There this creepy house where people keep going in but never coming out...Do you go in to see whats happening?
2006-04-07 01:59:57 UTC
There this creepy house where people keep going in but never coming out...Do you go in to see whats happening?
Eighteen answers:
2006-04-07 02:03:02 UTC
No way!! I never know why people do that in films. Call the police and let them risk it! I would stand from a safe distance, possibly using a set of binoculars.

Aaah - but then I guess.....what if someone close to me had gone in and not come out - would I go in then??? I say yes, but armed to the teeth.

I think I have given this too much thought.....
2006-04-07 02:06:17 UTC
My mother lives in Amityville New York. You know the Amityville house of Horrors. She lives about five minutes away. There are people living in that house now. But there are still people who come up to the house. Stand around the property. Cameras going. The people who own it have let people in... but they wont. They stand at the door... And thats as far as they go. Ive seen the house. Walked passed it, driven passed it. Its one of those houses that have a creepy aura about it. It really does make you want to step back. How some one lives in there I dont know. I know I couldnt.
2006-04-07 09:05:38 UTC
cool-halloween trivia

i would go in (not alone) with my cell phone, a switchblade,a baseball bat, a small mirror (in case there's vampires) a flashlight, and maybe bring some goodies in case there's a kick-*** party going on.
2006-04-07 02:00:57 UTC
yes. but take a camera connected to a live feed that someone is watching to monitor your progress into the HOUSE OF THE HUNTED!
2006-04-07 11:26:06 UTC
No, why would you go in a house that people go in, and never come out. Dah, something is definately wrong.
raven blackwing
2006-04-07 13:48:34 UTC
yea just like all those dumb people in horror movies who get killed. Better brun it down and sow salt on the land
2006-04-07 06:55:28 UTC
Sounds like Sweeny Todd's barber shop to me, anybody like some nice fresh mince? ....... 'Darn, where did that fingernail come from?

Lady B
2006-04-07 06:34:56 UTC
Absolutely not! Contact law enforcement and let them check it out.
2006-04-07 10:42:03 UTC
No, but if there is someone you hate then push them in and lock the door.
2006-04-07 07:40:48 UTC
I lived in this House all my life...welcome....feel at home..stay a while...a loooong while
2006-04-07 02:05:52 UTC
Hmmm thats coooool!!!...okay,if ur going then i'll accompany you...i love adventures and scary and haunted stuff...
2006-04-07 05:12:41 UTC
Like a complete dick head I'd have to.
2006-04-07 02:02:21 UTC
You call the POLICE>> DONT GO IN<<
Rebecca Ashley
2006-04-08 13:14:49 UTC
lol, how r u going in right now, if u r using ur computer
2006-04-07 02:02:38 UTC
Ya, but only with a guy that can protect me!!!
2006-04-07 10:34:49 UTC
well, we know you wont be coming out, but sure.
2006-04-10 20:47:44 UTC
No,I don't. I'm not stupid. Do you?
2006-04-07 02:01:29 UTC
no, I send you in.

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