Essentially, when one tribe moved, they took their god with them. When one wedded into a new tribe, the tribes would take on both gods and so, they grew until there were fewer individual tribes each with many gods.
Post-dynastic Egypt is difficult to keep track of the gods. Pre-dynastic is practically (if not totally) impossible.
As for the 'creator' deities, Ptah was sort of the creator of objects. Seen as sort of a forge worker, carpenter etc.
The main 'creation' deites in terms of earth would probably be Nutt and Geb. Geb is believed to be the ground we walk upon and Nutt is the sky. She stretches herself over us at night, hiding the sun. The stars are on her belly.
As for who is most loved/most respected? Most likely Ra as he was the sun god. Their lives depended on him.
But then, they highly revered all their gods. Even the supposed evil ones such as Sobek or Sutekh (Set). After all, if you did not give them their due, they would come seeking it, or worse.