Why is it so hard for atheist to see that we never evolved?
2015-07-15 05:40:06 UTC
Its pure creation. These atheist keep finding more and more new research about how the world was CREATED and how we ere CREATED, but they are still too ignorant to realise that its creation not (evo-delusion )
315 answers:
2015-12-07 23:02:22 UTC
I dont deny that evolution exists (such as different dog breeds developing from a dog) but that is not proof for the theory of Evolution which suggests that animals evolved into completely different species.

I could give them plenty of evidence that this is impossible but why not begin with the cell which is considered the starting point of life. Even under controlled conditions in experiments, scientists have not been able to create a cell. It is biologically impossible given that many components of a cell will destroy each other if combined outside the protection that the cell provides. Then consider that certain amino acids require conditions that would kill other amino acids and also DNA can't be created without already existing DNA. So I could just debunk the theory of Evolution with one piece of evidence - because if a cell's components can't come together to evolve further, how can Evolution even begin?
2015-12-06 23:03:02 UTC
I dont deny that evolution exists (such as different dog breeds developing from a dog) but that is not proof for the theory of Evolution which suggests that animals evolved into completely different species.

I could give them plenty of evidence that this is impossible but why not begin with the cell which is considered the starting point of life. Even under controlled conditions in experiments, scientists have not been able to create a cell. It is biologically impossible given that many components of a cell will destroy each other if combined outside the protection that the cell provides. Then consider that certain amino acids require conditions that would kill other amino acids and also DNA can't be created without already existing DNA. So I could just debunk the theory of Evolution with one piece of evidence - because if a cell's components can't come together to evolve further, how can Evolution even begin?
2015-12-05 08:38:22 UTC
I dont deny that evolution exists (such as different dog breeds developing from a dog) but that is not proof for the theory of Evolution which suggests that animals evolved into completely different species.

I could give them plenty of evidence that this is impossible but why not begin with the cell which is considered the starting point of life. Even under controlled conditions in experiments, scientists have not been able to create a cell. It is biologically impossible given that many components of a cell will destroy each other if combined outside the protection that the cell provides. Then consider that certain amino acids require conditions that would kill other amino acids and also DNA can't be created without already existing DNA. So I could just debunk the theory of Evolution with one piece of evidence - because if a cell's components can't come together to evolve further, how can Evolution even begin?
2015-07-17 19:59:39 UTC
I think existence is a peculiar thing. Perhaps at some point in time, something was created. But what was there before that? And before that? It is wholly impossible for us to fully grasp or even imagine the truth of anything. This is why no true scientist would ever completely rule out the existence of a divine creator because the whole concept of science and progress is to question everything, even whatever the latest research by some far-fetched potentially interested outlier individual shows.

Have you ever heard of a drug called Thalomide? At one point in time every scientist in America endorsed Thalomide as the miracle birthing drug that completely cures morning sickness without any negative side effects. Well guess what? Thousands of women across the country started taking this drug and every single one of them birthed a baby with flippers for arms. Google Thalomide if you don't believe me.

Now you might take this as an argument against science. And I encourage you to do so. Science has been proven wrong before and it will be proved wrong again. But I take this story to mean you shouldn't always believe what you hear. Do you see where I'm going with this? To say with absolute certainty that we were created OR that we evolved - both of those ideologies are against science and against atheism, which is basically - I'll believe what I see, until you show me otherwise, but I'll leave open the possibility of whatever.

So to answer your question, why is it so hard for an atheist to see that we never evolve? Because atheists don't believe everything we hear, and we certainly don't believe anything with with absolute certainty, at least not to the extent of a Christian's audacity. We make a judgment call based on what we've seen to be true and deducted from the circumstances and leave open the possibilities of what we haven't seen. I can accept that there may be a god, but I'm not going to say there is a god or that we were created because I honestly don't know. I'm not going to lie to myself and pretend like I know something I don't.
2015-12-05 05:37:29 UTC
I dont deny that evolution exists (such as different dog breeds developing from a dog) but that is not proof for the theory of Evolution which suggests that animals evolved into completely different species.

I could give them plenty of evidence that this is impossible but why not begin with the cell which is considered the starting point of life. Even under controlled conditions in experiments, scientists have not been able to create a cell. It is biologically impossible given that many components of a cell will destroy each other if combined outside the protection that the cell provides. Then consider that certain amino acids require conditions that would kill other amino acids and also DNA can't be created without already existing DNA. So I could just debunk the theory of Evolution with one piece of evidence - because if a cell's components can't come together to evolve further, how can Evolution even begin?
2015-07-17 17:57:01 UTC
Well this is a good Bible verse on this issue:

What may be known about God is plain to them because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invivsible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:19-20

Many scientists will continue to argue for their theories because they insist on explaining things without the need for God- despise the fact that the evidence is against them.

I dont deny that evolution exists (such as different dog breeds developing from a dog) but that is not proof for the theory of Evolution which suggests that animals evolved into completely different species.

I could give them plenty of evidence that this is impossible but why not begin with the cell which is considered the starting point of life. Even under controlled conditions in experiments, scientists have not been able to create a cell. It is biologically impossible given that many components of a cell will destroy each other if combined outside the protection that the cell provides. Then consider that certain amino acids require conditions that would kill other amino acids and also DNA can't be created without already existing DNA. So I could just debunk the theory of Evolution with one piece of evidence - because if a cell's components can't come together to evolve further, how can Evolution even begin?
2015-08-02 00:05:13 UTC
Because religion and evolution can coexist. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that things were created exactly as they are now. Look at dogs. Human beings have bred (aka selectively evolved) dogs from wild wolves to a wide variety of subspecies in roughly a thousand years, so why is non-selective evolution so crazy? There are also several things about the human body (like the appendix) that give very strong evidence to the fact that humans have evolved. However; there's no reason God could not have been the one to guide this creation and no reason that he could not have been the one to put life on Earth in the first place.
2015-08-01 17:09:40 UTC
Because religion and evolution can coexist. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that things were created exactly as they are now. Look at dogs. Human beings have bred (aka selectively evolved) dogs from wild wolves to a wide variety of subspecies in roughly a thousand years, so why is non-selective evolution so crazy? There are also several things about the human body (like the appendix) that give very strong evidence to the fact that humans have evolved. However; there's no reason God could not have been the one to guide this creation and no reason that he could not have been the one to put life on Earth in the first place.
2015-08-01 20:09:17 UTC
Well, first of all, it is not just atheists that believe in evolution. The Catholic catechism teaches that the people who wrote the bible were just inspired by the Holy Spirit (let's face it, it is a little silly to take the Bible absolutely seriously, as most people reading this post are probably wearing at least to fabrics, or have touched a menstruating woman), and thus while God did create Earth and all its inhabitants, He still allowed for them to evolve. In addition, there is a lot of scientific evidence supporting evolution, and if you didn't believe in evolution you would have to believe that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time, and that is more than a little ridiculous. I know that this answer won't get chosen, but it is still important that people know this because this is why people make fun of the US.
2015-07-29 05:14:48 UTC
Technically, it's pure creation, but not in the way a human creates a pot.

More like in the way a human creates a computer, writes a program, or sets up an ecosystem in a bottle or a tank.

We create certain things to respond and react to certain things. Then whomever or whatever can come along and create new things out of the system we created.

That's how it's pure creation. God created the systems, and we learn and subdue those systems however we deem fit. God created a system of life, a system that maintains itself and continues to be able to survive despite the changes in their environment.

What's really intriguing here is actually that evolution itself is indicative of a creator because it's almost a perfect system. We could say the word differently. We could say that life is an almost perfect system because evolution is really just a descriptive term regarding life itself. Life is designed by God to continue and to change as is necessary to compensate for change, and not only that, but it continues autonomously without any intelligence or design, defies the very law that all things seek to break down into a neutral state, and if you believe as Atheist evolutionists do, it becomes more and more complex as time goes on for, as far as we can tell, ad-infinitum.

Such a perfect system, this life, Atheists are literally saying there must be a God in every argument they use to refute that there's a God, for how does such a system as evolution ever just happen?

That's literally like designing a system that not only will continue forever, but will one day become so utterly amazing that it gives birth to the human brain, something that is so complex, the best computer, which has to be designed, by the way, cannot even hold a candle to the complexity and capability of even some animal minds, much less the human mind.

Excuse me, I meant to say, that's literally like saying a system happens by accident that would inevitably, through autonomous reaction to environment, create a jet plane or the NORAD computer system, or lets get more realistic to what they claim, would create Skynet, because the human mind is sentient, and supposedly, that's what happened, is Skynet became sentient because of how complex it was.

Only in that FICTITIOUS story, Skynet was actually designed, but as nonsensical as it would sound to say that Skynet just came about on its own one day, starting off as a single silicon wafer billions of years ago, that's exactly what Atheists are claiming since the human mind does actually exist.
2015-07-25 07:24:21 UTC
Evolution is a theory. So are most religions, including atheism.

Man does not have all the answers.

You believe in creation, but didn't say what religion you are.

If Christian and follow the bible, a study of its origins and your denominations origins is required, IF you want the Truth. The bible was written by men and there are a lot of Jewish Faith stories in it. Who wrote Genesis? If God is all-knowing, why did He come looking for and calling for Adam after Adam 'sinned'. God would already know.

Why the need to 'test' Abraham or Job? God would already know. Until you meet the God of the bible, how can you really be sure of any thing written in that book?

Same with evolutionists...unless you were there, how can you really know? Science has been wrong on many occasions. And carbon dating is not infallible. And we do have proof that man lived with dinosaurs and dinosaurs are still alive today, not gone 65 million years ago.

Athesists are simply people who have not seen or experienced the supernatural. And why should they believe what someone else says? One should know for oneself first hand. But just like everyone else who gets stuck in their ways, it is not comfortable to go looking for answers when you're happy where you are. You may not like the answers you find so it's better not to look.

And why do you care what another person believes?
2015-07-17 19:43:28 UTC
I am Catholic, and I believe in Evolution. If we never evolved there would be no such thing as separate generations. And just because evolution exists doesn't mean that there is not a God who is guiding us to be humans the way he sees fit. I mean, the average height in the 1600s was 5'6" tall, meanwhile the average height now is 6' tall. That is a change in the average human, and there for a change and a movement forward on the evolution chain. We just have to have faith that it is by the choice of God that we evolved a certain way, and that Adam and Eve were the first of Human kind, the species HomoSapiens.
2015-07-23 14:32:31 UTC
I cannot say that I speak for every atheist. I am not a Christian but I do believe in a Creator. Now I can perhaps guess at why they have a hard time with this and this is a huge generalization. Atheists that I have seen in this forum all seek evidence. They would say that scientific data is that evidence. I say that I don't believe any book written by man's hands until I see some empirical and not anecdotal evidence. I live now. I see people everyday therefore I can say now that people exist. I have recollection of things from about 26 years ago (I am 30 now). I can say based on my experience that my encounters are reality. I do not know for sure what happened prior to my arrival. I can only testify to what I have seen to date. Scientists attempt to use things lying around to theorize about things they've never encountered nor experienced. If you asked a scientist according to history about gravity prior to its discovery, you would have been given a vastly different answer than you hear today about the same subject matter. Those scientists also thought they were just as right as today's. I say all of that to say this, we only can comment on what we've seen with some degree of certainty. History is only his story and science to some degree is just conjecture. Not in all cases, but to some degree. I do not regard man gathered evidence in all cases as evidence. This is based on today's science and who is to say that today's science will be valid tomorrow?
2015-08-01 02:46:15 UTC
Sorry hon, evolution is a part of nature. It's arrogant for you to think that evolution isn't part of your God's plan. Do you have any idea how bored god would be if his creation stayed the same for eternity? Earth was once considered the center of the solar system, again arrogance that we must be the center of it all. Mother Church fought that one and lost out and changed accordingly, the same with evolution will happen eventually. Our lives are too finite to watch humans evolve, but the mechanisms for it can be seen. Try reading Beowulf and compare it to English of today. The language evolved. Another good example would be technology. Created by man, and improved as time goes on. If we were made in god's image, it would stand to reason we would create as he does. You can believe in God and evolution. Just as you ask why it's so hard for atheists to see, God might ask you why it's so hard to accept his design and not judge others by a book based on old stories told by men thousands of years ago. Love thy neighbor, be not afraid of conflicting ideas.
2015-07-22 08:59:35 UTC
If we were all created as we are now, where are modern animals in the fossil records? also I don't look like my Mom or Dad, but I do have elements of their appearance, so I am a composite of both people, that must be an evolutionary process, for if all life was created at day one, then these changes and combinations could not occur without denying the idea of intelligent design.

Accepting evolution does not mean that one is an atheist, simply that one accepts that God intended it to be this way and that the earth and all on it should evolve and become more suited for purpose, all under his divine command.

