Who do you say Jesus Christ is?
2015-08-09 18:50:55 UTC
Who do you say Jesus Christ is?
181 answers:
Mirzet Emkic
2015-08-10 16:11:17 UTC
Jesus Christ
2015-08-10 21:00:26 UTC
Jesus Christ is both the Son of God, and God, also, just as the Father and the Holy Spirit are equally God. Jesus Christ is our Creator -- you can readily see this in John 1:1-14; 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 (this passage flat out tells us He is the One, who, in preincarnate form, gave us the Ten Commandments); Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:13-16; and Hebrews 1:2. They all say this matter-of- factly. No doubts to this. So when He says in John 14:15, if you love Me, keep My commandments, He's not talking just about the two amorphous ones love God before all and they neighbor as thyself -- which are really just summaries of the first 4 commandments and the last six. You cannot love God before all if you break any of the first four, or love your neighbor if you break any of the last six. Plain and simple. Matthew 5:17, 18 verifies this from Jesus' own mouth --- heaven and earth would have to pass before one jot or tittle of the law could be changed. And Romans 3:31 plainly tells us from the Gentile's apostle Paul, that faith does not make void the law. Jesus and the Apostles knew Isaiah 8:20 and knew also that they were bound by those words of the prophet. They could not step outside of that parameter.
2015-08-10 16:24:17 UTC
Jesus seems to be more the figure head of a social movement than an actual person. In a sense, Christ was the original "hippie". Imagine one is living under a foreign occupation that brutally suppresses any open opposition. Such was the situation in Palestine during the time of Christ. The only effective means of resisting occupation is abandoning the cultural beliefs of the oppressor. For the ancient Romans it was materialism and the violence needed to acquire it. Christ repeatedly disavows violence and makes subtle references that his kingdom is simply living a simple life. This is borne out in many statements to the effect material wealth can make entering his kingdom difficult. The genius of this strategy is that while soldiers can use deadly force to ensue conformance, this option isn't available to a merchant. All they can do is seduce. Merchants were the core of Roman society and abandoning them threatened to hurt Rome more than any insurrection ever would. Merchants are clever, though. Just as America's counter cultural movement failed when blue jeans became fashion symbols, so too has Christ been perverted into a symbol of everything he opposed. Sadly, Jesus now literally sells Christianity like car insurance. Soldiers are now Christian soldiers. God is truly dead.
Campbell Hayden
2015-08-11 13:57:15 UTC
Jesus Christ was very likely the first *now-known* case of someone who suffered from ADHD,

and several other disorders which made him see and understand things as they never were.

Jesus' association with God was self-created, as well as being self-endearing and selfish.

The fact that he'd been an uneventful and nervously motivated child who could not stand

being inconsequential, is most likely the reason for his need of attention.

Also, the fact that a soldier named Panthéra may have been Jesus' true father, could mean that

Jesus was nothing more than the bastaard child of a soldier, and a highly embarrassed individual.

Jesus' made-up interpretation of himself led to the now shameful supposition of his being a deity,

and many have allowed Jesus' impalement of the worship of *God The Father* to go on without question.

Ultimately ... Jesus Christ is someone who should have died at childbirth, and is nothing more than

someone who, if he were alive today, would belong on the top floor of a locked-down psych ward.
2015-08-10 19:34:11 UTC
Jesus Is!

He’s the Loftiest Idea in Literature.

He’s the Highest Personality in Philosophy.

He’s the Fundamental Doctrine of True Theology.

He is the Only One Qualified to be an All Sufficient Savior.

I wonder if you know Him today.

He supplies Strength for the Weak.

He is available for the Tempted and the Tried.

He Sympathizes and Saves

He Strengthens and Sustains.

He Guards and He Guides.

He Heals the sick. He Cleansed the Lepers.

He Forgives Sinners.

He Discharges Debtors.

He Delivers the Captives.

He Defends the Feeble.

He blesses the Young.

He Serves the Unfortunate.

He Regards the Aged.

He Rewards the Diligent

He Beautifies the Meager.

I wonder if you know Him. He’s the Key to Knowledge.

He’s a Well Spring of Wisdom.

He’s the Doorway of Deliverance.

He’s the Pathway of Peace.

He’s the Roadway to Righteousness.

He’s the Highway of Holiness.

He’s the Gateway to Glory

Do you know Him?

