Are vultures a bad omen? or a precursor to death? ?
2009-01-11 19:43:32 UTC
there were big black vultures outside my house eating a rabbit today, and when my mom came home she said they were on her office building to. maybe its just superstitious but it freaks me out all the same
Ten answers:
2009-01-11 20:07:50 UTC
In a mythology sense--ancient philosophers thought they were bad luck.

Persian lore believed that two large vultures guard the gates of hell.

Ancient Greeks thought they were of guarded wisdom between life and death.

Egyptians believed they were symbols of power and were associated with the Gods.

These birds are carrion, they eat the remains of those who are dead or are dying. I really would not be worried about them, in fact they are becoming extinct so if your Mom saw some of them on her office building and you saw one in the backyard, this is a good thing.

Hope this has helped.
2017-01-01 08:40:39 UTC
Turkey Vulture Meaning
Candide Bunny
2009-01-12 08:03:19 UTC
I am a biology student so I would try to explain this in a biological view.

From a view of ecology, the vulture's ecological niche is scavenger, and a scavenger consumes the dead. The scavenger, therefore, plays a role in recycling and decomposition of the dead in the enviornment.

Vultures eat the dead, but they may attack the weakened ones near death, but not all the times. In African savannas for example, the vultures scan the ground from the sky to spot any dying animals, and when they spotted any, they land near the dying animals to wait them to die. It doesn't gaurantee a meal for them, however, since ground beasts such as hyenas have learned to look for vultures in the sky to pinpoint the weak prey on the ground, and they can follow the vultures to the locations of the weak prey and snatch the prey for themselves.

Therefore, in a way, vultures is a precursor to death to the weakened prey----the dead feed them, afterall. Is it a bad omen that they land both outside your house and your mom's office building? Well, maybe there are dead or/and near-dead tissues in both locations, so they appear on both locations. You can investigate if you want to set your heart and mind to peace. Good luck.
2009-01-11 20:55:52 UTC
Native Americans view vultures as powerful totems. They are a symbol associated with purification.

Vultures in dreams may symbolize an end to something that has been bothering you.

Vultures in the wild are a necessary and useful creature. By "cleaning up" carrion, they prevent the spread of disease.
2009-01-11 20:32:58 UTC
Ranchers use vultures as a guide and sometimes save a calf after

cow has died of quicksand, snake bite, etc. Vultures are viewed

as a natural feature that bears attention.
2009-01-11 20:12:43 UTC
The main purpose and only sign there is when there is a vulture around there is a dead animal around too. I live on a ranch and the only time I see them is when there is road kill, or one of our livestock died. Vulture’s are a flesh eating bird and eat the meat of dead animals. If you notice they will fly around a dead animal for quite some time before they approach to make sure it is dead. I look at them as nature’s way of cleaning up the environment of dead animals.
doug g
2009-01-11 20:03:09 UTC
This might freak you out but every summer about a hundred of them hang around here and roost in the cemetery.

North Platte Nebraska

They are only birds doesn't mean a thing. Some people freak out about Owls and Ravens
2009-01-11 19:58:51 UTC
Vultures show up AFTER a death.

They eat the body.
2014-04-20 14:31:08 UTC
I've seen them in North Platte Ne..Cemetery....Creepy to me....!!!
2009-01-12 03:58:56 UTC
hehehe , its just a bird

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