my daughter was born on the 23rd of December my son was also born on the 23rd my daughter has always noticed many things to do with the number 23
ben h
2007-02-20 04:04:21 UTC
I think hollywood made a mistake ,the number should have been 32.

as it is 1 day more than the length of the month and when you add it

together it makes 5. THINK ABOUT IT

2007-02-18 18:42:51 UTC
Thats cool!Im obsessed with a number too.Its 666.And im not even kidding its been my favorite number since I was 6.
2007-02-15 14:37:30 UTC
Well...I hope the number 23 isn't anything bad because I was born on the 23rd. Gulp.
2007-02-14 23:56:08 UTC
23 is a prime number

it is not the first prime number

[that would be 1]

but it is the first [lowest] prime number

composed of two other prime numbers

that is not a twin prime

[see link]

it is low enough that it occurs more frequently

than other double primes

also the sum of 2+3 is 5

also a prime

plus there is a secret

[but if i told you

they would kill me

and then kill you]

the truth is out th...........
2007-02-14 00:12:36 UTC
Michael Jordan is God and the number 23.
2007-02-13 23:28:27 UTC
Maybe 23 has a special role in the evaulation of the God Function

2007-02-13 09:31:56 UTC
Just a movie with an unlucky number like the numbers on LOST.
2007-02-12 15:26:49 UTC
I do belive that certain things have some what mystical power, I'm not saying that I do belive in the number 23 but I'm not saying that I don't think that it doesn't have no power whatsoever.
2007-02-12 12:10:49 UTC
Are there 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper and 23 herbs & spices in KFC??
2007-02-12 11:03:43 UTC
23, 24 766.. its all rubbish..a load of hype..and publicity for the film..

Maybe Jim Carrey should be paid just 23 dollars seeing as the number means so much to him
Amy B
2007-02-12 09:37:22 UTC
Michael Jordan wore number 23...what does THAT mean?
2007-02-12 08:44:31 UTC
I've never heard that there was hype over this number. I do know scientists believe the world started on October 23rd.

Also, I was born on the 23rd :)
2007-02-12 08:04:33 UTC
I think the number 9 is a more fascinating number as in the complements of nine.
2007-02-12 07:24:18 UTC
We humans are experts on finding relationships and patterns even where there are none. For instance, we see faces, lambs, ships, etc. on clouds. About the number 23, it's true I've noticed it a lot of times in the past, but, why is this? It started on August 23th, 2000. That day I was called to serve on the army. Since then, 23 is not just another number because it already means something for me. Human memory is known to be associative. Maybe I see 22 or 24 just as frequently as I see 23, but so far they mean nothing to me so I just let them be with no surprises. For different reasons, other numbers have some special meanings to me (e.g. 3, 5, 7, 44, 66, 88, etc.) and I notice them everytime I see them on the media. I'll give another example. I remember lots of times I look at the time and it is 3:14, it is always appealing because it reminds me of pi number, maybe I've seen 3:13 and 3:15 just as often but they can't be directly linked to any meaningful number or memory so what I remember can be described as "seeing 3:14 on my watch too many times for it to be a coincidence". Does it imply some mistique experience? I don't think so. I suppose what happens is that we humans are also cautious (even coward) by nature and when we find something that appears to be a relationship we tend to take seriously into account just in case it means something bad. I'll give another personal example: when I was 15, someone at school once told me that I shouldn't cut my toe nails on Sunday because if I did so I'd spend the whole week going into embarassing situations. I've never considered it to be true but every time I cut my toe nails on Sunday there's something that makes me wonder "what if....." and lots of times in the week that follows this comes to my mind. Why? Because I usually spend this week more aware of what could be embarassing situations that other weeks. That what-if behavior is (I think) a part of our conservation instinct, the same reason why sailors avoided to sail westward from Europe for so many centuries. "What if we reach the edge of the world and fall to the abbys?"

So, some people will agree that there's something special about some numbers and some people won't. It depends mostly on everyone's past experiences.
2007-02-12 01:49:09 UTC
The human genome contains 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes.

The human 'physical cycle' biorhythm is 23 days long.

The Earth spins on an axis of 23 degrees.

psalm 23_bible

prenancy 23 weeks

fox 23

2007-02-13 20:46:28 UTC
lol, my birthday is on 1994, that means 1+9+9+4=23. and 23 is devils birthday. not good.
2007-02-13 08:01:45 UTC
i have heard of the 23 enigma. and i would be more inclined to discuss this matter, only if i knew that this question wasn't a promotion for the movie.

i encourage everyone to report abuse as repeat questioning or advertisement. because this question has already be asked by the same person several times!!!
2007-02-12 20:29:18 UTC
What does the number 33 mean on the rolling rock beer bottle?
2007-02-12 18:01:47 UTC
Does anyone know what 2 divided by 3 is? it is .6666666666 repeating not .666. I guess the directors forgot to do the math...
2007-02-12 08:41:00 UTC
Michael Jordan was number 23...
2007-02-21 07:44:41 UTC
wow that looks like a good movie so that's why the movie calles number 23 hum i did not knew about that is it scary i want to go see it well bye
2007-02-19 23:41:13 UTC
Michael Jordans number was 23 =O

pretty scary...
2007-02-19 22:44:46 UTC
Here's a great site dealing with 'sacred' numbers:

I think you'll find it right up your alley. There's also a marvelous book out on Sacred Geometry that is quite informative. Here are a few sites I think you'll find facinating:

This should keep you busy for a while. Enjoy your journey of the mind...
2007-02-15 10:39:00 UTC
why 2012?
2007-02-14 05:34:28 UTC
Apparently it is the same as the number "Pi" + Jim Carrey... (See the link)

Get some new ideas, Hollywood!!!
2007-02-13 20:51:30 UTC
Hey wait a minute! My jersey number is 23. Does this mean that I am gonna kill rival coaches?
2007-02-13 20:36:13 UTC
I need to know atleast 23 more people obsessed with it to believe it
2007-02-13 04:47:00 UTC
People can be idiots...even Jim Carrey...surprised?

By the way...if this campaign on Yahoo!Answers is supposed to create a isn't working with me. I will never go see this movie.
2007-02-13 02:39:48 UTC
When I was 23, I got laid more times than you can count. I was smoking it and partying etc...

Now that I'm older I see the real truth...I wish I was 23 again.
Nilina Jerry Klauda
2007-02-12 21:12:10 UTC
-- Why people possess a bad belief for the Number 23? --

I personally have high regard for this number as this is attached to the wire connection <23> of one of my best buddies who taught me !
2007-02-12 14:26:43 UTC
The curse of 23 can only mean one thing. Micheal Jordan is the Devil.
Virgilio C
2007-02-12 09:38:05 UTC
That's why Michael Jordan have a great power in basketball because he wears 23?
2007-02-12 08:57:33 UTC
i think the first answer says it best....

this is one of the holy grail knowledges, if you understand the number and what it means and how it works, it is extremely powerful.

unfortunately in this two dimensional religion anything magical has been demonised regardless of it's benefits, so successfully now that the unknown derives fear instead of curiosity. so one has to ask, why has religion demonised the magical environment that we live in? people should be more afraid of that answer than the question regarding the number 23 and it's power.
2007-02-12 00:53:32 UTC
It all began in 1988 when a man named Michael Jordan put on the jersey number '23'. Ever since that event, the number has been used in terrible movie marketing such as this bullsh!t question.
2007-02-12 16:42:38 UTC
I'm sure there's plenty of things that add up to 24, or 89 also.. doesn't mean the number is magical.
Warrior Hamster
2007-02-20 12:34:45 UTC
Help! I'm a drop in the ocean. My answer is so insignificant against the multitude, I'll probably never be noticed by anyone.

Makes me think how small and pointless that makes my life.

Just one in 6.6 billion lost souls.
2007-02-20 09:01:57 UTC
i always thought everything was related to the number 9

take any number. add the digits. subtract the original number by the sum of the digits. the answer will be divisible by nine

the sum of the digits of any number devisible by nine equals nine








i dont know how that works for one-digit numbers though

i think you have to use decimals
2007-02-20 06:40:33 UTC
alot of jim careys numbers added to number 23,,it was on the dave letterman show last night
2007-02-15 15:44:03 UTC
I have not been consumed or even remotely interested in the number. I did not even think of it other that is significance of counting until the movie started advertising.

I STILL think you can find significance in any number you put your mind to.

Will I see the movie? On DVD.

2007-02-14 10:10:11 UTC
I don't know, I never really had heard anout this number being so mystical until recentally with all of the movie press. Perosnally though it's my lucky number its my birthday and two of the best basketball player had that number, Micahael Jordan.
ashutosh b
2007-02-13 19:54:19 UTC
a lot of such beliefs exist and since we are hardly aware or can actually give a confirmation for such hardly seems logical to go about answering this particular question.but still people who do believe can always carry on the way and fear the worst...while the rest can sit back,wait and watch for something to come...
2007-02-12 20:23:31 UTC
I'm convinced Kevin Bacon is the Anti-Christ because so many actors can be conected to Him by just a few degrees of separation.
2007-02-12 18:45:36 UTC
People aren't obsessed with it - you people are trying to drive up hype for your movie - that's all this is and I for one will not go see this movie because I think you people are just sad. Can't you just make a commerical like normal movie makers, and leave yahoo answers free of ads pretending to be questions?
2007-02-12 16:35:45 UTC
Yea the number 23 gave power to Michael Jordan. Thats why he was so good at basketball.
Yea Yea
2007-02-12 13:40:58 UTC
Ummm....just bite me 23 times and we'll all be happy.

I yawned 23 times while reading these entries.

I lost my virginity at 23.

Whoa! I have $23 in my wallet!

It's all so true.
2007-02-12 13:38:38 UTC
do u noe how to divide 2/3 is yes .666 but if u round it is .667 oh yeah and my birthday is on march 23
2007-02-12 13:33:55 UTC
Wow, half these people are full of it. The whole "23 enigma" has existed for a long time, people were just too oblivious to question it until they make it into a movie. It has been like this and you won't aknowledge it until you see a movie about it! The people that are putting it down to get attention, think about it. I hate you all.
2007-02-12 13:21:45 UTC
i'm sorry 24 is my number....


th curse of 24 effects more people... 24 in a case. 24 .oz and 24 hours..

and no that mayan calendar is the most misunderstood pheonomen.

they so did not believe the world will end... just their calendar ran out.. when you run out your culture does also.. the world remains.
2007-02-12 05:22:04 UTC
It's intresting, but just a major coincidence. Not everything bad has added up to a 23, has it?
lisababyg ♥
2007-02-12 04:01:38 UTC
My husband says it is his lucky number ! He was born on that day! You are right there is so many people obsessed with it.

I have seen it first hand my husband has done a bunch of searches about it.
2007-02-24 18:59:12 UTC
If u divide 2 by 3 it equals .666
2007-02-13 19:34:52 UTC
Never heard of it before the stupid movie started being promoted by Yahoo. Most people actually have never heard of it so "many" can't possibly be near as "obsessed" with it as Yahoo claims.
2007-02-12 14:23:42 UTC
i'm no expert on sum of those things that were mentioned but i do know that adam and eve only had like 3 or 4 children. and tha world we have to have 1000 years of peace first.
2007-02-12 13:50:09 UTC
one time, i was walking down the sidewalk and saw a spray painted "Q23" on the pavement (I am guessing to mark where a water pipe was or something). Well right after seeing this a car honked and a girl on a motorcycle behind it (it was a 2 seater, she was on the back) flashed her breasts at my friends and I.
2007-02-11 23:46:51 UTC
Oh, I see, you can use Yahoo Answers to spread SPAM as long as you are an "Official Sponsor." I'm sure the number 23 is in there somewhere...
Lazy G
2007-02-20 10:17:43 UTC
Nobody is obsessed with it, you are just working secretly for the production company to push the movie. Sell out!
Zapatta McFrench
2007-02-19 20:30:41 UTC
Because there is no shortage of tin-foil hat wearing moonbats in the world,which is probably a good thing for this movie.I'm sure they're gonna find all sorts of incredible insight and deep meaning in it.
2007-02-15 19:56:09 UTC
This is another case of seek and you will find syndrome. You can take pretty much any number or phrase and find a whole lot of connections if you try hard enough. Stupid human minds.
2007-02-15 17:27:06 UTC
people r so obsessed with 23 because it is used in so many things and to what it divides down into
leandra s
2007-02-15 12:18:36 UTC
Because people have nothin better 2 do with their lives but to care about numbers!
2007-02-13 20:05:06 UTC
Here is the REAL question: Wonder how much Yahoo gets paid to have their "answers" website be an advertising front for movies and who knows what other products?
2007-02-13 19:33:05 UTC
I am NOT going to this movie because it will just be some over inflated predictable claptrap just like everything else hollywood lets out - I might get it on Netflix if I'm really BORED
Dr. Brian
2007-02-13 07:11:59 UTC
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yte r
2007-02-12 20:15:56 UTC
Well the word says that God only knows when the world is going to end. It even says that Jesus the son of God does not know. They have been saying "the world is going to end." Has it ended yet? Then why are we still here? We do not know.
Philip Kiriakis
2007-02-12 16:57:29 UTC
I will be so happy when the 23rd comes around, so I don't have to see the crappy Jim Carrey image on the screen anymore!
╔═♠═╗ ♣777♣ ╚═♠═╝
2007-02-12 12:50:41 UTC
I like to believe more in my favorite # 7. Its also everywhere:

7 colors in the rainbow.

7 days in a week.

7 World Wonders.

And many, many, many more that I don't have time for.
2007-02-12 12:16:36 UTC
Dr. Pepper is the Devil's drink. 2/3=0.66666666666666666666 ad infinitum.
2007-02-12 10:40:04 UTC
I think you all need a hobby. you people are OCD about this ****. and i also noticed that at the time i write this, the star feature on this question has been activated 69 times...geeez thats 23 thre times over!! wow! amazing! how incrediburgable! oh my goodness!
2007-02-12 08:06:31 UTC
It's a bunch of baloney and this is just a commercial that is of no significance. Pure Hollywood hype! We should all hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.
2007-02-12 06:58:33 UTC
Yeah yeah, yeah

You could look at any number and find patterns with history.

All the numbers start at 1 and end at 0.

Nothing can control us, only ourselves.

We only chose to fallow, but only for a certain period.

We lead when can't stand anymore.
Bonnie Lynn
2007-02-12 06:20:03 UTC
I'm not bothering with an argument on the correlations of this number.

I will say this.....Mankind is'nt ready for such knowledge. (YET)

At present moment it would'nt be understood.

This argument will only travel in circles, getting nowhere, causing disbelief and unrest.

In due time, all of you will understand the full context of what I just said and why.
2007-02-12 05:41:20 UTC
It's a joke. It is no different than any other number. You can make any number LOOK special by pointing out a coouple dates or events. It's a farce that anyone believes that crap
the nice girl 23
2007-02-12 03:24:13 UTC
whhaaaooo so many answers to this question! personally 23 is my fave number, always has been and always wioll be coz its the data of my birth and for various other reasons. I am intregued by the number aswell :D hehe looks like a good film to me lol
2007-02-12 03:09:16 UTC
Number 23 indicates time.That is at night 11pm.It is a belief that at night 11 clock evil power araises & dominates to its best.People at this time tend to do all evil things like sex etc. And this is an advantage to the evil power.Thats it.
2007-02-13 20:49:25 UTC
thats funny cause my favorite numbers are 2 and 3, put them together and you have one freakin awesome number! I love 23!
2007-02-21 18:12:28 UTC
2/3 is not 666 it's .66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ect.
b c
2007-02-20 10:10:30 UTC
People just want to find out what 23 means, but in reality it really doesn't mean anything.
Kenneth H
2007-02-20 01:14:15 UTC
23 is the number of flavors that Dr. Pepper has in it. Among these I think that Panther Piss should have been rethought!
2007-02-15 13:28:10 UTC
I think every number is a good number. It's ones own perceptions thinking that this number is good for u or the number may bring bad luck for u. But all numbers are mathematical they wont bring any bad or good they are only for countings.........
2007-02-15 12:18:32 UTC
i never knew there was anything special about 23...and i would say if someone asked me whats the first thing you think of when you hear or see 23- I'd say Michael Jordan?!
2007-02-15 11:46:18 UTC
Every thing you count, date, or other random crap has numbers. Guess what! There are lots of numbers. You can attach them to slightly important and completely unrelated things nobody cares about and say it means something but don't say what it means as much as you want to.
Dick E. Fresh
2007-02-15 11:03:15 UTC
Hey douche bags

eat it

23 is boss
2007-02-13 22:04:45 UTC
who knows, next year it will be somthing else, I am 51 and have never heard of anything about 23, my daughters 23, I find more and more things every day totake our minds off of the Lord. seeking him finding him, giving him our lives. Praise God!
2007-02-13 08:10:42 UTC
there is a very funny episode of southpark you should watch my friend. simply is a number like any. no digit can answer these questions and facts and corralations, hence a legend is born...9 plus 1 plus one still makes 11!

chill out.
2007-02-13 04:13:04 UTC
this movie is such a half wits idea, this movie is such a coniving piece of gibberish to get people's money and time away from them, "if six turned out to be nine, what a coincedence Jc 23 who would figure this, i will say no more here, corrupt
2007-02-12 22:34:09 UTC
23 is a significant integer and humans have free will, expect then that anyone can make a meaning out of Nature made by man and by GOD
2007-02-12 17:55:27 UTC
When I hear the number "23" = The first thing I think about is MICHAEL JORDAN....not some mythical nonsense....
The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom
2007-02-12 17:08:12 UTC
The reason you read so much about it latley, is that Yahoo Answers has been paid to promote a new movie with Jim Carrey.
Justin A
2007-02-12 10:32:08 UTC
2 divided by 3 .666: therefore 666= the devils number for all you devil worshippers out there. not me of course im Methodist.
2007-02-12 09:23:10 UTC
we get it - your are promoting your stupid movie. I have never known anyone obsessed with 23 except for Michael Jordan fans.

I wont see this stupid movie

$23 is the money you will waste if you see this movie including gas, time, popcorn
2007-02-12 07:50:06 UTC
I believe it's the result of letting the imagination run amuck. There are other numbers that can be used to cause the same effect. Pure nonsense.
2007-02-12 01:17:05 UTC
We humans have to be paranoid about something at all times. 23 Enigma sure why not.
2007-02-11 23:00:01 UTC
I think the number 23 has something to do with 2-3=1 and 1 is the lucky number

1 came first

first means 1

and 2+3=5 which is a prime number

but i love jim carey and the number 23

but i like the kennedy and linoln one better
2007-02-24 13:52:50 UTC
when you divide 2 by 3 you get 666. the devil's number
2007-02-17 19:45:59 UTC
the most important number is 5 it is the most commoc number! 5x5. 25. South Park S3ason 5! think about it!
Max T
2007-02-20 23:39:44 UTC
I am afraid of only one number, and that is the number 7. Why? Because 7 ate 9! bwahahahaha! lame joke!!!
K9 Guy
2007-02-20 03:12:47 UTC
I already had an only mediocre desire to see this movie, as there are better movies out there to see. However, after this FEEBLE attempt by Yahoo! to promote this movie, I am going to intentionally avoid seeing this movie. Hopefully this will let the producers of this movie know that they should avoid letting Yahoo! handle their advertising.