His Life is matchless.

His Goodness is Limitless.

His Mercy is Everlasting.

His Love Never Changes.

His Word is Enough.

His Grace is Sufficient.

His Reign is Righteous.

His Yoke is Easy.

His Burden is Light.

I wish I could describe Him to you.

He’s Indescribable.

He’s Invincible.

He’s Irresistible.

You can’t get Him out of your mind.

You can’t get Him off your hand.

You can’t Outlive Him.

You can’t Live without Him.

The Pharisees couldn’t Stand Him.

They found out they couldn’t Stop Him.

Herod couldn’t Kill Him.

The Grave couldn’t Hold Him.

2015-08-11 21:02:49 UTC
I believe in what the Bible reveals to us, that Jesus Christ is God's Son, and is God in human form.

It was prophesied that there will be a coming Messiah and Savior who will reunite Israel and establish an eternal Kingdom, and I believe that Person to be Jesus Christ. This is God's promise, that He will save any of those who believe in Jesus Christ, because He has loved us, and God never breaks a promise.
Special EPhex
2015-08-11 16:32:13 UTC
Not a 'who', but a 'what'. I don't believe Christ self-identified personally with the human condition as a 'who'. Jesus often spoke from the sense of identifying with the impersonal Spirit of Humanity as the inner Divine Quality within, which is a 'what' rather than a 'who'. Because humans are accustomed to see form and physicality, Christ is often think of as a man, but with supernatural capabilities. Although it is not generally accepted in Christianity, other faiths outside of Christianity, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, acknowledge Christ as an Avatar (Sanskrit for God Incarnate), which comes every so often to rebalance the negativity of mankind. Jesus, the man, form and body, is merely a vessel where conditions came together for God to incarnate in the physical realm. This is a more mystic interpretation than a religious or theological one.
2015-08-12 04:01:15 UTC
If you really want to know: Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah. He fulfilled all Bible prophecy regarding the Messiah. He is now the reigning King of Jehovah God's Kingdom. His activity today is described at (Revelation 6:2) And I saw, and look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest." To understand why Christ Jesus is doing this work see the What Does The Bible Really Teach at Read chapter 4 - Who Is Jesus Christ. Have your copy of the Bible at hand to look up the relevant scriptures. You could also attend the current convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at a location near you. The theme this year is "Imitate Jesus."
2015-08-11 13:38:27 UTC
This is precisely the question Christ asked. Some of the Jews said Elias, others said John the Baptist. Saint Peter had a different answer and according to Christ himself, the true answer. This is to be found in the Bible, New Testament.

A related question: What does AD mean when associated with a year in history, as in AD 1969 for example ?
2015-08-17 14:39:27 UTC
Jesus, as I understand and have read about, was a preacher who got in trouble with the religious and political authorites for rabble-rousing, and "quasi-political" answers to questions from the under-belly of his society.

What he intended, or what he believed about himslef, seems to indicate that HE thought he was the long-awaited Messiah. That doesn't mean he was. HIs killers didn't think he was or maybe they did and wanted to fulfill the "prophecies."

What he did and what he said and what it TURNED INTO are not even close.

Even as an atheist, I can respect a guy who tried to help the down-trodden, and I try to do that too. I volunteer a lot for others less fortunate. I do not sell them religion or lack of it for a bed or soup.

I stick up for people who are bullied, and have been civilly disobedient when necessary. He did that too.

That is of course if the history books are even close to realistic. I do not trust the bible because it is sefl-fulfilling and full of mistakes and bad ideas. -like rape, concubines, murder for revenge, and other idiocies.

I am amazed that the message of love and compassion has managed to come down to us through the ages, even though churches are built on greed and con games.

Knowing human beings, it is amazing that this message has been able to survive and calls everyone to be kind and take care of others-even strangers, criminals, and foreigners.

