Well, the Buddhism that came out of Communism, which is the primary Buddhism now is Atheistic. They don't believe in God, only in becoming ascended to a higher state of existence. In other words, they believe we all become like mini-gods.
Hindu is very similar to Greek Mythology, only it's still a world religion . . . so, yeah.
Judaism, Christianity IS Judaism if Jesus of Nazareth was really their Messiah. If not, then yeah, Judaism is proven only in how their God helps them when they are faithful. Otherwise, all you have is their history recorded in whatever writings they still have left and every Bible and Torah printed.
Muslims are just about exactly the same logic as Mormons. God screwed up when writing His Word to the people and people screwed up when translating it because God can't stop people from doing that for some reason, so He needed to write a new different Word. So God picked some random guy that woke up one day and decided that he was the one true prophet of God sent to give the true Word of God that was without errors.
One said that he was talking to a demon till his wife convinced him it was an angel. The other probably just lied to see if he could convince people to abandon Christianity for a totally made-up religion.
Now, if we look at what becomes of the people who follow their religion, then we can clearly see Mormons aren't so bad in this day and time . . . till we see people who are actually following the faith as it is written. Then we see that black people are evil, that marrying and having sex with preteens and teenagers is okay. Oh, Islam allows for this too, only Muhammad's child bride wasn't even a preteen, she was 6.
So, maybe Mormons, but not really if you follow it as God supposedly gave it to the true prophet.
What about Islam. Well, now we have some real examples. Entire nations are Muslim. So, lets see, how does Islam fair in practical reality? Well, as far as empiricism goes, Islam is likely to rule the world one day, and your children's children, or some generations on will either be Muslims or they will be dead. It's just common sense. They keep fighting, the other keeps tolerating instead of fighting back, and eventually, they'll break through and defeat their enemy, and impose an Islam conversion or death upon everyone.
That's what they've done in all of their nations to date. No reason to think they would be any different after taking another.
Now, Islam in practical reality, women are actually just above property. And apparently they don't wear hijabs as a matter of religion, but rather because if they don't, their husbands can beat them until they do. Women are generally second-class, and children apparently are regularly sold into marriage with old men. In some nations, apparently they've accepted the idea that having sex with boys is okay because they aren't women that you aren't married too, and thus it's not a sin somehow. It's pretty crazy, but no sex till marriage thing is a pretty solidly accepted thing in Islam in most of those nations. It's just that, well, Muhammad married a 6 year old . . . so, yeah. Of course, if a man rapes a woman he's not married too, in many of those nations, she's more than likely going to be punished for the shame of having sex before marriage while the man may or may not get a slap on the wrist.
Then lets look at what kind of life Muslims make for themselves. They are constantly being murdered by each other and oppressed by extremist sects that think their version of Islam is the truth. The fact that they are so ready to blame others for their problems and join these extremists sects indicates a lot of suffering on the part of the family. After all, when people aren't suffering, it's actually pretty hard for extremists to recruit because they don't really have much rhetoric that motivates enough people to participate. That's why in America and Europe, we get these little pockets of violent actors that never really go anywhere, and are primarily left wing and brainwashed. Look at Detroit, left wing policies actually do cause people to suffer. It's why all of the black communities, which are all exclusively controlled by Democrats finds so many who readily support extremist violent ideologies like the Black Panthers and BoweL Movement movements.
So, to be perfectly honest, Islam, practiced as it Muhammad says is to follow Sharia Law. And many of those nations, their people still suffering under totalitarian regimes and violent sects don't even get as strict as Sharia Law, and it's still pretty bad. So, to follow Islam as Muhammad says, it really is untenable, and would lead to world-wide chaos and never-ending war, and inevitably probably extinction of the human race if everyone actually followed it as they're supposed too, as Muhammad said too.
So, that leaves Christianity. Lets look at the worst of the worst first because that's literally the only place we can go in order to cherry-pick so that we can disparage Christianity. First we assume, of course, that Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews as He claimed to be, and thus was rejected because the Jews happened to be in a time of rejecting God's ways, and thus was crucified and rose again. That is a far-fetched story right? Yeah, as far as humans are concerned, but we're talking about the true God here, not the true human. We would scarcely know it 2000 years later if some random individual in some small region just so happened to rise from the dead. They wouldn't even know it then, much less 2000 years later. In fact, we only know about the story because 12 random guys from different walks of life got together and lead a team of believers to go around talking about it to anyone willing to listen.
Now, if we look at the worst of the worst, we're talking, not the Crusades no. The Crusades were a legitimate response to the fear of Islamic aggression. I say legitimate because Muhammad's Islam is Sharia Law Islam is more akin to Al Qaeda's and ISIS versions of Islam. Muhammad slaughtered entire groups of people when they would not convert to Islam. They intended to take over the world if they could. England responded to that to not only protect Israel, the Christian holy sites, and other Christians being slaughtered, but also to preemptively prevent Islam from overtaking Europe and eventually England.
No, I am more so talking about when the Catholic Church implemented harsh punishments for small things and would not tolerate any kind of criticism and did not allow people rights to follow Christ as they saw fit and murdered large groups of people simply for not accepting what the Catholic Church decided was the will of God. I am talking about the Salem Witch trials and other such evils that people claimed to be doing in the name of Christ.
First we look at them. They did some horrendous things. But the truth is, they weren't following the Bible as it was written. No, instead they were following their own desire of what the Bible should say rather than what it actually said. You see, in other religions, if you follow the religion exactly as it is written, you cause innocent people to suffer. However, in Christianity, it is when you DON'T follow the religion as it is written that you are prone to cause people to suffer. When you try and reject portions of what is written for your own greed or selfishness, when you think you are wiser, that is when people are caused to suffer.
To follow Christianity on a fundamental level, as it is written involves a lot of debate, but even amidst that debate, it requires you to pray for your enemy, to love your enemy, to give to those in need, even to the point of giving the shirt off your back. It requires that you treat them as you would have them treat you. It requires you focus on what God wants from you first, and then focus on what you want. When you commit violence against another for any reason other than defending the innocent, you act in a way that God has said is wrong and antithesis to what His Word is.
Suddenly, you act wrongly to another and are not forgiving, you are standing on the outside of Christianity, not the inside. Whatever you do is by your own doing and has nothing to do with God nor Christianity.
Essentially, what I'm saying is you cannot claim to do what is wrong by your own religion and then somehow say you follow that religion.
And probably the most convincing of all, to me at least, is no matter how evil and badly people have acted and claimed to do it in the name of Christianity in these random spurts of evil throughout history, in all of it, in all of the corruption, the interference of the church with the state, and vice-versa, all claiming to be in the name of Christ, even slavery and racist treatment of blacks and Native Americans, in all of it, in all of our propensity towards evil as human beings world-wide, and in all of the evil people have done in the name of Christ . . . only Christians throughout all of history found a workable lasting freedom and founded the most progressed nation and eventually nations.
That, my friend, could have only happened by the power of God faithfully leading His faithful to a better day, so that no matter how evil or corrupt people got, His faithful inevitably won-out, and thus, through them, so did the whole world.
That's why I love to hear Atheists talking about how evil Christianity is, like it's the most evil thing in all of human history, because there's no way such evil an corrupt people would ever have managed to find freedom and what America was. They basically prove Christ is real and IS God by their own rhetoric. Only the power of God could have made it happen for the sake of those who were actually not evil and were actually faithful.