For all the rest of you who will also NOT see this movie because of this stupid question, right on.

I am typing this with my TWO hands as I stare at my screen, which is made up of pixels of THREE colors each (red,green,blue). TWO.....+.....THREE!!!! OMG!!! Computers are evil!!!
2007-02-19 16:43:33 UTC
why is the number 666 called then mark of the beat
David B
2007-02-13 21:58:50 UTC
Michael Jordan was number 23

Lebron James is number 23

They are not great because they had skill it's because they were both number 23

And if you add up their numbers and divide by 2 you get 23!!!


2007-02-13 20:33:11 UTC
This is quite funny that people would take this seriously. You can sit there and find creepy/eerie things out of anything all day long. Simply grab out a calculator and start typing away, and u can make anything out of anything.
2007-02-13 20:30:26 UTC
if you read the bible there are number you should go by like 666 since of satin and 777 is Gods number
2007-02-12 14:19:50 UTC
Why Dec. 23rd, 2012?! Wait, what does that have to do with the number 23?????????????
John P
2007-02-12 12:22:15 UTC
Good question since in my 33 years, I have never heard of it.

There are plenty of other numbers out there with more meaning or significance than this one.
mike c
2007-02-12 06:05:31 UTC
what is this? an episode of Sesame Street?

Today's question is brought to you by the number 23

and the letter W, the 23rd letter

2007-02-12 05:46:52 UTC
If you go looking for coincidences, you'll find them eventually. And you'll be surprised at the number of strange coincidences there are in the world. You'll drive yourself crazy, so its best to shrug and move on. It's as easy as that.
Dr. J
2007-02-15 03:07:57 UTC
2 words: Michael Jordan.

The greatest!
2007-02-14 07:36:45 UTC
People love mystic stuff. Numbers, letters dates. If you look hard enough you can find hidden meaning in the telephone book.
2007-02-13 19:12:23 UTC
What is the deal with this commercial disguised as a question? Furthermore, you can take just about any number and find crazy "coincidences" about it. Big friggin deal!
Gettysburg Ghost
2007-02-13 07:34:12 UTC
I don't know at all what all this 23 stuff is about, but it's starting to freak me out.
Henry B.
2007-02-12 13:07:41 UTC
Seriously, it would be more than coincidental of all of the above were somehow connected. Just like the German's apprehension of November 9th, the connection is specious.
2007-02-12 11:59:04 UTC
Most people are dumb enough to believe anything that they read or hear on TV. I think it's all hype about selling theater tickets. It would probably be an amusing and entertaining movie.
2007-02-12 09:55:07 UTC
i look to all number in the same view all are some times good and all are sometimes bad so when we think that some are always bad like some people who think that number 13 is always bad are wrong in their opinion
mr green
2007-02-12 09:25:47 UTC
23 base 10 is

10 base 23.

so, 10 is the weird one here...check it out!
2007-02-12 06:14:02 UTC
It appears to simply be a passage way and what you learn along the way probably needs documented for your generation of knowledge. there is always the caution for a final death for the person caught in the passage and through any passage.
2007-02-11 23:29:45 UTC
Actually 2/3 is .66666667. 2+3 is 5 though, and 5 does have power. Like in music the circle of fifths. Pentatonic scales based on 5 notes. Most rock songs use chords composed of the first and fifth notes. There chords are called power chords.

23 is also the fifth factorial prime.

Five is the third prime number after 2 and 3.

Almost all amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals that have fingers or toes have 5 of them.

The number of appendages on most starfish is five.

The most destructive tornadoes are F-5

There are five pillars of Islam. Muslims pray to Allah 5 times a day.

There are five books in the Jewish Torah, which are called the five books of Moses.

According to some traditions of Maya mythology, we are now living in the Fifth World.

The earth has five oceans.

Most roses have 5 petals

The number 5 has come to be known for protection. Sherrif badges are 5 sided stars. The Pentagon is housed in a five sided structure.

Discordians believe in the law of fives.

The principia discordia states:


The Law of Fives is never wrong.

The Law of Fives includes the word "Five" five times.

According to various mythologies, the universe is comprised of five classical elements: water, earth, air, fire and ether.
2007-02-13 09:00:16 UTC
there is an enigma and its no joke just look down on your keybaord and see the letter w (the 23 lettr) is between .........u guessed it 2 and 3 coincidence i think not
2007-02-12 14:59:26 UTC
2/3 is not .666 it is 0.6666666666666666

2007-02-21 15:48:47 UTC
Why do people even get into this stuff, its just a movie, and im a POSITIVE if you look into any number you'll find millions of possiblities!
2007-02-23 10:59:33 UTC
23? Numerology? What fiction.
Big Mama
2007-02-15 09:51:39 UTC
People should just believe in GOD and pay less attention to this type of nonsence. Maybe if we did this the world would be something alot better.
Kwadwo B
2007-02-15 06:55:36 UTC
Cindarella R
2007-02-14 12:44:47 UTC
23 is the number of Death, pure and simple. People are obsessed with Death and anything concerning her. And why not? She's really quite fascinating...
2007-02-14 07:17:59 UTC
People are obsessed by it because of the advertising. Time for Yahoo Answers to replace this advertisement!!
Mar cHuy
2007-02-14 05:30:06 UTC
its all about coincidence. our car RAv 4 lately just bump with another car they date is nov 6 2006 and its plate no. is GUY 666 here in the PHilippines :)
2007-02-13 21:15:20 UTC
My Birthday is 2/3...
2007-02-13 20:24:24 UTC
ok first off ill be honest this is just click and paste but its very interesting

here is the link if your interested

The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

Contents [hide]

1 About the 23 Enigma

2 A 23 enigma list

2.1 Historical

2.1.1 Births and deaths

2.2 Scientific

2.3 Religious


3 Occurrences in popular culture

3.1 Film references

3.2 Television references

3.3 Literary references

3.4 Musical references

4 References

5 See also

6 External links

[About the 23 Enigma

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.

A 23 enigma list

This is a list of unusual happenings or circumstances commonly brought up as instances of the 23.


The first Morse Code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23.

The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the last being Jacques de Molay.

Alexander the Great was aged 23 when he cut the Gordian Knot.

Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States, served between Grover Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms.

The Federal Republic of Germany was originally founded on May 23rd, 1949.

The Salt March, initiated by Mohandas Gandhi to protest the salt tax, lasted 23 days.

The Chernobyl disaster happened on April 26, 1986 at 01:23 a.m. and the power plant is located at 51°23′23″N, 30°5′58″E, near Pripyat, Ukraine.

The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (9+11+2+001=23).

Births and deaths

See January 23, February 23, March 23, April 23, May 23, June 23, July 23, August 23, September 23, October 23, November 23, December 23, and 23 (year) for further births and deaths.

William Shakespeare: born on April 23, 1564, died on April 23, 1616.

9/11: 9 + 11 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 23

Johnny Carson: born on October 23, 1925. died on January 23, 2005.

Actor River Phoenix: born on August 23, 1970, died at the age of 23, on October 31 (Halloween), 1993.

Julius Caesar was allegedly stabbed twenty-three times when he was assassinated.

Hagbard (Karl Koch): died on 23 May. It is possible that his death was a suicide, the date chosen intentionally to fit this numerology; Koch was an avid fan of Robert Anton Wilson's trilogy.

Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper died on February 3 (2/3), 1959 (The Day the Music Died).

Pancho Villa was killed on July 23, 1923.

Selena was murdered at the age of 23.

Hannah Kersey, a woman with two wombs, gave birth to three girls when she was 23 years old.

Saddam Hussein, died on december 30th 2006. 12+3+0+2+0+0+6 = 23.

Kurt Cobain,Born Feb 20th 1967 1+9+6+7= 23 and died April 5th 1994. 1+9+9+4= 23.


The human genome contains 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes.

The human 'physical cycle' biorhythm is 23 days long.

The Earth spins on an axis of 23.

Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846.

The 23rd element in the periodic table is Vanadium and its symbol is the capital V, which is the Roman Numeral five, and also the peace sign with two fingers up and three fingers down


Psalms, the longest book of the Bible, is the 23rd book of the Old Testament.

Both the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian calendars begin on 23 July. Both calendars were apparently calculated from the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurs at that latitude around that time of year.

2 divided by 3 is equal to .666.


W, the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet has 2 points down, 3 points up.

The "Devil Horns" and the V sign involve 2 upright fingers and 3 folded down. V itself feeds back into the Law of Fives as it is the Latin numeral for 5.

On a normal modern Latin alphabet QWERTY keyboard, the 23rd letter W is immediately below and between 2 and 3.

Supposedly, in telegraphy a line break is or was transmitted as a 23, as referred to in the article 23. A connection has been suggested with I Ching hexagram 23 which means breaking apart.

William Shakespeare's first portfolio was published in 1623.

According to the Dr Pepper company website, the soft drink "is a unique blend of 23 flavors". [1]

Former NBA superstar and Chicago Bulls player Michael Jordan was known for his jersey number 23. His unprecedented success has apparently led to many other sportsmen choosing to play in the same number. [2]

Devin Hester, #23 of the Chicago Bears,was the first person to return an opening kickoff in a Super Bowl for a touchdown in Super Bowl XLI.

blink-182 lyrics "nobody likes you when your 23"

Occurrences in popular culture

It should be observed that many of these cultural references are deliberate, by artists who were fully aware of the mythical status of the number 23.
Import Car Salesman
2007-02-13 09:54:54 UTC
Nothing. You can find similar "enigmas" with any number. Nice try though, pumping up what is likely to be a crappy film.
2007-02-13 06:58:24 UTC
One can attach significance to any number if one looks hard enough. Please people, understand that this is a movie and all this talk only serves to market what the film company is trying to peddle. Be smart!
2007-02-12 13:44:08 UTC
It's publicity for Carrey's new movie. A bunch of balogney. Don't buy into it like the media wants you to.
2007-02-12 13:32:03 UTC
Wow. Never heard any of this before. Sounds like a pathetic attempt to drum up business for the movie...
2007-02-12 06:58:45 UTC
Jim Carrey also has an IQ of 23, did you know that interesting fact?

Yours must be around there too.
2007-02-12 06:10:24 UTC
Personally, I'm obsessed with the number -35.672.
Time Bandit
2007-02-12 04:14:41 UTC
24 is a Mystical Number... 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case, coincidence? I think NOT!
2007-02-12 03:29:05 UTC
i don't know i always sucked at maths anyway, and it's the first time that i hear about magic properties from the number 23....
2007-02-12 00:06:53 UTC
well, i want to know what is the obsession with the number 3? we have 3 bases in baseball....3 strikes and your out...3rd times a charm...3 stooges...3 mouse k teers....3 blind mice...3 the trinity....3 branches of our gov' how does it correlate to 23?
Rich Z
2007-02-12 09:53:46 UTC
The only ones obsessed with it seem to be the marketing team from the movie hyping it here on Yahoo. The rest of us have no interest and are put off with the thought the movie must be pathetic if they keep trying this approach to drum up discussion.
Shane M
2007-02-15 11:21:22 UTC
Michael Jordan wore #23 and I've always been a little suspicious of his skills.
2007-02-14 09:48:58 UTC
THIS IS TOTALLY FUNNY. I never gave the number a second thought until I saw the preview for this movie. Thanks Jim Carrey, for increasing the amount of things we worry about in this world.
2007-02-14 06:29:58 UTC
It's just numerology, and the whole subject is bunk. Study graph theory (a REAL branch of mathematics) and you will understand why numerology is such a joke!
2007-02-13 22:48:43 UTC
isn't 23 one of the numbers on Lost?

that'd be interesting if it was.

more of the enigma?

oh wait - i thought that show was complete fiction though ...
2007-02-13 07:35:00 UTC
In response to the weirdo that thought that Yahoo made up a name and only asked questions having to do with the movie: DUh! That's what this is. See the little green "official" sign next to the name? And under his profile, it talks about the movie! It's movie propaganda and Yahoo isn't scamming anyone.
2007-02-13 02:33:08 UTC
Someone mentioned exactly the same thing to me recenlty... however their version of it was related to the number 11

Your question is loaded with superstition :-)
Mrs. Wizard
2007-02-12 14:38:51 UTC
It's like when you buy a new car and then suddenly you see cars the same as your new one everywhere. It is just because your attention has become aware to look for that specific thing.
2007-02-12 14:19:09 UTC
Lov'n the sarcasm....numbers are a language of their own--that is clear. However, I just don't speak it. Am too right brained, I guess. It has affected my life immeasurably. Sound the Symbols!!!
2007-02-12 12:03:32 UTC
i am sure if i put anyone put enough thought to it they could creat a mythical significance to any number by using simple mathematics or relating the number to world events. To be perfectly honest though i cannot be bothered
2007-02-12 08:49:00 UTC
i'll watch this movie because i like jim carrey...i've never even heard of such a thing as the number 23 enigma...
kitty is ANGRY!™
2007-02-12 06:32:07 UTC
the connections made between the number 23 and other things are far-fetched and absurd
2007-02-12 03:36:37 UTC
What about 22 0r 24, hhmmm what about 33. there's nothing attached to that number. as far as im concerned, the only link to it is that it is odd.
William S
2007-02-11 22:55:38 UTC
23 !! It was Don Mattingly's jersey #!! Whoa...creepy. That explains the Mattingly curse. Maybe he was marked. In retro spec the # was also worn by Michael Jordan!! Holy S--t!! He was like ...the lord of basketball. Soo creepy!

Give me a f-ing break. When givin too much time it just goes to show how rediculous our society can really be. You guys need to get a job or something. try fishing something outdoors and get out of your stenched up 1 bedroom apartment. LOL just messin. I find this whole thing really funny. feel free to criticize
2007-02-24 18:44:38 UTC
There is no enigma. All numbers are the same.
Sick Puppy
2007-02-13 08:02:35 UTC
It's just a bunch of hype. The numerology means nothing and only appeals to the easily convinced and led. And this question is posted to help hype the movie.
2007-02-13 19:25:45 UTC
I don't know the answer, but this movie comes out a month before my 23rd birthday, which is on the 23rd of March...ooh spooky ha ha
2007-02-12 17:26:27 UTC
The nuumber*23* has been in a few historical parts in our world...
2007-02-12 17:15:18 UTC
the most interesting multiple of 23 is 23,000,000 which is what they are paying Jim Carrey to be in this film 22,999,999 to much if you ask me.
Santa Barbara
2007-02-12 14:27:44 UTC
I have always been intrigued with 23 also. It has always been good luck for me, and has worked for many others.

Jordan was #23 etc etc etc
Charles G
2007-02-20 09:10:00 UTC
23 skidoo
2007-02-20 04:43:51 UTC
SO who really cares?? Look up Lincolns Birth and Death...2 different #'s, but you could make a case for either.
2007-02-15 18:49:50 UTC
did you know that if you are born on january 23rd 1945 or 2045 your birthday is 01-23-45.
2007-02-15 10:58:15 UTC
The peanut butter salmonella outbreak only happed in jars with a code that begins 2111 (23).

OOOOOO!!!! Creepy!!!!
2007-02-14 09:52:34 UTC
If you think 23 is cool, wait 'til you discover 69. Nothing like it in the world.
2007-02-13 08:51:14 UTC
23,,,,Hmmm.Twenty three is fantastic.It gives me a great feeling because I know the first one went down real good and I still have twenty three left in the case and it is a weekend.Terrific.
2007-02-12 17:41:20 UTC
23= MJ
It's Me
2007-02-12 05:20:24 UTC
My mystical number is 27. Did I miss the boat or something?
2007-02-20 12:19:56 UTC
Omg 1+22=23

amazing isn't it
2007-02-18 04:27:25 UTC
the number23 is a number thats causeing many un explained causes... there is a talk among many philosophers that that the world we know it is going to end in January 2023....
2007-02-15 09:09:40 UTC
It is the number of the greatest basketball player there has ever been...Mr. Michael Jordan.
2007-02-15 02:14:38 UTC
By the time I had read your entry, 23 people had responded. Coincidence? Yeah...I'm scared too.
Jakob K.
2007-02-12 20:21:02 UTC
This is just people trying as hard as they can to find relations that signify some greater purpose. I mean seriously. You look hard enough you could find a pattern in anything.
2007-02-12 17:07:58 UTC
Right. And every other prime number between 1 and 100 will have just as many "coincidences" associated with it.
2007-02-12 12:47:33 UTC
your obsessed and that goes with all the people who believe in this 'mystical' junk. I mean for example the world was supposed to end many time and it didnt.
2007-02-12 12:25:25 UTC
It's just a marketing gimmick to promote a film by cashing in on superstitions in the popular culture. It's nothing more and nothing less.
2007-02-12 07:55:08 UTC
The significance of it is is between 22 and 24...

2007-02-12 07:43:12 UTC
I can't speak for others, but here is a true story that happened to me.

My wife died on the 23rd of November, 2003. In 2004 I moved into a boarding house and i found the Landlord's birthdday was 9-23. The first boarder besides me had 2-23 for his birthday. I told them both I had been studying time since I was hit by a mack truck on 11-8-99, (my only begotten son was hit by a pickup on 9-11-99) and I experienced time warpage. Time affects EVERYTHING. I told them I was convinced EVERYTHING happens for at least two good reasons. Even Poo. it gets rid of waste, feeds flies, and feeds trees. I told them we were meant to meet.

It was March or so when I moved in. Actually I think I have the year wrong, I believe it was 05 or 06, but it is irrevelent to the story. This guy (my landlord was the typical hypocritical "christian") I do love him, but I kept trying to tell him he was misguided. he would get down on his knees and pray loooong prayers, at first in the living room, then in his own room, but we could still here him. His prayers were a bunch of EMPTY words. it was very comical, I thought. He also never missed church or bible study. He also reaaaaaaaly loved money. he justified obvious wrong doing with the Bible. i told him, as a scientist, Bible scholar, dead sea scroll scholar, i was there to correct him and instruct him. he wouldn't hear of it.

November 23rd rolled around and he made a deal with a resident (disabled) to take some of his money when he would NOT be staying there. He said the resident owed it to him as he signed a paper saying he would give notice of moving. Within an hour of his making this deal, his brother died! I told him early on,(6 months prior) that November 23rd was very special to me. Now it is special to him. But he still didn't get the message. Oh well. Humanity has a lot to learn. There aren't any true followers of Christ, yet.