Too bad we don't do that.
2015-08-10 11:21:54 UTC
Jesus Christ is now the Life giving Spirit to us who believe into Him.
2015-08-10 20:28:28 UTC
Hi All. I am Muslim, and I really respect Jesus. In Islam we respect him like our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Jesus is one of the best Human Being in history. Great Personality. We do Love Moses, Abraham ,Noah too. W Love all Prophets. For us Jesus also very important Prophet, Who will came by end of time and Fight against Anti-Christ and Announce to All World the true Religion. The only different between Islam & Christian regarding jesus is We believe he is like other Messenger Like Muhammad S.A.W, Moses, Noah. Because in islam we believe God can't have family. He is One. Anyways I still respect Christian and Hope we can learn to respect each other opinion.
2015-08-09 19:19:39 UTC
Jesus is the Christ, The Son of the living God who came to seek and save those who are lost. No one is excluded. When from the cross He said it is finished it meant that Salvation was complete for all mankind from that day forward but it has to be accepted through repentance of sin and by faith commiting your life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. God bless
2015-08-10 00:48:34 UTC
master Jesus was born or should we admit He was reborn as a third degree initiate. This means nothing at all to the bulk of folks so let me explain.

we all go through the five initiations here on earth in order for the soul to gain experiences here. It is a vey long painful and slow progress so it can and does take many thousands of years and incarnations. on earth to so become a master of wisdom at ther fifth stage of initiation.

jesu was born as a third degree initiate and served the Chrost who was a fourth degree initiate then Both advanced so that Jesus took the fourth upon the cross and at the same time Christ took the fifth and became a master in His own right. Since then they have both moved on and up the scales of evolution now being sixth and seventh degrees.

AS to being the one and only son of God we say not so since we are all as humanity the One Son of God and led by Christ who is here on earth today.Om shantih.
2015-08-11 03:33:57 UTC
A way to salvation.

Incidentally, "God made the firmament, so why did He divide the waters from the waters, from the waters that were above the firmament?"

The word "firmament" is used to translate raqia, or raqiya` ( רקיע), a word used in Biblical Hebrew. It is derived from the root raqa ( רקע), meaning "to beat or spread out", e.g., the process of making a dish by hammering thin a lump of metal.[5][6]

It is only the interpretation of what actually happened which is in question here.

As a scientist personally, I think I understand the processes involved in the formation of liquids from gases and also what happens when heat is applied to a large body of water in conjunction with gravity and an atmosphere. What you are dealing with are chemical and physical processes over an enormous amount of time.

The separation of waters could refer to the separation of salt and fresh waters which would be caused by millions of tons of water vapor evaporating into the atmosphere creating what we know as sky.

The separation of waters would also lead to formation of either a central or other land masses due to the fall in sea level. Does this help?

Again, how could people who lived in mud huts, if they were lucky, have had any idea about the processes involved in the evolution of a planet from gaseous state?

Also found this .... er .... by chance ..

Isaac Newton first proposed that Earth was not perfectly round. Instead, he suggested it was an oblate spheroid—a sphere that is squashed at its poles and swollen at the equator.

I would like to see a computer model about the formation of a planet from a gaseous state on the assumption it starts as a perfect sphere, which, from the laws of chaos and probability would be quite possible.

Newton was a Christian, wasn't he? (smiley face)

Who said God and religion was boring?
2015-08-10 07:57:45 UTC
Jesus Christ is God
2015-08-10 19:41:32 UTC
Seems to be a lot of dispute about who He was. Last I heard He is supposedly a composite of various Jewish resistance leaders. This comes from various biblical texts and other works of that period in time. Keep in mind there were many various sects at the time He was reported to have lived and the actual bible We have today was not written until about 300 years after His death. Also keep in mind the Jew's have never accepted Him as the actual Son of God and neither have the followers of Islam. Both say He was a Prophet but neither say's He is the Son of God.
2015-08-10 17:08:10 UTC
The oddest thing is , he was a common nan who wasn't allowed to live a common life . for some reason he knew things that no one taught him , he knew things that were unexplainable , could predict things that did go ahead and take place . it was like he make things happen that no one can make happen .

They wrote these little mystifying events down , and followed him around trying to understand why and how , but never did understand how or why he could perform little miracles , the only thing he could figure is that perhaps he was the son of God , someone who had been predicted was going to be arriving . that perhaps he did arrive and was this common man . it's the only explanation that even came close to making sense of the strange gravity defying , death defying , logic defying events that just kept on taking place right before their very eyes .

