2006-12-15 00:45:12 UTC
The Definition of War is a contention by force, or the art of paralyzing the forces of an enemy. War is not only an act, but a state or condition, for nations are said to be at war not only when their armies are engaged, so as to be in the very act of contention, but also when, they have any matter of controversy or dispute subsisting between them which they are determined to decide by the use of force, and have declared publicly, or by their acts, their determination so to decide it.
In the Iliad it both celebrates and condemns war. In the last couple of books in the Iliad it has many examples of how it celebrates war. For example: in book 21 Achilles’ heart is bent upon evil actions and thus it drives him to insanity and causes him to act rashly and without honor. Yet the Iliad celebrates war because men gain Honor and Respect from the brave deeds and actions he performs in battle. Achilles had honor and he was respected and looked up to. It also celebrates war when it talks about how people died. When Paris is talking to Diomedes after he shoots at him, “A hit! This time it was no miss! I only wish it had gone into your belly and killed you!” These men Glory in war. But war has its consequences. Men, dear ones, friends die. Patroclos was killed by Hector, Achilles killed by Paris, and many others were killed. In a way this story is a tragedy because yes the Greeks win but what price do they pay to win? Mistrust, greed, hate, bitterness and pain are results of what happens when men are forced to fight for 9 years. Agamemnon steels Achilles’ girl and causes mistrust between the two of them thus when Agamemnon needs Achilles help, Achilles, because of pride, will not join the fray until close to the end of the war.
I believe war is a necessary evil! These men fight for 10 years over a woman and when the war ends Menelaos is almost willing to kill Helen, the very reason the whole war was started. They do win in the end but was it truly necessary? I guess because hey came out the victors over the Trojans.