I asked a friend of mine whom I call doubting Thomas (that's his real name, Tom) when his birthday was. I told him I was going to be a king, as I discovered scientific proof of Christ being Lord. He wouldn't tell me. He did suggest I check the Dead Sea Scrolls, since I was a Bibler Scholar. I did. it would have never occured to me to chech the scrolls, but they describe me rather well, hair color, moles on my inner thighs, my education. He still doubts. He did tell me his birthday, though. 11-23!
2007-02-12 02:49:15 UTC describes its history. Noted science fiction/science non-fiction writer Issac Asimov called it a "Gosh Number," a number that occurs often in your life, in completely different situations so that when you see it you (politely) say "Gosh, there's that number again." As my nickname shows: (23 means nothing to me), my Gosh number is 137.
2007-03-04 07:17:49 UTC
don't care too much about Carrey he sucks !

but he did blow man on the moon away.Andy Kauffman would have been proud...23 maybe great
2007-02-12 13:28:35 UTC
Micheal Jordan was number 23.......
Sadie &hearts
2007-02-23 19:40:23 UTC
Because it has had alot of significance in everyday life. By the way, I saw the movie today, and it was great!
2007-02-14 09:05:54 UTC favorite number is 23, its the last two of my social, its the last of my phone number, it has shown up so much in my life that I've just adopted it as my number...interesting....
2007-02-14 05:25:48 UTC
All I know is that I love Infusium 23 hair products...could there be something to that??? It just gets weirder and weirder.
2007-02-14 00:14:35 UTC
My B'day is on the 23rd & I've always felt kinda speacial about it, though i know some about all the theories floating around about the date, thats as much as i've heard, not much idea besides that
rrr ttt
2007-02-12 14:49:23 UTC
How about corporate America set some limits to the pervasiveness and intrusiveness of their advertising?
2007-02-12 14:11:36 UTC
if the number 23 has any relation whatsoever to starbucks then you sold me out... starbucks is going to take over the universe, you watch.
2007-02-12 09:10:27 UTC
I understand what you guys mean... numbers are soooo evil all of them! We sound ban counting...especially 23 because its the most evil of all! After all it comes after..........22!!!!!!!!!!! Then we should ban the alphabet...its all evil too!!!! Especially Z because its last..we are all gonna die...............someday.

This is so idiotic. Bad things happen on all numbers..they are just numbers.
2007-02-20 05:48:08 UTC
23 stars jim carrey and looks amazing..that's why it people are obsessed with it.
2007-02-20 00:41:23 UTC
Some in this world spend money and some others like this site make that money
2007-02-18 19:15:57 UTC
I am born on January 23rd 1981!
2007-02-15 16:25:41 UTC
Holy artificial movie hype, Batman.
2007-02-12 22:29:59 UTC
William F
2007-02-12 12:37:42 UTC
It means you're a pyschopath...or an overpaid, washed-up comedic actor with 23 films under your belt.
2007-02-12 11:36:34 UTC
That's cute, with the whole devil thing, but 2/3 is actually .666666666666666666666667. So, there are WAY too many sixes, and there is a seven at the end. So, that's crap. Twenty Three is crap. You're all crap.
Megan T
2007-02-12 08:50:24 UTC
I think that this is cool. The way people do connect **** surprises me cuz i would never think of this and it is interesting to think about different stuff and i cant wait to see the movie
2007-02-12 05:55:49 UTC
My crazy aunt from Lousiana bayou told me i would die at 23

i am 28 now so now i watch for that number and stay away
2007-02-12 02:56:26 UTC
Here's what the movie's all about...

Walter Sparrow (Jim Carrey) stumbles onto a fascinating book titled The Number 23. It’s a peculiar little story about an individual that becomes obsessed with the number “23” and its recurrence in his everyday life. As Walter reads the novel and sees the character surrendering himself to his own paranoia, he too begins to experience similar feelings of euphoria and sexuality. Walter starts doing research and finds out about the day that he and his wife met was when they were 23. Time and day of birth and his ID's all come to the number 23. In fact with time, Walter begins to spot parallels between the book and the real life situations around him, much to the displeasure of his wife Agatha (Virginia Madsen), who begins to worry about his irrational behavior. His confusion continues to escalate and he begins to believe that the novel is actually based on his own life. When he discovers the main character’s descent into madness, transformation into a serial killer, and finally grisly demise in the book, he truly begins to panic. If the story is indeed based on Walter’s life, then he will have to find a way to prevent his own impending doom from ever taking place.

The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of

quantum mechanics.

This is a list of unusual happenings or circumstances commonly brought up as instances of the 23...


september 11th 2001 = 9+11+2+0+0+1=23

The first Morse Code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23.

The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the last being Jacques de Molay.

Alexander the Great was aged 23 when he cut the Gordian Knot.

Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States, served between Grover Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms.

The Salt March, initiated by Mohandas Gandhi to protest the salt tax, lasted 23 days.

The Chernobyl disaster happened on on April 26, 1986 at 01:23 a.m. and the power plant is located at 51°23′23″N, 30°5′58″E, near Pripyat, Ukraine.

It is believed that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed over a period of 23 years. There exist hadith that support this figure, but many more that give other lengths of time.

Psalms, the longest book of the Bible, is the 23rd book of the Old Testament, and the famous "Divine Shepherd" psalm is Psalm 23. Those repeating this popular claim overlook that it is only true in a handful of very specific modern Catholic translations. The famous psalm is actually number 22 in the Septuagint and traditional Catholic Bibles, while the books of the Old Testament appear in several different orders; Psalms is number 23 only in modern Catholic Bibles, being book 21 in the traditional Vulgate, book 26 in the Greek Orthodox Bible, book 19 in most Protestant Bibles, and book 14 in the Jewish Tanakh. It is therefore completely false for the Vulgate (chapter 22 of book 21), and only partly true for the King James Version (chapter 23 of book 19).

Both the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian calendars begin on 23 July. Both calendars were apparently calculated from the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurs at that latitude around that time of year.

W, the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet has 2 points down, 3 points up.

The "Devil Horns" and the V sign involve 2 upright fingers and 3 folded down. V itself feeds back into the Law of Fives as it is the Latin numeral for 5.

On a normal modern Latin alphabet QWERTY keyboard, the 23rd letter W is immediately below and between 2 and 3.

Supposedly, in telegraphy a line break is or was transmitted as a 23, as referred to in the article 23. A connection has been suggested with I Ching hexagram 23 which means breaking apart.

William Shakespeare's first portfolio was published in 1623.

According to the Dr Pepper company website, the soft drink "is a unique blend of 23 flavors". [1]

Former NBA superstar and Chicago Bulls player Michael Jordan was known for his jersey number 23. His unprecedented success has apparently led to many other sportsmen choosing to play in the same number. [2]

Devin Hester, #23 of the Chicago Bears,was the first person to return an opening kickoff in a Super Bowl for a touchdown in Super Bowl XLI.
2007-02-11 23:28:41 UTC
PICK A NUMBER ANY NUMBER! yeah thats right ...... now figure out the significance of any given number in any culture and im sure you will find something good or evil if you look hard enough.... this is just movie hype .... go figure...GO YAHOO.... not
2007-02-19 21:57:43 UTC
Its against God's commandment to worship an image, I would not spend a penny to see it, or waste the time God gave me to see it.
Ga's Peach
2007-02-19 22:38:03 UTC
i don't know why people r obsessed by it but the movie looks creepy to me. It looks evil and don't care to c it. J.C. needed to make a movie come back so he add some hype to it.
2007-02-14 11:16:29 UTC
23 Enigma is a state of character which you feel there lack of so you imagine such things correlate in your beliefs which consist of who you wish you were
2007-02-13 06:38:42 UTC
i never heard of this until the movie trailer came out, this was made up just to get interest in the movie, there is no enigma
2007-02-13 01:47:41 UTC
maybe those people just want to be noticed by getting obsessed with a number where a lot of people are obsessed with it. :P
2007-02-12 13:06:40 UTC
So that's why Michael Jordan chose the number ...

2007-02-12 12:35:33 UTC
This is a list of unusual happenings or circumstances commonly brought up as instances of the 23.


* The first Morse Code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23.

* The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the last being Jacques de Molay.

* Alexander the Great was aged 23 when he cut the Gordian Knot.

* Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States, served between Grover Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms.

* The Federal Republic of Germany was originally founded on May 23rd, 1949.

* The Salt March, initiated by Mohandas Gandhi to protest the salt tax, lasted 23 days.

* The Chernobyl disaster happened on April 26, 1986 at 01:23 a.m. and the power plant is located at 51°23′23″N, 30°5′58″E, near Pripyat, Ukraine.

Births and deaths

See January 23, February 23, March 23, April 23, May 23, June 23, July 23, August 23, September 23, October 23, November 23, December 23, and 23 (year) for further births and deaths.

* William Shakespeare: born on April 23, 1564, died on April 23, 1616.

* 9/11: 9 + 11 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 23

* Johnny Carson: born on October 23, 1925. died on January 23, 2005.

* Actor River Phoenix: born on August 23, 1970, died at the age of 23, on October 31 (Halloween), 1993.

* Julius Caesar was allegedly stabbed twenty-three times when he was assassinated.

* Hagbard (Karl Koch): died on 23 May. It is possible that his death was a suicide, the date chosen intentionally to fit this numerology; Koch was an avid fan of Robert Anton Wilson's trilogy.

* Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper died on February 3 (2/3), 1959 (The Day the Music Died).

* Pancho Villa was killed on July 23, 1923.

* Selena was murdered at the age of 23.

* Hannah Kersey, a woman with two wombs, gave birth to three girls when she was 23 years old.

* Saddam Hussein, died on december 30th 2006. 12+3+0+2+0+0+6 = 23.

* Kurt Cobain, died April 5th 1994. 1+9+9+4= 23.

* Anna Nicole Smith, died Feb.9 2007 2/9/2007 9x2+0+0+7-2=23


* The human genome contains 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes.

* The human 'physical cycle' biorhythm is 23 days long.

* The Earth spins on an axis of 23.

* Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846.

* The 23rd element in the periodic table is Vanadium and its symbol is the capital V, which is the Roman Numeral five, and also the peace sign with two fingers up and three fingers down


* Psalms, the longest book of the Bible, is the 23rd book of the Old Testament.

* Both the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian calendars begin on 23 July. Both calendars were apparently calculated from the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurs at that latitude around that time of year.

* 2 divided by 3 is equal to .666.


* W, the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet has 2 points down, 3 points up.

* The "Devil Horns" and the V sign involve 2 upright fingers and 3 folded down. V itself feeds back into the Law of Fives as it is the Latin numeral for 5.

* On a normal modern Latin alphabet QWERTY keyboard, the 23rd letter W is immediately below and between 2 and 3.

* Supposedly, in telegraphy a line break is or was transmitted as a 23, as referred to in the article 23. A connection has been suggested with I Ching hexagram 23 which means breaking apart.

* William Shakespeare's first portfolio was published in 1623.

* According to the Dr Pepper company website, the soft drink "is a unique blend of 23 flavors".

* Former NBA superstar and Chicago Bulls player Michael Jordan was known for his jersey number 23. His unprecedented success has apparently led to many other sportsmen choosing to play in the same number.

* Devin Hester, #23 of the Chicago Bears,was the first person to return an opening kickoff in a Super Bowl for a touchdown in Super Bowl XLI.

• blink-182 lyrics "nobody likes you when your 23"
Sagar C
2007-02-12 07:17:02 UTC
think of the relevence of the number 1. you see it everywhere. in front of other numbers, behind some numbers. sometimes it's on a sign, sometimes in the paper. it's the first number that is quantifiable, it has singular properties, and many people have been the first at something in history. it's so eerie!!!

the media is really something, isn't it?
Indiana Jones
2007-02-12 05:03:17 UTC
"the Mayans believe the world will end on December 23, 2012"

Wrong, it's December 21, 2012
2007-02-12 04:15:23 UTC
well 2/3 is .666 i the bible 666 is counted as the devil numbers
2007-02-25 01:12:36 UTC
i dont know but it is real obsessive # because every body just like 23 jorden jersy and it look kind like ahhhhhhhhh
2007-02-20 04:17:24 UTC
Sounds like horse feathers to me...never given it a singular thought...publicity whores
2007-02-15 23:33:53 UTC
and yet, once again, she pulls down my pants and points to the passing motorists!

gawd chrispy criitteerers - whenevere i try to imply how serious i feel about something u lead me on a wild goose chase!

i love it

but babe come home and sleep with me tonite

this is important to me
2007-02-15 11:50:28 UTC
I don't think it's anything you need to worry about. How many people are obsessed with it??? Just curious. There are so many other things to be concerned about- let this one pass..
2007-02-13 09:26:09 UTC
I believe numer23 has magic in it, I was born june 23rd, the midsummer night's eve. :0
Patricia P
2007-02-13 06:50:16 UTC
A lucky number.
2007-02-12 21:20:56 UTC
It's hype to try and get Michael Jordan to come out of retirement. LOL
2007-02-12 13:08:08 UTC
its simple. the 666 thing. you divide 2/3:
2007-02-12 12:50:52 UTC
There is no "23 Enigma".

This is an advertisement...
2007-02-12 09:40:00 UTC
Could it be that so many people have an IQ of 23.
2007-02-12 02:45:57 UTC
i dont know anyone obsessed with the #23. i am very interested in 69 tho. i love the taste of sushi.
2017-02-18 00:13:50 UTC
2017-02-15 18:11:21 UTC
Without playing games, don’t be available 100% of the time or let your life be an open book. A man that comes on too strong or doesn’t have outside interests will scare a woman away just as much as it would if the circumstances were reversed. Read here

Women don’t want to feel as though they are completely responsible for your happiness and that is what it feels like when the other person has no outside interests. Men who are overeager or jump when the woman says jump are the ones who are more likely to end up in the friend zone. This doesn’t mean that you should play the game of not calling for a few days; it means that you should set healthy boundaries until you both naturally find a spot for the other in your lives.
2007-02-15 15:12:04 UTC
I love jim carrey
shilpa k
2007-02-11 22:43:34 UTC

it is the great no 23, people are obsessed with b'coz they have to be obsessed with something. be it 23 or 32!
2007-02-24 01:44:59 UTC
step 1

get number two, if number two doesnt cooperate, threten to kill number 4.

step 2

get number 3. it will cooperate freely becuse of number 2

step 3

put them together

if you are thinking what is the sense of all of these, well dont ask me, ask yahoo why.

step 5

go to sleep

by this time, you will get pissed of and throw your pc away ... DUMBASS
2007-02-22 04:21:21 UTC
i spanked the monkey 23 times last week.
Danni S
2007-02-20 10:13:41 UTC
i think this can be said for any number, i think this is just a big deal because they made a movie about it. what about the number 27, jimi, james morrison, janis joplin?
2007-02-20 05:30:47 UTC
23 is just a coincidence. scare someone who gives a care.
2007-02-15 16:53:04 UTC
I thought I was the only one in the world obsessed of it.
look _inside
2007-02-15 15:50:31 UTC
WOW there were alot answers for this, and ratings too! wish i got that many answers! hm. well, i definately think something is up with "23".
Lost OC Boy
2007-02-15 15:30:57 UTC
2007-02-15 11:48:13 UTC
Actually, 2/3 = 0.667
Philip C
2007-02-14 10:51:09 UTC
its called mass dillusion or mass hysteria.if you look hard enough and want something to be where you want it to be,it will appear to be the mayan calander ends on the 21 not the 23...
2007-02-13 15:14:58 UTC
How creepy!, I was once 23 years old!
David A
2007-02-12 20:33:17 UTC
yea i agree! when my keyboard stuffed up when i pushed 2 the number '23' would come up. also when i pushed e the leters 'we' would come up, this must mean that urine has an energy field aswel.

it just movie hype
2007-02-12 16:39:17 UTC
originally this answer was going to be 2 lines..........but now it ended up to be a total of three lines

2 + 3 = 23 ZOMG!! o_O
2007-02-12 11:52:11 UTC
I think people just read too much into stuff like this. It's a number, for God sakes! Get over it, OK?!
2007-02-12 07:45:09 UTC
it is from the 23 original blended flavors that make Dr. Pepper so great!
stephen g
2007-02-12 02:25:09 UTC
Typical American conspiracy theory junk, next you be telling me Elvis lives in a Tibetan monastery with Bruce Lee
2007-02-12 10:21:26 UTC
I always knew Jim Carrey was weird, and this proves it. Numerology is total crap, swimming in the newage sewer with astrology, palm reading and faith 'healing.'
2007-02-20 07:26:33 UTC
A good question i asked a similar one but not as many answers... still i8 liked sein ur responces
mark c
2007-02-20 06:38:19 UTC
It's ten points higher than the average I.Q. in America.
2007-02-19 21:16:29 UTC
Thats scaryy how numbers can mean so many things..Thanks for the info
2007-02-14 03:39:45 UTC
i was born on 23rd june and im always feel mysterious about no 23 ....i dont know why,i always feel connected to no 23
2007-02-13 08:39:11 UTC
Because when you add the two and the three together you get five... And 99% of all people on earth have five fingers on each hand...! also they have five toes on each foot...! Wow!!! isn't that amazing and awesome...?
2007-02-13 07:58:08 UTC
I am sick of the whole "23" marketing crap thanks to yahoo. This may be a case of too much advertising creates less interest in the film.

Take note Yahoo.
2007-02-13 06:57:56 UTC
It's Hollywood Hype...right up there with those stupid videos that came around with "The Ring". Ho-hum
Silent Kninja
2007-02-13 06:00:34 UTC
Nobody is obsessed with this except the marketers of this yawner of a film.
2007-02-13 05:00:27 UTC
Its only Jordan's Jersey number. Why are so many people obsessed with it????
2007-02-13 00:22:50 UTC
heyah this is really weird cos i have an ocd, and i always count to 23 so it stops me from doing my fear and make them come true. Don't really no y i do it.

2007-02-12 20:55:08 UTC
Every significant thing that has happened in my life good or bad happened on the 8th or 28th
White Boy
2007-02-12 15:22:05 UTC
wow! i believe it and im happy too, cuz my fav number is 23... it is also the date of my birthday, march 23, or in other words 323. 323is one of those words, or in this case, number, that is read the smae forwards and backwards
2007-02-12 12:39:18 UTC
For peace
2007-02-12 06:37:13 UTC
well,you yourself answered this question for a user named "Solomon Redux" and your answer was voted as the best...when you can answer this yourself,i dont see any reason behind you asking this refer your one and only answer to Solomon Redux...

pl dont make many minds get tensed or think on this topic..there are many more things which mankind should think off....

I feel its just a hype you are creating...frankly.
dave b
2007-02-12 06:23:48 UTC
Silly me! All these years I have been trying to unravel the mysteries of 22.

Oh well.
2007-02-13 15:26:13 UTC
What about me now?