Take your head out of the sand and look around you, don't listen to the satanic voices that deny evolution under the control of almighty God, the creator and overseer of all.
2015-07-31 18:13:30 UTC
It's not really that confusing as it seems. As humans we are naturally desgined with the rationale capablity to question our own exists, we believe everything has a reason, and evolution itself has proven this very well. However, regardless what you believe no amount of investigating and thinking today will ever satisfy an answer to the undieing question of 'How did it all begin'; was it all created by a devine diety, or was it all just there, or did everything just start on its own? Instinct would tell you that there has to be a start to all of this, time is further proof that everything is moving forward, ageing, so it must of started somewhere like the birth and death of a human being. Personally, my belief is very original and conincides with what man has held to believe since the beginng of time. I think no kind of tool is neccessary for man to understand and know, and if we look back to ALL of human generations the same question has been asked with same curiosity and the same rationale, and that is that I was given a rationale to seek a reason for myself and everything that exists, the most plausible reason connects with who I am not as body but as a person, living individual form of life. I do believe that something created all of this, something greater than myself and this earth. But, we will all die one day, the only hope is that something will eventuate either in the afterlife or in the end if we are truly journying on a path. Your best bets will be on the best of option, if a creator exists what would gain or lose if you believed in one. On the other hand, what would you gain or lose if you did not believe?
2015-07-27 09:10:48 UTC
I can't tell if you're being a troll, or just plain ignorant. If you're being a troll, good job you got people to argue over something as well as some people just trying to show their view points. If you are being plain ignorant on the other hand here are some facts: 1. Atheist's don't believe in anything, they view Darwin's theory of evolution as a scientific document. 2. If you see someone saying they believe in evolution and that they are an Atheist, do the Atheist community a favor if you would and kick them in the balls as they are asshole Darwinist's. 3. Your creationist hate of anyone who doesn't believe in what you believe is the real problem. I'm Agnostic, more believing in Atheism(but since everyone automatically links that to Darwinism for some reason I just say "we are here who give a ****"), and I give full respect to all of my friends and family who are of a creationist faith. I don't berate them, telling them they're morons for believing in God, and they give respect back. Though I have seen the other side of things, where Atheists have attacked creationists. My friends that are Atheist and did berate religion, I've actually corrected them and changed their mind sets. Also when scientists talk about how things are created like planets, suns, etc etc they mention about when things were set into motion over BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of years ago. So with what you were saying, calling atheists dumb and morons here's this: There are asshole creationists, like yourself, and there are asshole atheists. The only issues with what the two beliefs is how they choose to fight instead of agreeing to disagree.
2015-08-03 02:27:14 UTC
Your answer makes some assumptions:

An atheist is someone who doesn't beleive in deities, which doesn't mean they believe in evolution.

Atheists don't find research, they conduct research by making observations and analysing data.

The article you linked to says chimp hands evolved from human-like hands which doesn't disproves evolution, it contests a detail. Each piece of evidence helps form a more complete picture of what's going on.

If atheism is believing there are no gods, then I can't say that it's truly a scientific conclusion as there's no evidence that denies the existence of deities.

I think it's important to note that we use evidence (what's apparent), not proof (proof proves). Apparent in the way that releasing an object from a height it'll fall, or having to push heavier things harder to move them. They don't change spontaneously - they're repeatable. Science attempts to find truth, which we may never think up - conclusions are formed in the mind.
2015-08-02 20:45:24 UTC
You've gotta be kidding me. It's this stuff that you feed young children today that holds society back. Darwin's theory of evolution clearly shows us the evolution of man and even before that there are numerous research documents that show how the universe was created and how life came to be. (Note: I am using the word created but I am not implying it in the term you are using). I also feel I should mention here that I am born and raised in a religious household so I am NOT an atheist but my parents always taught me that whatever the bible says you should take it with a grain of salt. It says that god created the earth in seven days, I took that to mean that it meant 7 billion years. You can't take every single thing the bible says literally, you need to adapt it to time. Society doesn't function the way it once did, if we still thought like our ancestors then we'd never have come as far as we have in medicine and technology.
2015-07-28 01:33:10 UTC
am Catholic, and I believe in Evolution. If we never evolved there would be no such thing as separate generations. And just because evolution exists doesn't mean that there is not a God who is guiding us to be humans the way he sees fit. I mean, the average height in the 1600s was 5'6" tall, meanwhile the average height now is 6' tall. That is a change in the average human, and there for a change and a movement forward on the evolution chain. We just have to have faith that it is by the choice of God that we evolved a certain way, and that Adam and Eve were the first of Human kind, the species HomoSapiens.
2015-08-01 07:08:06 UTC
So I'm agnostic, meaning I'm not sure what to believe. But I do not believe some god farted out of his a ss and the world was created with life. There may be a creator, but who knows. No one has seen the dude in almost a thousand years. And the only people who had seen him, had been in "visions". science and religion are all theories. Because no one knows for sure and have facts on the matter. Belief is not evidence either that a God exists. And really it's hard to believe we were "purely created". Because everything comes from something. Which isn't pure.
2015-07-19 10:14:32 UTC
Err, how can I say this...Don't you think that God wants a relationship with His creation APART from their objects of their own worldly wisdom? That's why somewhere in 1 Corinthians--sorry, I'm not good at pinpointing Bible verses--it says, "If there is someone among you that seemeth to be wise, let him become a fool, so that he may become wise."... Sure, there are many things in this world that scientists blended together and made something useful. I'm not really against science. I just don't agree with spontaneous creation...or whatever you wanna call it. I remember a verse where it said, "Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth." This verse has 'somewhat' to do with this situation. I think that knowledge could be a man's pride. I look at God as a omniscient being, who knows our future, knows our inner thoughts, feelings, problems, and so on. If you wanna find Him, maybe you should do it His way, right? Don't take this as an insult, but I think that evolution is just a description of a possible way that God would have/could have created the universe. o.o/
2015-07-16 19:45:17 UTC
Agree with part that we are not evolution of apes.The Human gene it may some how involve with Apes in a particular circumstances state of the existence . The mix gene is evolve and a new generation of the human animal it's appear on the planet ,the possibility of sexual involve is way more than natural selection or abduction.The most strongest reason is that why rest of the Apes did not choose to have generic jump ,since if is generic then all the Apes will change with little time table period to a new form of spices .

There's historical records that indicate mankind been forced to survive and they choose to merge with lower spices to produce.(sentence it say : THE SONS OF THE GODS ,SAW THE EARTH DAUGHTERS ARE GOOD LOOK AND THEY MARRIED WITH THEM).

This word is indicate that the man kind it was live longer than what we call evolution since Giant skeleton found are old as first Apes called LUCY.This mean they were many walking two leg living on the earth at same time table .

In generic engineering a mix gene can change a lot after many time be involve with new genes .For example an African that have involved with white gene many generation ,they almost look white ,shape of the nose ,ear ,hair,eye and also skeleton will change and new appearance is totally different with old gene .This is more involving till evolution .

Gene can cure and also can determinate by mix ,that mean all the generic illness and diseases can transfer with gene to the next generations ,Gene has ability of change to stronger (mostly desire to survive) state it call natural selection as cell it does.

Same pattern you can see it in live stocks ,which they by mixing different genes are able to create a better ,stronger and larger creature ,but originality must be close or very close generic and DNA match .

Same thing you can see in different breed of the dogs ,the originality is that all are dog ,but they look different in color ,in size and in habitation ,possibility of regeneration of any type of the dog with other type is very much the new generation will be a mix of both and if you mix that with other type again a new generation will born that after many time it may totally look different with first generation .
2015-08-03 20:05:23 UTC
Its not so much "hard" for them as much as it is just their beliefs and opinions. Their belief is evolution, while yours is creation. Don't listen to anyone who says one over the other is right or wrong, this kind of thing is individual to everyone. If you think about it, religion is really only "right" to the person who holds it. if your belief is creation, then so be it, that's what you believe. However, the same can be said for atheism, or any other religion for that matter. With all respect, if someone tried to enforce a different belief on you, chances are you would deny it, and so is the same for people of other religions. To say they are ignorant or arrogant or purely creation is somewhat unfair, because that is like saying that only your opinion is correct, when in reality, religion is correct to whoever believes in it. In an ideal world, these religions could co-exist peacefully, but Science and Religion have been arguing since essentially the beginning of people. (Hence religious divisions and even wars.) Except your religion as your own. Embrace it, but do not enforce it on others. All are entitled to their own beliefs, and no one is more right then the other.
2015-08-02 12:54:36 UTC
Human evolution, the process by which human beings developed on Earth from now-extinct primates. Viewed zoologically, we humans are Homo sapiens, a culture-bearing, upright-walking species that lives on the ground and first evolved in Africa between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. We are now the only living members of what many zoologists refer to as the human tribe, Hominini, but there is abundant fossil evidence to indicate that we were preceded for millions of years by other hominins, such as Australopithecus, and that our species also lived for a time contemporaneously with at least one other member of our genus, Homo neanderthalensis (the Neanderthals). In addition, we and our predecessors have always shared the Earth with other apelike primates, from the modern-day gorilla to the long-extinct Dryopithecus. That we and the extinct hominins are somehow related and that we and the apes, both living and extinct, are also somehow related is accepted by anthropologists and biologists everywhere. Yet the exact nature of our evolutionary relationships has been the subject of debate and investigation since the great British naturalist Charles Darwin published his monumental books On the Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871). Darwin never claimed, as some of his Victorian contemporaries insisted he had, that “man was descended from the apes,” and modern scientists would view such a statement as a useless simplification—just as they would dismiss any popular notions that a certain extinct species is the “missing link” between man and the apes. There is theoretically, however, a common ancestor that existed millions of years ago. This ancestral species does not constitute a “missing link” along a lineage but rather a node for divergence into separate lineages. This ancient primate has not been identified and may never be known with certainty, because fossil relationships are unclear even within the human lineage, which is more recent. In fact, the human “family tree” may be better described as a “family bush,” within which it is impossible to connect a full chronological series of species, leading to Homo sapiens, that experts can agree upon.
2015-08-04 06:59:35 UTC
for a very different reason then why creationist believe in a god... Because atheist require evidence for belief and creationist don't. what I would suggest is look at all of the reproducible physical evidence that there is for creation, look at all the available physical reproducible evidence for evolution, and then make up your mind. approach the question without a predetermined belief, and the answer is pretty simple.... I would suggest looking up some debates on the subject as well as some lectures about evolution so that you understand exactly what evolution is. make sure the people discussing the subject matter actually have knowledge about the subject matter, for instance the people who would know best about evolution would be evolutionary biologist, therefore if you have questions about evolution those are the people you should be listening to. for instance, if you were looking up information about climate change, would you ask a baseball umpire, or climate scientists?
2015-07-17 22:04:27 UTC
1. You don't have to be an atheist to understand evolution.

2. Evolution isn't a belief. It's an understanding of gathered information. Belief implies some sort of logical gap or unfounded principle.

3. There is no evidence to suggest that objects and items simply popped into existence. On the other hand, there is more than ample evidence that they 'popped' into existence over extremely long periods of time - a process known as evolution.
2015-07-17 17:01:41 UTC
Probably because that would be akin to believing a lie.

Evolution itself was accepted as fact by the Church well before Darwin wrote a theory about how it COULD work, even in the absence of divine intervention.

What Darwin wrote about is evolution through NATURAL SELECTION (statistical selection over many generations). Darwin learned about evolution in a course called Natural Theology (because he was in a seminary, hoping to become an Anglican parson -- which makes him an obvious atheist, I am sure).

Therefore, the debatable point is whether this Natural Selection thing makes sense. Evolution itself is fact.

Darwin only applied it to plants and some animals (birds, mostly). He NEVER tried to apply it to humans.

Modern evidence (DNA, for example) shows that it could also apply to humans.

Maybe you never evolved, but the rest of us did, as God intended us to.
Cal King
2015-07-16 04:04:40 UTC
It is "hard" for scientists to accept your nonsensical claim because evidence does not support it. Scientists have strong evidence that modern humans originated in Africa, and that all non-Africans migrated out of Africa. Since those migrations, some humans have evolved straight hair, lighter skin tones, stockier build, premature baldness and more body hair in cold climates. These evolutionary changes are called microevolution. Even creationists have to concede that microevolution occurs. Look no further than the many breeds of dogs to see evidence of microevolution. Only if you bury you head in the sand can you fail to see that we have evolved. Further, there is no modern human fossil that are 1-2 million years old. Only Homo erectus fossils are found during that time period. Homo erectus is so close to us morphologically it is difficult to imagine why a creator would create a species so similar to us before it created us. The logical explanation is that we evolved from Homo erectus, and that Homo erectus evolved from an australopithecine.

Only people who are blinded by religious dogma will they bury their head in the sand and fail to see all the evidence supporting evolution. As a result, they "see" that we never evolved. That is why people say "seeing is believing." Because unless you believe that evolution never happens, you won't see any evidence for your belief.
2015-08-04 13:24:13 UTC
Have someone point You to a Library and ask the persons behind the counter where You can find books on Evolution and Science and many more things You know nothing about. Stay away from the Children's section because You have already been exposed to too much fantasy and myths. Remember You are never too old to get a Education.
2015-07-28 02:12:28 UTC
It wasn't hard for me to see that we were created, because the fossil record supports the FACT that certain lifeforms all came into existence as if suddenly and from nowhere. Plus, if we had evolved from apes, then why are there still apes?

Bottom line - I am no longer an Atheist, because I am a Realist, first and foremost. We are the result of the planning of the Creator, the Source of all Existence.
2015-07-17 02:23:56 UTC
For man to have evolved, it took thousands of years so no, that was not observed. But would you say that of something that evolved over 40 years, easily in one's lifetime, would you then believe in evolution?

Take dogs.... Berger Picard, Miniature American Shepherd and the Lagotto Romagnolo, all 3 breeds, new breeds, that weren't around 40 years ago. It''s called evolution.
2015-07-29 18:14:36 UTC
Unfortunately, the atheists are right on this one (as they are on most things) but it's still possible to believe in evolution as a Christian, and, in way, evolution can prove something quite beautiful about God himself. The well-known beginning of Genesis states that God created the Earth and the Universe in seven 'days'. Of course, if it really was literal, twenty-four hour days, humans would have been made almost directly after the big bang which of course is impossible. The original Hebrew uses the word the translates into 'day' but is closer in meaning to 'moment', which can be any amount of time. As you and I know a moment to God can be millions or billions of years, and we also know that animals were created before humans. That a lot of time for evolution to take place... yet it is still the will of God. Finally, remember the evolution does NOT state that humans were descendants of apes, just that we share the same ancestor. And while it would have been possible for God to simply 'create' humans out of nothing, the process evolution is extremely elegant and unique compared to other religions. The bible was written thousands of years ago, for a different generation. If we followed it literally, like the pharisees did, we would still advocate slavery and would never eat hamburgers. God is not human, and he and his dimension should not be treated as such. Thanks for reading! :)
2015-07-29 16:33:36 UTC
I believe more in science and what scientists who have dedicated their whole lives to increasing the knowledge of mankind without asking for anything in return, and I've met too many people who give christianity for example a bad name believing only that what they were told was right and that you are either with them or against them. Too many hypocrits that have sex before marriage, smoke weed & more but because they belong to the same christian society its okay? Science makes sense and has evidence that isnt used to drag you into a cult the info is just there, religion makes you believe what they want and its usually at a price. The evidence science has brought has helped the world more than stories from a book and with alot less bloodshed. So those who think stuff is just created like magic remember that when a cure for cancer is found by science not by just being created out of nowhere. Just my opinion.
2015-07-24 08:18:44 UTC
In my opinion evolution and creation are two separate things. Research has been made to look into both the issues and yet they are both still theories. This has nothing to do with religion whatsoever and scientists base they're explanation on they're findings.