Go figure , we have never seen such a man , but they did the twelve that is ,. they say such a thing , it would be spooky .
2015-08-12 15:47:08 UTC
Here is a bible based discussion about what Jehovah's witnesses believe about Jesus Christ
2015-08-11 04:02:35 UTC
Jesus Christ is at best a Messiah.
2015-08-10 20:16:31 UTC
I say Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, begotten of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, who was crucified on the cross at Cavalry so that our sins will be forgiven if we take up our crosses and follow him. Jesus Christ is the Risen Lord, both now and forever.
great knight
2015-08-11 13:13:53 UTC
Jesus Christ is the Son of God!!! Get a kjversion Bible and believe.
2015-08-10 10:27:32 UTC
Jesus Christ is our lord and Savior
Roberta B
2015-08-11 12:27:09 UTC
Jesus Christ is the firstborn of all creation by our Creator, God. He is the only-begotten Son of Jehovah. He is also my Lord and Savior, and died to pay the ransom for my sins.

Jesus Christ means Anointed Salvation of Jehovah.
2015-08-10 14:58:32 UTC
Jesus Christ the son of god a prophet
2015-08-12 10:03:21 UTC
I believe that Jesus may have been a real person, but in my own honest opinion the Jesus that is talked about in Christianity and Islam is a personification of God's awesomeness and total independence. Now the whole he died for our sins, he's coming back (both Christian and Muslim) he's god or god's son (Christian) I don't believe. I think like all other figures in the Bible and Quran, are examples of good will and loyalty to God. Not that you need to a religion to believe in God or need to believe in God to do good.
2015-08-10 15:38:59 UTC
A Christian would say he was the son of God. I'm atheist. There is evidence that there was a man called Jesus. But there's no evidence he did miracles. Whether he did or not will always be a mystery.
2015-08-11 06:21:37 UTC
He is the Son of God, the only Savior of mankind :)

Religion is man doing good works to try and reach God, but biblical Christianity is Christ reaching down and giving sinful man eternal life as an absolutely free gift!

The only way to be sure that you will go to heaven when you die is to believe in Jesus Christ alone to save you. We are all sinners who have rebelled against a perfectly holy and righteous God. That is why none of us qualify to get to heaven on our own merits. Jesus came to this earth to die on the cross and pay for all our sins. He died, was buried, and rose again three days later (1 Cor. 15:3-4). He gives eternal life as a free gift to anyone who simply believes in Him for it! John 6:47 says, "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life."

See the book "Simply By Grace" by Charles Bing for more :)
2015-08-11 14:42:58 UTC
He was a very important Christian preacher who lived around 2000 years ago. He was a clever man who capitalized on the stupidity of people at the time to spread his beliefs. Jesus was certainly a very important person and children should study him in history and religious education, but he was not the son of God.
2015-08-10 06:22:06 UTC
Jesus is the Christ, The Son of the living God who came to seek and save those who are lost.
No User
2015-08-12 10:02:11 UTC
Jesus Christ is a son of Virgin marry & a prophet of God. He is knows as Jesus Issa or Issa the Jesus or prophet Issa. He had several supernatural powers just like prophet mosses, Solomon etc. he can walk on the water, can bring people back to life & many more.
2015-08-13 13:30:18 UTC
Jesus Christ is God in human form.
2015-08-10 12:13:02 UTC
Jesus Christ is the son of God, born through the immaculate conception of Mary his mother. He came to save us from our sins by dying on the cross and rising from the dead after three days.

During his 33 years on earth he taught us how to live and keep the ten commandments

His teachings are the foundation of the Catholic religion.

2015-08-11 12:04:37 UTC
I agree with Saint Thomas.

Trinitarian Christians (99% of all who call themselves Christian) have been saying that Jesus is God since the Apostle Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and my God!"

To which Jesus clearly agreed and answered, “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” (John 20:28-29)

And John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." and John 1:14 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

The Nicene Creed (from the year 325) talks about the nature of Jesus Christ:

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us and our salvation He came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit, He was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day He rose again in fulfillment of the scriptures: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.

With love in Christ.
Little Ms Sunshine
2015-08-10 13:35:33 UTC
Jesus is our elder brother and way-show-er.

He brought forth the Spirit a 110% - the same Spirit that's in each of us - and calls for us to do likewise.

There is and only ever has been one Spirit.

An essential key to the Spirit is forgiveness - forgiving others & forgiving ourselves - mostly for not being perfect.

Just think - Jesus really was perfect and they crucified him.