Anyways, you could relate anything to a number, kinda easy to do so.
2007-02-15 18:10:18 UTC
its all bullshiet.. you can come up with the number 23 by using your imagination and twisting things into it. dont be so gullible you tards
Doug G
2007-02-14 09:01:11 UTC
23 is the number of dollars it will cost for two movie tickets, a small popcorn, and two sodas.
2007-02-14 08:20:43 UTC
23 might have a weird thing behind it but no one but God knows when the world while end.
2007-02-12 20:33:37 UTC
A bunch of voo doo hocus pocus, proves alot of people have nothing to do with there time..
2007-02-23 02:29:24 UTC
not fair....i was born on the 23d of July!

what's an enigma?

why is it puzzling?

wat's with 23?

2007-02-20 06:49:23 UTC
Why are so many people obsessed with crop cirles, ufo, big foot, elvis sightings, black cats, the dead...chocolate..I think we're bored and need hobbies..
ZentheWeb LIVES!!!
2007-02-18 21:44:31 UTC
WOW, The erie number of twenty three! Ive seen it all over! OH MY GOD! all these words even equal twenty three! Spooky!
Oh My God!
2007-02-18 04:49:10 UTC
my birthday falls on 23!
2007-02-17 03:25:18 UTC
some people tohught number 13 was unlcuky or sometin. now its 23. they just want to get hype
2007-02-14 05:45:09 UTC
the only thing that comes to mind when i see 23 is Michael Jordon
2007-02-13 00:34:01 UTC
Check out what Wikipedia has to say about it.
2007-02-12 18:54:41 UTC
very interesting info....people are also obsessed with the number 7.
2007-02-12 10:18:12 UTC
just like the Da Vinci code, put it in a movie and your ruining peoples eternities because they're believing this and not following true religion. (any)
2007-02-12 09:38:41 UTC
23 is the best number cause of Micheal Jordon
2007-02-12 08:57:51 UTC
this movie is sooooo borring. I watched a copy last night and fell into sleep 30 minutes into the movie. DON'T WASTE your money on this.
2007-02-20 06:22:28 UTC
I find the "Golden Mean" to be much more interesting, as it shows up in many aspects of nature.
2007-02-25 15:14:13 UTC
Two words for you folks! Michael Jordan!
2007-02-20 09:05:21 UTC
2 divided by 3 is .666666666666666666666667... apparently that's interesting and magical.
2007-02-15 06:39:49 UTC
5 fingers per hand. 1042. probably the natural reason for the decimal system.
2007-02-14 09:31:46 UTC
The world ended a long time ago.

And yeah, Michael Jordan!
marcio c
2007-02-13 06:54:56 UTC
It is just Dr Pepper's way of advertising its 23 flavors in its soda.

Oh no, yet another occurence!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-12 14:46:51 UTC
I've never heard of it before. Have you been reported as spam/advertisement yet? Now that would be funny. LOL. I'm resisting temptation as we speak.
2007-02-12 12:28:21 UTC
Its all cow poo, every number is important. The Mayans dont exist any more so i doubt they had it right
2007-02-12 01:36:40 UTC
Someone once told me this tale....'s a regular evening, after a arduous day of boring lectures, little did anyone realize it was a day of historic proportions...... my bud Jimmy looks me in the eye and says, "I got it man, I figured this whole 23 bullshi*). I say "what you gonna do, man". He says, "oh, oh this will blow your mind, I'm gonna fart 23 straight times, and let's see if something weird is gonna happen on the 23rd fart. Now, I'm thinking, "ok, wtf, but ok...I get my ski mask and then I say "Proceed!". He gets started on his epic mission. He lets the first couple rip, nothing too special. Then he starts warming into it, like on the 9th or so. By the way, just to point out, when Jim Bo gets really into releasing "it", poison gas ain't got nothing on that mf.......He's geting closer, but tiring as well. Now he's just going on plain gut, literally. Then suddenly, its 20, 21, 22.......annnnnddd TWEEENNTY THREE. He stops, I look on, He looks at me, I look him back in the eye, a couple of seconds pass. Then he says to me "dude, I think I doodooed man". I look him in the eye and say "the washer is back there, you stink......"

2007-02-20 08:57:08 UTC
Never heard anything about it until I read this question, but people are into numerology a lot these days.
Brad V
2007-02-15 11:21:53 UTC
I prefer 22.
2007-02-14 08:20:29 UTC
I don't believe all the hype.Look at #11 or 9 they have alot of significance too.
2007-02-13 19:27:17 UTC
There are a lot of crazy people out there, and now you are going to draw huge numbers of them to see your movie. No thanks! I'll wait until I can rent the video.
2007-02-13 18:50:16 UTC
I think '23' is going to be an AWFUL movie, or they wouldn't have to try to shove it down our throats so much. "Obsessed" really.
2007-02-13 08:14:42 UTC
uh, look, jim carrey was probably not obsessed with this number, and neither is anyone else. its just cheap marketing.
2007-02-16 08:23:55 UTC
I guess children aren't the only ones who have a wide imagination..

And adults have the right to say children believe in anything.. oh well, people believe in anything nowadays... I think it's stupid but that's my opinion and that's yours so I should respect it but please respect mine too.
2007-02-19 21:00:10 UTC
its the amount of ingredient flavors in a DR Pepper 23...DUH!
2007-02-15 23:19:08 UTC
How about taking the movie add of my answer page~~

pretty gruesome assault on my eyeballs while I am trying to relax~
Andy J
2007-02-15 16:07:25 UTC
2/3 is not .666

2/3 is .6 repeating

To round it off to three digits would be dumb, but if you did, it would round to .667
2007-02-14 09:15:57 UTC
And I just thought it MJ ....... Michael Jordan! ;-)

Personally I prefer the numbers 37 and 77...... I have my reasons.

While 37 is a reference to Clerks .... 77 is like 69 but you get ATE (8) more. NICE! ;-)
2007-02-13 07:33:45 UTC
its all hype like the so called bad luck behind the number 13

its amazing how incredulous people can be.
2007-02-13 05:32:37 UTC
i think all the arguments put forward can be applied to any number - indeed anything 0 this is nothing short of conspiracy theory gone mad
2007-02-13 02:18:38 UTC
Should visit the site
2007-02-12 15:53:39 UTC
I didn't think nothing about it until they started talking about the movie. It's interested but that's all. I am surprised at all these insightful answers.
2007-02-12 07:09:03 UTC
Maybe Dre. Pepper is evil its got 23 flavors lol
2007-02-12 05:28:18 UTC
23 is the age of my hubby to be..
2007-02-12 05:17:30 UTC
Wow! Talk about viral marketing!

Hey, Yahoo! Answers, how much money are you making off this little meme?
2007-02-12 00:47:30 UTC
oh great- my birthday is 2-23-66 - does that make me an enigma too?! nah-It's probably my twin brother!
2007-03-01 18:15:43 UTC
Ive heard of this before but havent had anything that jumps out at me as "weird"
Francis L
2007-02-20 05:45:26 UTC
It's nothing ,really just some crazy superstition used to scare people!
2007-02-15 15:38:32 UTC
People are obsessed because they have nothing better to do and need a job.
2007-02-13 09:08:02 UTC
I was born on September 23! Oh no!!! -_-
2007-02-13 05:45:29 UTC
23 is one of the prime number.what mystical event evades ?
2007-02-12 19:42:24 UTC
Also, Michael Jordan is the man.
2007-02-12 13:37:22 UTC
I agree with it being nothing but a movie hype. I promise if you see this movie you'll be very disappointed in it! And, who really gives a crap about Kurt Cobain? haha what's he have to do with anything of any importantance?
asdsad s
2007-02-12 11:55:44 UTC
not really....c'mon......Michael jordan number 23!! the best basketball player that has ever stepped on the court
2007-02-12 10:30:08 UTC
Dumbest viral marketing campaign I've ever seen.
2007-02-20 07:40:13 UTC
2007-02-18 06:28:16 UTC
Hal H
2007-02-15 16:51:12 UTC
it's HYPE about the movie, including this question!

maybe a good story, but why does Yahoo allow it here?

I'll bet there's money involved.
2007-02-15 13:33:10 UTC
They are obsessed with it because they are sheep following the media who say that she should be obsessed with it because of this movie.
2007-02-15 11:47:18 UTC
don't you hate they make Jim Carey act like a serious role. i like when he was funny. hi when brucealmighty 2 coming out
2007-02-14 06:18:07 UTC
f all this talk - 23 is significant for two words: michael jordan. end of story
2007-02-13 02:34:59 UTC


Don't U people get it ? It is just a Publicity Stunt for New Release PICTURE 23.......the more u talk the more eager u will get to Know about # 23 and similarly more Tickets will Sell.....Needless to say Yahoo will definitely get some share out of it too.

......................GREAT MARKETING STRATEGY..........................

(Am I Right)
2007-02-12 22:02:31 UTC
I'm not obsessed with it. Maybe they are obsessed with because they have a paranoid-type personality disorder.
2007-02-12 14:25:26 UTC

Oh, wait. No...It's only the root of 529.
2007-02-12 13:31:44 UTC
It's a buncha BS, and people are stupid, to answer both sections of the question respectively.
2007-02-12 11:52:48 UTC
that is so weird becuz 23 is my favorite number.
2007-02-12 08:55:07 UTC
Yeah, right. Like anyone cares. It's for very old, very idle women only, like the asker.
crazy/smart guy
2007-02-20 07:18:07 UTC
Michael Jordan's basket ball jersey!!!!
2007-02-13 17:51:01 UTC
People, this isn't a real question... it's advertising. Frankly, it's advertising like this (ie, disguised somehow) that make me consciously choose to avoid the exact thing being marketed. *shrug* I guess I'll just download this movie instead.
2007-02-13 08:03:43 UTC
Well becaues nothing is better than a good ham sandwich. Mmmm sandwich.
St. Dave
2007-02-12 20:30:25 UTC
I got 23 pimples on my butt. Does it mean something too?
2007-02-12 12:49:17 UTC
What the fu

Oh - wait. No, you're a movie marketer trying to sell a movie. Got it. Nevermind.
The Dreamseller
2007-02-12 07:20:16 UTC


Its All Just A Movie Hype That People Beleive Cause The Movie Said So
Brooks C
2007-02-17 20:27:37 UTC
that freakin sucks about the mayan thing.

why 2012....and why on my birthday?!!

darn you 23!!
2007-02-15 21:50:13 UTC
why are you asking the same question that you got best answer for? Promoting a movie maybe?
2007-02-15 07:01:05 UTC
A ploy to raise hype for their movie.

You can't really blame them, everybody wants more money, right?
®$ingh $harapova©
2007-02-15 06:48:32 UTC
It's a mystical number.
Yo tu amigo
2007-02-15 00:55:12 UTC
In the end if you want to believe something you will find connections
2007-02-14 03:00:03 UTC
it's all the predictions that made before the movie was launched, wow, media r really making a hype aren't it ?
2007-02-13 14:14:28 UTC
yeah can u tell me how cool JIM CARREY is to finnaly be in a horror way to go me'an you cool now
2007-02-13 01:40:21 UTC
there are only 23 people who know about this secret...

i will help you with some: david beckham, micheal jordan, ect.
2007-02-12 13:54:46 UTC
Props to Eric for the very keen observation about this user...but I guess they have to get people talking about it somehow....
2007-02-12 13:54:33 UTC
are you really that naive? it is a gall-darned movie for crying out loud grow the heck up. Numerology is for imbeciles
I-NET Surfer
2007-02-12 10:54:02 UTC
4 8 15 16 23 42

Season 1

Jack - Sat in seat 23B ("Pilot, Part 1").

Rose - Sat in seat 23D ("Pilot, Part 1").

Bernard - Sat in seat 23E ("Pilot, Part 1").

Kate has a $23,000 bounty on her head ("Tabula Rasa").

# appears as part of a pin number on one of the crates found inside the drug smugglers' plane ("Deus Ex Machina").

# of departure gate of the flight ("Exodus: Part 1").

Hurley's hotel room in Sydney was number 2342 ("Exodus: Part 1").

Season 2

# (in the alphabet) of the letter "W" which prominently appears on a woman's t-shirt in the caves as Jack reassures them of their safety ("Man of Science, Man of Faith").

# the number of people who survived the crash in the tail end of the plane according to Libby ("Everybody Hates Hugo").

# of the bible passage is also an episode title ("The 23rd Psalm").

Part of the video reel #23108-42 that Kelvin shows to Sayid. ("One of Them")

# of years old Sayid said he was when he was captured in the Persian Gulf War ("One of Them").

# of people that were standing on the deck when it collapsed with Hurley on it; Dr. Brooks said it was built to only hold 8 ("Dave").

# of people in the Others' camp. (Michael reports 22, plus Ben in the hatch makes 23)

Desmond looks at letters he sent to Penny while he was in jail. Penny's address is 23 Dansmore(?) Gardens ("Live Together, Die Alone").

Season 3

Jack's pager had the time 7:15:23 on it ("A Tale of Two Cities").

Eddie Colburn's Humboldt County Sheriff's Department ID number is: 84023 ("Further Instructions").

Munson's 10 Million was hidden in unit 23c ("Every Man for Himself").

Karl was being held in room 23 in the Hydra prison. ("Not in Portland")

Outside the show and real life occurrences

Building 23 is the name of the building in Burbank, CA where Lost executive producer Damon Lindelof works.

23-skidoo (sometimes spelled 23-skiddoo) was an American slang phrase in the early 20th century meaning, "Let's get out of here as fast as we can!"

23 is a big part of Discordianism and the Law of Fives. The explanation is from the Discordian "bible" Principia Discordia. This book (or a version thereof) is what Robert Anton Wilson (see below) based his Illuminatus Trilogy on.

23 is said to be the number of the Illuminati (See also Mindf**k), and as such has part in many conspiracy theories. One of the most notable examples is Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's novel, 'The Illuminatus! Trilogy', in which the repeated occurrences of the number 23 in seemingly disparate situations is a principal plot element. There have been a few quotes from Damon Lindelof in interviews, pertaining to Illuminatus! and its influence on Lost.

There is a movie named "23" that deals with Computer Hackers and Conspiracy Theories.

In Mission Impossible III, 23 months is how long Ethan Hunt's marriage was predicted to last.

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The Earth's axis is tilted at a 23.4 degree angle.

In the Matrix Reloaded, the Architect tells Neo it is of utmost important to choose 23 people to repopulate Zion.

Latitude 4.815, Longitude 162.342 are the GPS coordinates that lead to a point in the Pacific Ocean on the trail from Australia to L.A. If you go to these coordinates in Google Maps , there is a real island very close to those coordinates. On that island there is a runway marked 23.

The average person breathes about 23,000 times a day.

In the sci-fi TV series Max Headroom, the heroes worked for TV station Network 23.

There is a new movie coming out called No. 23, about how a man sees the number 23 everywhere.

Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times.
2007-02-12 10:38:50 UTC
Its a simple number.
mell mell
2007-02-12 07:03:28 UTC
ok anyone who is obsessed with this number is totally crazy. It is just a prime number. nothing wrong, nothing mystical about it. Get over it.
2007-02-11 22:40:11 UTC
People are easily marketed...thats why entertainers make money, as well as other companies.

the only thing i can tell u about 23 is that Jordans numbers and thats about it.

PEOPLE WILL BUY IT IF U SELL IT! thats all i can say
2007-02-15 13:14:59 UTC
Thank Goodness, I have nothing to do with this number..
2007-02-13 17:53:44 UTC
michelle b
2007-02-13 09:25:06 UTC
i do not think that it is a coincedence that 23 is also a LOST number,
2007-02-20 07:48:54 UTC
23 has always been a lucky # for me.
2007-02-20 05:34:49 UTC
everybody loves jim carrey
2007-02-20 05:01:15 UTC
23 reasons to leave your lover.
2007-02-19 21:57:39 UTC
ROFLMAO, HA HA HA HA AH snort snort hahahaha he he hooooo! 23 Gwahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaa!
2007-02-16 14:00:25 UTC
OO.. the world is gonna end wen no one knows.. but 23 is kinda scary.. u made it scary.......
2007-02-15 11:34:25 UTC
isn't 23 also the number of flavors in Dr. Pepper???? HOLY S*IT!!!!
Always Hopeful
2007-02-14 09:42:32 UTC
How can anyone believe this total rubbish hype? Hollywood should be ashamed of trying to con us all in this way. Yahoo! should be ashamed of making this one of their featured questions.
Wes S
2007-02-14 05:48:47 UTC
I happen to like the number 23...It reminds of my large penis
2007-02-12 19:33:02 UTC
i was born on 2nd of March...2/3!!! That's gotta be why everyone is obsessed....I have to admit, it's my fave number.
chicago cub's bat bunny
2007-02-12 12:17:06 UTC
i think it is a scary number, but not as bad as 7
2007-02-12 06:11:56 UTC
i don't know why people would even be obessed with the number 23. i think it is quite stupid.
2007-02-19 20:50:08 UTC
There is nothing to the number 23.

its all crap.
2007-02-12 19:21:00 UTC
actually, this whole concept of 23 is a sequel to Jones Town.beware people it's dangerous.I'm 23.23 words in sentence.FREEEEEEKY!!!!!
2007-02-12 19:09:30 UTC
OMG! I'm 23....I must be the anti-Christ

(Get a hobbie or something)
2007-02-12 12:43:50 UTC
This is a gimmick to sell a movie that is advertising heavily on yahoo... nothing more.
2007-02-12 11:51:08 UTC
Cuz I was born on the 23rd of a month.
2007-02-12 03:42:28 UTC
Why are so many people obsessed with it?

We're not. You're just being paid to pretend. Get over it.
2007-02-15 04:45:11 UTC
its definetly Michael Jordan and Devin Hester, I mean come on those guys are amazing!
2007-02-13 20:58:43 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister,sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.

A 23 enigma list

This is a list of unusual happenings or circumstances commonly brought up as instances of the 23.


* The Federal Republic of Germany was founded on May 23rd

* Adolf Hitler's favorite number

* September 11th 2001 = 9+11+2+0+0+1=23

* The first Morse Code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23.

* The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the last being Jacques de Molay.

* Alexander the Great was aged 23 when he cut the Gordian Knot.

* Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States, served between Grover Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms.

* The Salt March, initiated by Mohandas Gandhi to protest the salt tax, lasted 23 days.

* The Chernobyl disaster happened on April 26, 1986 at 01:23 a.m. and the power plant is located at 51°23′23″N, 30°5′58″E, near Pripyat, Ukraine.

Births and deaths

See January 23, February 23, March 23, April 23, May 23, June 23, July 23, August 23, September 23, October 23, November 23, December 23, and 23 (year) for further births and deaths.

* William Shakespeare: born on April 23, 1564, died on April 23, 1616.

* Johnny Carson: born on October 23, 1925. died on January 23, 2005.

* Actor River Phoenix: born on August 23, 1970, died at the age of 23, on October 31 (Halloween), 1993.

* Julius Caesar was allegedly stabbed twenty-three times when he was assassinated.