Creation is the process of bringing something to existence. Evolution is the changes that takes place within an organism caused by external factors such as environment climate, etc.

They may be linked but are not correlated.
2015-07-28 22:48:37 UTC
Ok I'm an athiest and not all of us believe in evolution some of us just don't believe in god and don't care how we were put here, honestly I'm not going to say either is right because the truth is no one knows what really happened and evolution could have been it yes there are facts stateing that it was evolution BUT there are also facts stateing god is the reason. We are only human we can only imagine what has happened. And the reason some athiests think evolution is because we don't believe in god and evolution is the only thing left. But please let's all give this argument a rest we are alive and prospering isn't that enough we shouldn't be so wrapped up in this. And please next time kinder words towards us athiests please. Thank you and I hope this helped
2015-07-24 06:45:28 UTC
First of all I don't think creation is real nor god, so do the theory of evolution but in my opinion evolution has more evidence and observation that those things about god. If god did create Adam and Eve then the result would be of them reproducing, lets say 2 children. Then those two children would mate this mean that it would a kind of incest which mean there will be less variation of the offspring of their this mean the more they produce it would create less variation of the offspring which mean when natural selection occurs those who are not fittest would died off resulting in extinction of human species. Let say they were sick and die off this mean less of them are living on this planet so another way of extinction. I'm not saying you should stop reading the bible but sometimes picking up science book and doing some research and observation would be great. Most of Christian say that they would not believe that evolution is real unless they see monkey gives birth to a human, well that statement is plain stupidity because evolution takes time because the genes are adjusting to the environment.
2015-07-16 04:21:46 UTC
I am convinced that you didn't read the article at the link you posted. No where does that article claim there's no such thing as evolution and it must have been creation. It simply states there's new evidence suggesting that the human hand E V O L V E D in a different way than was previously thought. Science is a dynamic discipline. When new evidence comes to light it makes us review what we previously thought was correct. No scientist claims the process works otherwise. Science refines its ideas as it discovers new evidence. Yet despite the body of evidence constantly being developed for evolution and there being no evidence for creation there is still a small minority of stubborn creationists who refuse to accept these bald facts.
2015-07-27 11:39:46 UTC
It is "so hard for us to see" this because there is scientific evidence to disprove any theory that we did NOT evolve. Basically, we simply cannot wrap our heads around an idea with no basis for accuracy. Now, I'm not saying that Creationism isn't POSSIBLE, because we could be wrong about evolution, but something that has evidence behind it is much more logically sound than something that doesn't, and is therefore much more safe, or so our subconscious deems it to be.
Tad Dubious
2015-07-16 07:32:01 UTC
Raw, I think it is the same reason why creationists consider only a short, misguided definition of evolution - monkeys to man, per Darwin. Darwin didn't mention monkeys/apes in origin of the species, and we are evolving all the time. In America, for example, almost all children are taller than their parents - growth hormones in food? Possibly. It is still evolution, which is change over time. Strong believers on either side find it hard to see as they refuse to open their eyes to something outside their belief system.
2015-07-16 12:21:56 UTC
If you were to identify an animal and it smelled like a dog, it ate what dogs ate, it look like a dog, it acted like a dog, it communicated like a dog, would you say it was a camel? No you'd say it was a dog, wouldn't you? Based on the evidence. It is however possible that we can misinterpret which has happened before but most scientist are open to the idea that it may not be what is seems, there can be other explaination but for now evolution seems the most likely explainations, Occam's razor, " the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is."
2015-07-31 19:51:20 UTC
I think God created the world but set it off on its own path, so

kinda a mix of both creation AND evolution. We may or may not have evolved from apes; and Adam and Eve probably did exist at some point (perhaps when the first modern adapted non-Neanderthal humans evolved about 100,000 years ago; the world is NOT 7,000 years old).
Andrew Barnes
2015-07-24 19:39:25 UTC
Technically, evolution has nothing to do with religion. Darwin never intended evolution to explain the origin of humans. It is a known fact that humans have evolved (changed appearance as an example) since they first appeared. Humans are always evolving. Everything is constantly evolving.
2015-07-20 18:01:41 UTC
Mainly because there's a ton of proof that proves our evolution. That's why we have things like vestigial features and similarities to creatures who aren't of the same species. We have wisdom teeth cause our ancestors needed them, but in this generation we don't. Or if you look at the bones in a human arm and the bones in a bat wing, they are of different structure, yes, but have the same pieces and the same order. Meaning we both came from a common ancestor. Look at the whale, too. Obviously, if you dont have hind legs or stand on two legs you dont need hipbones. They have hipbones and don't have hind legs, or legs in general, meaning they evolved from a land animal who needed hipbones. Or how us humans have tailbones but no tails. That proves we evolved from a creature who had a tail. Atheists aren't the only ones who believe in evolution, many people do simply because there is a lot of evidence backing it up. Evolution explains many things between the past and current day
2015-08-02 06:49:18 UTC
I guess we are just too inept to understand the so clearly obvious fact that human development is the result of instantaneous creation from an ego maniacal (yet supposedly flawless and faultless) supreme being that lives in the sky and creates us with the ability to think and reason but then demands we worship and believe in him and only him or burn in a pit of flames for all eternity. A "God" that say like me the best tell me I'm the best the one and the only and be willing to sacrifice your own family and free will for me. Not to mention a belief that is rooted in a virgin birth and a celebratory mass genocide that killed off 99% of the animal and human population (and yet we somehow repopulated with just 2 of every animal and a handful of people), and a book that condones slavery, rape, and torture. I guess we are all just too emotionally and mentally deficient to understand this big grandiose design perpetuated by Christianity. A design that says you can murder 350396036 people and as long as you say sorry and ask for forgiveness you get to die and go live forever in the sky in your big mansion while someone who lived a good and moral life without any religious ties burns in hell forever.

Yeah...we athiests are the dumb ones.
2015-08-03 19:31:07 UTC
Why is it that theists feel the need to attack those who do not believe in a God? It seems as if the atheists in this society just go about their business not worrying about whether or not they'll get into heaven, and only start to argue when accusations, such as this one, passively call atheists stupid for what they believe. The matter of the fact is, evolution is a scientific FACT. Atheist, or not, if you can't accept literal fact, you can not even begin to start making assumptions about those with different beliefs than you.
2015-07-24 22:03:06 UTC
As an atheist myself i would like to say that we go by science. now, i don't purely believe in evolution, nor in creation. i see god, and evolution as two very probably possibilities, however the feud remains between religion and evolution. Atheists see dinosaur bones, the possibilities of creation, and new life changing and evolving constantly. They see new planets forming, as well as old ones dying and say that it can only be cause by certain situation due to changes in matters. Religions see the evidence and say that it can only happen because a god made it happen. to each of us it makes sense. How can one being, we cant see, be responsible for a whole planet with intelligent beings of life, along with much more we haven't discovered yet? How can nobody be responsible for such a vast area of life? Both questions get answered by either religion or evolution. The fact is that both are complete guesses. Evolution is based from science, but science is based from observation. we can say that when grey clouds form in the sky, it will rain water. That is known as a "fact" based from observation over time. What if one day it rained kittens instead of water? saying that it could never happen is unreal, because our view of how the clouds work is based solely from observation. If one day it were to rain kittens, all of science would be turned upside down. The same applies to religion. when you die, in all religions, you are supposed to go to a heaven or hell. Well if one day somebody died, and went nowhere after death, the whole religion is over, and its not a factor, but as far as we know, we cant get somebody back after death, so we will never know. Their are stories of people seeing god from a near-death experience, but yet that can easily be thought of as a process you go through before you die. people say they see the light, when really it could be many things, nobody really knows because nobody can be completely brought back from the dead. Many other theories arrive that may not be able to be proven until death. There is a theory about the universe, as well as how life began, and how it will end. The truth is that people need something to hang onto thorough this crazy world we live in. Everybody is influenced to believe in a certain thing. People will most likely never know the real truth, but you may believe whatever you so choose, because everything is just a guess.
2015-07-17 17:14:24 UTC
Its their world view

We have a free will and without free will theres no true love.

Isnt it amazing how the bible that is considered "stone age" Have such advanced terminology like free will?

Anyways Athiest view bones as perfect evidence to disprove God...Then Christian Scientist see bones and are like perfect evidence for creation!

You would be suprised to find that the world has about 15% athiest... Theres just more of them that are vocal.

Anyways its how they see the world and interpret science.

Even though Science by its meaning is something that can be recreated in a lab in controlled envirorments and observed etc.

They believe in theoritical science.

I believe in micro evolution....Diseases mutate and change all the time.

But it all comes back to perception.

Though if there is no Godly power then what is right and what is wrong? There are no morale absolutes.

Anyways God bless and Peace
2015-07-19 08:18:11 UTC
Atheists tend to believe more in the scientific findings; everyone is entitled to believe their own faith. Throughout our history of anthropological research, there has been at least enough evidence to suggest a history of long evolution. I do not know your exact claim for saying that humans never evolved, but the point is that we should not nose into other people's beliefs and say that they are right or wrong, because we do not understand their viewpoint. Humans of different beliefs should get along; why does it matter what someone else personally thinks, if you have your own way of thinking?
2015-07-22 04:47:11 UTC
One article(on which i believe you only read the title) convinced you that humans have been the same since they first came to existence despite that it has been 200.000 years and despite all the scientifically proven evidence. Plus, not ever evolution theory is correct. Lamarck's theory of evolution was proven to be wrong.

The bible says that the creation was finished with the creation of man kind at the sixth day.

The earth has been around for about 4.5 billion years. God created man last, so that is after trees, animals and dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were extinct 65 million years ago and humans have been around for 200.000 years.

So god managed to create on the same day dinosaurs and humans, 2 species that NEVER co-existed. Good job dude, a book managed to convince you that dinosaurs and humans lived at the exact same time, and somehow the human race survived from the comet collision with the earth(but i don't think that it's on the bible, a book written 2000 years ago, so it must be a lie). Finally, not all theists reject evolution, so get your facts right.
Jeremiah K
2015-07-19 19:57:43 UTC
The problem is the difference between your definition of evolution and the definition of science. To the atheists and scientists the word evolution mean change over time. That can be demonstrated and is demonstrated by humans.

Your definition of evolution is change from one type of creature do another. And the progression of that change over many different species. That is very much harder to find evidence for. But if you say Evolution does not take place all scientists will laugh at you. But if you say that evolution is not the only reason that we're different from wombats. Scientists will probably have to agree with you. Because the evolution of wombats in the humans have never been proved.
2015-07-25 07:38:31 UTC
Evolution is a theory. Not all atheist think this I'm an atheist but people can believe what they want such as you are a Christian or Catholic I'm no really sure but just because what you believe doesn't mean it's right we should live this world no having to worry about stupid things like this.
Emily Thompson
2015-07-29 05:50:17 UTC
What makes you think that God didn't create his creatures to evolve and adapt as part of His plan? There is complete proof of adaptation. An animal or plant adapts to it's changing environment to protect itself and survive. It doesn't disprove God, it makes His plan even more genius. I do think that many examples of evolution are incorrect, and are actually just a different species that went extinct. And every single finding of a 'missing link' has been disproven as hoaxes. Sad that the scientific community would stoop soooo lowwww.
2015-07-21 06:25:29 UTC
Doesn t matter what evidence you give, a person will not accept creation due to one reason and one reason only. SIN. Creation conflicts with some people s lifestyle. If there is a God we are responsible and ANSWERABLE to him for our actions. It s not the evidennce. The evidence for (d)evolution presented to me at school is now laughed at by most ardent athiests. Even at the tiime it was presented to my class it had already been debunked as either fake, or dubious at the least. For instance the Coelacanth, ths was discovered alive and well and thriving in 1938 but wsa still being taught as extinct and part of the evo-dellusion of animals in the 80s and 90s. You cannot reach, intelligently, an atheist with proof. It s not a Mental, Intellectual argument but one of the heart. There is no one more blind than him that will not see, or deaf than him that will not listen.
2015-07-31 13:29:25 UTC
Why is it so hard for a theist or any form of religious person to see that what they believe in has absolutely no evidence at all but they blindly believe because of the rewards and the fear of what could happen. Just do research and you keep looking you will see how your belief system is completely flawed. As for the actual question It is the most likely option for how life could exist and there are actual observable evidence for evolution instead of just believing blindly off of what a book (Of all things) tells you with no proof of the events even happening.
2015-07-20 09:51:39 UTC
Because there is so much evidence confirming that we have evolved and continue to evolve. However, this does not mean there is no God, or that the Bible's account of creation is inaccurate. The theories of creation and evolution fit together much more nicely than most people realize.
2015-07-17 03:44:08 UTC
Okay in the nicest way possible. Scientists go by evidence which they recice by experiments .Scientists have found no evidence of a God. They don't ignore the belief that God created the world, if someone were to present them with evidence of a god they would jump to the fact that God is real. In fact manny scientists do belive in God, but also believe in evolution. Atheists are people that listen to scientists evidence and take into account that through the years the chances of there being a god are slimming. If I offended you in this answer I'm so sorry x
2015-07-22 02:08:22 UTC
I'm not an atheist, but I still have an answer for this: Because evolution does exist. It's not even seriously contested anymore, it's not a guess or a belief, but a fact. It's been observed, both in nature and in laboratory environments.
King Ragnor of Waterford
2015-07-27 20:23:37 UTC
Seeing as we DID evolve there is not a lot of sense in your question! Only those who have a limited intelligence, and are so incapable of accepting the fact that ALL religions are based on mythology will keep preaching about creationism. They are just like the fools who blindly accept that climate change, another mythology now embraced by major religions, is man made, when it is actually caused by the gravitational pull of all the planets and the Sun, and the effect that gravitational effect has on tectonic plate movement.
2015-07-26 20:46:01 UTC
When you consider how the universe is structured, it's so obvious. Why wouldn't the galaxies and superclusters spread out evenly, like a ripple in a pond? Space was a void before the big bang, right? Then what could cause clusters? God, baby! He DESIGNED the universe that way. Why? Cause He's an artist. It's overwhelmingly beautiful.
2015-07-20 12:30:51 UTC
You answered your own question, technically speaking.

