do you beleive in karma and reincarnation ?
2006-09-04 06:37:28 UTC
do you think steve irwin could come back as a croc and see what it felt like to be interfered with ?
42 answers:
2006-09-05 04:48:48 UTC
2006-09-04 13:51:24 UTC
karma and reincarnation are actually two separate issues. Generally speaking my karma runs over Christian dogma. (pun intended.. heh heh) Now karma does have an impact on reincarnation in that reincarnation is believed to be the result of your karma in your previous life.

I think it possible to have Irwin come back as a croc.. but unlikely that it would be retribution for "interference" I think it far more likely that Bush will come back as an Afghan fly living off camel dung.
2006-09-04 13:41:12 UTC
First of all, the man just died, you should show a little respect. At least he really loved animals and defended them.

Secondly, I don't believe in reincarnation, but I respect people who do so, but I mean the people who really know what reincarnation really is. I observed that some of the people who answered this question don't truly understand what the term karma(an Indian word) means. You can't have karma without reincarnation, and viceversa so how can you believe in one and note believe in the other?
Sweetchild Danielle
2006-09-04 08:09:56 UTC
Yes, I'm a Reincarnationist. Reincarnation is about gaining wisdom as a human animal. I have no doubt Steve Irwin will be reborn and will continue his great work with animals. He was a good guy.
2006-09-04 08:36:41 UTC
Yes I believe in Karma and Reincarnation. I think if Irwin came back as an animal who is treated cruelly by humans it would be justice.
2006-09-04 10:46:24 UTC

i do believe in karma and reincarnation, but im not sure if i believe he would come back as a croc. i dont know if humans can come back in other forms. (i havent made up my mind on how i feel, but i have given it a lot of thought)

as for his karma, i dont think it was bad. i dont know if 'interfere' is the right word. its a little harsh. i think he really helped, by teaching others how crocs and other creatures work. how they act in the wild and what to expect from them.

i dont think he 'interfered' with them any more then a zookeeper or anyone who works with wildlife would interfere with animals' lives. so if his karma brings him back as a croc, then i'd have to say that everyone who deals with wildlife is going to end up a wild animal in captivity as well.

he truely cared about the animals, and he just wanted to help them and to understand them. and to help other ppl do the same.
2006-09-04 08:03:58 UTC
I have a different take on these.

When we are born, we are influenced by everyone around us, and their histories.

When we die, how we lived influences everyone around us.

Those are our connections with the past and the future.

It is possible that karma and past lives have their origins in our earliest experiences of our parents.

Young children are extremely perceptive long before they learn language.

I have seen evidence recently (Baby Mind Reader - UK television, also Family Constellation workshops in Europe)

which suggests that when parents carry unresolved trauma, their children pick this up and may be very disturbed. For example, a mother had a miscarriage, a grandmother had been raped, a family member had died, and none of these issues had been talked about or properly grieved by the family.

A child picks up the feelings surrounding these events and in later life in order to deal with them creates some scenario from imagination and puts a label on them e.g. past lives, karma.

These experiences can be resolved with the help of a skilled therapist. The feelings need to be brought back into the body and fully experienced so that the proper grieving or other process can take place.

If you believe in reincarnation, my question is why? How does that belief serve you?

Are you trying to deny some part of your own potential?

Are you refusing to take reponsibility for who you truly are?

Life is here and now. Live it with all your heart!
2006-09-04 11:00:04 UTC
If karma means goodness coming back to those who do good and vice versa, then I am for it. However, I feel that goodness sometimes don't come back to us in the way we expect it. Going through trials can be goodness too if we see it as way of training ourselves to become stronger.

As for reincarnation, I don't believe it as man coming back as another man or animal or brick. Instead, I see reincarnation as the condition of our spirit after we die. Our spirit will live eternally in the spiritual world
2006-09-05 05:22:34 UTC
of course karma's real and steve will surely reincarnate as a croc,eat you up then u come back as a croc eat someone else who makes fun of you and so on and on and on...
2006-09-05 00:19:31 UTC
as you sow so you will reap is the theory of Karma. Every action generates a reaction. The person who initiates the action has to be ready to take back the reaction also. Read the chapter "Tiger Swami" in the book Autobiography of a yogi By sri Parama hansa yogananda . You will understand
2006-09-04 13:37:23 UTC
Karma is attached to the natural law of Cause and Effect. That which we sow, we will surely reap. Reincarnation is one of those things that either attract you or not. No ultimate proof of reincarnation is available for study.
2006-09-04 08:53:42 UTC
first of let that man rest in peace

obviously u dont respect earth, u hurt animals , and u dont have a soul STEVE IRWIN WAS A GREAT MAN also TIMOTHY TREADWELL 'GRIZZLY MAN' was A GREAT MAN .