* Hagbard (Karl Koch): died on 23 May. It is possible that his death was a suicide, the date chosen intentionally to fit this numerology; Koch was an avid fan of Robert Anton Wilson's trilogy.

* Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper died on February 3 (2/3), 1959 (The Day the Music Died).

* Pancho Villa was killed on July 23, 1923.

* Selena was murdered at the age of 23.

* Hannah Kersey, a woman with two wombs, gave birth to three girls when she was 23 years old.

* Kurt Cobain was born in 1967 (1+9+6+7=23) he died in 1994 (1+9+9+4=23)


* Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846

* On average, every 23rd wave crashing to shore is twice as large as normal.

* It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the body

* The human genome contains 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes.

* The human 'physical cycle' biorhythm is 23 days long.

* The Earth spins on an axis of 23 and a half

* Divide 2 by 3 (2/3)=.666


* Jesus Christ according to many biblical scholars was born on July 23rd

* It is believed that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed over a period of 23 years. There exist hadith that support this figure, but many more that give other lengths of time.

* Psalms, the longest book of the Bible, is the 23rd book of the Old Testament, and the famous "Divine Shepherd" psalm is Psalm 23. Those repeating this popular claim overlook that it is only true in a handful of very specific modern Catholic translations. The famous psalm is actually number 22 in the Septuagint and traditional Catholic Bibles, while the books of the Old Testament appear in several different orders; Psalms is number 23 only in modern Catholic Bibles, being book 21 in the traditional Vulgate, book 26 in the Greek Orthodox Bible, book 19 in most Protestant Bibles, and book 14 in the Jewish Tanakh. It is therefore completely false for the Vulgate (chapter 22 of book 21), and only partly true for the King James Version (chapter 23 of book 19).

* Both the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian calendars begin on 23 July. Both calendars were apparently calculated from the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurs at that latitude around that time of year.


* Princess Leia was held in detention block AA-23 in Star Wars: A New Hope

* In The Passion of the Christ, Jesus is whipped 23 times before he sees Satan in the crowd

* W, the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet has 2 points down, 3 points up.

* The "Devil Horns" and the V sign involve 2 upright fingers and 3 folded down. V itself feeds back into the Law of Fives as it is the Latin numeral for 5.

* On a normal modern Latin alphabet QWERTY keyboard, the 23rd letter W is immediately below and between 2 and 3.

* Supposedly, in telegraphy a line break is or was transmitted as a 23, as referred to in the article 23. A connection has been suggested with I Ching hexagram 23 which means breaking apart.

* William Shakespeare's first portfolio was published in 1623.

* According to the Dr Pepper company website, the soft drink "is a unique blend of 23 flavors". [1]

* Former NBA superstar and Chicago Bulls player Michael Jordan was known for his jersey number 23. His unprecedented success has apparently led to many other sportsmen choosing to play in the same number. [2]

* Devin Hester, #23 of the Chicago Bears,was the first person to return an opening kickoff in a Super Bowl for a touchdown in Super Bowl XLI.
2007-02-12 08:20:09 UTC
No one's obsessed with it, this question is an advertisement for the movie.
2007-02-14 11:06:42 UTC
as far as i'm concerned its just another number. any mystical occurence attached to it is just a coincidence, just as with ther number such as 7, 13, 8 (in asian cultures). they are all just numbers.
Daisy Duck
2007-02-14 09:30:57 UTC
The number has significance in my life. I was 23 when I lost my virginity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-14 07:40:08 UTC
If you really try you can convince yourself and others of so called enigmas.
2007-02-14 06:45:32 UTC
Because it makes for cheap, movie-related hype. Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.....
2007-02-14 05:33:25 UTC
Thx for the question , this is something I wanna learn about it so I'll just be your audience for now :)
∴⇒☆❝ ŧħåłĩą ❞☆⇐∴
2007-02-13 16:44:28 UTC
2007-02-12 10:36:44 UTC
Does this mean Micheal Jordan is the anti christ
2007-02-12 01:59:20 UTC
y is everyone so obsessed wid 23?'s just another no......bfore ppl used to say 13 is they've changed d trend to 23? nxt it'll b 23 is important n gud to me coz daniel radcliffe was born on 23 july....Is dat sumting aweful....?
The M
2007-02-15 13:16:55 UTC
If you did your research, the date is the 21st not the 23rd and the world ending isnt nessessarily physical. But thanks for being positive [/end sarcasm]
prabin p
2007-02-25 02:22:36 UTC
Nothing other than a number
Paris Hilton
2007-02-20 06:02:50 UTC
Just a bunch of movie hype promos---
2007-02-15 15:46:31 UTC
I don't care I'm just really excited to see the movie!
2007-02-15 15:44:30 UTC
wow, i havent heard about it before, but thats pretty cool. I was born on the 23rd!
2007-02-15 14:51:46 UTC
its one of those numbers...that..i dunno...its like the number, 13, its bad luck and will be the number that will doom us all in the will lead to the apocolypse as well...mwauhahahahahaha (LMFAO! jk about all that)
2007-02-15 12:49:49 UTC
People like fiction.
What gives?
2007-02-13 17:49:35 UTC

I know you just want me to see the movie.

YOU"VE WON!!! I'm going Feb. 23
2007-02-12 09:24:20 UTC
It's a not-so-mystical bunch of upcoming thriller ******** to separate you from your money...
Mr T
2007-02-15 02:12:10 UTC
It all started with Michael Jordan.
2007-02-13 09:57:13 UTC

you could find thousands of numbers that have coincidences like these.
2007-02-12 18:19:12 UTC
It's a bunch of goofy b.s. designed to promote a goofy movie.
2007-02-12 18:16:04 UTC
An advertising gimmick.
2007-02-12 06:15:55 UTC
And i f%king hell got 23 points for my GCEs o levels.
2007-02-20 06:47:07 UTC
Nonsense! It's the first time ever I heard of it.
2007-02-15 08:09:38 UTC
All Hail Eris! Mu, thats all you need to know to gain enlightenment as long as you speek Japanese.
2007-02-13 23:37:47 UTC
I have 123 points. Dope now i have 125.
2007-02-12 22:38:39 UTC
Oh lovely.

I didn't know my favorite, lucky number was cursed.

I was born January 23rd.

one two three.
2007-02-12 17:33:12 UTC
it is just another number.... but 2 times 3 is 6.... lol, it is all just a joke really
Christie G
2007-02-12 13:41:41 UTC
I dont know but it looks like a good movie.
2007-02-12 13:07:01 UTC
hype is all it is, like blair witch project or any other horror flick based on this type of symbol
2007-02-12 11:52:02 UTC
phoenetically the number '23' is pronounced "to when teeth ree"

so there you go

mystery solved
2007-02-12 08:11:15 UTC
THIS is something that make MAN go Hmmmmmmmmmm about life
2007-02-12 06:10:16 UTC
Oh, the hype!

You can take any number and add it up to anything you want.
2007-02-12 19:31:51 UTC
i think if you look around enough, add enough, divide enough, subtract just right, maybe add a little mutiplication into the mix the answer to your question will be....23!!!????
2007-02-19 20:27:22 UTC
the only number I care about is 69 Dude!!!!!
2007-02-15 16:12:44 UTC
Michael Jordan...

Lebron James...

Coincidence - I think not
2007-02-15 03:25:40 UTC
Good publicity for the movie .
Mario E
2007-02-12 14:38:54 UTC
Damn. Yahoo is advertising movies posed as a question.
Destiny K
2007-02-21 16:17:53 UTC
2007-02-19 23:05:29 UTC
wait oh no michael jordan's number was 23....clearly he is the anti-christ, sorry for ruining the movie for you....
╦╩╔╩╦ O.J. ╔╩╦╠═
2007-02-15 12:47:17 UTC
I believe is all aliens giving us a subliminal message.
2007-02-14 08:53:11 UTC
The Mayans can F U C K up!
2007-02-14 07:51:46 UTC
I simply believe it is a mind game.
2007-02-13 14:51:58 UTC
I always play number23 when play keno at casino
2007-02-12 09:30:32 UTC
its a way of anger and terrified and frightned and hurted just keeping in gods prayers and leave it to up to him amem e amen take care and be very claimm
2007-02-12 08:47:39 UTC
dr. pepper has 23 flavors! omg watch out!
2007-02-11 23:27:56 UTC
why are so many people obssesed with the number 189705321248004564324454380341489945426794515394590349377104553454632377653280740345740230?

same thing it doesnt matter what the number is there will be many significant things about it.
2007-02-24 02:49:15 UTC
who knows besides you, and the other 999 fruit cakes that dont

have anything else to do with your time?
2007-02-24 00:25:38 UTC
hmm.. today is 23 n my 23rd birthday...i alw luv this number
2007-02-16 09:42:22 UTC
i don't know but Dr.Pepper like the # 23 too.
2007-02-15 17:56:58 UTC
I have only 2 words to answer this question: MICHAEL JORDAN
2007-02-13 21:17:09 UTC
Until now, I'd never heard of it. Sounds like nothing.
2007-02-12 16:59:42 UTC
michel jordan likes it tu but io realy think it mess with ppls heads
2007-02-12 06:06:21 UTC
130 people are infected with a commensal virus and it`s become pathogenic now.
2007-02-11 23:38:55 UTC
Its rubbish to make you go to the movie. Blair witch all over!!!
2007-02-22 21:28:11 UTC
personally, I like the number 23.......then again, I was born on Nov.
Phone E
2007-02-14 08:31:15 UTC
Mayan calendar ends on that date.
2007-02-13 02:32:52 UTC
I don't think there is anything to it, I've never heard of it before, and this whole thread and question exists because of this movie...........
2007-02-19 23:07:21 UTC
britney has 23 engraved on her belly..
2007-02-19 21:21:40 UTC
2007-02-18 20:16:12 UTC
NayNAe uChiHA <3
2007-02-15 09:40:59 UTC
No one really knows why pepole become so obsessed with no.
2007-02-14 03:01:03 UTC
Just like any other number, if you pay attention you'll notice it more.
Karla and Josh
2007-02-13 20:33:56 UTC
My Mum eats peas.
2007-02-20 07:20:33 UTC
It is just a movie and it sound stupid to me. I doubt I would pay to watch it.
2007-02-20 07:00:18 UTC
MJ's no. was 23 also.
2007-02-18 05:30:19 UTC
this is nothing man just belief of some people that its not good it depends upon person to person
Shel K
2007-02-16 02:46:05 UTC
I dunno what all the hype is about. But I think it's kinda funny. My soul mate and I actually met on a Sept 23!
Smart Warrior
2007-02-15 19:52:24 UTC
It's crap, you can say these stuff about any number..and make it glorious and magical..just think about it!!
2007-02-15 17:11:40 UTC
i dont know, i mean its really something to think about, mabey its just a conspiracy. I mean theres obiously a reason for it, we just havent discovered it yet!!!
Steve Jem
2007-02-15 11:10:31 UTC
no one was obsessed with it. stop trying to drum up hype for your lack luster hollywood "thriller".
2007-02-15 08:17:30 UTC
in my opinon i think it ocd ( opssessive compulsive disorder ) in which you are obsessd in certain things . i am obssessd with nummber 444 i duno .
2007-02-13 19:06:39 UTC
Who exactly are all these obessed people? No one that I know of personally.
2007-02-13 07:33:16 UTC
Don Mattingly wore it . That's enough for me.
2007-02-13 07:12:49 UTC
All this does is tell me that humans waste time on nonsense.
nOt_4_U-bAbi b0i_32_$w33Ti3
2007-02-13 03:24:31 UTC
wow, that is so weird. a lot of people really do like that number!
Mike R
2007-02-12 07:56:26 UTC
People are obsessed with it because they have nothing better to do.
Pie Man
2007-02-12 23:37:55 UTC
ionno, when things have to do with the devil, ppl always get excited for some reason
2007-02-12 16:03:52 UTC
666 was transcribed wrong, the real number is 616 allegedly.
2007-02-12 08:32:09 UTC
This is stupid. Your dumba$$ marketing plot is retarded.

You guys pick and choose which numbers to use to add it up, so of course you keep getting 23.

2007-02-22 12:14:10 UTC
interesting. I never thought of this. maybe its just a coincidence or somethings not right.
2007-02-19 20:41:03 UTC
Maybe you should check out numerology
2007-02-15 04:08:20 UTC
it seems you too are about to join in the obsession.,it all starts with wondering what it is.
2007-02-14 23:34:14 UTC
lol, 2/3 is .667
2007-02-14 07:51:09 UTC
I am so hideously sick of this stupid and pathetic question. Yahoo ought to be ashamed.
2007-02-14 01:33:23 UTC
Michael Jordan doesn't seem to be cursed.
2007-02-12 22:17:43 UTC
i just ate 23 grapes..i am freakin out!
Simon Snipe
2007-02-12 17:16:45 UTC
DAAAAMMN almost every 1 who nswers this gets like 50+ ratings!!!
2007-02-11 23:33:25 UTC
It's called a marketing ploy for a movie. :) Might be a good movie, but still...just marketing.
2007-02-11 22:25:53 UTC
every1 is obsessed with it becase the number 23 is so common tht we never pay attention to it and th whenthis movie came out more and more people got more obsessed with the number. i can already admit tht i am obsessed with it.
2007-02-20 08:43:22 UTC
Because in life, there is no such thing as coincidence.
2007-02-15 13:27:17 UTC
It's more clever marketing nonsense.
2007-02-15 12:59:41 UTC
It's MJ's number, idiot! Where have you been- under a rock?
trey m
2007-02-13 08:48:07 UTC
didn't seem to bother Micheal Jordan
2007-02-13 08:01:14 UTC
I am french and never heard of this;

Can you explain me

I thank you
2007-02-20 03:38:50 UTC
I feel like some ice-cream.
2007-02-18 10:40:52 UTC
24 is better
2007-02-15 06:49:48 UTC
its jus every1 freekin out bout coincedence
Bam Bam Obama
2007-02-15 10:34:29 UTC
just ask michael jordan...the original #23
2007-02-22 20:23:16 UTC
Who posted this?
2007-02-15 11:33:18 UTC
It's mostly movie hype.
2007-02-15 09:06:22 UTC
I just wonder how many have reported this question as SPAM.

2007-02-15 02:52:17 UTC
I don't know ,but they sure aren't winning lotto numbers!
2007-02-13 20:20:41 UTC
damn am i in trouble i was born on oct.23,1972 so am i evil or am i good what ever am i to do. really i believe you are as you choose to be. but really that is my birthday.
2007-02-13 08:05:36 UTC
i agree with loree. report abuse!!! this question has already been asked and im sick of it popping up in my face each time i come on here!
2007-02-13 03:51:13 UTC
My birthday's on the 23rd so I have always liked it...other than that, no clue:)
2007-02-12 21:21:58 UTC
I'm making a movie, too...called "11.5"'s only an hour long, though..
2007-02-12 19:10:59 UTC
I totally agree with Dr. Mike.......exactly what he said is true.
2007-02-12 18:59:43 UTC
well i guess this is just free movie hype for this movie, although it does look very good
2007-02-12 14:30:04 UTC
bullshit that number is nothing that comes from imagination of humans and their fantasy we all are our destiny in our hands.
2007-02-12 13:09:28 UTC
Justin T
2007-02-24 20:56:39 UTC
it's a ballin numbah, g
2007-02-20 07:24:57 UTC
When is this question going to be closed?! I'm so sick of seeing it!
larry j
2007-02-15 13:02:42 UTC
most people are murdered on the 23rd
2007-02-14 08:49:28 UTC
oh ya, well i was born on april 15, which is also tax day. my name is matthew and st. matthew was a tax collector. you know what that means? nothing.
2007-02-13 06:46:39 UTC
its my number
2007-02-12 17:59:36 UTC
Never heard of it. Sorry
2007-02-11 23:04:16 UTC
i think many are obsessed with this number because Michael Jordan is Number 23. ;)
Jesus who?
2007-02-14 05:42:09 UTC
2007-02-13 18:03:07 UTC

2 divided by 3.........answer .666

2007-02-12 13:34:06 UTC
it's just a number man you are so paranoid
2007-02-14 20:51:21 UTC
i am 1 of the few people who are open minded enough not to dismiss anything that they dont understand. there is something to this but i dont know what it is, i dont know if i ever will either, but yes i catch glimpses of it, OPEN YOUR MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont fix your opinions YES OR NO, stay in the middle, and watch in awe.
2007-02-20 02:57:36 UTC
my birthday happens to be the 23rd, but that's the only connection it has to me
2007-02-15 15:10:24 UTC
duhhh because i was born on april 23rd
2007-02-15 02:31:28 UTC
i don't care! i am obssesed with 11:11..

2007-02-14 18:41:36 UTC
if you really think abour it every mumber can apply to all stuff like this lol
2007-02-11 22:50:56 UTC
Hey, I was born on the 23 of May. Freaky isn't it? Something is up with me too huh? Everyone says I'm different. It's no big deal.
2007-02-11 22:30:33 UTC
if you tried hard enough, you could do similar things with most numbers...i saw a thing about 11 awhile back...
2007-02-20 04:08:28 UTC
probably for the same reason someone believes in god...they want to..and they can
2007-02-15 14:39:27 UTC
this is an advertisement for the movie huh?
2007-02-12 12:14:12 UTC
To be honest, who gives a shiit.
2007-02-14 10:49:34 UTC
michael jordan was number 23

that explains everythign
2007-02-13 10:07:14 UTC
Hey my birthday is Feb.
2007-02-12 01:28:45 UTC
wow free points to everyone! no one is really going to sit and read every reply but i agree with the girls there always right
ian m
2007-02-20 20:40:14 UTC
dude that movie looks so sweet
2007-02-13 11:07:21 UTC
2007-02-21 18:46:42 UTC
ok. now im gonna giv it straight forward...


hoo gives a (excuse my french) shi* about the # wat if a lota #rs add up to it and a lot of events hav somthing to do with it???HUH???yeah.thats wat i thought.

2007-02-12 19:42:06 UTC
Why hasn't anyone noticed that . . .

the 2nd person

to answer this question

was named




2007-02-15 11:25:11 UTC
Well Bigfoot and I believe :)
2007-02-14 09:38:51 UTC
i guess its just what somepeople belive... it is a phobia.. anaphobia.. or anaophobia.. something like that.. it means fear of number and their meanings.. or something along those lines...
2007-02-11 22:37:32 UTC
possible the worst most self serving "question" yet. i've responded to 2 out of 3 of these blatant advertisements.

Thumbs both down on this trash!
2007-02-15 02:28:09 UTC

sounds familiar!!

isnt it a no??

dats wot it is!!


