to be honest, the first few if not half of what you mentioned sounds like what happens when an electrical surge happens .... call out an electrician to check electrics (a professional not a cow boy) that is the first thing to do ...
i.e. two months ago the four streets surrounding our block - all there burglar alarms went off ..every one was thinking is it a storm coming? ... this is spooky? .... we then heard the electricity board had experienced a severe surge ... before this happened, the lights in my house went out ..then on and then flickered .... being a psychic / medium i laughed as even i kneww it was not the spirits / residual it was ok..but some people were freaked out .... as their lamps went on and off and cookers started themselves up ..allneighborss in streets out talking and looking rather concerned .... :-D
The second thing would be to find out if you are on 'lay lines'.
It is a known engineering fact that if your house is positioned near cross lay lines (parallel or crossed or near too many) ... whats called 'repulse and attract' laws come into play .. this means anything metal gets pulled, lifted, or spins. Classic case:
i.e. a man had a workshop positioned in a lay lines area, there were alot of lay lines and some were crossed. (his iwfe had said she was suffering from depression since moving here but he dismisse dit - its now been proven that living in lay lined areas is directly linked to bi polar depression and other depressive states).
On his work bench was a metal ruler he had been marking his wood with measuring up... when he left that night, as he flicked off the light,the metall ruler span ferociously on the work benchh. Hearing it, he turned the light on and it stopped. Not too bothered by it (being a rather pragmatic man) he again went to turn the light off to leave and again the ruler span. So he left light on this time while trying to find the source of this ruler spinning and approached the ruler - annoyingly however, when he got close it stopped spinning.
After various experiments by himself he found this:
The surge from light switch going on and off interrupted electrical field and source causing a repulse verses attract spin on the metal object. When he approached the ruler even with light on - his human electrical field (we all have one and this can be scientificallyy measured) interrupted the ruler and it stopped again.
I TELL YOUU THIS because sometimes its not worth panicking too much and assumming its supernatural - really i.e. The bed covers may be your cat going into that room in the night .... if not - put cameras up there and play it back to see for yourself. The dropping items from table etc could be the lifting and spinning an electrical field causes or again the cat ... again pop cameras up to see or try turning of your eletrical supply each night for 3 days and see what happens if anything.
However, just as plausible as the above is that yes, there maya be a spirit. If it is - dont assume its bad or anything to be fearful of. Perhaps its scared and frightened too :-D
Just get someone out to bless the house and perhaps say out loud that you would like it to find somewhere else to go. But what i will say, is that psychics and mediums are able to ground themselves and communicate / feel iwthout causing interruptions or things flying around everywhere - but someone unfamilar with how it goes, who gets emotionally fearful / scared /defensive / feels vulnerable .. creates an electical charge different to that of psychic as these are powerful emotions that change from a low electrical charge to a high electrical charge the more scared you are ...the more it will be able to communicate with you and youll have less and less control the more it tries as your fear will take over. It would appear that spirits get energy from electrical charges either directly or in the atmosphere and so by creating a highly charged field around oyu or in your home, you are actually creating the right conditions for the spirit to express itself nicely or otherwise.
Most spirits are just normal good poeple who dont even know they are gone or who know they are gone but are not quite sure what its all about and get lonely and scared ... be compassionate, kind and respectful to the spirit if indeed it is one.
Good luck :-D