Why are there multiple Wiccan Redes ?
2012-11-01 16:09:50 UTC
I found the website with all three versions.....…

But according to Witchvox this is the Rede:…
Though according to Wicca-Sprituality and Celtic Connection its this one:…

I am completely confused, can a experienced and educated wiccan explain to me why are there multiple versions ?
Seven answers:
2012-11-02 09:20:40 UTC
Sweetie, as others have told you there is only one Rede and it's only 8 words long. The reason there is such a large amount of confusion is because a great number of Wiccans are self-taught solitaries who have gotten their hands on bad information and not bothered to check it out. Wicca has no sacred text to be used as a "go-to" source and access to teaching covens is widely limited. This causes a great many problems when people are unable or unwilling to put in the effort needed to pursue more than a cursory course of study. The best way to end up with good information is not to limit yourself to only one source or one author and always question study and compare, especially when dealing with information on the internet. Information on the internet is largely un-vetted personal opinion and doesn't necessarily have any relationship to truth.
2012-11-02 15:40:51 UTC
Two of three of your links don't work. However, I'm familiar with the general problem between two pieces.

There is one Wiccan Rede. IT is eight words long.

There is a poem called the Rede of the Wiccae, which ends with the Wiccan Rede:

These Eight words the Rede fulfill:

"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

Not my fault that some people can't tell the difference between the Rede and a poem that includes the Rede. ;) BTW, is a terrible source for Wicca.

Since I can't get your links to work, I'm not sure what your third example would be. Is it perhaps the Witches Rune?

Again, not my fault that people don't learn the name of things.
2012-11-03 06:31:46 UTC
Agreeing here with the posters who said that there is only one Rede

Basically when it comes to Wicca anything written by Gerald B Gardner (the founder) Doreen Valiente(his High Priestess) are the only two sources that can be trusted, anything else is pop wicca (not the original version where you need to be Initiated into a coven to call yourself a Wiccan) with one or two exceptions.

There has been a trend to 'simplify' the Rede, or to expand it depending on the point of veiw of the person doing the creating, but on the whole the only one you need is the eight word version.

The poster who said it comes from Crowley is spot on.
2012-11-02 03:10:56 UTC
The Wiccan rede is 8 words: 'An (if) it harm none, do what you will."

That's it. But there have been many poems and various poetic writings that pop up around it *(like the god-awful drivel Terry quoted)*, containing it or elaborating on it the way the author sees fit. SOme of them are positively horrible.

It's not scripture. It's not a Wiccan law. That's why some Wiccans take poetic/creative license when expressing it in their own way.

You have to understand the Wiccan Rede's place in Wicca, which has sort of been distorted over the years.

The very word "rede" means "advice"; it was advice from one Wiccan, in like the late 60s/early 70s.

It wasn't meant to be some deep law or commandment, it was only meant as a sort of "apologetic" argument to when Christians would accuse Wicca of being too close to Crowley and the philosophy he used in Thelema "Do what thou will; that shall be the whole of the law".

1st off, people misunderstood what Crowley actually meant by "Will" (which was not synonymous with "want"; the "Will" -- capital "W"-- the Will was seen by Crowley as the life's true purpose).

2nd, Wiccans were very touchy about people accusing them that they just want to be able to do whatever they wanted to do and be wildand all, and Wiccans were just trying to separate themselves from Crowley and his bad ego and self-serving ego-- trying to show Wicca as more responsible and ethical in nature.

In my trad, we don't even emphasize it at all; It was a nice saying for bumper stickers, but it was an empty, shallow philosphy, no where near explaining the complexities of Wiccan ethics. Crowley's law (if you actually put it in the context it was meant with "Will/Life's Purpose" vs "will/want") makes more sense. Because it's an unrealistic philosophy that you can do, and should do, no harm.

Not only does everyone do harm, and sometimes can't prevent harm, but sometimes you actually have to do it (self defense; invasive medical treatments; breaking up with someone you don't love; plucking a weed from the garden; etc.)

The Rede really just makes sense if you interpret it to mean "Hey, if what you happen to be doing isn't hurting anyone, have at it. Don't let anyone guilt you or stop you." But if you take the "harm none" part seriously or literally-- well, you've got an ethical dilemma there that is not going to clarify anything for you. (not you specifically, of course; just people in general).
Schannon E
2012-11-02 11:24:56 UTC
The rede si Harm none do as thee will or i fyou wna a more modern version

harm none do as you will. Basiclly as long as you aren;t harming anyone (Or yourself in some cases) and aren;t taking away free will you cna do what you like. Yeah there are poems that have the rede in them but they aren;t the whole rede. There are stories that tell the rede and how it came about as well but it all comes down to not hurting any one
2012-11-01 23:22:04 UTC
Your links don't work.

There is only ONE Rede. Others mistake a lengthy poem to be the "Rede" whereas it is merely a poem that INCLUDES the Rede.

The Wiccan Rede is eight words only: "An it harm none, do as thou will". It's not "Harm None", nor is it "Rede of the Wiccae".


ETA: Terry - Why would the Wiccan Rede say at the end "Eight words the Wiccan Rede Fulfill"? Why would a rede contain a rede within it?
2012-11-02 01:04:11 UTC
Here is full version of the Rede that is at least 50 years old and still alive to some.


Bide the Wiccan Laws we must

In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Live and let live,

Fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about

To keep the evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time

Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch,

Speak little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing moon,

Chanting out the Witches' Rune.

Widdershins go by the waning moon,

Chanting out the baneful rune.

When the Lady's moon is new,

Kiss the hand to her, times two.

When the moon rides at her peak,

Then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale,

Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South,

Love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the West,

Departed souls will have no rest.

When the wind blows from the East,

Expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go,

Burn them fast and burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree,

Burn it not or cursed you'll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn,

Let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned to Yule,

Light the log and the Horned One rules.

Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,

By the Lady, blessed be.

Where the rippling waters go,

Cast a stone and truth you'll know.

When ye have a true need,

Hearken not to others' greed.

With a fool no season spend,

Lest ye be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part,

Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law you should,

Three times bad and three times good.

When misfortune is enow,

Wear the blue star on thy brow.

True in Love ever be,

Lest thy lover's false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:

An ye harm none, do what ye will.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.