(atleast dats wot dey said in 1st grade)
2007-02-14 03:19:46 UTC
Try this link.
2007-02-13 21:12:11 UTC
NUMBER 23 RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all i got for now....
The infamous bongblaster
2007-02-12 20:30:39 UTC
You ******* asked this question before, face it its not gunna be a good movie, people arnt into that "deep mysterious" story. MAKE GOOD MOVIES OR DONT MAKE ANYTHING AT ALL!
2007-02-12 20:17:43 UTC
man they made a lame movie based on this now!! omfg...
2007-02-12 15:32:26 UTC
2007-02-12 11:53:25 UTC
Well, I for one have never heard of this before so I guess I will have to look into it further. Thanks!
2007-02-19 20:49:02 UTC
I think its just a retarded movie, thats it.
2007-02-21 04:28:08 UTC
2007-02-17 20:18:47 UTC
it could just be superstition, and yea i've heard that there are no coincidences.
2007-02-17 07:54:59 UTC
ter e a boor
2007-02-13 20:30:06 UTC
Micheal Jorden .... need I say more.
2007-02-13 02:41:38 UTC






What are they??
2007-02-12 06:35:00 UTC
its a dum movie
2007-02-14 07:33:06 UTC
chicken nugguts
2007-02-13 02:08:31 UTC
Please delete this stupid and ignorant question, it is getting boring after more than a week having to put up with it.
2007-02-12 07:21:13 UTC
Coors Light!!!!
2007-02-15 14:41:18 UTC
Trust me...Blah...blah...blahhh !!

remember Y2K???.....
2007-02-15 06:28:36 UTC
if it sounds like crap,looks like crap than chances are IT'S A BIG LOAD OF STINKING CRAP.
2007-02-14 05:33:02 UTC
What a load of crap
2007-02-12 21:18:11 UTC
It is a bunch of BS. You all are crack heads. Get a freggin life. (You people must be democrats.)
Nicholas J
2007-02-12 10:10:04 UTC
dont forget michael jordan!
2007-02-20 05:41:40 UTC
people are not.
2007-02-17 22:59:03 UTC

news FLASH *******movie HYPE!
2007-02-15 16:31:05 UTC
It's so weird... I don't want to die in 5y years.

2007-02-14 22:38:18 UTC
hmmmmm hmmmmmm
2007-02-12 18:54:51 UTC

This is an easy question...

Michael Jordan

2007-02-12 07:33:08 UTC
OMG!!!! I was 23 when I got married!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-20 09:52:28 UTC
It's all hype, I'm not feeling it.
2007-02-13 06:17:15 UTC
it looks good
2007-02-12 15:42:08 UTC
blah blah blah
∂ιαиα †Matisyahu†
2007-02-12 07:20:23 UTC
why are so many obsessed with this number?
2007-02-12 04:58:46 UTC
Never heard of this.I will explore it now...:)
2007-02-11 22:31:21 UTC
Son, do yourself a favor and do something more productive. Such thinking is mostly trivia and stuff that nightmares are made of.
2007-02-20 02:24:53 UTC
ty for educated me.
2007-02-13 20:19:09 UTC
2007-02-12 07:47:46 UTC
2007-02-20 15:42:36 UTC
people are superstitious I guess
2007-02-19 21:24:23 UTC
simply . because its very popular
Veronica J
2007-02-15 11:32:48 UTC
help me that's how you look right now
2007-02-14 09:45:56 UTC
i dont know, but the movie looks stupid. it'll probably flop. i'll catch it on cinemax next month.......
2007-02-14 01:11:29 UTC
air jordan 23 !!!!!..coinicedence..dont think so..
2007-02-13 01:24:58 UTC
Because most people are just stupid.
Jack™ [GO HAWKS!!!]
2007-02-12 13:56:47 UTC
beacause people are crazy
luther blissett
2007-02-20 07:31:35 UTC
Who, exactly, is interested in it?


2007-02-12 17:04:31 UTC
if you find out tell me
2007-02-14 05:43:28 UTC
2007-02-13 19:06:09 UTC
I'm not obsessed by it, are you?
2007-02-12 18:38:43 UTC
Ryan C
2007-02-15 14:17:59 UTC
wow ,i didn't know all of this stuff until now
2007-02-14 10:44:31 UTC
Micheal Jordan.....DUH????
2007-02-13 18:42:33 UTC
it does look like a good movie though...
2007-02-13 19:42:45 UTC those who have nothing to do in life
Fred P
2007-02-18 16:11:59 UTC
2007-02-14 06:18:37 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

Unusual circumstances being linked to 23 are mentioned by William S. Burroughs. He tells the story of meeting a ferry captain named Clark who claimed to have sailed the same route without an accident for 23 years. That very day, however, the ferry sank, killing all aboard. Later that day, Burroughs writes, he was thinking about Clark's ferry accident when he heard that a Flight 23 on a New York-Miami route had crashed. According to Burroughs, the pilot's name for the flight had also been Clark. Burroughs began collecting incidences of the number 23 in a scrapbook and referred to them in his writings.[citation needed]

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the possibly self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it. Finally, it is the largest integer that is a valid day and a valid 24 hour clock hour.(dubious; discuss)

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve solipsism and some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.

A 23 enigma list

This is a list of unusual happenings or circumstances commonly brought up as instances of the 23 Enigma. It should be pointed out that many entries on this list are of dubious accuracy or verification status, while others are the result of stretched applicability, such as a disregard of decimals or remainders, or the confusion of modern calendars with ancient ones. Links between the following phenomena and the number 23 often rely on adding digits of dates etc. together, or performing other manipulations on them, in this case it would seem that these are arbitrary, and that similar transformations could construct many other numbers from the same starting point. There are in fact no fewer than 4132920 integers without the digit 0 in their decimal representation whose digits sum to 23. Another objection to many of these is that they rely on using specific calendars or conventions of measurement, such as the division of the circle into 360 degrees, or the day into 24 hours, or the fact of using 10 as the basis of our system of representing numbers. However, these are often not valid objections to a conspiracy theorist since they could be seen as evidence of the presence of the influence of the number 23 in the establishing of the these conventions and calendars. The actual significance of every single occurrence is questionable. It is completely unclear, and seemingly impossible to determine, if the number 23 actually appears any more frequently in connection to events of historical importance etc. than say 22 or 24. (See also Law of Fives)


In Roman Numerals 23 is written as XXIII: 2 "X"s and 3 "I"s

Integers 2 and 3 are the two smallest (positive) numbers sufficient to form any other (positive) integer by summation (e.g. 13 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3), if number 1 (as being the identity) is not considered.

Pi's first six digits (3.14159) added together equal 23.

In probability theory, the birthday paradox states that given a group of 23 (or more) randomly chosen people, the probability is more than 50% that at least two of them will have the same birthday. See Birthday paradox.


The first Morse Code transmission - "What hath God wrought?" - was from the Bible passage Numbers 23:23.

The Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the last being Jacques de Molay.

Alexander the Great was aged 23 when he cut the Gordian Knot.

Benjamin Harrison, the 23rd President of the United States, served between Grover Cleveland's two non-consecutive terms.

The Salt March, initiated by Mohandas Gandhi to protest the salt tax, lasted 23 days.

Births and deaths

See January 23, February 23, March 23, April 23, May 23, June 23, July 23, August 23, September 23, October 23, November 23, December 23, and 23 (year) for further births and deaths.

According to legend, William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, and died on April 23, 1616.

Johnny Carson was born on October 23 1925 and died on January 23 2005.

Actor River Phoenix, was born on August 23 1970. He died at the age of 23, on Halloween 1993.

Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated.[citation needed]

Hagbard (Karl Koch), German hacker and inventor of the Trojan, died on 23 May(5/23). It is possible that his death was a suicide, the date chosen intentionally to fit this numerology; Koch was an avid fan of Robert Anton Wilson's trilogy.

The plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper (The Day the Music Died) occurred on February 3 (2/3), 1959.


The human genome contains 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The human biorhythm is 23 days long. Though Hermann Swoboda and Wilhelm Fliess, the two doctors who first posited biorhythm, did determine that a human's 'physical cycle' was 23 days long, biorhythmics is at best a highly speculative and subjective area of study.


It is believed that Adam and Eve had 23 daughters. [citation needed]

It is believed that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed over a period of 23 years. There exist hadith that support this figure, but many more that give other lengths of time.

Psalms, the longest book of the Bible, is the 23rd book of the Old Testament, and the famous "Divine Shepherd" psalm is Psalm 23. Those repeating this popular claim overlook that it is only true in a handful of very specific modern Catholic translations. The famous psalm is actually number 22 in the Septuagint and traditional Catholic Bibles, while the books of the Old Testament appear in several different orders; Psalms is number 23 only in modern Catholic Bibles, being book 21 in the traditional Vulgate, book 26 in the Greek Orthodox Bible, book 19 in most Protestant Bibles, and book 14 in the Jewish Tanakh. It is therefore completely false for the Vulgate (chapter 22 of book 21), and only partly true for the King James Version (chapter 23 of book 19).

December 23, 2012 is the date on which the Mayan calendar ends, predicting an apocalyptic event.

Both the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian calendars begin on 23 July. Both calendars were apparently calculated from the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius, which occurs at that latitude around that time of year.


Taiwan is considered by the Peoples' Republic of China to be the 23rd province.[citation needed]

Twenty-two organizations merged to create the "Department of Homeland Security". This makes the DHS the twenty-third.


In "I'm my Own Grandpa," the protagonist married his wife at the age of 23.

W, the 23rd letter of the Latin alphabet has 2 points down, 3 points up.

The last song (and their shortest "Her Majesty") on technically the last (last recorded) Beatles album is 23 seconds long.

On Microsoft Windows computers, a line break is stored as ASCII code 13, then ASCII code 10. On Apple Macintosh computers running Mac OS 9 or earlier, a line break is stored as ASCII code 13. On Linux and Unix systems, a line break is stored as ASCII code 10. Supposedly, in telegraphy a line break is or was transmitted as a 23, as referred to in the article 23.

William Shakespeare's date of birth is unknown, but he was believed to be born on 23 April, died on 23 April and had his first portfolio published in 1623. His first play Titus Andronicus was performed January 23 1594. Shakespeare's date of birth remains unconfirmed, and the chronology of his plays is uncertain (see his article for more information). The Comedy of Errors may have been performed before Titus, for example.

On a normal modern Latin alphabet "QWERTY" keyboard, the 23rd letter W is right below and between 2 and 3.

According to the company website, the soft drink Dr Pepper "is a unique blend of 23 flavors".
2007-02-12 15:55:57 UTC
very debatable
2007-02-12 14:06:07 UTC
2007-02-14 10:32:20 UTC
I just reported you for hyping your stupid movie
Yusaski Omhia
2007-02-20 07:10:58 UTC
i dont even know what that means!
2007-02-15 10:43:41 UTC
who sick of hearing about it to be honest...
2007-02-13 20:55:19 UTC
really? it adds to my trivia knowledge, thanks for the info I've got something to research
Your mom goes to college
2007-02-12 21:06:23 UTC
huh.. i never worried about it, and you seem to have researched it yourself
2007-02-15 12:23:27 UTC


2007-02-12 17:45:27 UTC
no one really knows!
2007-02-12 17:10:02 UTC
seriously... its just another number.. come on.. be realistic..
2007-02-12 04:58:24 UTC
People aren't... just you!
2007-02-12 01:20:52 UTC
the scientific term for it is what is known as "LOAD OF BALLS"
2007-02-13 19:44:15 UTC
sounds like a bunch of crap.
2007-02-22 17:03:36 UTC
I have no idea!
2007-02-17 14:28:16 UTC
Oh, I see.
2007-02-17 02:12:09 UTC
i just don't believe in it
2007-02-14 06:57:56 UTC
i dont know what do you think
2007-02-13 21:22:59 UTC
Duh! It's because Michael Jordan's Chicago Bulls uniform number was 23.
2007-02-12 19:54:28 UTC
who cares,i dont
2007-02-12 10:14:40 UTC
oooooh..i am 23....that is EXCITING!!!!
2007-02-12 09:39:33 UTC
Don't know and I really don't care!!!
Spicy Ketchup
2007-02-12 01:50:08 UTC

Charlie D
2007-02-20 07:04:54 UTC
I am cool.
2007-02-20 06:10:49 UTC
t'days the 20th... OMG! we're all gonna die in another 3 days!

Matt gallops
2007-02-13 23:30:34 UTC
And, how old are you?
2007-02-18 22:56:25 UTC
i don't know, and you're confusing me.
mizz lola
2007-02-13 18:59:20 UTC
no clue
2007-02-13 09:31:51 UTC
that is bulll....sell it to some one else....
Brian S
2007-02-11 22:19:44 UTC
If you think about it, the "23 enigma" is simply the well-established "Law of 5's", since 2+3 is 5, everything they're saying adds up to 5. This is related to the principle of Discordianism, but the Law of 5's is easily called into question since so many things can be found to add up to five in one way or another if you really try to find different ways to force it.

When I first heard about this movie, I was making fun of my girlfriend because her lucky number is 23 and she was born on the 23rd of Sept. When we watched the trailer, it was entertaining and sort of "spooky" but in a far-fetched way. This is a lot like Da Vinci Code but even more of a reach.

For more information, see:
roxy babe
2007-02-22 18:18:43 UTC
ahhh scary!!!
2007-02-20 05:51:59 UTC
its beckhams number at real!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-12 22:27:25 UTC
not sure tell me
2007-02-12 14:04:18 UTC
that is crazyyy
2007-02-15 10:14:16 UTC
Because its retarded
2007-02-20 22:30:08 UTC

2007-02-20 08:34:35 UTC
Who cares..........
2007-02-20 02:19:25 UTC
2007-02-19 22:00:29 UTC
wholey crap what the heck?????????

i have no idea
Jamie J
2007-02-12 09:05:12 UTC

See it all at this WEBSITE!!!!!
2007-02-12 07:07:07 UTC
Because people are dumb?
2007-02-12 07:02:44 UTC

2007-02-11 22:33:46 UTC
That is one ugly face !
2007-02-20 09:54:41 UTC
Person who looks at this is stupid<-------------
2007-02-15 14:15:20 UTC
i don't know
john doe
2007-02-15 09:27:07 UTC
its funny how millions can be sucked into such nonsense.........................
2007-02-12 22:22:45 UTC
numerology is stupid
2007-02-12 20:55:54 UTC
gag me.
2007-02-11 22:58:14 UTC
oh yeah everybody believe this it's makes fools of us all........uh favorite number is nine!

What is 9+14

UHOH its 23

i guess this means im evil

baloney sandwich.........
2007-02-13 07:52:52 UTC
I Smoke Cigarettes
2007-02-23 12:37:03 UTC
you suck!

2007-02-13 23:00:29 UTC
Dunno. Now if it was the number 42... then let's talk.
toni lee
2007-02-12 14:34:11 UTC
its a load of crap.....
2007-02-12 03:14:22 UTC
what? crazy!
2007-02-11 23:10:08 UTC
D Mack
2007-02-20 08:07:12 UTC
2007-02-13 19:17:47 UTC
thanks for the two points
2007-02-12 07:21:52 UTC
you are the only ones obsessed with 23. duh?
zack u
2007-02-11 22:23:57 UTC
yea, obvcourse. This makes total sense. Because everything on the internet is so unmistakenly the truth.

the trusted sites I go to, pertaining to mathematics, especially mathematica...although does reveal the number 23 appears in nature and that people have been mystified by proves nothing beyond this. In other words, it can be compared to the same ancient mystical crap, such as say, egyptians beleiving that eclipses were demons bringing fortunes or santa clause.

There are many mystical things, such as mummification, which has also been intriguingly been brought back by films. Yet, I don't seriously beleive in mummy's coming to life. Equally so, and as peritinent, the number 23 does not have a set destined patterned in nature. It just so happens to be something like phi. It does not predetermine anything. Just like I don't beleive that 'final destination' is actually a documentary about fate and how people are going to die by seeing revelations and then looking out for patterns in the mirror cuz their smoking crack and r being losers while some loser dweeb of a force thath as no life wants to kill them.

If such is the case, it doesn't matter anyway, nor the concern for worry...because then the Unvierse would be inherently unfair, and there would be nothing you could do otherwise. which would mean God would have no right to judge me if everything was so predetermined and unfair...

say, if some gay dweeb could constantly molester me w ith weird noises and if it was truely some, I would not run crying like a little girl scared like in the movies...I would simply go to sleep and if it persisted I would tell it to go shut the **** up...if it presented itself in ugly form and scared the **** out of me, and then tried to kill me...then I would welcome it killing me, because then I would ahve God in my debt and he could not judge me because he never gave me the chance to show my goodnes...thus, I go directly to heaven..

if there is no god, and the dweeb kills me, then wtf is wrong with the world that a supernatural being has nothing else to do but kill random selective people...but not wage war on the rest of the human population. This would make absolutely no sense, and therefore it wouldn't matter either way, because if it wanted to kill you, it there is no purpose in resisting. It would clearly have magical powers and you could do nothing, and it could butt-slap you while your taking a crap then there is no purpose in worring about it cuz you have absolutely no control over what it does.

if the little dweeb persists, just to scare the hell out of me but not kill me, in scary forms such as al ittle boy...then I would assume its just a loser because all it wants to do is scare me and has no life--- this is quite pathetic because it has no life to just go around and molster a random young male like myself---I mean seriously...if all it is doing is trying to scare...then its just a lose dweeb with no life---I am clearly at a disadvantage if I can't see it while it just messes with me--I would just tell it its a loser and stop molstering me the annoying little twit... if it persists in trying to scare me I would tell it to reveal himself...and fight me...and surely then it would back off until the next time it can surprise me, and then I would just get used to it being a gay dweeb and ignore it...a muppet that has nothing to do but engage in interdimential burst of light to make itself interesting or gain attention because its otherwise depressed with its boring afterlife should be quite sad---if it hurts me then I can hold God accountable for being an asshole and then I can go to is that fair? if no god exists, then it doesn't matter anyway...if it hurts me persistently then I would just leave...if it follows me then I can just die of blood loss since I can't do anything anyway.

but in all cases its a loser of a spirit, because it has to resort to annoying you as its life and having the clear advantage because it probably has no friends so it resorts to scaring someone who is clearly at a disadvantage (aka, I cannot defend myself because of its whatever logic is used in movies that they are which logic it would be hard for a transparent thing to hurt me, but lets just assume that it can, for the sake of the illogical---either its transparent and watns to hurt me, is incredibly more powerful with whatever magic its using so it doesnt matter anyway because I can't fight back--so I might as well not worry about it, or it can't affect me, but it resorts to just scaring the hell out of me cuz it has no life)...which are all pretty sad.

therefore you come to the original conclusion A, that its a pathetic loser dweeb spirit that should be immidietly castrated..

but since all of this crap is people on crack getting high and seeing hallucinations. I don't have to put up with random dweebs, thank god, I already put up with many of them while their alive.

to get scared of a pre-determined pattern is just as equally as retarded.

so 23 does not have any more significance and the internet is the internet, and you are the movie industry and life is life, and so are things.