An Atheist by deffinition (A-Theist; one who does not believe in theology) cannot believe in anny form off creation theorysimplybecause it requires a deity and thus a theology, in essence negating thier religious, or non-religious viewpoint if you will.

If you are seeking to prove your view is correct, as with any arguement where there can be no concretr answer, both sides are deluding themselves.

So I must ask why you would waste your time essentially beating your head against a wall?
2015-08-04 10:01:26 UTC
Because religion and evolution can coexist. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that things were created exactly as they are now. Look at dogs. Human beings have bred (aka selectively evolved) dogs from wild wolves to a wide variety of subspecies in roughly a thousand years, so why is non-sele
Robel Aerunn Allado
2015-08-02 01:03:55 UTC
*Murmurs under breath* ******* bible humpers *Cough*

Well to be honest if we came from two people then why are there so many different races and people, if we all started from (What most people depict) a white girl and boy then why are there so many races and features a human can and has.

And may I ask why is it so hard for you to use proper grammar and English? Well you might have a different native language but seriously if you want to stand an argument you don't want to look or sound like a retarded idiot
2015-08-03 15:42:34 UTC
Evolution is a part of nature, If you honestly think we have or any animal or anything really has never evolved then you need to open you're mind and eyes more often.
Thomas R
2015-07-21 19:40:39 UTC
After reading several of the "answers" I am now convinced that humans colonized earth. This is due to the lack of evidence of a God and evolution can't support humans evolving from a single cell, too many missing links in both theories:)
2015-07-28 00:58:25 UTC
Even Charles Darwin regretted for the misunderstanding he created..he said evolution might be the means by which things changed or were created but didn't mean to debunk special creation but after his theory of evolution many got influenced by it . Hasn't anyone read it? Well , I am a believer in God and his son Jesus Christ. I don't need any proof as i have already got it through several healing in my life. No matter how we are he still loves us.
2015-07-29 13:31:53 UTC
SO! I hope you're smart, because this will be alot to take in. This is not to offend you ATHEISTS :)

First - Evolution.

This is something religious people and atheists argue alot and even scientists. So technically theres like a black hole with both theories. You can't fully believe evolution because other scientists have proved other scientists making evolution a THEORY not a scientific law, so even if you believe in evolution its NOT 100% true!

Second - Tragedies & Suffering

Alot of people dont believe in God because of natural disasters or robbers or murderers or fires. Anyways. they blame God for all negative things and the suffering that happen in their lives making people believe that God isnt real, since they would think God would prevent this from happening in their lives. As you know, alot of sin is done in this world. As you should know, God gave us people a choice in this life, after the Adam and Eve incident. Criminals - they CHOOSE to be consumed by sin and start stealing and doing crimes. God gave us a free will, to live our own life and make our own decisions. Now, for disasters such as tornadoes , tsunamis, stuff like that. All because of sin. In the Bible it says that the world will end when kids start killing their parents, parents kill their kids, people who pleasure love and lust more than God, unthankfulness, children disobedient to parents AND MORE! ALLLLLL of this happens in these days. And it builds up more and more. and the evolution thing... ppl is stupids :)
2015-07-22 14:08:24 UTC
It's idiotic to think that someone snapped their fingers, and POOF! Humans appeared as is.

If you look around at the world.... plants, animals, EVEN PEOPLE evolve! They evolve to adapt.

For example, have you ever realized that some people have wisdom teeth, and some people don't? It's because we no longer need them, so the population is slowly loosing the need for them. You can believe in a faith and evolution.

Evolution is a scientific fact. We have proof in fossils and all around us! Study Biology once in a while, and please educate yourself!
2015-07-16 17:54:34 UTC
Why doesn't everybody leave the atheists alone....we're the only group smart enough (and brave enough) to recognize that believing in a higher power is nothing more than a refusal to except one's own mortality.

So I have some advise for you religious morons: kill yourselves and go meet your imaginary friend.

Can't do it lol? Don't you believe in you're own theory. I think you are constantly bugging atheists

because you are afraid we're on to something, and you are beginning to doubt your own resolve.
2015-07-25 15:41:10 UTC
Coming from an Atheist, people don't believe that we were created (including me to) because more than half the stuff is either impossible, Bullshit or just plain dumb, sorta like the whole 'Gays go to hell' but God says be forgives our sins and to love everyone. As for evolution, it seems a bit silly to just say that we were created by a thousand year old man who watches us.

Also Atheist don't believe in most things in the bible so they thy to make something more beliebvable or sciencetific to explain it.

So in the end, Atheist don't believe we were created by God because it's impossible and Science has a more realistic solution.

(I believe the stuff in the bible unless it can be proven fake with science, except of Heven and Hell... I think that whole concept is dumb)
2015-07-31 22:49:25 UTC
I think evolution is a myth. For one reason. If something is alive means is perfect. A simple fly is perfect. A bacteria is perfect. What makes up think big animals are modern and other are primitive? If they were alive they were perfect. Life is a miracle anyway you look at it. There are different the diversity of animals is a miracle some die some are born. It's not about religion or atheism is about life. Anyway you see is wonderful. We humans are arrogant and think we are the top of the list. I not shure of that
2015-07-29 16:06:56 UTC
Probably because they are scientist, and therefore base their theories on scientific investigation and fact. There is a ton of evidence to back up the theory of evolution. There is really no true scientific evidence available to back up creationism, or any of the other supernatural myths used by different religions. Peoples religious beliefs are just based upon what they have been told over and over, and not the result of intensive study and investigation. You can pretty much say anything without any evidence to back it up. This is not the case with science.
2015-08-02 23:12:32 UTC
Christian Logic: I can't give you every detail about evolution, so it must be false. I can't disprove that a god exists, so one must exist.

We can all have our own beliefs. Atheists just think it's a little crazy to believe in a sky wizard who supposedly created the world in 6 days. Who can blame them? Along with all of the contradictory statements in the bible, more and more people are beginning to question their faith rather than accept everything they hear at face value.
2015-07-19 11:35:10 UTC
I can't take creationists seriously.

I can see, perhaps, arguing that a God made the world such that we evolved as we did, or that "random" genetic mutations actually aren't. I don't believe that, it would still be based on faith, but at least we can't yet prove that that isn't the case.

The only way "creation" is possible is if God is actively trying to trick us by setting empirical evidence, and far as I understand, most Christians believe we have a loving God who wants his people to believe and be able to go to heaven.
2015-07-22 17:10:13 UTC
You're throwing people off by the way you worded your question; they're jumping on the fact that humans have in fact evolved, which is fair to say(in my own life, I have evolved, by the general definition of the word). But common sense tells me you're talking about the notion of the "cell-to-salamander-out of the ocean-to reptile-to monkey-to biped-to man" theory, which changes the discussion completely. I cannot answer your question thoroughly, as I am a believer in God(creationist) myself, but I think it's safe to say there is an antiGod element in every atheist. I say this because, all things being equal(and they are, each side of the argument requires some amount of faith), there is so much more that the atheist stands to lose in his/her faith in happenstance, namely eternal salvation, there must be something more pushing them to their issue with God Himself.
2015-07-30 15:01:07 UTC
They've never been touched by Jesus like us, my friend. I, in fact, used to believe in evolution (evo-delusion), until one fateful day...

One day, I finished a strenuous workout and I was beat. Then in a flash, I saw Jesus sitting there in front of me, right before my very eyes! He placed his hand on my shoulder and told me not to worry, that everything will be fine. Then, he bent me over, thrust exactly 3 times and finished inside of me.

As soon as he filled me with his holy water, I temporarily went blind and all the "facts" I believed about evolution were completely wiped from my memory and replaced with some strange Vietnamese text. I went to Google Translate and discovered it was the New International Version of the Holy Bible - in Vietnamese! I don't speak or read Vietnamese, by the way.

This all happened in the shower at the Gold's Gym down the street. Also, I didn't believe it till I saw but Jesus is, in fact, Mexican.

That's proof that evolution is a farce. I felt his glory inside of me and it purged me of the mental disease that Satan had afflicted upon me.
2015-07-28 15:43:47 UTC
Why is it so hard to see that the idea of an entity who created the world in seven from some man's rib and the rest is pure fantasy? We are still evolving...appendix much smaller and our jaws are getting smaller which is why some of us have to have our wisdom teeth removed...not enough room.......takes millions of years. Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2015-07-28 11:28:37 UTC
I'm a Christian. I believe in God and go to church on Sundays. I believe God created all life, but that doesn't mean I don't believe in evolution. Evolution is just the science of how, but God is the one behind it. I mean, we have evolved physiologically since our cave man days. Changes in how we digest food & other minor things like that. I'll reference this thing I saw on Discovery channel. There were a group of birds on an island, all the same species. In a matter of years, they had evolved into something like 10 different species of bird. Its just something God devised for us to adapt to changes in the world.
2015-07-27 23:39:47 UTC
Short answer: Tooooooo Much evidence that proves evolution is real... it happens on a daily basis in the lab and in nature. Sorry if truth frightens you.

Simply put atheist have no beliefs in a deity, a god or gods. That is the default position. Creationist have been proven to not have any evidence to support their beliefs... two trials on this, which theist could not testify under oath the truth of what they claimed, and theists still wonder why atheist "can't see"???

Really? The arguments that are presented today by theists have been debunked. Period. Theism is based on a belief, NOT facts which is the bases of the very nature of all religions. No facts and no evidence leads to confusion, manipulation and dictatorships. Religion is based on MAGIC and fairy tails used to victimize immature minds (children) or traumatized minds (adults) and to indoctrinate these individuals into believing in a Skydaddy that punishes you if go outside its' boundaries. Theist do not understand the problem because theist's have always been moving the goal post, changing the rules, changing the definitions, creating straw man arguments and being totally dishonest about any discussions.

Atheist do not follow blindly anything based on evidence from authority. Theists do. Atheist want facts in the help of making a decision, not beliefs of approval from a deity. God said, there for it's true. It amazes me that not one person here can honestly say that they follow all of the laws and rules of any religion. Theists pick and choose what they want to follow and totally disregard everything else.

Hypocrites, cowards and liars. Can't admit to being wrong even in the face of over whelming evidence and sticking their heads in the sand to not hear facts/truth, which is what these people claim to be searching for.

Science makes mistakes. Fact. These mistakes are later corrected based on new evidence. Fact. Peer revue corrects these errors with evidence. Evolution is a fact. It is supported by so many other different fields of study that it is not funny... like biology, paleontology, geology, chemistry, zoology and on and on. Evolution is more of a fact than how electricity function... that is still a THEORY and yet it is the BEST explanation as to the workings of electricity. The computer operates on the theory of what it is and what the evidence shows how it is suppose to work, but since we have not seen an electron in action, travelling from atom to atom, it is still called a theory. Chemistry, physics, quantum mechanics, gravity, light ect. all have theories which has facts to support the theories, which are provable and verifiable and predictable which shows the BEST explanation of what is going on in our universe.

Evolution can be verified. Science is creating new species in the lab like fruit flies, viruses, algae etc. GMOs have been going on in nature like for ever (evolution) and by man (not so long). The web site tried to say the banana is a perfect example of "gods creation", that is until it was shown that it was thru mans genitic manipulation that tha banana of today is the way it is. Ray Comfort was called the banana guy because of this gaff.

If you "believe" in micro evolution, change within species over a short amount of time, but not macro, the question is why not? It is the exact same thing just over a greater period of time. It's like "believing" in micro economics but not in macro economics or the macro universe and not the micro universe. Truth is real and real truth is not in a deity but in nature.

