What is the scientific explanation og the existence of paranormal creatures?
2006-03-31 18:15:40 UTC
I need to know the scientific explanation of the existence of mythological or paranormal creatures to defend my term paper. Please put only the answers that has sense cause i'm desperate. I need to pass this term paper and to be able to do that i must defend it or i'll fail... :'C
Fifteen answers:
2006-03-31 18:20:29 UTC
There is no scientific explanation for paranormal creatures. By definition paranormal means "phenomena which seem to defy the known laws of science". The moment scientific explanation explains paranormal anything, it ceases to be paranormal. You better change topics and fast. Perhaps a paper on why people believe in paranormal creatures without any scientific facts but rather folklore and exaggerated stories involving third parties.
2006-04-01 16:43:43 UTC
Science does not go there. That's not science's department. Check with the School of Literature, Science & the Arts for either the Anthropology or Philosophy Departments.

Honey, reality is sliced up into such narrow limits that you can't go around using a copyrighted word like "science" that loosely. And if a teacher did it to you, shame on him or her!

It may be what your teacher wants is a well-reasoned argument that his question is irrational on its face. The word "paranormal" is precisely defined by a great many people, so I won't bother, but inevitably it is put beyond the materialistic world which is the only venue of science.

Well, not actually. Not REAL science, as in the Science of Magic. There is a pretty good argument for the position that not only is there an Art of Magic, but there is a Science of Magic. Tough courses, though, and the admissions standards are enormously complex. First test: figure out who to apply to!
2006-04-01 07:21:02 UTC
There is no scientific explanation for the existence of paranormal "creatures" because according to most scientists

they don't exist. There are paranormal investigators who

research hauntings and such,but they're not generally thought highly of by the rest of the scientific community.

Sorry but you're screwed.
2006-04-08 21:28:41 UTC
The scientists who study paranormal creatures are called cryptozoologists. The scientific study of paranormal creatures is called cryptozoology.

There is no scientific explanation of the existence of paranormal creatures, because anything that's paranormal is not able to be given a scientific explanation.
Gevera Bert
2006-04-01 20:56:35 UTC
Well, if these creatures were scientifically proven, they would no longer be mythological or paranormal. So I would say there's no scientific explanation--if there was, they wouldn't exist in that category.

I agree with the other poster who said pick something you understand when you're writing an important paper.
2006-04-09 13:56:29 UTC
the Russians are great paranormal studiers and have many projects on going. the USA military uses true psychics, but they call then RV(remote viewers). look for the 'scoll experiment' on line. also try, paranormal in the military of the USA and Russia. the ability that some people exhibit and which is beyond the every day is studied by government scientist all over the world. it may not be main stream but it is studied non the less. ghost understanding is not one study that is ignored but it's not the most researched either. good luck:)
2006-04-07 20:31:36 UTC
Scientific explanation is based on facts and in order for myths and paranormal creatures to be scientific there needs to be legit proof, like visual evidence on table.

That is why the likes of Medusa or Loch Ness Monster are called as such because no one can prove it. Nothing wrong with believing in it but there is no evidence.
2006-04-01 02:21:27 UTC
I pulled this from:

The website of the guys on Ghost Hunters

Ghosts...Why Are They Here?

What exactly is a ghost?

Before you can understand what an entity consists of you need to understand a

bit about the human body of the living person. Everything you do, see, hear, taste, feel, etc. Is controlled by electrical impulses sent to your brain

from your body's different parts or from your brain to your different body parts.

For example... right now you are reading this webpage, an electrical impulse is

going from your eyes to your brain carrying the information your eyes are seeing. As you scroll down this page your brain is sending electrical impulses to your hand to move your mouse, etc...

When a person dies their individual systems shut down independently, your kidneys fail, then your respitory system shuts down, then your heart stops beating and finally your brain stops functioning. Since all these systems are controlled by electrical impulses the electricity has to go somewhere. It is a general law of physics that

energy can not be destroyed, so where does the energy go when your body shuts down? It is released into the atmosphere!

When a person dies a slow or natural death the energy is released more slowly and in a less concentrated state than if a person were to die a sudden or violent death. This is why I believe hospitals are not the most haunted places even though more deaths occur in them then anywhere else.

Another theory I have been tossing around for some time now is what makes certain locations more likely to have a ghost than others. I believe it all boils down to

electromagnetic fields trapping the energy that is released at time of death.

For example...Everyone has heard of at least one haunted theatre in the area they live. Theatres are huge electromagnetic fields, they have high voltage electrical systems in them to support the sound and lighting equipment that is used for their shows. Theatres used to be very dangerous places to work at one time, it was very easy to have a lighting rig fall down on someone and kill them, it was also easy for someone to fall from a catwalk that is high above the stage. The ingredients were all

there for a sudden and violent death. When that occurred from time to time the energy that was released from the victim's body was trapped by the much stronger electromagnetic field and you now have a ghost.

One of the tools we use for paranormal research is an EMF meter. These meters are designed to measure changes in electromagnetic energy. Many times while investigating a haunting we have discovered very high levels of electromagnetic energy present. Alot of times this is caused by high voltage electrical systems or by old wiring. Both will create an electromagnetic field.

There is a strong possibility that despite the theories of some other researchers it is not the ghost that causes the electromagnetic energy, it is the electromagnetic

energy that causes the ghost.

- Rick (BCPA)

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2006-04-01 08:49:33 UTC
WHAT I KNOW about paranormal creatures are the following;there are plants that exist and grow but with different traits such as power and unusual behaviors in growth and too much protective because the psyche people believe that an invisible or paranormal creatures are living inside or around the said plant.example of this plant is the SINUKUAN TREE in my country the PHILIPPINES.this mystical tree is dangerous because it has power that overcomes any pplants,animals and even man!the shadow is his secret,once any creatures under the shade or shadow of this mystical tree,it is very impposible to escape and the victim will become mummified there.only a special individual with wisdom and power will be able to counteract such deceitful power of this tree.this tree i believe is present in all countries around the world but known in different terms. same is true in animals,there unique deer,snake,wild pig etc.these animals possess power becuase of another supernatural creatures who are living in their habitat.usually these animals become medium of these unseen creatures or just incidentally the talisman or tangible powers of these unseen creatures were taken by these special animals.there is no direct explanation for this because the unseen creatures cannot be interviewed but you can get proofs of their existence by citing the locations of mountains,rivers,lakes where these miracles usually occured.
2006-04-09 18:29:01 UTC
oooo i would go to wikipedia. some scientist suggest that things like dragons were left over dinasours in the middle ages. otherwise, psycotropic plants played a big role in some cultures. Also look into ptsd. Thats post tramatic stress disorder. Sometimes a person can rewrite their memory if the truth is too tramatic to remember. good luck.
2006-04-01 03:01:00 UTC
What paranormal creatures are you talking about? There is no explanation for why there is dragons for instance, because they are not classified as real creatures.
2006-04-01 02:19:57 UTC
Search through the links I provided for you.
2006-04-01 02:44:09 UTC
There isn't any one theory. I guess the main one is they don't
2006-04-10 15:30:50 UTC
there is none. Its just like religion, it is possible, but really it is just stories and oral tradition
2006-04-01 02:16:48 UTC
then pick a subject your better at

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