Will Humans be able to defeat the Aliens if they invade Earth?
2016-06-23 01:49:23 UTC
In all of the alien-invasion films, at first the aliens destroyed buildings, landscapes and major cities.

At first, it seems like humans would not be able to defeat the aliens. Then when it seems like all hope is lost, a miraculous thing.

Someone found a way to defeat the aliens. For example Independence Day.

Scientist David Levinson breaks the force field around the alien mothership by uploading a computer virus into the ship's mainframe. This allows American fighter jets to shoot it down and completely destroyed the Mothership and allow the UFOs.

Now come to reality. If there is an Alien invasion threatening to destroy all Humans on Earth, will the American Scientists, People working in NASA, People from the American Government and People from the American Military be able to defeat the Aliens?
23 answers:
2016-07-06 12:26:58 UTC
If there had been aliens they must have come to earth already as I am here. But I don't think that they exist. Scandal occurs almost in all countries in different ways.
2016-07-04 06:43:19 UTC
you obviously have NO IDEA what's going on ... right before your eyes.

aliens inter breeding w humans is a known fact.

now, as we speak, the earth is like in noah's time ...

how many REAL humans are among us ? not many , by the looks of it.

the demon-human hybrids of alien ancestry look exactly like a human except their dna / blood type will show they're NOT human. Fact.

go to youtube ... blood type

get an education ... a REAL one which is CURRENT.
2016-06-29 12:36:05 UTC
Why would Aliens want to invade Earth in the first place? They would just call the Vogon Constructor fleet to demolish the Earth for the new Hyperspace bypass that they were building.
2016-06-25 11:41:07 UTC
What aliens? What would induce an unknown species, capable of travelling across the immensity of the Universe (warp drive and that sort of crap is an invention in fiction) to a little fly-spot of a planet like ours filled with people like Donald Trump? Get over yourself!
2016-06-25 02:52:58 UTC
You watch too many movies. If a race had the technology to come this far, they would have weapons we can't even dream of. I think that plot in V is far more realistic. They came here for food. . .that would be the only thing you can't get somewhere else in such easy numbers.
2016-06-24 10:36:28 UTC
It would be almost impossible for earthling to defeat An alien group that is capable of turning our earth into a burned out cinder block................ Or to fight and alien forces that have the ability to create a force field that our weapons can not penetrate.......................................... Which also includes our use of Atomic weapons...........................
2016-06-24 00:34:30 UTC
It wouldn't be possible for us to defeat aliens. The technology to cross the stars implies a knowledge of physics that would allow for creation of weapons greater than we could deal with if they were going faster than light (FTL) or lifespans far greater than ours if they don't have FTL. an inability to get to your enemy means you won't be able to defeat them. Besides if aliens wanted to kill us they could hurl rocks until enough dust was kicked up to cause an iceage. By rock I mean asteroid. There would be no need for them to enter the atmosphere until they were doing clean up and terraforming. The only chance we would have in our current state is if aliens were treating us like sadistic children treat ants and put different colonies together to fight and see which wins. Presumably they would either kidnap us and drop us on a hostile planet for their amusement or our planet would be the one some other species was dropped on. Either way we wouldn't be able to strike at the true tormentor.
2016-06-23 10:25:09 UTC
Aliens wouldn't bother invading.

Why should they?

As Grumpy Mac points out all they have to do is hang out in the asteroid belt, nudge a handful of large rocks towards the Earth, and let physics do the rest.
Daniel K
2016-06-23 06:22:50 UTC
Only if they believe in Jesus.
2016-06-23 01:58:34 UTC
Most likely no. Earth can't get back to the moon yet so our technology level is low compared to any Alien race that gets to Earth. There is no doubt potentially weapon already in space most likely pointing at earth that might be able to be re aimed but again our technology is rocket or lazer based. A weaponised rocket would take about 3 minutes to each orbit levels - so `i expect a alien space ship would just step out of its path, unless it has some form of guidance system in which case I think the alien space ship could just out run it easily.

I would hope that any alien race would have evolved to altruistic levels rather than be warmongers - however the human race has has more than 2000 year of so called pseudo civilisation so far and we are still destroying ourselves over petty borders and unimportant issues like "vote for me I the best" type stuff.
2016-07-04 21:45:33 UTC
It depends on the aliens. If they're really advanced with all sorts of cool weapons probably not. I think is aliens came to earth they wouldn't attack right away. Their technology would be different than ours and they'd have no clue how to use it if they destroyed everyone. And who would want to destroy everyone on a planet with out knowing them. Just think of all the history and lesson wasted!
mx. know it all
2016-07-04 11:32:35 UTC
Now why would they bother with us, unless they needed our planet. Seriously if they are smart.enough to get here, do you really think man can stop them from taking over earth?.
2016-06-29 00:28:57 UTC
If Aliens ever invaded the Earth, what would probably defeat them would be the common illnesses and germs that inhabit the planet Earth. For instance, they would have no natural defense against an inconsequential Earth disease such as chicken pox or the common cold, and it would probably kill them when they contacted it.
2016-06-23 17:46:52 UTC
dont listen to people that say Interstellar travel is preposterous. just because we dont have the technology yet doesnt mean some advanced races dont have it either,but i dont think they woul want to attack us if they came here, unless we attacked first, hard to know if we would win.
2016-06-23 11:33:58 UTC
Interstellar travel is preposterous, so this can't ever happen.
2016-06-23 09:12:35 UTC
yeah, we've got ourselves, and would create and epic scene like Avengers

plz consider answering this question
Grumpy Mac
2016-06-23 06:46:17 UTC
Probably not.

One huge tactical advantage a space ship has: we are at the bottom of a gravity well. All they have to do is accelerate some large asteroids towards us and gravity will do the rest. What is not killed in the shock wave, the dust or water released into the air will darken our planet in clouds or fog for years. Crops will fail and most of us will starve. Come back in 5 years when the dust settles and the remaining humans wont be much of a challenge. (With space travel you have to play the long game).

We would not survive even if the Aliens were friendly. Sociologist found that when modern Europeans explored Africa and came across tribes of isolated people, the contact with a different culture changed things.

Our cultures would change if Aliens landed and started peaceful diplomatic contact. This could be called "growth" or "loss of culture" depending on your point of view.
2016-06-23 06:26:38 UTC
That depends I own lots of weapons
2016-06-23 05:01:38 UTC
That depends on who's writing the screenplay.
2016-06-23 01:58:22 UTC
if we were attacked by superior beings or intellectual beings with force fields then humanity is doomed from the start.
2016-06-23 01:57:54 UTC
Not all extra terrestrials or aliens are negative. There are probably billions of civilizations we are unaware of. Not all of them are bad. I'm quite certain many of them want to help humanity. Focus on the positive. Unless you choose otherwise. That's on you.
2016-06-23 01:52:48 UTC
Yes. we have a Secret Weapon: SMALLPOX.
2016-07-06 11:17:04 UTC
yes the war is here now most people don't have a clue we will win

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.