Also a side note: Why must there be a creator for the universe to have happen? It is NOT fine tuned for life. It is NOT the perfect world for man to live on. Nothing about this universe gives a rat's *** if we continue to go on exiting or not. When theist use the excuses they do it shows how insecure they really are about their place in this vast universe. Why do theist ALWAYS moving god farther and farther out, and now beyond, the universe as scientific advances learn more about the wonders of this cosmos? Where can it, god, go now when our understanding goes to "beyond" this universe???? There IS a pattern here about god... maybe theists need to see it for what it really is... the death of all gods.
2015-07-18 15:52:56 UTC
I am Christian and for the life of me I do not understand why anyone cannot see the probability that is likely the way it all started. Folks I am not starting with the " man from ape thing"...I am going back to when the earth formed and amino acids did their own thing. And one more even THINK that this was the only location inthe Universe for life to evolve in so many different levels in so many places is about as likely to roll the dice and NO number appear. I stick my neck out on the optomism, but in the end, or when much more or maybe less time passes than we think, this answer will mathematically emerge as the closest thing you may hear throughout your life. Me?? Yes I do believe in God...It is better to believe in God....find out in the end you were wrong...than to NOT believe in God and find out in the end you were wrong. His opinion of my answer...I expect He will give me credit for at least not going through life with my head up my *** and looking for an answer there. It is forgiven that most people will go through life knowing not much more than their own me...this is ONLY the beginning of this answer...simple where it goes now. :-)
2015-07-29 13:49:15 UTC
Because everyone has their own ideas and opinions and we all need to accept people because if we all believed the same thing, our past would be SO much more evolved and since we couldn't bash people for religion and be like Isis and kill people who are different then the earth would be even more overpopulated
2015-07-31 18:52:20 UTC
I'm not an atheist. I am a Catholic and I believe we evolved. To what degree no one knows but it seems very clear that we did and do.
2015-08-04 12:54:31 UTC
Religion and science are different approaches to finding the truth (you might have posted in the wrong area, by the way). Religion focuses on faith, while science focuses on empirical evidence. Clearly you have read numerous religious tracts criticizing evolution. But if you are truly curious, I suggest you read some of the many books (some quite easy to understand) which explain the scientific basis for evolution and the voluminous evidence for it. Then you can honestly make up your own mind.
2015-07-17 09:51:24 UTC
You're right!! Christians have never evolved and atheists do have a heart and just feel sorry for you!
2015-08-01 10:03:04 UTC
ho is guiding us to be humans the way he sees fit. I mean, the average height in the 1600s was 5'6" tall, meanwhile the average height now is 6' tall. That is a change in the average human, and there for a change and a movement forward on the evolution chain. We just have to have faith that it is by the choice of God that we evolved a certain way, and that Ad
2015-07-29 12:43:31 UTC
Yes, we were created... by science and an evolutionary system. Can you seriously deny the odds that birds evolved from some dinosaurs or that some sea creatures evolved from prehistoric marine life?
2015-08-03 17:20:03 UTC
I hate to see people take a tool like this, one for asking questions and learning and turn it into a platform for spewing rhetoric. You aren't asking a question. You don't care "Why is it so hard...?" You just want to raise your rant in the most public place you can find. And you can be banned from Yahoo Answers for doing so.
2015-07-21 19:15:27 UTC
It doesn't matter because people will believe what is easiest to understand and make the most sense to their view of life and reality. That is their right and privilege as human beings who have their own views, right or wrong. Who is to say they are wrong? No one because in the end, it really doesn't make any difference if we were created or evolved..

probabaly both were involved and in the end all living things die.
2015-07-22 18:27:17 UTC
Evolution is obvious. What faith based people prefer to believe is their business but why don't they simply keep out of evolution discussions. They have nothing to back up what they say except what the bible says and that was put together by people that were only thinking based on what they wanted people to believe and what they deemed to be true. By refusing to see the obvious only drives people from their church. Religion has not kept up with the times and the brain God gave us.
Tyler L
2015-07-19 00:15:39 UTC
Fact of the matter is no matter what anyone says your mind is already set not to listen to anyone's opinion that doesn't match your own. Because your desert book says there is a God and God done said the desert book is true. So why do you question it? That's a sin you know 😏. Oops I forgot your covering your eye and ears and going "La-La-La, don't see nothing I'm not told to see"
2015-07-24 18:16:07 UTC
I think its because they are closed-minded and lack objectivity. I have personally debated this with atheists on numerous occasions. In said debates I refuted with scientific facts and logical aasserts everything they brought to me to prove human evolution is true. Despite all that though they still held to the belief that they are right and I am wrong.


This is not about me being right or them being wrong. I am merely pointing out how they refused to stand corrected when proven wrong and showed no objectivly and open-mindedness throughout.
2015-07-28 19:39:46 UTC
Um I think we as people need to like respect what we all believe in . No one knows the truth , and I'm certainly not going to sit her an tell you my theory because I don't know for a fact and not everyone's going to agree. It's such a controversial subject that everyone loves to fight about...atheist or not it shouldn't really matter on their theory and why they think that cause it's them not you lol
2015-07-31 10:04:00 UTC
Evolution is fact. The only reason it can't become a fact is because of religious ideas.

We were not created bearing this "current" appearance at the very beginning.

Religious belief is so strong to an individual that those will always want to deny the truth.
2015-07-31 21:20:46 UTC
Not all atheists believe in evolution. But to answer your question, there are elements in the theory of evolution that can be proven on a smaller scale; the difference is that some people do not believe these can happen on a much larger scale (for various reasons). Those who believe in the theory evolution do believe these can happen on a larger scale.
John R
2015-07-20 22:46:22 UTC
Why is it that Christians can't see that the evolution could be true? There is some tangible truth to evolution. There is absolutely no proof of god. There is no proof that the bible is true so that can not be used to give proof of god. How can people believe in any religion since there is no proof of it's truth. If someone can give me proof that there is a god or that any religion is based on facts, I will believe in and follow that religion.
Jake Rodgers
2015-07-24 21:53:51 UTC
Some of the atheist beleifs make sense but the fact that our brains or eyes never evolved kind of disproves evolution
2015-07-21 13:13:29 UTC
One particular view is just simply more popular. When you look for something you will find it. Non Christian scientist find proof of evolution because they look for it. Christian scientist find proof of creation because they look for it. the truth is both may dazzle people with formulas and fossils and college degrees but in reality we just only have a very basic understanding of our history on this planet and though we may know more then before much of our knowledge is based on speculation that seems to back up theories which are no more then educated guesses.
2015-07-29 18:24:13 UTC
The link you linked us to simply means chimpanzees evolved further than us in hands. When evolution gave us smarter brains, chimpanzees received better hands, because the human race has spread farther and wider in the last 10000 years, but chimpanzees were still a minority, so natural selection found a chimpanzee with more advanced hands and those chimpanzees survived better than the chimpanzees who did not have those hands.
2015-07-26 19:20:25 UTC
Ok all of you Christians and Catholics and whatever else religions you all are out there, explain this to me, you are telling me that god id the only way to get into heaven? So what about the poor little African boy who has never heard of god or Jesus, who literally cannot worship them...are you trying to tell me that God is going to punish that little boy with all eternity burning in a fiery hell? If that's God's idea of justice then god sounds like a pretty big ******** to me. And what about the Muslim religion, strap on a bomb and blow yourself up and then you get to spend all of eternity with 72 horny virgins? How does religion make sense to any of you, to anyone but a psycho?

If anyone can explain that to me I'll go straight to the nearest church and apologise to god himself for the lifetime of doubt.
2015-08-03 10:44:03 UTC
It should be obvious that God created himself. How could he not have? If he didn't create himself, who did? It couldn't have been another god, because there is only one. Here is my theory about how he created himself: After millions of years of evolution, humans become more advanced, and become bionic. After millions more years of evolution, one human becomes better than all the rest, and gains the capability of creating other beings, and living forever. After millions more years of learning how to create stuff, that being invents a time machine, goes back to the beginning of time, and creates the universe. And then, to make sure he really exists, he creates himself. It's that simple.
2015-07-19 12:16:28 UTC
Why is it so hard for you to be accepting of other religion's beliefs!? if you are strong in your faith what does some one else's opinions matter. An immortal omnipotent being in the sky that created the universe in 7 days, who sacrificed his only son and "perfect" man for our sins, who created women from a man's rib, and is judgmental of shellfish, clothes of different fabrics, and homosexuals, sounds JUST as crazy as the idea that we were created through billions and billions of years of natural selection and evolution. More importantly, why does it matter HOW we got here? We are here and if we spend our time arguing and wondering where we come from, we won't be able to enjoy our lives while we live them.
Aurora Dawn
2015-07-21 11:27:47 UTC
Because this is the prevailing belief taught in schools. Personally I think public schools should have to teach Creation along side Evolution and Christians schools should have to teach evolution alongside Creationism. I went to a Christian school with one-sided teaching and don't have the knowledge I need to defend my faith. If you teach only one side of an issue, how can you expect your students to be able to speak intelligently about that subject?
2015-07-31 20:49:02 UTC
Why should you care? How does one persons beliefs affect yours?

Im atheist, but I don't go shoving the theory of evolution down people's throats. As you as a Christian, should not shove the theory of creation down atheists throats.

The world would go on a great deal faster if people minded their own business.
2015-07-29 12:49:59 UTC
Because we did truly evolve. We didn't come from the ground or from some fictional character. We came from nature
2015-07-16 06:38:52 UTC
he craves attention and thinks it's cool. his decision has nothing to do with science or he couldn't come to such an absurd decision . if you'll notice he always use the cliches about what science is and never what science actually is . it's because he wants to take something that's proven wrong and argue that it's right. you remember the little spoiled snobs who always did this not because they thought they were right but for the attention and to show they could waste everyone's time and succeed in having it their way.
2015-07-17 06:44:49 UTC
These are not mutually exclusive concepts.The Bible says God created some things in a day,but a day on earth is an arbitrary number- a day to God,who has no time limitaions,could easily be a million years
2015-07-27 21:55:30 UTC
It is hard for them because they know that we DID EVOLVE. Man do questions like yours make me believe this world is going to end soon. People as dumb as you are so intolerable. If you asked that question around me irl I'd find it hard not to stab you in every inch of your filthy flesh sack.
Jeremy Kraska
2015-07-20 18:50:15 UTC
Why is it that people are still so delusional? Religion and gods(Myths) had their place in the past as a way to explain everything that a primitive person did not understand. Science has more then advanced enough that this ridiculous notions of religion is absurd.
2015-08-01 17:43:42 UTC
Lets see, a theory backed by fact and checked through the scientific process thought of by modern scientists or desert book written thousands of years ago with little to no factual or historically accurate content. Which one should I believe.
Alpha Beta
2015-07-18 18:04:37 UTC
What part of "you're wrong" don't you understand? There is overwhelming evidence (actual facts that are repeatable through experiment) and prove life evolved. It's not a question.

Creationists can't provide a single piece of evidence showing a creator, providing creation or anything close. There isn't even a reasonable theory for a god or a creator. Until there is. god is a philosophy at best, and wishful thinking for sure.
2015-07-18 15:58:49 UTC
Because we did evolve, and there is a multitude of evidence to prove it. Anyone who claims evolution is not true does not understand anything about Science and how it is done.
2015-07-31 13:30:43 UTC
Athiests never want to admit that God exist, no matter how painfully obvious he does exist. They always try to find ways, to disprove God and The Bible. Remember this, there is no such thing as a true athiest. All atheists are athiest for a reason.
2015-07-22 19:37:42 UTC
Y is it so hard for religious person (may I assume Christian?) to see that we evolved??

I remember telling one Prot frined that I believe in God guided evolution, Y not? I enjoy being related to other animals: they have gifts I/ we don't.
2015-08-01 17:45:52 UTC
The flaw which I find with this ultimate creator theory is simple:

If a supreme being created us, then who created the supreme being?

A little thought upon this matter would state that,

Man created this supreme being.

That is the conclusion which I reached.

Apart from that, just remember that religion is yours, and only yours to follow. It is your point of view which is not meant to be forced, or implied upon others.
2015-07-20 04:17:21 UTC
You can believe in God and evolution. The two aren't mutually exclusive. I believe that the Creator made the earth as science has found it, starting out with only tiny amoebas, but that s/he then carefully shaped the path of evolution to end up with us. See? It's a perfectly reasonable theory. And there is concrete proof that evolution occurred, so the findings can be trusted. Believing in science doesn't have to stop belief in God.
2015-07-26 00:58:11 UTC
Because evolution does exist and there is evidence to support it. There is no evidence of creationism whatsoever. Science does not know the actual origin of life so creationism is possible. There just isn't evidence to support it. But to day evolution does not exist is frankly moronic
2015-07-17 16:36:13 UTC
ok, don't get me wrong, I'm not an atheist, but my dad is. Everyone has their own beliefs. I don't think people should be making such huge deals of atheists, they're completely harmless, they just believe different things. No one actually does know the truth, it's just what different people believe and people should at least accept everyone's beliefs. You don't have to believe it yourself, but you should still accept it. I'm so sick of these pointless arguments about atheists. They're just people who believe different things.
2015-07-22 07:52:15 UTC
Because they do not just see, they assess and analyse and arrive at a logical answer. If there is no logic, they will not see but investigate to figure out the most intellectual understanding possible, or offer a series of options.
2015-07-25 05:04:35 UTC
It's hard to see that we never evolved, because that's not where the evidence leads.
2015-07-19 02:47:12 UTC
What is wrong with you people? The Theory of Evolution was embraced and accepted by the great majority of Anglican clergy when it was first published. To a Christian it negates nothing but a childish and childlike approach to Biblical texts. Did not Paul say "When I became a man I put away childish things"?
2015-07-25 16:08:27 UTC
Damn this got a lot of answers. Anyways I would just say research and also maybe research other religions so you dont be bias and just claim your god is the right answer. If you do and still come to the conclusion you want then I respect you for at least trying and more power to you.
2015-07-28 19:17:20 UTC
Evolution is a lot more logical than a magic man in the sky who created everything. Besides where's your proof of creationism? Oh that's right, you have none
2015-07-19 14:38:37 UTC
Atheist are always complaining about religious stuff every where but they say it's not real. I don't complain about seeing a bunch of unicorns even though they aren't real. I want to know if we evolved from monkey, why do are monkeys not extinct.
2015-07-23 02:42:09 UTC
Why do people believe in a god that was written about in a book wrote by man? Why are Christians so hateful towards people, when in the bible it says to love everyone no matter what and hate they're sin? Why do women have political power, go to college, have jobs, why aren't they in the kitchen and cleaning my house.... In the bible it says women are suppose to perform and do what ever a man says.
2015-07-21 19:58:27 UTC
Bottom line an atheist is never going to accept that God created what we see, so thus it is easier for an atheist to accept an earth that went thru evolutionary change.
2015-08-03 21:13:10 UTC
They are the powplenwho want proof of our existence from the beginning of time. They want to see how we came about and where we came from. They don't believe that a single man created all these things out of nowhere
2015-08-01 02:52:48 UTC
so when all animals plants and extinct species die they all go to heaven?

has anyone even seen a god?

I bet you believe in fairy tales, father Christmas and the tooth fairy too...

Science gives us the only answers to questions like these not a so called god. stupid people along time ago used to believe thunder and so on were created by gods it was only a matter of time before they found out the truth and eventually you dumbbells will to. There is no god get used to it....
2015-07-16 11:02:12 UTC
Creation = Evolution. Creation is what GOD DO. EVOLUTION is what Humanity can learn about what GOD DO. No creature ever evolved. SPECIES evolution for survival IS WHAT CREATION IS ALL ABOUT.