How petty are our grievances in comparison.
2015-08-12 16:45:51 UTC
Jesus Christ is the King of all kings, the Messiah, a teacher, the Son of God, the Alpha and the Omega and the one who will judge everyone. He is powerful, awesome, holy, righteous, and almighty. However, Jesus is also loving, caring, merciful and loves everyone. He, in my opinion, is the best friend anyone could ever ask for! You know why, because He gave His life for us as a sacrifice on the cross. Pretty amazing, right?
2015-08-09 20:40:21 UTC
Jesus Christ is in fact God's Son. He is God's "only begotten Son." All prophesies foretold were fulfilled by Jesus as the Messiah/Christ. Believing in him and his sacrifice is the only way to salvation (

John 3:16).

Acts 9:20 says:

20 "and immediately in the synagogues he began to preach about Jesus, that this one is the Son of God."

Mathew 16:16:

“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16: 16

Psalm 2:7:

7 Let me proclaim the decree of Jehovah;

He said to me: “You are my son;

Today I have become your father."

1 John 4:15: (he is God's Son):

"Whoever acknowledges that Jesus is God’s Son, God remains in union with such one and he in union with God."

John 1:14: (he is God's only-begotten son):

"So the Word became flesh and resided among us, and we had a view of his glory, a glory such as belongs to an only-begotten son from a father; and he was full of divine favor* and truth."
2015-08-16 05:20:44 UTC
He is the Son of God (Matthew 16:13-20),

The 2nd Adam (Romans 5:12-19),

Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6),

God in the Flesh (John 1:1-15), and

The Creator (John 1:1-15).
2015-08-14 11:20:15 UTC
With the Church, I say this:

[The] Lord Jesus Christ [is] the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father, through whom all things were made. Who for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary and became man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. He rose on the third day, in accordance with the scriptures. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead; his kingdom shall have no end.

- Nicene Creed.

Forgive me.

2015-08-17 02:47:56 UTC
He is the Messiah of Israel, the Son of YHVH GOD and His real name would have been Jewish. Something like Yeshua the Messiah or Yehoshua/Joshua the Messiah. JC is a name given by the romans. But they put a sign over His head when crucified saying " The King of the Jews" so it stands to reason that He was fully Jewish name and all. Even the 3 wise men asked " Where is He born King of the Jews" Eyes wide open!!
Jacob Njeru
2015-08-11 10:53:29 UTC
Jesus Christ is God the Son.
2015-08-11 06:29:27 UTC
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, incarnated as human being, humbled himself taking the form of a slave to show His love for humanity by dying on the cross. He showed us how to love,forgive and to accept sufferings.

He lives among us through the Holy Eucharist.
2015-08-11 10:19:48 UTC
Xtians mistranslated the Jewish TaNaKh, added hell and evil beings, and then wrote the New Testament to promise salvation from a hell that does not exist. Xtians also replaced a nation as the only OBEDIENT son of all the nations, with an only literal mangod son whose name honors sus.

Deuteronomy 32:17 for they sacrificed to demons that are no gods.

The TaNaKh tells us that the tree (teaching) on good and evil, as if it is knowledge, is the fall of mankind. It is from this teaching that people believe in the promise of immortality, but immortality is forbidden to us. It is this teaching that became thousands of denominations (fruit) that has covered the earth. Humble yourself and accept your mortality. Salvation is to wake up, to save us all and our planet from religious Armageddon, the destruction of our planet and all life. The choice is to build or tear down, live or destroy. Choose life, build.
2015-08-12 07:18:13 UTC
Jesus' full name is "Issa ibn Miriam" of abdes Pantera. YES, he really did exist and was and is the smartest human [Son of Man] that ever did or ever will have existed.

When someone quotes passages in the bible as proof, they are just providing an example of how manipulative the scam artists who wrote it can control populations of gullible ignoramuses who can't tell fiction from fantasy.
2015-08-10 09:45:42 UTC
An exclamation, "Jesus Christ!"
cross-stitch kelly
2015-08-24 12:40:28 UTC
When Christianity was young, there were three distinct views as to the divinity of Jesus. One view was that he was the Son of God, one that he was God himself, and one that he was mortal, but a great teacher. Constantine ordered the Council of Nicenia to determine which was the "correct" view. It was argued in the streets of Nicea for a long time, but eventually the concept of Jesus as the Son of God won out. Personally, I believe that though he was a great teacher, and one to be admired, he was a mortal man nonetheless.
2015-08-10 06:41:23 UTC
I say Jesus (pbuh) is a man, a human being, a prophet, a messenger of God, a son of Mary & the messiah to the children of Israel and his mother, Mary, was a saintly woman.

