Magic, Spells, where do I start?
2009-01-06 19:24:43 UTC
Ok I really want to learn about magic I mean real magic not the fake card tricks. But I don't know where to start. I guess I have a lot of questions:

What are the differences between white magic and black magic etc?
What is the differences between Paganism, Wicca, and all those things?
Do you have to have magic in your blood to be a witch or practice magic?

I just don't know a lot about this but I really want to learn please help if you have good websites please post a link

Six answers:
silver moons
2009-01-12 02:54:28 UTC
first of all, in magick and witchcraft, there is no black or white. It is both because nature is both.

Paganism does not mean a single religion, it is a umbrella-term for all non Jewish/Christian/Islam religions. Wicca, Druidism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Buddhism, Taoism, Native American religions, Shamanism, and witchcraft practices and all native/folk religions are all pagan religions.

Wicca is a neopagan religion, all Wiccans are pagans but not all pagans are Wiccans. Not all Wiccans practice witchcraft and not all witches are Wiccans. Wicca is a religion, witchcraft is a practice. You can be a Christian, a Jew, a Buddhist etc and practice witchcraft.

Just like nobody is born a Christian, nobody is born a witch or a pagan. Anyone can practice witchcraft, all you have to do is learn and study. Please note that real magick does not mean that you yell gibbrish and things happen, its really spiritual, and there are no spells that make you fly, float, change hair color etc. Spells are a form of prayer. Potions are basically herbal medicine and concoctions, to make a cup of herbal tea with magickal intent is making a potion.

You should read some books and do some studying first before casting any spells.

Books I recommend:

"Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham

"Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft" By Raymond Buckland

"A Witches Bible" by Janet and Stewart Farrar

"Witchcraft Today"by Gerald Gradner

These books should give you some basic understanding of real witchcraft.
2009-01-07 18:11:42 UTC
1) no difference between the two it is the intentions that the peron has who is using it that makes it either good or bad magic. the terms white and black magic actually refer to either high (white) magic or black (low) magic which are different again.

2) paganism is the general name given to a group of religions (like saying christian when there is catholic, Anglican, protestant etc etc etc) Wicca is a religion within this group that worships a particular Goddess and God

3) nope makes no difference. magical power is not passed down through blood lines but natural talent is like any other talent. every person has the ability to practice magic it is a matter of hard work and dedication.

start with Grimoire for the apprentice Wizard written by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart. this is the best book for beginners that i know of or even Buckland's Complete Book of witchcraft by Raymond Buckland both of these practitioners are respected in the magical community.

Oberon even runs a school at

My email is always open if you need any more info etc.

Blessed Be!
2009-01-06 21:59:23 UTC
White magic and black magic are meaningless terms most commonly used to either communicate moral superiority ("I only practice whie magic") or to show oneself as a rebel and a bit frightening. ("I'm into the dark arts.") Seriously, the terms are entirely subjective. "White magic" is whatever is acceptable. "Black magic" is the rest. People who think that all magic is evil, for example, will refer to all of it as black magic.

Wicca is a polytheistic religion. You do not have to follow Wicca to work magic.

Paganism is a collection of all the non-Judeo-Christian religions. As such, you cannot accurately generalize pagans (since they include Wiccans, Hindus, ancient Greeks, etc.)

Magic is a skill, not a gift. You don't need any special bloodline. Some people are more naturally talented at it, just as they are in other things, but everyone who wishes to use it still has to learn and practice and work to better themselves at it.

Don't learn magic from the internet. It's really a horrendous source. Look into books.
2009-01-06 19:35:26 UTC
Magick (with a K to distinguish it from stage magic) is also known at Spell Craft or Witch Craft.

Magick in and of itself is neutral, it is neither black or white, good or bad. What you use magick for determines what kind of a spell worker you are.

Paganism is the broad umbrella term used to anyone who follows a pre-Christian, reconstructed or revived European-based spirituality.

Wicca is one such a spirituality, which was started in the 1950's. There is a good book on Wicca called "Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham I highly suggest you get a copy of and read from cover to cover. It will answer just about all your questions on Wicca and many on paganism in general

No you don't have to be an hereditary witch to practice magick. In fact there is much debate as to whether true hereditary witches actually exist.

check out for lots of links to lots of really good articles and other websites.
2009-01-06 19:34:55 UTC
-white magic is like making yourself happy and doing good like make money, good luck, get the guy you like to fell the same or protection. black magic is like hexes and trying to make people die, not good stuff don't do it becuase it will in the end only come back twice as bad to you.

-uhh im not sure about that one,

-i dont think people are born with it in thier blood, its all about faith. i think if you belive anything can happen.

and for doing spells just go by a spell book and pick one you want to do then go by the things for the certain spell.

good luck
2009-01-06 19:41:11 UTC
wow easy question

white magic- healing, prosperity, etc.

gray (yes there is such a thing)- say you use white magic to get money then your mom dies and leaves you lots of money that is white+black= gray

black- any magic used to harm others

magic in the blood is commonly found in people from the middle east (india,iraq,etc.) and the west indies (Jamaica hati etc.) but you can get them from London too.

wicca is magic white or black that uses things from the earth. REMEMBER IN WICCA YOU ARE NEVER FORGIVIEN IF YOU USE BLACK MAGIC AND YOU WILL GO TO HELL.....or at least thats what i think (about the hell part)

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