Even EINSTEIN found that a billion years is like the single day of YESTERDAY. GOD THE ALMIGHTY IS TIME.
2015-07-24 06:22:38 UTC
The AIDS virus EVOLVED from the HIV virus, science proves this. This in itself shows evolution at work. If you do not accept that then you have to accept that the AIDS virus was created as it is by your god in order to inflict unimaginable pain and suffering on his supposedly loved creations. This makes your god a bit of an a***hole
2015-07-19 13:10:26 UTC
"We" as in humans, never evolved, no. It is Life as a whole that grows, finds various pathways depending on conditions, and survives in various forms. Evolution doesn't mean "came from", nor "got better than"...Why is it so hard for creationists and intelligent designers to first READ about a complex subject before they argue against it ?!
2015-07-31 23:33:26 UTC
Because they are blinded by the enemy. Satan wants them to think that God didn't create man and woman in his image. Once they become saved through Jesus, their blindfolds will be stripped away and they will see the truth. The bible tells in 1 Corinthians 2:14 -The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.
2015-07-24 05:44:10 UTC
People have there own views, and own mind. If we didn't this world would be a boring place. So be thankful we all have different views, because then you would have never been able to create this argument on YA
2015-07-19 21:31:39 UTC
So far any theory about creation by believers of any religion. The theory of evolution is a Scientific theory. €May be this could also not be correct. May be nobody knows the entire truth. But if you donot know the truth, it is best to say that we don't know instead of telling cock and bull stories about creation.
2015-07-16 02:32:25 UTC
It is natural for huwomen to crave a fantasy illusion to help explain what appears to be inexplicable. Creationism is one such illusion and the brainwashing used by religion to reinforce the concept serves only to further distance mainstream society from the plethora of religious fundamentalists pushing the world to war.
2015-07-26 04:37:38 UTC
Because the reality is we did evolve.

We're not here for nothing, for no reason, and from no source.

And god don't exist.
save us
2015-07-18 03:36:36 UTC
Because there is mountains of evidence that we evolved and none that we were created. One thing that does not evolve though - creationist arguments.
2015-08-04 09:25:36 UTC
Here's a good reason: i assume you believe in Adam and Eve, well, that's impossible, because if we all came from the same 2 people we would all beinbrother's and sisters having sex with our
2015-07-27 16:39:54 UTC
well there really is not any solid proof that we evolved or not. there are fossils and stuff like that but everyone has their own opinion i believe it never happened. that fish we evolved into humans is kinda far fetched but really everyone has their own opinions. and we cant forget the aregument that mac made in always sunny. sometimes science is wrong sometimes. but evolution is just a theory there has never been solid proof so just tell him that and also you know if you believe in evolution then your gay
2015-07-24 15:03:53 UTC
Sorry to say but we have evolved from "cavemen" If you like science even a tad bit you would understand. We have reasons to believe in evolution WE HAVE FACTS, you have god which I am not saying does not exist but Athetist live on facts not just opinions.... Just like the who "flat earth senerio". mostly everyone believed that but as it turned out it is not true and science just won its battle.
2015-07-16 23:17:09 UTC
Why is it so hard for you people to just accept that other people believe in different things to you and to not discriminate just because of differences. That is how wars begin. Quit making rifts between people and live together as equals.
John S
2015-07-16 10:40:50 UTC
Evolution has nothing to do with atheism. Evolution is the standard model of origin of species.

The evidence supporting evolution is, in a word, overwhelming, as it includes the general pattern of

all organisms living and extinct and all of genetics.
2015-07-19 15:52:56 UTC

1. Nobody knows that the world has from the beginning.

2. Atheist - they are just ________ . They must know that if they are living today is because of GOD

3. They are playing with GOD. Even God will keep its silence up to a limited level. If it goes beyond nature will take over this planet


2015-07-25 21:50:33 UTC
I hope you know that the people who wrote the bible said that there was no evolution because they didn't know what the frick evolution actually was, in fact they also believed the earth was flat. they were just people and they didn't have any other way of explaining how we got here, but now there is actual proof. like actual proven facts that show evidence of evolution.
2015-07-28 13:57:50 UTC
Evolution teaches that life flows from lesser to greater, from the first cell onward to larger and more intelligent forms of life. That which is lesser however, does not have the ingredients necessary to produce a being greater than itself. Only a greater intelligence can produce a lesser being. Life therefore flows from greater to lesser.
2015-07-21 01:09:16 UTC
Your premise is based on the mistaken notion that evolution takes a few years or a few centuries to occur when, in fact, evolution is a process that takes place during the span of hundreds of thousands of years.
2015-07-29 09:17:21 UTC
Simple answer: They don't believe in God. Don't waste your time trying to figure out why. They don't understand the concept of faith in God and having a relationship with God. For them it's all about science and the tangible things they see.
2015-07-25 20:34:22 UTC
If the world was created, wouldn't evolution also be possible? If god created all, wouldn't god be capable of creating a chain of events leading into one creature turning into another? God makes the rain right? And the wind? How would he or she be capable of creating a Eco system without also being capable of creating evolution?
2015-07-28 08:09:20 UTC
The mystifying complexity of the human brain will never be fully understood by scientists. We were created to reign over all other species on our tiny speck in the vast universe. PS Think about it... I admire people who seek to know the universe, but I am in AWE of the people who ask where the universe is located!!
Adullah M
2015-07-22 21:55:06 UTC
They mistakenly think that Nature has its own power to originate and control the rule of evolution that would continue eternally non stop.

The first question for them to be answered is ,what is nature,how is it originated .the next problem is the nature came first or Energy ,mass,space and time came first,if the nature came first ,where does it come from and how can it continue with out ending ,while the time itself having the nature of originating ,continue and then ended.
2015-07-18 08:58:13 UTC
since evolution was started and maintained mostly by churchgoing scientists, blaming your problems on 'atheists' makes no sense. most christian groups support evolution to some extent. also, this question belongs under religion, not biology.
2015-07-21 09:16:48 UTC
2015-07-21 17:35:35 UTC
It's obvious to me that you never evolved, but creationism is completely unprovable.
2015-08-01 00:09:07 UTC
At this point it is all a matter of opinion. There is no definitive proof (as in recorded and validated evidence) of either evolution or creation. It is a matter of what you think fills the gap.
2015-07-26 21:21:02 UTC
Why is it so hard for some Christians to see that evolution and some form of creation are not intrinsically and diametrically opposed?
2015-07-28 19:48:58 UTC
Because we did evolve
2015-07-17 12:18:25 UTC
i find it fascinating when people choose to be ignorant.


Like these other foundational scientific theories, the theory of evolution is supported by so many observations and confirming experiments that scientists are confident that the basic components of the theory will not be overturned by new evidence
Philip B
2015-07-17 00:13:24 UTC
Perhaps there could be a separate section of YA created especially for those who continue to ask these rhetorical questions to hide in while the rest of us can continue to get on with life...
2015-07-16 12:23:18 UTC
Evolution is a an undeniable fact. This is something I have told several people, look down at your bare feet, that is one of the biggest similarities between us and apes.
2015-08-04 13:33:29 UTC
Science is observation. No one was there to observe the beginning so evolution or creation, it's a belief system. If they have faith in evolution there's not much you can do to shake that faith, the same way nothing will shake your faith in creation.
2015-07-22 03:52:37 UTC
How can you be so ******* stupid, first of evolution is real it happened its apart of our existence, is been proven. This is not just some made up theory religion is made up always has, the idea of religion is to keep people in line controlled balanced out, to make us that we have the illusion of believe.
2015-08-02 16:48:02 UTC
Why can't you grammar well? Obviously you haven't evolved yet past the caveman stage.
2015-07-31 17:24:11 UTC
It,s hard because they are to intelligent to believe something as stupid as creation and a supreme being. Also you are two things, a physical body and a energy(spirit) body which continues to live after your physical body dies and anyone who dosen,t believe this is really the ignorant one.
2015-07-16 01:01:09 UTC
did Darwin prove species can evolve from another species.he has only observed evolution with in a specie.
2015-08-02 19:06:08 UTC
Obviously you did not, Mr Australopithecus bosai. Clearly you are a example of a rock for a brain
2015-07-29 07:43:46 UTC
2015-08-01 07:17:42 UTC
"Why is it so hard for atheist to see that we never evolved?"

Speak for yourself
2015-07-16 00:43:11 UTC
We did evolve. On Pluto.
2015-07-26 09:17:48 UTC
Since they think there is no god or religoin they think that even though we have welcomed gay/ lesbian people in to out society, that we have not done much because they were already welcomed by many athiest before the the government did anyway
2015-07-27 15:46:43 UTC
Science is reserved for those who have grown their curly hairs, and have come to realize religious texts are not enough... If you don't want to learn more, then just simply don't get involved.
2015-07-31 18:52:50 UTC
Evolution is a belief system like creationism, but people who believe in evolution think that only is the only possible conclusion.
Campbell Hayden
2015-07-19 07:38:41 UTC
OK, we'll take your word for it ...

you theists never evolved, and that's what makes Atheists so impatient.

PLEASE CHANGE = It is *SO* difficult to communicate with lower life-forms such as yourselves.

Thank You.
2015-07-25 09:12:38 UTC
why in the world is this in mythology and folklore? Everyone has their own opinion and different beliefs. You believe what you believe and they believe what they believe. They are going by what they think is right. Don't call someone ignorant because someone has different views than you, that is ignorance in itself...
2015-07-30 01:08:38 UTC
An overly obsessive religious person is as annoying as an overly aggressive atheist.
2015-07-23 23:44:11 UTC
You must either be a troll or a very ignorant person. Evolution is an established faxt
2015-07-30 14:32:01 UTC
Evolution can be proven thru the birth process inside the womb of a woman..Evolution doesn't discredit God or the creation theory either.
2015-07-21 17:26:20 UTC
Why does it matter what atheist think? Most of us will leave you alone as long as you leave us alone. Don't shove your beliefs down others throats. It's simply disrespectful.
2015-07-20 11:55:57 UTC
Its hard for atheists to see because they don't want to believe the bible and no ones ever preached the bible to them and they just font want to believe there's a god
Ursus Particularies
2015-08-03 12:35:22 UTC
We all are evolving, except you. At least until you decide to "Become perfect, like your Heavenly Father."
2015-07-29 06:25:26 UTC
You don't have to be an atheist to believe this.
2015-07-22 04:32:42 UTC
The link you provided talks about evolution as truth, not anything mentioned abut creation. Learn to red and then learn to understand that which you read.
2015-07-28 03:46:24 UTC
You've evolved to ask the question, otherwise you would still be religious.
Jamison W
2015-07-26 20:56:22 UTC
Do you honestly think the earth and entire universe is only 6000 years old? Would you not forgive hitter for murdering Jews when "GOD" wiped every man off the face of the planet?
2015-07-22 18:28:50 UTC
Science has shown that we have EVOVED, now I'm not saying that someone or something didn't help, but everything was not created by one person simply to be destroyed by "his" creation.
2015-07-26 14:21:38 UTC
I dont' believe in anything becase I have never seen anything. Doesn't mean everyone else has to
Scott B
2015-08-01 21:27:38 UTC
An atheist does not believe we were created by God, they believe we came by evolution, from the ape
2015-07-26 10:05:43 UTC
Because we took off the blinders and had a look. It's obvious to those that can see.
2015-08-04 16:20:11 UTC
We have. Science also says our brains are shrinking because we no longer have to store a lot of information in our tiny little brains.
2015-07-15 09:09:26 UTC
Very "creative" your rant. It's not really a question but a violation of YA TOS. So while you are fuming that the world is passing you by, and your knowledge isn't sufficient to bolster your faith...

Let's talk about evolution but on my terms. A person poses a rhetorical question on Y!, usually with no knowledge of evolutionary principles, the nature of science, or the evidence for change over time. S/he may provide unreferenced quotes, misquotes, made up quotes, misstatements, YouTube videos, or Creationist websites. S/he usually doesn't know that evolution has NOTHING to do with the origin of life, which is the science of abiogenesis. And the person's only alternative, whether stated or not, is a supernatural origin (Creationism) for the species diversity we see today.

So.... thanks for the opportunity to present references to readers that might never have seen Creationism exposed as a non-science, and evolution shown as very much a falsifiable set of predictions and mechanisms to explain the diversity of life on this planet. In 150 years of research in the fields of biology, biogeography, geology, molecular biology, anthropology, paleontology, population genetics, and others, the theory of evolution has been modified (see below for the definition of a theory), but never falsified.

If I were to suggest only one thing for you to read, it would be the 2005 court case where Creationists pushing Intelligent Design wanted it taught in the science curriculum of public schools as science. The conservative judge, after hearing evidence in a court of law, including testimony from the leading Creationists, ruled that Creationism was a religious approach and not scientific. Creationism/Intelligent Design did not use the methods of science and had no evidence to support it. Here is the full judge's decision which prohibited the teaching of ID in the science curriculum:


and a quote from his conclusion: "In making this determination, we have addressed the seminal question of whether ID is science. We have concluded that it is not, and moreover that ID cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents."

Also you should see the position of the National Academy of Sciences. If you haven't heard of them: "The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. Scientists are elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research. The NAS is committed to furthering science in America, and its members are active contributors to the international scientific community. Nearly 500 members of the NAS have won Nobel Prizes, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, founded in 1914, is today one of the premier international journals publishing the results of original research."

This is part of a statement by them about evolutionary theory.... "The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence.

