What's the connection between Egyptology, Egyptian mythology and Illuminati, Freemason, Occult societies?
2013-10-08 12:03:43 UTC
It is well known that the Illuminati, Freemasons, Bohemian Club and other supposed occult societies use a lot esoteric symbolism. Why have they adopted Egyptian symbols such as the Eye of Horus, the pyramid, the owl, etc.? How is Egyptology satanic or connected to these seemingly satanic groups? I see many people with Egyptian tattoos being called out as Illuminati, but Illuminati was created in Bavaria... I don't get the connection. Can someone help me understand?

Thanks in advance.
Nine answers:
Obi Wan Knievel
2013-10-08 17:20:41 UTC
I can help you with this. But to get through this, you'll have to separate myth and fantasy from history. And the illuminati you're thinking of is pure fantasy.

The Freemasons and the Bohemian Club do exist, and are not secret societies. They do meet behind closed doors (as do thousands of groups and organizations), but they're not a secret. Neither group is even very religious.

The ancient Egyptians were an incredibly advanced civilization, and their spiritual / scientific symbolism was and still is just really cool. No one in ancient Egypt, however, had ever heard of Satan. He was a Babylonian (or something, I forget) lesser trickster-demon, and the Judeo-Christians fell in love with him. They stole him, changed his name a little, and promoted him to the lord of all evil. The ancient pharaoic Egyptians had their own gods, and Satan wasn't one of them.

The eye of Horus became the eye of god or eye of providence, but the idea is the same: God is watching over us. The pyramid is a symbol of spiritual / societal / scientific superiority, because it's just a really good symbol. The triangle has been used by many different religions, including Christianity (the holy trinity).

The real illuminati, however, was a small church sub-group in Bavaria. The church didn't like the way they were starting to think, so they shut them down and that was the end of that. Now to the illuminati you're thinking of.

It doesn't exist. It's a pure schoolyard fantasy made up from a few real events and organizations, then randomly strung together and mixed with a lot of cool / forbidden imagery. If you want proof that it's all a fantasy, do this.

Go check out five different illuminati-exposing websites, and poke around for information on who the illuminati are and what they're up to. One site will say they're aliens, another will say they're big oil companies and banks, another will say they're all communists, and yet another will say they're religious fanatics. Same thing with what they're trying to do. They're always trying to take over the world for really not-nice reasons, but the techniques vary. Some say they use alien technology, some say they use mind-control drugs, some say they just want to kill us all, some say it's subliminal messages from cell phones, and so on.

Now when you're reading all this stuff about them (search for new world order too, that's their old name), remember that every one of these websites claims to know all their information. Not guess, not suppose, not even logically theorize, they KNOW. That's an important piece of the puzzle.

Then ask yourself this: Unless there are a hundred different illuminaties (which is wrong, there can only be one), how come they have so many conflicting facts about themselves? How can someone be an atheist socialist and a capitalist religious fanatic all at the same time? That's how you know it's all made up.
2013-10-09 07:58:04 UTC
Just to add to Fritz and one or two others that showed some intelligence, the eye of horus or eye of providence is not a masonic symbol per se. It was a common symbol used for thousands of year in many cultures to mean something similar, God is watching and knows what is in every man's heart.

Bohemian Grove is an encampment for well to to business and entrainment types to get away from the hustle and bustle of their lives and 'let their hair down. The only symbol they can be accused of using, as it's no where near a religion, is the owl. The owl historically has always been a symbol of wisdom, so it makes sense.

The Illuminati used no symbols really and like Fritz said died out a long time ago. The use of this moniker today is used to stir controversy and sell music and movies, it's not real.

Egyptology is a science, like anthropology, only it focuses on the culture of ancient Egypt.

So in reality there is no connection just way too much bogus information and way too many gullible people.

Freemasonry is a fraternity, plain and simple. It is the world's oldest fraternity and survives today an it only goal was and is to take good men and make them better men.

You can learn more here: or better yet pick up a copy of Freemasons for Dummies by Chris Hodapp.

To learn about the insanity lace world of anti Masons you can go here: where there is a lot of info about the symbols used and where they came from, etc.

The problem with symbols is that they can usually be interpreted several or many ways.

In the not too distant past most average people could not read or write and many ideas were displayed in symbols for the people to understand. There are actual books written that explain the symbolism used and the ideas they were meant to convey to the ignorant populace.
2013-10-08 12:07:46 UTC
The Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 during The Enlightenment, hence the name which is the plural of Latin illuminatus, and means "enlightened". They were a group of freethinkers that advocated logic and reason as what should govern human behaviour rather than religion or royalty. The royalty clearly did not like that message and the prince (Karl Theodore) had Weishaupt's home raided and seized the membership records and arrested all the members. By 1787 they were completely disbanded.

They had no power, were not evil, and never conspired to do anything. They have no link with the Freemasons, and had no plans for global domination, and were not atheists. The majority were deists and there were even a few progressive Christian members. The only symbol they ever used was a circle with a dot in the middle. The supposed Illuminati symbols people speak of are not Illuminati symbols.

People like conspiracy theories and pop artists and conspiracy theorists are capitalizing on that to sell records. Think about it, if you were running a secret organization trying to take over the world ... would you reveal yourself to urban performers who talk about it on TV and youtube? Of course not. It's all fiction.
2013-10-08 23:39:47 UTC
The Freemasonry and other secret societies goes back as long as the Egyptian mystery religions and it borrows heavily from those mystery religions. Secret societies are ancient and go way back to Eygpt and Babyloan.

The Knights templar who were precursor of freemasonry came out of the crusades. The Knights templar due to their loot in the middle east became very wealthy. They were expert financers. Many kings of europe became in debt to the templars specialy the king of France. Slowly and steadily the deviant lifestyle and perversion that the templars had in secret came into light. In october 1307 Pope clement V and the King of France decided to arrest the knights templar. All there secrets were discovered and their beliefs aswell. It was found that the templars worshiped the devil. The templars were persecuted throughout europe and the went underground. They seeked refused to Scotland the only nation that didnt recognize the catholic church. At the time the scotts were with war against England. The templars helped the scots to win the war. As the time progressed the templars created freemasonry in 1717 in England. So Freemasonry started to spread throughout Europe. The templars once again had a powerful organization. Alongside Freemasonry the templars also created the Rosicrusian. Freemasonry was infliltrated by a movement in Bavaria known as the Order of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaup in Germany in 1776. The plan of the order of the Illuminati was the abolition of governments , monarchies , religion , private property , inheritence and family institution. However the plot of the order of illuminati was uncovered by the Authorities and its members were persecuted and jailed aswell as the movement was made illegel. The movement ended in by 1798.
2013-10-08 13:35:31 UTC
The illuminati have not existed for more than 225 years,there is no evidence to the contrary.

Freemasonry was never connected to the illuminati.

Freemasonry has absolutely no connection to satan,or the occult,it never has

Freemasonry is not a religious organisation.

You do not get the connection,simply because there isn't one

I am a Freemason
2013-10-08 12:14:42 UTC
My dude FITZ is right

Btw...the Catholic Church are punk @ss vaginas and they demonized the Freemasons and the Templars. If you notice the stupid conspiracies on YouTube 99% of them are started by no one other than religious people. Mainly Christians. They are not very smart.
2013-10-08 13:37:32 UTC
The Freemasons are not an occult society.
2016-09-17 21:54:19 UTC
I want to ask the same question as the previous person.
2013-10-08 13:30:58 UTC
Read Fitz and consider yourself, thus, better informed.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.