2007-02-11 22:22:26 UTC
Number 23, Post this 23 times and see what will happen :d ahahahaahahahah, come one its a number 2+3 = 5, 2-3= -1, 2*3= 6 Implies 5+-1+6= 10 implies 1+0 = 1

so number ONE is the best
2007-02-28 13:13:18 UTC
wtf how many

peeople got this
2007-02-11 22:16:05 UTC
It's just a movie. Entertainment, that's all it is. There's nothing special about the number 23. What you name is a bunch of coincidences.
2007-02-17 20:08:53 UTC
Please change it.
2007-02-16 12:44:24 UTC
i don't buy this crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-02-15 16:00:08 UTC
Holy that's a lot of answers

23 IDK
2007-02-13 23:04:55 UTC
2007-02-13 08:47:30 UTC
2007-02-12 17:17:14 UTC
i dunno but michael jordan was awesome!!!
2007-02-12 01:26:19 UTC
1723 A.D. The year that Adam Weishaupt (cf your nearest American one dollar bill) revived the Illuminati. The 23 is 2+3=5, going to the Law of Fives. The 17 is also interesting, as 1+7=8, 2 to the 3rd power = 8. Eight is also the number of letters in the Kallisti, Hail Eris!

666 2 / 3 = .666... This stuff can be dangerous.

I Ching TheI Ching Hexagram 23 means "Break Apart". Telegrapher's use 23 as the code for 'break the line'.

AOL Chat Rooms Only 23 people allowed in a AOL chatroom. Coincidence? Obviously, just an "illuminated" programmer.

Airplane disaster 230 people died on TWA Flight 800.

Aleister Crowley In Aleister Crowley'sCabalistic Dictionary, he defines the number 23 as the number of "parting, removal, separation, joy, a thread, and life..."

Aleister Crowley In Chapter 23 of theBook of Lies by Aleister Crowley, the chapter consists entirely of:


What man is at ease in his Inn?

Get out.

Wide is the world and cold.

Get out.

Thou hast become an in-itiate.

Get out.

But thou canst not get out by the way thou camest in. The Way out is THE WAY.

Get out.

For OUT is Love and Wisdom and Power.

Get OUT.

If thou hast T already, first get UT.

Then get O.

And so at last get OUT.

Aleister Crowley Refer to Chapter 69 of Aleister Crowley'sBook of Lies. 69/3=23. 6+9+3=18. 18=23-5. We could go off all day...

Aliens 23 Annunaki, the number of the original advance team of "aliens" who aided in the seeding of life on this planet.

Allen Ginsberg Allen Ginsberg died at 2:39pm April 5: 2+3+9+4+5=23. The code at the bottom of theReuter's article about Ginsberg's death reads: '23:28'. (28=23+5).

Alphabet: The letter W W is the 23 letter of this alphabet. The symbol for that letter is two points down and three points up.

Alphabet E is the fifth letter of the alphabet, and also the most commonly used in the English language. W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet. Half of W is V, which is the roman numeral for 5. Once again, therefore, the inherent connection between 5 and 23 is proven.Relent ye skeptics!

Apollo Lunar Landings 1 & 2 First landing on the Moon was in the Sea of Tranquility, 23.63 degrees East. Second landing was in the Ocean of Storms, 23.42 degrees West. Notice the names of the picked sights and how they contrast. Note: First two landings were Apollo 11 & 12 (11+12= 23!). Justexactly what does NASA know?

April 19th As in 4-19... 4 + 19 = 23. April 19 is the date the Battle of Lexington, Waco, and the Oklahoma City Bombing... (4+19=23).You connect the dots.

April 23, 1564 and April 23, 1616 Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616.

April 23 William Shakespeare was born and died on this date. Most of Shakespeare is known to us through the first folio published in 1623.

Artist Claiming To Be Richard 23 Name of the backup vocalist for the Belgian industrial rock band Front 242.

Artist Previously Alive Kurt Cobain Born 1967: 1+9+6+7=23. Died 1994: 1+9+9+4=23.

Artists Currently Known As 311 Pop-mystical hard-core band with Alien and A+ Bud overtones. (3+ [1+1]) = 32 Therefore, the opposite of the band must be the Comte Saint Germain or not at all.

Artists Currently Known As Demolition 23 The name of a pleasantly subversive band.

Artists Cutely Named The Beatles. The first song on Side A of the Beatles first Album took 23 takes to record.

Artists Marketed As U2 U is the 21st letter in the alphabet added to the number two gives you 23.

Artists Perceived as Psychick TV Psychick TV made the Guiness Book of World Records by release the most amount of albums in the shortest time period. 23 albums in 23 months on the 23rd of each month.

Artists Used To Be Known As Justified Ancients of Mu Mu There are 23 letters in the name Justified Ancients of Mu Mu.

Asteroids Asteroid researchers measuring the rotation periods of asteroids reported that none were found with periods of less than 2.3 hours. A rotation period of less than 2.3 hours would cause them to be torn apart. I dunno,physics.

Astrology: Zodiac The days on which the signs of the Zodiac begin and end are the 22nd and 23rd of most months.

Astrology Johannes Kepler was born at 2:30pm in 1571. In astrology, this gives him an Ascendant degree of 23 degrees. He was born at 2:30pm on Dec. 27, 1571 His astrological rising sign was at 23' of the sign Gemini, meaning that the constellation of Gemini was rising in the east when he was born.

Astrology The axis of the Earth (which currently points vaguely at Polaris) describes a circle in the heavens (switching off 'pole stars' and sometimes going without) over a period of 23,000 years. Precision, as this motion is called, also accounts for talk of our entering the Age of Aquarius (we entered the age of Pisces around the era of the birth of the historical Jesus). The Sun will 'be in' each of the '12' Zodiac at Spring Solstice (each being an 'age') during this 23,000 year cycle.

Astronomy: March 23, 1997 The comet Hale Bopp was at her closest point to Earth, 123 million miles.

Astronomy: Sirius Sirius A has a luminosity of 23.5.

Astronomy: Sirius The "Dog Days" of summer begin on July 23rd when the star Sirius, in the Constellation of Orion, first rises from behind the sun.

Astronomy On the evening of March 23, 1997 in the US, not only was the comet Hale-Bopp clearly visible, but there was also a lunar eclipse. Mars was also at its closest distance to Earth.

Astronomy The axis of the planet Earth is 23.5 degrees.As it is above, so below.

Astronomy The distance from the center of the planet Mars to the center of it's farthest moon is 23,500 kilometers.

Astronomy The number of days in a year on Earth is 365.2422.

August 23, 1305 The day William Wallace, whose life is fictionalized in the movieBraveheart, was executed for treason to the crown by leading a Scottish revolt. Interestingly, this was the pre-cursor to the underground Knights Templar refugees' involvement with Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn. Now it's starting to make sense, isn't it?

August 23, 1970 Birth date of River Phoenix, actor. Died of drug overdose,"You call him Dr. Bones, doll!"

August 23 Birth date of Keith Moon, original drummer for the Who. Also died from drug overdose,"my decomposition".

August 23rd, 1995 David Gottel, a member of Skinny Puppy, died. Huh.

Average Lunar Cycle Average Lunar Cycle is 28 (23+5) days.

Average Menstrual Cycle An average menstrual cycle is 28 (23+5) days.

Avogadro's Number The number of atoms of an element in one mole (cf. Atomic Weight) is 6.21x10²³.

BCE Politically correct term meaning "Before Common Era", or more to the point, before the supposed birth of Christ the Zealot. B, C, E: the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th letters of the alphabet

Base 3 The number 23, written in base 3, is 212 (2+1+2=5)

Base 4 23 written to the base 4 is 113 (1+1+3=5).

Base 7 23 written to the base 7 is 32 (3+2=5).

Beer Rolling Rock beer labels have a mysteriously marketed "33" (2 3's) on the back of every bottle. Sure they have an innocent story about the number of letters and blah blah, but what's thereal Masonic meaning behind all this?

Bible: Revelations Revelations ofThe New Testament has 22 sections the 22nd having 21 lines; implying a progression to 23

Bible: Revelations The most frequent numbers in the Book of Revelations are 4 (the powerful beasts), 7(seven seals, seven churches, etc.), and 12 (12 apostles, etc.). 4+7+12=23!

Bible: Revelations There is no known 23rd Chapter to Revelations.

Bible I Corinthians 15:56, Paul said "The sting of death [23] is sin and the strength of sin [13] is the law [10]."

Bible Daniel 8:14And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

Bible Psalm 23:The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want...

Binary Digits 10111 is the binary equivalent to 23. Note the five digits, yet another connection to the Law of Fives

Biorythm biorhythm cycle is generally 23 days. One measures a circle beginning anywhere.

Blood Circulation It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body.

Boy Scouts The Order of the Arrow: a secret organization within the Boy Scouts of America uses "WWW" as one of their symbols. W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet. Hmmm... 'w w w' has a ring to it.

Buddha 2x2x3x3x3 or 2 to the power of 2 times 3 to the power of three = 108, the number of auspicious signs by which the Buddha is known.

Burrough's 23 Enigma In the early '60's in Tangiers, William Burroughs knew a certain "Captain Clark" who ran a ferry from Tangiers to Spain. One day, Clark said to Burroughs that he'd been running the ferry23 years without an accident. That very day the ferry sank, killing Clark and everyone aboard. In the evening, Burroughs was thinking about this when he turned on the radio. The first newscast headlined the crash of an airline plane on the New York-Miami route. The pilot was anotherCaptain Clark and the flight was listed asFlight 23 (ala the line "Captain Clark welcomes you aboard.").

CB Channels There were originally 23 channels of Citizens Band (CB) radio in the US. There are now 40.

Cartoons: Bugs Bunny Bug Bunny says in one cartoon "frick-a-frack-a fire-crack-er siss boom bah! Bugs Bunn-y Bugs Bunn-y Rah Rah Rah!" There are 19 syllables in this cryptic statement. 1-9=-8, or -2³, the prime number before 23. Wow... people are funny.

Ceasar Ceasar was stabbed 23 times when he was assassinated.

Charly The Academy Award winning filmCharly is the story of a low-grade moron (IQ around Dan Quayle's) who is transformed by neuro-surgery into a superhuman genius (IQ 200 plus). In the crucial operation scene, the number on the operating room is visible, and it is 23.

Chomsky and 23 Over 50% of the national media is owned by 23 major corporations, as reported by Noam Chomsky. To recapitulate... more than half of the information thrust upon the American people is controlled by only 23 corporations.

Chromosome Pairs The human body has 46 chromosomes, which are paired, in somatic cells. Generative cells have half this number, 23, which is the number of chromosomes each parents gives to human deoxyribonucleic acid.

Church of Zypgx 7.32 is the Holy Number of the First Church of Zypgx, which gives all of its members a number between 7.32 and 8. (7 being the number of luck, 32 being 23 backwards and 8 being approximately the symbol for infinity. 3.1415 is of course, the mathematical enigma which is pi. Multiply these two numbers and you get almost exactly 23. The followers of the First Church of Zypgx also believe that when pi is found to the last decimal place, the number of their Savior timesexact pi will be precisely 23. And you thought the Heaven's Gate people were a bit kooky?

Church of the Process Famed church, espoused by Skinny Puppy and Psychic TV, which regards 23 as a special number of great significance.

Cigarettes The average smoker smokes 23 butts a day.

Clinton Bill Clinton's numerical initials are B=2 C=3.

Clinton The number of letters in William Jefferson Clinton is 23.

Clinton William, W being the 23rd letter of the alphabet.

Comics: Superman Superman got his new 'electric' look inSuperman issue #123.

Computers: 32 bit bus The fifth generation is the 32 bit bus, 32 being the fifth power os 2, and 2³ * 2².

Computers: TCP/IP Standard TCP/IP port for Telnet is 23.

Computers: URLs Most URLs for the web contain 2 "/"s and 3 W's..

Computers: World Wide Web 23+23+23=WWW, the World Wide Web is referred by "WWW." W, of course, occupies the 23rd position in the alphabet. Tim Berners-Lee, at CERN, created the Web. CERN=3,5,18,14. 24=(18+14)-(3+5). Close one.

Computers Computers communicate in 2³ bits (bytes).

Cults: L. Ron Hubbard His Axiom 23: All thought is concerned with motion.

Cults There are 23 chapters of the Cult Awareness Network. Incidentally, the over-zealous law firm which for years has represented the "Church" of Scientology, a more successful joke religion than even Discordianism, purchased the logo and license agreement of the Cult Awareness Network (CAN). The Heaven's Gate Away Team nerds were really happy about this according to some of their USENET posts.

December 23, 1805 Birth date of Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or as the better marketing name goes, Mormons).

December 23, 1913 Passage of the Federal Reserve Act by 3 members of Congress, 2 of which were stockholders of the parent firms of the Federal Reserve Bank. Another example that conspiracies are nothing more than a good ol' boy network of elitist college buddies. You do the same thing all the time... this just happens to affect more people.

December 23, 2012 A huge cycle ends in the Mayan calendar. Terence McKenna thinks the Eschaton will Immanetize. Other theories suggest the ice caps, having become wobbly from the gravitational pull exerted by the alignment offive planets directly opposing the Spaceship Earth on 5-5-2005, will cause the crust of the Earth to slip over the soggy innards, causing the ice caps to melt, and new ones to form. Of course, this will cause massive flooding, earthquakes, general mayhem and undoubtedly affect the quarterly earnings of Nike. All because the earth is slightly tilted, averaging about 23.5 degrees! (Refer to Graham Hancock'sFingerprints of the Gods for more background on this phenomenon. It ties in the Egyptians and other ancient civilizations, Atlantis, Osiris, star-charts, geological evidence, and hard physical evidence of the remnants of a lost, technologically superior pre-historic race.)

December 23, 2012 The date the Mayans believed the world will end. Hence why they werereally obsessed with time and it's observance.

December 23, 679 The date that Dagobert II, a Merovingian King was murdered. Speculation, derived from the research of the highly controversial book entitledHoly Blood, Holy Grail , leads one to conclude this assassination was performed in connivance with the Catholic Church. The church leaders, unhappy with Dagobert's apparent policy of religious tolerance in his kingdom, located in the south of France, allegedly got him out of the way to best serve their own interests. A predecessor of Dagobert, Clovis, had an alliance with the Catholic church, so it is possible that church leaders saw Dagobert's actions as a betrayal of what was considered a long standing policy of pro-Catholic reforms.

Descartes 2+3=5 is the equation Descartes chooses to theorize about as being an objective truth that he is possibly being fooled into believing is true in hisMeditations on First Philosophy.

Dillinger 2323 Clark St. Chicago, IL: this is the theater where John Dillinger was allegedly shot while leaving after the flick Manhattan Melodrama ended. Also, have you noticed that in most movies hotel room numbers are based on five, with many of them being 23, or some variation that breaks down to 5? Oh sure, go ahead and roll your eyes, but you can't escape it.

Dillinger John Dillinger robbed 26 banks, but only 23 for money. Now that's a statement.

Dutch Shultz Arthur Flengenheimer (a.k.a. Dutch Schultz) died in a New York hospital on October 23, 1934 and uttered: "A boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim... French Canadian bean soup... The bears are in trouble and the sidewalks are in trouble..."

Dvorák's Symphony No. 9 In Dvoráks Symphony No. 9 in E Minor (5th letter of the alphabet, btw), you hear the morse code for V, the Roman Numeral Symbol for 5. TitledFrom the New World, probably as in "The New World Order". You also hear the same BA BA BA BUUUMMMMMM (Dot Dot Dot Dash) in Beethoven's 5th Symphony, which he wrote after being "Illuminated" by Adam Weishaupt.

Fallen Angels Two-thirds of the angels decided to stick it out in Heaven with God after Lucifer and the other third fell.

Film: Blue Meenies In the epic cartoonYellow Submarine the Blue Meenies are comprised of a wild pack of destructive anti-music villains. Among them is a character named the Butterfly Stomper (butterfly being a symbol of transformation). The Butterfly Stomper is one who destroys all things of beauty. On his shirt is the number 23... and you know what that means.

Film:Airplane II: The Sequel In the movieAirplane II the name of the space ship is theXR - 2300.

Film:Airport In the movie Airport, the mad bomber has Seat 23.

Film:Babe In the movieBabe, the little piggy is the 23rd contestant for the Sheep Dog contest. Kind of takes the innocence of the flick away doesn't it?

Film:Die Hard III In the movieDie Hard III the train derails in subway station 23.

Film:Hackers In the movieHackers, the data which causes all the action is take from 'data bank 23'.

Film:Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) The first trash truck seen transporting pods is labled number 23.

Film:Lawrence of Arabia Anthony Quinn's character proclaims he has 23 wounds upon his body.

Film:Lost Highway In David Lynch's film,Lost Highway, Fred's number in the jail is 47516 (4+7+5+1+6=23).

Film:Nixon In Oliver Stone'sNixon, Tricky Dick's football jersey at Whittier is number 23.

Film:Quiz Show A waiter chooses 23 when asked for a random number, and the contestant follows with a list of 23 related facts to show his knowledge base.

Film:Star Wars TheMillennium Falcon escapes Mos Eisley spaceport from docking bay 94 (9/3=3 and 4/2=2 reverse it and you get 23).

Film:Star Wars In the final assault on the Death Star, Luke Skywalker is in Red 5. Red 2 and Red 3 start the bomb runs at 23 degrees. "Stay on target!"

Film:Star Wars R2-D2 and C-3PO: R2+C3=RC (Rosy Cross, Rosicrucian) and 23.

Film:Star Wars TK421, the only stormtrooper called by name in theStar Wars trilogy. T(20)+k(11)+4-2-1=32. The reverse of 23.Now that's the spirit! Why aren't you at you're post?

Film:Star Wars The cell block where Princess Leia was held on the Death Star was AA-23 on Level 5. A.'.A.'.?

Film:Star Wars When Luke Skywalker is in the trench during his bombing run, the first number you see on the targeting computer is 23. The next scene that shows the computer shows the number 32.

Film:Support Your Local Gunslingler James Garner's character, who despises roulette, announces that he has "an irresistible urge to bet on the number 23." 23 becomes a running gag throughout the comedy-western.

Film:THX-1138 George Lucas' first real movie, in alphabetic order, T=20, H=8, X=24. (T)20-(H)8=12; 1+3+8=12; reconcile: 12-12=0 which leaves (X)24-1=23.

Film:The Prophecy In the movieThe Prophecy, the Bible belonging to the dead angel Uziel is bookmarked on the 23rd chapter of Revelations.

Film The number on Adam Sandler's helmet inHappy Gilmore is 23.

Flight 800 The two recovered seats from TWA Flight 800 with shrapnel damage were Seats 23J and 23K. The explosion is theorized to have occurred at this location.