Many scientific theories are so well-established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially. For example, no new evidence will demonstrate that the Earth does not orbit around the sun (heliocentric theory), or that living things are not made of cells (cell theory), that matter is not composed of atoms, or that the surface of the Earth is not divided into solid plates that have moved over geological timescales (the theory of plate tectonics). Like these other foundational scientific theories, the theory of evolution is supported by so many observations and confirming experiments that scientists are confident that the basic components of the theory will not be overturned by new evidence. However, like all scientific theories, the theory of evolution is subject to continuing refinement as new areas of science emerge or as new technologies enable observations and experiments that were not possible previously"
2015-07-15 05:42:59 UTC
‘Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.’-Dawkins

This is why I don't take evolutionists seriously.
2015-07-15 05:41:07 UTC
Gee, maybe because all the evidence points to evolution. If you can't see that it's because your mind is nailed shut.
2015-07-15 22:39:50 UTC
......well i could see where you are comming from i mean you certainly have NOT evolved... but you wernt created by anything smart either so.......
2015-07-15 21:19:20 UTC
2015-07-15 15:40:50 UTC
I believe that you had never evolved but the fact that you had never evolved, doesn't mean that others don't do it.
D g
2015-07-15 14:41:17 UTC
the sole reason god threw out adam and eve from the garden of eden was because they ate of the tree of knowledge if only they were as smart as you we would STILL BE THERE NAKED... WITH a god who intended us to be dumb as sheep..
2015-07-15 13:30:37 UTC
I fail to see the difference between "Evolution" and "Creation" except in time frame. What the deuce is the difference between changing a life form into what it is TODAY over millions of years, than "Poof ! there it is"?-------The Bible never said "Creation" was a "Poof!" or a slow shaping.-------And what difference would it make to God?--it's his own time.

God left evidence "Creation" was a slow shaping. (Evolution) ---- POOF! is just some man's INTERPRETATION of Scripture. before the evidence was found.-----Science and Scripture must work together to find the real truth.
2015-07-15 13:28:45 UTC
Suppose I were to show you a Young Earth Creationist Website that said evolution happened (Their version is wrong, but it is evolution none the less). Would you accept it then?
2015-07-15 12:39:23 UTC
are you really gonna use the term 'ignorant' for your rant? really.

i guess you could say that 'maybe god put evidence there to test us' or some other creative excuse. i'm being neutral here, excuse me if i sound rude. but what that article says is just another science fact, you're just connecting it up to religion as people connect a random old lady looking suspicious as part of the illuminati.

why not put it into perspective:

god created the big bang, and if he really is 'almighty', he's far more than the human mind could ever imagine, he 'created' the phrase 'more than the human mind could ever imagine', so he has to be MUCH beyond what we could ever deceive, right?

- from a rational non-believer.
2015-07-15 12:37:17 UTC
Being an atheist has nothing to do with believing in evolution. An atheist is just one person that doesn't believe that there is an external power/deity. Why people seem to think that they are the same/interchangeable is beyond me.

To the original question however (doesn't really seem like a answerable question as there is no "right or wrong" answer) it is due to the extraordinary amounts of evidence to support it. To be created by an all powerful being in 7 days does not seem like a viable answer. Let alone that the earth is only 7000 years old is also a ridiculous stance as there are billions of different evidence pointing to show otherwise. I truly cannot wait until these people die off so we can progress in the world & not have people screaming with their ears closed not opening their eyes to what is around them.
2015-07-15 12:31:52 UTC
yes, indeed.
2015-07-15 09:59:17 UTC
This comment speaks the truth.

You never evolved.
2015-07-15 08:47:20 UTC
what is "pure creation"?

you mean there is nothing then "hocus pocus" and there is life?

All I can say is that believing in "magic" is just "pure imagination" or "pure ignorance"
2015-07-15 08:42:22 UTC
Perhaps because the majority of Christians accept that we did...including:

Theodosius Dobzhansky, a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church. He was a geneticist and evolutionary biologist, and wrote "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."

and his pupil, Francisco J. Ayala, an evolutionary biologist and. one-time Dominican priest.

You're not even losing the right battle.
Tracy Love
2015-07-15 08:18:14 UTC
Your loyalty to your group will cause mental dysfunction over time, that is what Alzheimer's Syndrome is all about.
2015-07-15 06:54:58 UTC
A FAMOUS atheist gave his honest answer for many a believer in evolution:

*** g82 9/8 p. 4 Can a Realist Believe in God? ***

There is another reason why some claim not to believe in God. Sometimes they use science as a cover for deeper motives. Consider what atheist Aldous Huxley wrote: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning; consequently assumed that it had none.” What were his motives? “For myself, as, no doubt, for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation. The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality"

YOU MIGHT think on the 6 min. audio & article "Creation or Evolution?---Part 3 :Why Believe in Creation? This involving young people in a quest & answer dialogue!
2015-07-15 06:26:24 UTC
Evolution is real and it is constantly happening do you know why? Do you ever heard about extinction? It is a natural thing and many species extinct every passing year. And many species appear to balance this. Sadly humans broke this balance but it still keeps happening. If you don't believe in evolution then you refuse dogs, wolves, foxes, dingos, wild dogs etc are relatives, same goes for all cats (lions,tigers...) . And how do you explain that those animals can have babies(infertile). How can you explain that we don't have a tail but we have the structure for it. Besides evolution never tells we were monkeys before it just tells that we are far relatives. It is different.
2015-07-15 06:01:43 UTC
There is so much evidence for evolution that it's unbelievable. If I take you to a museem and show you the skulls of different human species where you can see how evolution has made the skull bigger and bigger over a span of 100 000 years you as a Christian will go from left to right: "Monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, man". And in your mind you will see no link between those species. I don't think you are blind or stupid but your faith has made you blind.
2015-07-15 05:57:38 UTC
Because the evidence shows we did. Oh, and please tell HOW we were created? I'd love to see how God does that.
2015-07-15 05:47:52 UTC
Because it's taught in schools and uni/college as pure truth and most people never get told about the proof of creation.
2015-07-15 05:46:53 UTC
Why is it so hard for atheist to see that we never evolved?

I suspect you have not read beyond the headline.

"Humans and chimps diverged from a common ancestor perhaps about 7 million years ago, and their hands now look very different." A direct quote from the opening of the second paragraph.

Here is some help with your obvious misconceptions about evolution,
Ghost Of Christmas Past
2015-07-15 05:42:45 UTC
Why is it so hard for creationists to realise that their daft ideas bring Christianity into disrepute.
2015-07-15 18:12:08 UTC
That's not how science works, you little shi t.
2015-07-15 17:52:39 UTC
I think people are being harsh with your post and it seems they really haven't evolved since they're ranting like a bunch of children over it. The answer to that question is because like everything else it's a system of belief. People here need to learn to EVOLVE and choose to respect and love others BEFORE they believe in evolution imo.
2015-07-24 04:48:53 UTC
Watch the foundational falsehoods of creationism by Aronra on YouTube.
2015-08-03 05:26:11 UTC
why do you want to proof to them so hard they you never did evolve?
2015-07-18 10:12:29 UTC
Everyone is entitled to his/her belief. You have no proof. Open your closed mind and try to see through another person's eyes.
2015-07-22 09:46:15 UTC
And why dont christians learn to stop trying to change atheists? Like what the hell? Everyone has opinions let us be damn
2015-07-30 17:17:32 UTC
i jack off 8 times a day
2015-07-25 16:55:17 UTC
no scientific evidence for god.

If you believe in the bible, then you would have to come up with an explanation of why you don't believe/worship the gods of other religions.
2015-07-24 11:23:33 UTC
Go to bed, Ray Comfort.Kirk Cameron will be along to tuck you in soon.

EDIT: And take your f ucking Crocoduck plushie with you, noone takes you seriously... I was gonna say "anymore" but "ever" works much better.
2015-07-26 10:34:41 UTC
First of all, they need to realize that bananas are actually berries. Then, they will notice how a blueberry is also a berry and how they are connected. Seeing this connection, will help them see the connection between creation and the created. Thanks.
2015-07-28 23:23:20 UTC
Because every respected scientist in the world says it's just not so.
2015-07-26 13:28:03 UTC
It is an imperical mind-set that employs the scientific method of discovery.

Perhaps an emotional response is required here...?
Billy Butthead
2015-07-22 07:46:50 UTC
2015-07-26 10:12:29 UTC
I think that is due to the fact that evolution is a scientific theory, rather than a religious idea.
2015-07-28 06:21:10 UTC
The romans were shorter than we are now. We have already had evolutions in our own recorded histories.

And even minor growths in our own lifetime.
careening okapi
2015-07-21 01:36:20 UTC
We have evolved like any other animal; there is no God.
Presuppositional Atheist
2015-07-18 01:14:58 UTC
I, myself am an atheist as you could probably tell from my username, and I have my reasons.

Evolution is a theory and more so a fact because it has been tested, applied and is empirically evident. We have not observed human evolution but we have observed the fossils of older types of hominids.

These antiquated human beings (homo erectus) had different shaped heads that dissent from the modern human skulls.

What happened to this archaic subspecies? Why they evolved into us!

There's a reason we all look different- natural selection. We all evolved according to our geographical environments.

One does not have to look far to find examples of natural selection in everyday life. Antibiotic-resistance demonstrated by bacteria is a demonstration of natural selection that has provided a great advantage to the bacteria, while causing significant health concerns to humans. Random mutations occur at a basal level within the bacteria. One or more of these chance mutations confers resistance to a particular antibiotic, therefore allowing that bacterial cell to survive while the other cells are killed by the antibiotic. This bacterial cell survives and is able to reproduce, passing on the mutation conferring the antibiotic-resistance to its progeny. This carries on for generations, which for bacteria can occur rather rapidly, and eventually the original population of antibiotic-susceptible bacteria has been killed by the antibiotic while the progeny of the mutated antibiotic-resistant bacterial cell flourish. Similarly speaking, events such as these can give rise to pollution-degrading bacteria and pesticide-resistant insects.

Another popular example used to demonstrate natural selection is the English peppered moth, Biston betularia. Prior to the industrial revolution, the light-colored form of the moth was the most abundant form in England. Its speckled, light colored wings blended in very easily with the lighter colored bark found on many of the common trees of England, while it would stand out against a darker colored background. Its color served to camouflage it on the trees to hide from predation by birds. However, a new dark-colored form of moth was observed in the mid-1800s and this dark-colored moth became the most abundant form in certain environments by near the turn of the century. The dark-colored moth is extremely difficult to see against a darker background, however would stand out in a lighter area. This change in the population of the moth from light- to dark-colored was attributed to natural selection for the dark-colored variety as a result of the production of soot from the burning of coal at the start of the industrial revolution. The soot covered certain areas of England, creating very dark/black surfaces that the light-colored form of the moth could not “blend into,” and the dark-colored moths were provided an advantage for survival with their dark-colored camouflage against soot covered surfaces. The lighter-colored moths were more common in non-sooty regions, while the dark-colored forms of the moth became the majority in soot-covered areas. Air quality regulations in recent years has greatly reduced the prevalence of soot and, as one might expect, the numbers of the dark-colored form of moths have substantially decreased and may be near extinction within the next few decades.
2015-07-20 18:10:09 UTC
Your question: "Why is it so hard for atheist to see that we never evolved?"

Your unreasoning: "Its pure creation. These atheist keep finding more and more new research about how the world was CREATED and how we ere CREATED, but they are still too ignorant to realise that its creation not (evo-delusion )"

The Internet link you have supplied is unrelated to your question or your unreasoning so I will not cite it in my answer.

For the sort of question you are asking, along with your claim, we need a working definition. The following will do (if you have something else in mind, it is your responsibility to communicate it):



1. to develop or cause to develop gradually

2. (intransitive) (of animal or plant species) to undergo evolution

3. to yield, emit, or give off (heat, gas, vapour, etc)


Your premises:

Human beings have not evolved.

Human beings were created.

Your conclusion:

Human beings have not evolved and were created.

Your modus operandi:

Begging the question, "Please believe that human beings were created and have never changed over historical over the history of the planet Earth."


Obviously you are lying or grossly mistaken or both, perhaps seeking to amuse yourself or perhaps employed to post spam on this site. Whatever your motivation, it is up to the claimant (you) to supply proof of your claims.

You have supplied nothing at all.

I am sure to die one day and so are you. Personally I prefer to make the world a better place during that time, you prefer to spread unwarranted claims contrary to reality and to turn human beings against each other based on that nonsense.

Nothing good can come from your agenda. Nothing good has come from that sort of social cognition for the entire known history of our species. Only ignorance and delusion, hatred and violence, and irrational, antisocial discrimination based on the latter items has been associated with your sort of paradigm.

Your allies in the war on humanity are equally inclined, and not because they are unaware of the adverse effects, but rather because they prefer to employ the adverse effects on society as a diversion of public attention away from their more nefarious deeds:

"Jeb Bush embraces the narrative of Christian victimhood... Jeb Bush traveled to Virginia to give the commencement address at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University... 'The stories vary, year after year, but the storyline is getting familiar: The progressive political agenda is ready for its next great leap forward, and religious people or churches are getting in the way. Our friends on the Left like to view themselves as the agents of change and reform, and you and I are supposed to just get with the program... There are consequences when you don’t genuflect to the latest secular dogmas. And those dogmas can be hard to keep up with.'[quoteing Jeb Bush]"

by Paul Waldman, 11 May 2015, The Washington Post


He learned that tactic from his equally intolerant father:

“No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.”

– George H.W. Bush, 27 August 1987

"Obama’s Pastor [Jeremiah Wright] . . . Sen. Obama said, 'I don't think my church is actually particularly controversial.' He said Rev. Wright 'is like an old uncle who says things I don't always agree with,' ... . An ABC News review of dozens of Rev. Wright's sermons . . . found repeated denunciations of the U.S. … [Rev. Wright] told his congregation on the Sunday after Sept. 11, 2001 that the United States had brought on al Qaeda's attacks because of its own terrorism. “We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye,” Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001.”

by BRIAN ROSS and REHAB EL-BURI, March 13, 2008, ABC News


“... I believe that God created the universe and that the six days in the Bible may not be six days as we understand it, it may not be 24-hour days, and that's what I believe. . . . My belief is that the story that the Bible tells about God creating this magnificent Earth on which we live -- that is essentially true, that is fundamentally true." -- Barack Obama, 2008

by Nick Wing, 21 November 2012, The Huffington Post

• are on our own.

