I can help you with this. But to get through this, you'll have to separate myth and fantasy from history. And the illuminati you're thinking of is pure fantasy.
The Freemasons and the Bohemian Club do exist, and are not secret societies. They do meet behind closed doors (as do thousands of groups and organizations), but they're not a secret. Neither group is even very religious.
The ancient Egyptians were an incredibly advanced civilization, and their spiritual / scientific symbolism was and still is just really cool. No one in ancient Egypt, however, had ever heard of Satan. He was a Babylonian (or something, I forget) lesser trickster-demon, and the Judeo-Christians fell in love with him. They stole him, changed his name a little, and promoted him to the lord of all evil. The ancient pharaoic Egyptians had their own gods, and Satan wasn't one of them.
The eye of Horus became the eye of god or eye of providence, but the idea is the same: God is watching over us. The pyramid is a symbol of spiritual / societal / scientific superiority, because it's just a really good symbol. The triangle has been used by many different religions, including Christianity (the holy trinity).
The real illuminati, however, was a small church sub-group in Bavaria. The church didn't like the way they were starting to think, so they shut them down and that was the end of that. Now to the illuminati you're thinking of.
It doesn't exist. It's a pure schoolyard fantasy made up from a few real events and organizations, then randomly strung together and mixed with a lot of cool / forbidden imagery. If you want proof that it's all a fantasy, do this.
Go check out five different illuminati-exposing websites, and poke around for information on who the illuminati are and what they're up to. One site will say they're aliens, another will say they're big oil companies and banks, another will say they're all communists, and yet another will say they're religious fanatics. Same thing with what they're trying to do. They're always trying to take over the world for really not-nice reasons, but the techniques vary. Some say they use alien technology, some say they use mind-control drugs, some say they just want to kill us all, some say it's subliminal messages from cell phones, and so on.
Now when you're reading all this stuff about them (search for new world order too, that's their old name), remember that every one of these websites claims to know all their information. Not guess, not suppose, not even logically theorize, they KNOW. That's an important piece of the puzzle.
Then ask yourself this: Unless there are a hundred different illuminaties (which is wrong, there can only be one), how come they have so many conflicting facts about themselves? How can someone be an atheist socialist and a capitalist religious fanatic all at the same time? That's how you know it's all made up.