Years back me and a friend went to visit a very large masonic temple. In downtown San Antonio. A large opera hall type auditorium. It was completely empty. We only saw one other person there and it was a janitor sweeping the first floor. We were walking around the top levels of the seating balcony when we saw an open hatch in the roof. Being curious as to what could possibly be up there, we climbed into the roof and started walking on these pathways of boards and bridges to little rooms and ladders that eventually led to the roof of the temple. About 10 stories up. We then made our way back to the hatch. It took about an hour because we couldn't see after havign been outside in the sun on the roof and it was about 200-300 yards of winding around. We got out of the hatch and right at the bottom of the hatch was a dead black crow.... It was actually a grackle. Very black. It had very obviously been placed there while we were in the attic. We were pretty sure it had been placed there as some type of warning to us. I dont know too much about symbolism, much less masonic symbolism. I am hoping someone can tell me what it means.