And so on. It is a very old strategy of abuse of human culture and human beings. There is far too much evidence showing how widespread and common the tactic is used to post it all here.
2015-07-27 13:28:55 UTC
I don't know why you are worried about beliefs of atheists. I don't worry about what you believe.
2015-07-23 00:50:00 UTC
Its better than believing in a flying ghost that decides whether or not you go to heaven or hell based on what you do on earth.
2015-08-01 16:39:32 UTC
Why is it so hard for you to put an 's' after "atheist"?
2015-07-26 13:19:45 UTC
You are a troll looking for a "viral" yahoo answer. With that in mind, the true answer to this question is - you are an attention whore.
2015-08-01 17:57:26 UTC
I completely agree with you. I was with God when He created you unangelic humans, you were the reason I was kicked out of Heaven and into Hell #TroublesOfAFallenAngel
2015-07-24 08:40:14 UTC
Everything has evolved. Do you believe in the bible? The bible says that Methuselah was 969 years old when he died.
2015-07-31 00:16:26 UTC
I'll just leave you to your fantasies. I can obviously see you are just trying to get some reactions here.
2015-07-29 18:50:15 UTC
They don't know GOD. They are trying to find an answer to a scientific query that DOES NOT INVOLVE GOD.
2015-07-27 18:47:50 UTC
It's a theory. You can believe it or not. All science is theorys
2015-08-01 16:54:06 UTC
Lol, dragons and unicorns exist, that's not delusional but the existence of cats and dogs is
2015-07-28 00:32:16 UTC
Simple Answer: Proof. If you have proof of something, you are a lot more likely to believe in it than with no proof.
2015-07-17 21:39:47 UTC
because atheists REFUSE to believe in the biblical God, that's why. Simple really.
2015-08-03 11:01:53 UTC
how old are you? it s 2015 and there is STILL some people out there who deny evolution?

c mon give me a break, next your going to say the earth is actually only six thousand years old too...
Robert M
2015-08-03 08:59:39 UTC
GEt HEAD out of A hole here! we DID ovle, as did ALL the current animals on earth! THE DINOSAURS were the first of "CREATIOON" if you look at it that way! We have RHESUS factors in our blood which link us FOREVER to APES and MONKEYS on the chain of life itself! CAVEMEN< eveolved into US as did NEANDETHTAL man and the ABORIGINES of AUSTRALIA are a different breed all tegether! people that are BIBLE LILTERALISTS always piss me off! the BIBLE is romanticised version of LIFE< and is NOT FACTUAL! WHEN it was written there was no knowledge of DINOSAURS, NORTH or SOUTH Americas, NORTH or SOUTH poles or even AUSTRALIA itself where nearly ALL animlas are MARSUPIALS! Even CATS and DOGS! And the NOAHS ARK story "EVOLVED" from even more ancient myths from mesopotamia. There wer NO PANDAS or POLAR BEARS on the mythical ARK either! NO KANGAROOS, no COWS ( NORTH AMERICA) and MORE! Early horses were DOG SIZED! EVOLUTION happens every day, and unfortunatgely for US< more at the BACTERIAL and VIRUS levels as we get MORE diseaes to deal with every WEEK nearly! GOD is NOT the mock absantee landlord! A SPARK was started, and witgh HELP from somewhere, MILLIONS of yeArs ago, we are AT LAST HERE< as we ae NOW! There was NO FLOOD over the whole earth EVER as teh e=indians of AMERICA woudl know about it as well! The INCAS of Peru ALSO had a slightly different EVOLUTION as well,a dn ATLANTIS did sink into the sea! ALL MAMMALS are realted and all ahve the same number of BONES! WWE did NOT plop out of HEAVEN or get mixed up from primordial SOUP and DUST either! GET a HEAD on your shoulders and look at EVIDENCE! WHY is it SO HARD for BIBLE fanciers to see that it is NOT the TRUTH about anything! thney thought the world was FLAT and that the sun revolved around teh EARTH! Over the years MILLIONS have died over the BIBLE and it's misinterpretations of REAITY! They had NO idea that STARS were BILLIONS of years away from us either! EVEOLUTION is a part of CREATION< if you look at it that way! THIS is the TRUGH< really! OLUTIOHN FOLLOWED CREATIONS on nearly EVERY level from PLANT LIFE to SEA LIFE and to LAND LIFE! The GARDEN of EDEN is another GREAT myth, but the likelihood is that the AFRICAN MONKEYS eventually beceom more like MAN in this area of the globe! WE even had TAILS at one time as evinced by FETUS FORMATION! in the WOMB, the tail recinds! IN OTHER MAMMALS this tail REMAINS till birth! THE BIBLE STORIES are just that! STORIES! Teh world was CREATED first for DINOSAURS and LASTLY for man. There wre MILLIONS of DINSOAURS on the ONE SINGLE LAND MASS called PANGEA< that ALSO evolved adn changed into our current configuration of CONTINENTS! and SOUTH AMERICA was once part of the AFRICAN coast line as well! CANADA used to be at the EQUATOR and this is when DINOSAURS ROAMED FIRST! JURASSIC PARK is REAL< pally! WE are the LEFTOVERS of another age and time for REAL! Adn for CHRISIANS as well, chances are teh JESUS ahd KIDS and also had REAL BROTHERS as well! BYE NOW!
2015-07-20 15:39:25 UTC
How about the new theories that humans are actually aliens. Personally, I hope this one is true so that everyone is proven wrong.
Spencer Marotz
2015-07-31 20:02:54 UTC
Atleast they are finding evidence. What do you have? Religious beliefs? Nice argument.
Lauren CA
2015-07-31 06:15:41 UTC
Once a species is smart enough to ask questions, but dumb enough not to know the answers, religion results. - author unknown
2015-07-28 13:41:40 UTC
The Bible says their eyes are blinded to the light of the Gospel,

And that the god of this world has made them unable to see the truth.
2015-08-03 01:53:46 UTC
You can never compare religion with science.
2015-08-02 09:30:19 UTC
The resut of the ; FALL . Because of the fall it is natural to deny the existence of a supernatural creator that we cannot see. Dr.BeBo
marius speider
2015-07-20 13:36:30 UTC
Because we have mountains of evidence for evolution, and your pets, your food and your medicines are direct examples of it.
2015-07-18 18:27:18 UTC
No, I think you are the ignorant one, because you refuse to acknowledge evidence for Evolution. I have seen no actual evidence for creation.
2015-07-17 20:52:36 UTC
I thought Christians were forbidden from lying.
2015-08-03 09:43:33 UTC
Because all religion is backwards and is used by certain people to do their bidding.
2015-07-20 16:27:25 UTC
The Notion that we were created has no evidence but evolution has lots of evidence!
2015-07-22 19:05:18 UTC
because you would litereally have to progress through time from the beginning of time to see evidence of evolution
Gerry G
2015-07-29 07:19:43 UTC
I do not think that creationism, evolution, and science need to disagree with each other.
2015-07-16 09:37:02 UTC
Since when do YOU of all people believe in evolution?
2015-07-23 23:17:19 UTC
This question is tagged as "Mythology and Folklore".

Nuff said.
2015-07-24 07:33:08 UTC
For Atheists, no proof is good enough. For Religious, no proof is good enough.
2015-07-28 15:04:47 UTC
Ignorance is cheaper than morality
2015-07-19 09:06:26 UTC
I respect the way an atheist thinks about the world.
2015-07-23 08:15:18 UTC
why is it so hard for someone who believes in GOD to see that Evolution is the way GOD created the universe?
2015-07-18 23:29:08 UTC
Evolution was induced by the conscious beings that made this place.

Evolution and creation was the same thing.
2015-07-18 16:47:49 UTC
I don't think people see your point, so it's ineffective.
2015-07-27 03:33:29 UTC
Church well not it could be work even in the absence of divine. Because no one can human.
Heatherwood, Mississippi Girl
2015-07-31 12:37:36 UTC
I know a guy who mooned a black man while highly highly inebriated.
2015-07-23 08:13:59 UTC
because everything evolves and its basically common sense oh! and science..
Joe E
2015-07-17 13:27:08 UTC
There comes a point where science breaks down and all you have is faith.
2015-07-30 20:35:45 UTC
Because it s a better answer than religion.
2015-07-22 15:37:18 UTC
Evolution is nonsense
2015-07-28 23:51:37 UTC
evolution is a fake thing people made up because they could except the truth
2015-07-23 15:30:01 UTC
science is wacko facko niggo biggo ligggo miggo
2015-07-25 13:18:36 UTC
Because to see something, there needs to be something to see.
2015-07-19 19:41:34 UTC
I can't believe people still think we come from the monkeys... Smh
2015-07-24 11:09:53 UTC
EVOLUTION DID IN FACT HAPPEN and i'm a christian I also know that the BIG BANG DID HAPPEN but I belive

2015-07-18 20:07:46 UTC
Why is it so hard for Christians to.....

1. .......mind their own business? Why do you care if atheists believe we evolved or not? Is it because you are insecure of your own faith? If you really believe that nonbelievers will go to hell & that this life will be followed by paradise, why would you give a single watery sh** about the "sinners" who don't believe the same as you?

2. .......understand the difference between faith and evidence based belief. Atheists do not "see" that supposedly "we never evolved" because there is literally NOTHING to SEE that supports that we haven't. You (if you're a Christian) have faith in something that the natural world cannot see, hear or observe in any way....and most atheists are scientific thinking individuals who only believe in what can be proven, period. There's your answer.

3........wrap their minds around anything that doesn't involve their precious creation faith.....Is it so hard for you to believe that maybe there wasn't a creator who made all of this beautiful existence? The easiest answer to the questions that intelligent man pose IS very seldom the correct one. Just because it is easier for you to imagine that some Omnipotent being that you imagine and talk to in your head and read about in an ancient book created the universe/man, doesn't mean that it's true. What really happened/is happening (The Universe coming into existence / evolution is way more wonderfully complex than the answer that most of you creationist like to believe "the man in the sky did it". Deal with it......and if you can't.....then just go on believing what you believe and stop worrying about what others believe.

2nd only to the elimination of religion, period, one of the best ways, I think, this world would become a much better place is if religious and nonreligious people would just tolerate each other and get along already. All this hate and animosity towards our fellow man around the world all because of which the argument of which sky daddy someone believes or who that particular sky daddy supposedly talked/talks/acts/acted through is getting to be annoying.....and I guarantee you it is that intolerance that will eventually contribute to the end of religious beliefs as we know them.
2015-07-25 10:20:34 UTC
Because they are blinded by their beliefs. Such is love.
2015-08-01 06:39:05 UTC
Because we did evolve, you f$cking moron.
2015-07-25 19:53:26 UTC
Did your God tell you that? And wile we are on the subject, do you have a particular God you like?
2015-07-20 14:58:15 UTC
why is it so hard for you to take a picture of god why we are taking pictures of astronomical objects such as.
2015-07-16 18:10:37 UTC
quit being ignorant. evolution is a fact.
2015-08-04 08:50:42 UTC
Because we don't wanna.
2015-07-26 19:47:36 UTC
Because knowledge is far away from you know.
2015-07-23 11:50:24 UTC
Science dumb a*s. And btw, there are plenty are Christian scientists!
2015-08-04 05:50:57 UTC
Beacause they are stupid and don´t understand that we came from dust and a know....
2015-07-24 20:58:12 UTC
Yes it is
2015-07-21 21:00:31 UTC
Because they believe what they believe, and nobody every changes what they believe.
2015-08-03 14:20:46 UTC
evolution is a fact
2015-07-19 14:44:47 UTC
why do Christians feel the need to push their believes onto others
2015-07-29 23:56:18 UTC
Got off of here with your bullshit "god" stuff. Gods not real, and your a ******* ****. Now go **** yourself you slut.
2015-08-03 21:32:36 UTC
Who f**king cares how we got here !!!! Just try to do the best you can !!!
2015-07-22 12:36:42 UTC
Not sure how some Christians can be so blind.
The Truth
2015-07-31 15:54:34 UTC
was inside out good or bad.
2015-07-27 08:38:40 UTC
Because athiests are ignorant assholes
2015-07-30 10:56:29 UTC
We did
2015-07-30 17:14:29 UTC
2015-07-24 18:10:39 UTC
Because they are uneducated
k g
2015-07-16 19:54:44 UTC
evolution did happen
2015-07-24 23:42:27 UTC
Because, in fact, we did.
2015-07-26 18:23:06 UTC
Have you seen any evolution tips in your bible ? lol
Tom S
2015-07-16 11:40:11 UTC
The evidence suggests otherwise. We are homo sapiens, not homo erectus.

Here is a quote from the article you cite:

Humans and chimps diverged from a common ancestor perhaps about 7 million years ago, and their hands now look very different.

Is it so hard for you to read the article?
2015-07-23 20:36:26 UTC
athiests think the world just put itself here
luis l
2015-07-26 22:36:34 UTC
2015-07-21 11:41:25 UTC
Because we did?
2015-08-03 08:19:24 UTC
yes atheists are ignorant... now them christans... naw,,,,lol
2015-07-22 18:36:20 UTC
God is not real get over it!
2015-07-19 18:20:06 UTC
did you even read the article
2015-07-23 14:43:20 UTC
adapt or perish
2015-07-28 09:45:29 UTC
i suppose the real history escapes us?
2015-07-27 02:57:57 UTC
God ain't **** but hoes and tricks.
2015-07-20 17:07:26 UTC
there is evidence
Sophie Knight
2015-08-01 19:18:50 UTC
Please go take 9th grade biology. Evolution is real.
2015-07-19 23:54:03 UTC
But we do..............evolve......
2015-07-29 07:09:02 UTC
2015-07-24 23:15:34 UTC
2015-08-03 07:55:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.