KARMA I'D LIKE TO THINK THAT IF I HELP SOME1 IN NEED , THAT MAYB DOWN THE ROAD IF IM IN NEED I MIGHT SEE THE DIVIDENDS FROM B4.....but whos to say ..who knows.....i'll still keep treating people the way i wanted to be treated helping those in need.
2006-09-04 08:24:07 UTC
who gives a dang bout steve irwin? grow up

i believe in reincarnation not karma
2006-09-04 06:48:03 UTC
I don't believe in reincarnation but I do believe in karma. As for Steve Irwin, sorry about his untimely death but when you mess around with dangerous was just a matter of time. I did not like when he dangeled his new baby above the head of a huge crocodile. That was just wrong.
2006-09-04 06:43:04 UTC
Karma is life's way of keeping people in their place.

Reincarnation? I'll come back and tell you some day.
2006-09-04 08:06:41 UTC
Yes and yes. Life has no beginning and no end, only change. We are all part of that life, so we too have no beginning and no end, only change. From our perspective, we think we die because we see the body age and deteriorate and eventually go back to the earth. But this would mean that you were also dead before you were born. We all know that there was life before we were born. We are not life, life is us. Steve fulfilled his purpose in this life. It's not the quantity of life you live, it's the quality.
2006-09-04 06:39:15 UTC
Yeah, I believe in Karma and reincarnation.
2006-09-04 08:25:31 UTC
i do belive in karma and a bit in reincarnation. but of cuarse you don't know anything about your past life until you have spoken to a phsycik or what ever. but karma i think what happends to you in a bad way that person will get something back bad out of it
2006-09-04 15:23:22 UTC
I believe in karma and what goes around comes around, though reincarnation, still not too sure of that one.
2006-09-04 07:39:30 UTC
Yes, I believe in karma and reincarnation.
2006-09-04 14:09:04 UTC
im a Hindu and yes i believe eternally in Karma and Reincarnation
Miss Understood
2006-09-04 10:49:20 UTC
yes I believe in Karma. What goes around comes around. Karmic Justice in my opinion is fair as its not subjective to the courts and dependent on others and their experiences! its always being said : treat others as you would like to be treated.

reincarnation is like continuing a journey. You cant experience all there is to experience in one sitting.

RIP: Steve
2006-09-04 09:04:28 UTC
Karma is understandable. You reap what you sow.. Reincarnation is a meaningless belief because we never learn of our previous life if any.
Miss Vicki
2006-09-04 06:39:46 UTC
I don't believe in reincarnation, but that made me giggle. When I told my 18 year old about Steve Irwin, he said, "Did he finally get eaten by a croc?"
2006-09-04 07:02:49 UTC
i believe in karma but still not sure about reincarnation. a little confused on that subject.
2006-09-04 17:11:10 UTC
george p
2006-09-04 06:42:13 UTC
whetever you believe that's your reality reincarnation but karma does'nt exist at least for me steve irvin might come back not necessary as crock but something what he needs for his evolution what soul require to complete his path
2006-09-04 06:51:16 UTC
I don't believe in Karma.

In reincarnation, I have my doubts but I tend to believe.
2006-09-04 09:03:24 UTC
I do believe in karma and reincarnation..i do think you are sad

to mock someone when they arn't even cold in their grave yet...Think you are earning yourself bad Karma
2006-09-04 06:40:50 UTC
Reincarnation is never mentioned in the Bible.

It does say though, for Christians, that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
2006-09-04 06:40:41 UTC
don't make fun of Steve. His family is in mourning. I believe that what goes around, comes around. Reincarnation? no.
2006-09-04 06:48:25 UTC
I dont really believe in reincarnation but if its free I'll give it ago i suppose. would probably choose to come back as spiderman or something.
2006-09-04 11:00:22 UTC
i do, but i feel steve was a gr8 guy i think he was compassionate towards the crocs...
2006-09-04 06:40:13 UTC
I believe in karma, however- they guy just died today, wait a little while before making fun of someones untimely death.

and your karma for posting this.. will happen tomorrow.
2006-09-04 07:19:30 UTC
NO I do not believe people come back in other forms.
2006-09-04 06:39:08 UTC
I believed in it during my last life.
2006-09-04 06:43:14 UTC
i believe in karma and no, not in reincarnation
2006-09-04 16:10:41 UTC
yes i pray for theday he is the crock with the thumb up its *** !

i hope he enjoys it !

sad for him thought i gess lucky it was his hart.....
2006-09-04 06:43:35 UTC
No, I do not believe in reincarnation:

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."
2006-09-04 08:56:55 UTC
well as a hindu yes i do belive this can happen.
Darsh(Say it like u mean it)
2006-09-04 06:42:56 UTC
2006-09-04 08:48:49 UTC

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