Freemason Henry Price Henry Price is buried in the cemetery of Townsend, Massachusetts. His monument is an obelisk that measures 69" tall (69 / 3 = 23). On the side of the monument facing west it says:Henry Price "Founder of Duly Constituted Masonry in America." On the east face it says:Born in London about 1697, removed to Boston about 1723, appointed Provincial Grand Master of New England in 1733. The monument is carved on 2 faces, made of 3 pieces - base, block, and cap stone.

Freemasons The address of the Freemasons lodge in Stafford, England is 23 Jaol Rd. In New York it is on 23rd street.

General Custer Custer achieved the rank of General at the young age of 23, the youngest general in the U.S. army at the time.

Geometry: Pentagons The angle between the rays of a symmetrical-pointed star is 72 degrees. Also, the angle between legs of a pentagon is 108 degrees (the complementary angle of 108 is 72(108+72=180)). (2^3)*(3^2)=2*3*2*3*2=72. (Note that 5 (2^2)*(3^3)=3*2*3*2*3=58. Numbers are 2*3*2*3*5=180 multiplied in each equation.)

Great Pyramid Supposedly there are 2,300 stones comprising the Great Pyramid. Uh-huh... sure.

Harmonic Convergence The harmonic convergence occurs every 23,000 years.

Health: Centrum Silver There are 23 vitamins and minerals in a Centrum Silver tablet.

Hiroshima Hiroshima was bombed on August 6, 1945 (8+6+4+5=23).

Human Lifespan 63 years, the average lifespan of a human being on the planet Earth, is roughly 23,000 days.

Human body The number of joints in the human arm is 23.

January 23 Adolf Hitler organized the National Socialist Congress on January 23. On November 23 he tried to seize power.

January 23rd On January 23, 1968 theUSS Pueblo was hijacked off of North Korea. The crew was held exactly 11 months until December 23, 1968 when they were released after being beaten by soviets to give back an intercepted USSR message stating plans to start a nuclear war with Red China.

July 23, 1996 "Mysterious Eyes" of comet Hale-Bopp first sighted.

July 23 More reported UFO sightings on this day than any other day of the year. This is the flapday of the year.

July 23rd July 23rd is both the Sumerian and Egyptian New Years.

June 1, 1996 The day Tim Leary died. The date 6-1-1996 provides 6+1+1+9+9+6=32, or 23 backwards.

June 15th, 1904 (19 + 04 = 23) The date the ship "General Slocum " catches fire and over a thousand die.

June 16th, 1904 (19 + 04 = 23) The day James Joyce uses inUlysses, who mentions theGeneral Slocum disaster the day before repeatedly within this book.

Knights Templar October 13 (10+13=23) is the month and day that the Knight Templars were arrested in France... hence Friday the 13th being considered a day of bad luck. Amazing how it all starts to fit together, isn't it?

Knights Templar The Templars had only 23 Grandmasters. Jacques de Molay was the 23rd and last of the Templar Grandmasters."Jacques de Molay, thou art unhinged!"

Latin Alphabet There are 23 letters in the Latin alphabet.

Level of ONE The newest front society of the Illuminated, the 23rd level of the ONE is reported to be the last level attainable (achieving departure from Earth). Remind you of something else?

Literature: Charles Dickens In Dickens' Tale of Two Cities, Sidney Carlton, the 23rd man, is guillotined in the final scene." The murmuring of many voices, the upturning of many faces, the pressing on of many footsteps in the outskirts of the crowd, so that it swells forward in a mass, like one great heave of water, all flashes away. Twenty-Three."

Literature:Catch-22 The Catch-22 of Joseph Heller's book/film: "If a bomber-pilot don´t want to fly missions then he´s sane, for mission-flying is deadly dangerous. If a bomber does want to fly missions then he´s insane for missions-flying is deadly dangerous. The only way to stop flying missions is to be insane, but if the flyer does want to fly missions then why shouldn't he go on? No way out (23)."

Literature:Paradise Lost Lines 22-23 of Book I of Milton'sParadise Lost read, ".... what in me is dark Illumine, what is low raise and support..."

Male Sex Cycle 23 days in the male sex cycle (according to Tantrists).

Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe's former address is 12305 Helena Drive.

Mathematics: Hexadecimal The Hex equivalent of 23 is 17, therefore all references to the number 17 are indirect references to the number 23.

Mathematics: Primes 23 is the first prime number in which both digits are prime numbers and add up to another prime number.

Mathematics: Primes Two (2), three (3), and five(5) are the first three prime numbers in our counting system. (1 is not prime, it's an identity.)

Mathematics: Square Roots Square root(s) of 2,3, and 5 are used in respect to tetrahedral hyperdimensional physics and perfect form in design. Square root(s)of 2, 3, and 5 supposedly relative to D&M Pyramid on Mars and other similar relationships. Also these square roots were quite common in early architecture and considered the most aesthetically pleasing in design.

Mathematics 23 Axioms in Euclid's Geometry.

Mathematics In base 5, 23 = 2x5 +3 = 13 in decimal notation. 13 is an amazingly significant number being theactual level of most floors labeled 14 in American hotels.

Mathematics Two-thirds of numbers which are divisible by 2 are not multiples of 3.

Microsoft There are 23 buildings on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington. Where do you want Bill Gates to go today?

Mob Gangster "Mad Dog" Coll was shot on 23rd Street when he was 23 years old; a year later, Dutch Schultz (who paid for the Coll assassination) was himself fatally shot on October 23, 1935. Marty Krompier, king of the Harlem numbers racket, was non-fatally shot on the same October 23, 1935. ("It's got to be one of them coincidences," he told the police.) Shultz's killer, Charlie Workman, served 23 years of a life sentence and was then paroled. Coll is buried in St. Raymond's Cemetery.

Money: U.S. Coinage There are exactly 23 plainly visible characters (letters & numbers) on the front of U.S. Coins.

Nissan brand cars Nissan is a brand of Japanese cars. In Japanese, "ni" is 2, and "san" is 3. So Nissan would be 23.

Nixon's Articles of Impeachment The Articles of Impeachment meant for Richard Nixon were under Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution. In the sweetest irony, Our Beloved First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, was one of the young lawyers who helped research the constitutionality of impeaching a reigning President. Nice of her to do all the groundwork for us...

November 22, 1963 The day Kennedy was shot.

November 24, 1963 The day Oswald wasallegedly shot.

Nuclear Tests The USA performed 23 tests of atomic detonations at Bikini Atoll in the South Pacific.

Numerology Two (2) and Three (3) are next to each other in our numbering system (e.g. 1,2,3...). Takethat!

October 23, 1956 The day the Hungarian revolution began against the Russians. Not to be confused with any of the many previous Hungarian revolutions.

October 23, 4004 BC According to Bishop Usher in hisAnnales Veteris Testament (Annals of the Old Testament), the supposed date of God's creation of the world is October 23, 4004 BC. Thus the 6th Millennium is this year. Gonna pa-arrrrrrrrrr-ty likes it's 5999!

Parliamentary Procedure 23 votes are required to rescind a Motion.

Pepsi Cans Calories: 150 = one 5 Carbohydrates: 41 = 5 As % Daily Value: 14% = 5 Sugars: 41g = 5 1 Can: 12Fl (355 mL) = two 5s, 1, 3, & 2: 1(3+5) = 5, = three 5's. The Pepsi sigil is a corruption of the Holy Chao... also directly to the left of the ingredients you'll find a bold "K" = Kallisti?

Pepsi The advertisementSecurity Camera, in which a Coke worker tries to take a Pepsi in a convenience store and knocks down the shelf, displays the time in the upper right hand corner as 6:23.

Physics: Tidal Wave Frequency On average every 23rd wave crashing to shore is twice as large as the average wave.

Physics: Uranium Isotopes The name of the Uranium isotope used in bombs is U235.

Physics: Vanadium The symbol for the 23rd element is V (roman numeral 5).

Pookah! In the film version (titledAlice) of Charlie Dodgson's classicAlice in Wonderland by the Czech director/animator Jan Svankmejer, Alice's taxidermically stuffed rabbit flings open the door by dressing itself and running 'away'. The case that holds the white rabbit (i.e. Pookah (i.e. one who takes you OUT)) is labeled "No. 23".

Qabala In the Qabalistic Tree of Life, the 23rd path is associated with the Hanged Man Tarot Card. Aleister Crowley also states that this card represents the concept that the only way OUT is WITHIN!

Rave scene 23 HOP is the club where the Toronto rave scene was created.

September 23 Rosicrucian (AMORC): Annual Outdoor Fete is held on September 23, when the sun enters the sign of Libra.

September 23 The Fall Equinox.

September 23 Yom Kippur.

Sex: Positions 69 (23*3) is one of the many loved sexual positions of humans. The Zodiac sign for Cancer looks like a sideways 69. Cancers are born between June 21 and July 21 and 21+2 (the number of characters in 69)=23

Shakespeare Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 and died on April 23, 1616. 23+23=46. Shakespeare was 46 years old in the year 1610 (1+6+1+0=8, 8=2³), the year the King James Bible was published. Psalm 46 in that translation has as its 46th word "shake" while the 46th word from the end is "spear." Go ahead, explain that one. I dare ya. It's also a fun party trick!

Space Program, Russian On March 14, 1997, NASA representative states that MIR 23 space station is having problems resulting from the February 23, 1997 fire and has used 23 of their oxygen-generating canisters. It is the 23rd day aboard for the Russian crew. Progress 233 supply vehicle has problems of its own and cannot redock with MIR.

Space Program, US Saturn V (2+3=5) rockets were used to launch the Apollo missions to the moon.

Space Program, US The longitudinal coordinates of the Apollo 11 moon landing were 23.63 degrees. (2+3=5 while 6+3=9=3²)

Sports: Car 23 Camel Cigarettes racing machine bears the number 23. And what is up with Tom Robbins anyway?

Sports: Darts 23 is the lowest positive integer number not scoreable with one dart on a dartboard.

Sports: Ryne Sandberg Number 23 on the Chicago Cubs, holds MLB record for consecutive errorless innings, 123. The 1 in 123 added to 4, the numerical designation for second base equals 5, adhering to the law of fives.

Sports: World Series 23 World Series have been won by the New York Yankees. Also they won their first World Series in 1923. Ah, statistics.

Sports Michael Jordan's shirt number is 23, which is also the day of his father's murder.

TV: Cartoons Popeye is seen repeatedly pondering the number 23 in many of his 1970's TV Cartoons.

TV:Babylon 5 A 5 mile long space station, a 5 year story line, set in the 23rd century, naturally. And if you watch closely, you'll notice it's all parable for Clinton and Whitewater.

TV:Seinfeld Kramer hides his air conditioner on Level Purple 23 in a shopping carpark. This episode was played in Australia on 23 September 1996.

TV:Sesame Street Bert is a member of the National Association of W Lovers. W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet, if you haven't had that driven into your head by now.

TV:Star Trek: The Next Generation In most every episode of ST:TNG, if a number is given it will usually be a 23 (or 23,000).

TV:X-Files Ten-Thirteen (10+13=23) is the name of the production company famed for producing shows like theX-files andMillennium. 10-13 is the Birth date of creator Chris Carter and the day the Knights Templar were arrested in France in 1307.Aha! you exclaim,More proof!

TV:X-Files 1013 (10+13=23) is the number on the abandoned nuclear missile silo where a UFO is contained and Crycek is locked up by the Men in Black in an episode of X-Files.

TV:X-Files Agent Mulder goes to the apartment of a recently deceased man in one episode, and we see the number 23 on the door as he is let in.

TV Max Headroom broadcast on Network 23.

Tarot 2 is the number of balance, 3 is the number of synergy and 5 is the number of strife in the Tarot deck. Presumably, therefore, if things always changed, or if things never changed we would be all right, but when both happen, we experience troubling times.

Tarot The trump cards, or the Major Arcana of the Tarot represent a cycle, or wheel. The cards are 22 in number, "beginning" with the fool and "ending" with the universe. But, as the standard musical scale of western music is an octave (seven notes (ABCDEFG) with the first repeated as the last (ABCDEFGA) to represent the progressive cycle of the musical scale), the 22 trumps, when arranged with the fool at the "beginning and end", actually form a cycle of 23.

Tarot There is no 23rd card in the Major Arcana.

The Artists Formerly Engaged as The Police Their songSynchronicity I is 3:23 long.

Timothy Leary Fortean Times #97 reported that Timothy Leary's ashes were to be launched into space the 2nd week of March (the third month). The launch contained the ashes of Timothy Leary,Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and23 others...

UFO's: Roswell, NM The date of the 'weather balloon' crash at Roswell, New Mexico was July 3, 1947. 7+3+1+9+4+7=32. The reverse of 23.

UFOs Regarding UFOs, the myth-inspiring Hangar 18 is yet another alien parts store. (23-5=18)

Unabomber The Unabomberallegedly hurt or killed 23 people.

V In filing systems which make a special place for the symbol 'Mc', V is the 23rd letter of that system.

Victory/Peace hand sign Consisting of five fingers: 2 up to form a Roman Number V, 3 fingers down. Hippies and Nixon: willing dupes for THEM.

Video After the Rodney King verdict, a Korean shopkeeper during the L.A riots can be clearly seen shooting at looters from the roof of a building in front of a large sign proclaiming the number 23 and nothing else.

W W is the 23rd letter in the alphabet and is also the shape a woman's legs form while copulating in the missionary position. W is also the first letter in the names of many important historic figures (Washington or Weishaupt for example).

W W, the only letter in the English language to be renounced polysyllabically, is 23rd in line. Note also that it is a double(2)-u and that t has three(3) syllables.

Washington, D.C. Washington starts with the letter "W" which is the 23rd letter in the alphabet. The Pentagon (5 sides) building is located in Washington D.C.
2007-02-11 22:16:50 UTC
Any number can have an amazing number of events associated with it. In numerology 23 would be reduced to 5. OOOhhhhOOHHH 5, scary.
2007-02-11 22:04:55 UTC
The modern fascination with the number 23 comes down to two words: Michael Jordan.
Wycliffe A
2007-02-11 21:55:04 UTC
23 enigma
2007-02-11 21:52:36 UTC
sit...mine is the twenty fourth answer there screwing your stupid twenty three...well heres one for you...2+3=5 5*5=25 25-2=23....oh my god the worlds gunna end we should all kill ourselves just in case
Surely Funke
2007-02-11 21:41:55 UTC
There are 23 letters in the phrase "Shake it and then bake it, boy!"

The haiku has 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, totaling 17 syllables in all. (7-5)*3 + 17 = 23

Children born in the year 2000 will turn 23 in the year 2023.
2007-02-11 21:32:46 UTC
It's a coincidence that people let get the better of them.
Brooklyn Bounce
2007-02-11 17:51:03 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the Discordian belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.

The 23 Enigma can also be seen in Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's Illuminatus! trilogy (there called the "23/17 phenomenon"), Wilson's Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Illuminati (there called "The Law of 23s" and "The 23 Enigma"), Arthur Koestler's Challenge of Chance, as well as the notorious Principia Discordia. In these works, 23 is considered to be alternately lucky, unlucky, sacred to the goddess Eris, sinister, sacred to the unholy gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, or just plain weird. Discordians regard this as a corollary of the Law of Fives.

Like other numbers that have long been linked to unusual coincidences, 13 and 17 also being favorites, the 23 Enigma can be seen as no more than an example of apophenia. Skeptics point out the fact that 23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life, concluding that it appears probably no more often in conjunction with catastrophe or coincidence than 22 or 24. In interviews, Wilson has acknowledged the self-fulfilling nature of the 23 enigma, implying that the real value of the Laws of Fives and Twenty-threes lies in their demonstration of the mind's power to perceive "truth" in nearly anything.

As a number with which to associate things, 23 has several helpful properties. It is a prime number, and therefore more likely to be associated with coincidences because events associated with composite numbers would be divided by a factor to arrive at it or some other prime. In addition, it enjoys the boon of having the two lowest primes as digits; 2 and 3 are small and therefore can be included in complex calculations that arrive at numbers only remotely related, which can then become coincidental with significant events. Two and three are also the most frequent factors (excluding 1) of a given range of whole numbers. 23 less the numeric base is 13, which has many phobias attached to it.

More unusual interpretations of 23's prevalence involve some of the stranger sub-theories of quantum mechanics.
2007-02-08 16:46:59 UTC
The "23 Enigma" refers to the belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23, given enough ingenuity on the part of the interpreter.
Baby Jack born 4/5/09
2007-02-15 10:36:18 UTC
I dunno. My lucky numbers 22.
2007-02-15 08:23:35 UTC
2007-02-14 13:13:50 UTC
o wow idk thats weird i guess
2007-02-11 22:15:45 UTC
I never been obsessed with this number but it is a good number to play with when playing the lotto. If you notice it usually comes out!
Too Curious
2007-02-11 22:13:37 UTC
Hiya Jim!

So, will you post this question 23 times?

Or give more details about the mistique of 23?

Word on the street is mathematics was similar to magic in less enlightened times. That and a certain type of insurance will protect you from meteorites. To be honest any single or twin digit number has some relivance to someone.

BTW, why do so many cultures want to set a date for the world to end? The worse case senerio is they are wrong and everyone throws rotten fruit at you and says you were wrong. Well, it breaks even I suppose with you being right and the world ends, but since the world ends you can't gloat, or say, told ya so! So why do so many people and groups speculate on the end of the world?

It just goes to show when facing the two doors of life, you will pause to choose. The doors will not be the lady or the lion, but wil be "DXXXed if you do" and "DXXXed if you don't". The truly sad part is everyone will pause in their choice.

2007-02-11 22:06:33 UTC
2007-02-11 22:02:34 UTC
What contrived BS
2007-02-11 21:52:24 UTC
I was actually semi-obsessed before this movie even made production probably. My first lucky number was 2 and then later it changed to 3, and now it's both. I did see it in MJ's uniform, also I think that it's partly the fact that I force myself to see little hints every now and again, but there ain't nothing wrong with having something to believe in.
Hemant S
2007-02-11 21:47:41 UTC
Use this link

Complete Detail of solution of your problem..

Bye good luck
Speed Demon - Public Servant
2007-02-11 21:43:37 UTC

2007-02-11 21:32:48 UTC
has to do with the masons & the number 9 + 13

and i'm sure various other groups make reference to it.

check into masonic symbology - you'll see a whole 'nother world.

what's got my interest lately.. is that they've created the mormons, jehovas witnesses, christian science, theosophy (new age), scientology & wicca (gardner/oto).

3, 9, 11, 13, 33, 333 - all numbers they like.. chevrons.. 'g', wingedsundisk, pyramids, eye or ra, isis osiris horus, fertility worship, amunra (6 pointed star; both fake 'star of david', and the masonic symbol).

it's a start ;) -- o.. and the masonic symbols on the dollar are actually from a columbian illuminati. --- and i should mention

may 1st is a special day for various reasons. Ciao :P
2007-02-11 21:15:34 UTC
use these numbers as alphabets 2 being B and C being 3,now you have B.C. everything that happened before Christ,with folk lore bringing it up to date

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.