The Quran explain Jesus and his mother the best with no single iota of contradiction.
2015-08-09 19:26:31 UTC
A poor deluded schmuck that got forced by his own pride into dying for a God that could not be bothered to stay til the end of the show.

What a mess of a life. Blasphemy, pride, drunkenness, gluttony, laid up with whores, playing with dead bodies, even horse theft. What a guy, what a guy.
2015-08-10 09:10:04 UTC
My lord and savior first of all but more than that he is lord and savior to all those who believe on the name Jesus

2015-08-10 19:57:49 UTC
Jesus Christ is the son of God.
2015-08-09 21:16:22 UTC
The only-begotten Son of God, the only Son produced by Jehovah alone.

This Son is the firstborn of all creation. By means of him all other things in heaven and on earth were created.

He is the second-greatest personage in the universe.

It is this Son whom Jehovah sent to the earth to give his life as a ransom for mankind, thus opening the way to eternal life for those of Adam’s offspring who would exercise faith.

This same Son, restored to heavenly glory, now rules as King, with authority to destroy all the wicked and to carry out his Father’s original purpose for the earth.
2015-08-10 03:48:46 UTC
There is only one being that could "die for the sins" of humanity. That would be the ones who made the sins of humanity. Only the maker of those sins could be responsible for them and die for them.

So funny. They tell us that we have free will and that he payed for our crimes, makes no sense. The punishment for which is an eternity of torments, makes no sense. When is the last time you made someone else pay for another's crime? And when is the last time you eternally condemned someone?

According to this book the beings who made everything and are responsible for what was made transmuted their consciousness into the body of a man and he went through this life very sick, unwanted, viewed as insane, lonely, poor, beaten, tortured, and then murdered. According to it he recieved all that he had made in principle and did all that we do in principle.

Im very interested in the transmuting of consciousness, taking my information and implanting it into a body that actually makes sense.
2015-08-11 08:50:51 UTC
Jesus Christ was a prophet of God, A messenger who brought the bible to the people of his time spreading a message of submission. Submission to One God not himself.
2015-08-10 14:40:13 UTC
A black man who came in God's image! The first humans were black!

revelation 1 : 14: 15

Daniel 7:9
2015-08-10 01:31:17 UTC
To me, Jesus Christ is without any doubt the messianic savior. My Christian belief is Catholicism. The one true church that he founded. Look up Matthew 16:15-20. "He said to them, 'But who do you say that I am?' Simon Peter said in reply, 'You are the messiah, the son of the living God.' Jesus said to him in reply, 'Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on earth, shall be bound in Heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.'" What Jesus meant that by was he was going to face his final days on earth, his trial and death on the cross. So he left Saint Peter in charge of the church as the first Pope. His modern successor is Pope Francis.
2015-08-11 14:35:25 UTC
To me Jesus is the son of the virgin mary,

He was born without a father because allah blew his holy spirit into him.

He is not the son of god nor is he god, but a holy messenger, a holy prophet of Allah.

Jesus will come down during the second coming to defeat the antichrist.

Jesus was a jew
2015-08-11 09:00:00 UTC
A fantasy figure elevated to god status 2000 years ago in a plan to give some show to the majority of people to suppress them. Apparently, 2000 years later it still works.
2015-08-18 11:31:02 UTC
The son of Mary, who probably trained as a Pharisee; he became a rebellious rabbi who taught a mixed doctrine of human compassion and salvation outside the Temple religion; he was crucified by the occupying Romans in cooperation with the Temple priests for being a political/religious agitator who defied both the established peace of Rome and the orthodoxy of the Temple.
2015-08-10 03:04:54 UTC
Jesus Christ is OUR SAVIOR! He came on earth to save us. Now our souls will be saved from our sins and we have entrance to eternal life due to His blood... He loved us so that despite the pain He saved us with His blood on the cross!!!

Me and you... we are saved by HIM...say Hallelujah and Amen!!! our King and Lord, we raise YOUR NAME from our souls and Thank you for the chance to live an eternal life with you instead of dying in lies and evil!!!

If afterwards someone thinks that there are many guys like Jesus in other religions too, I just want them to check all the stories out before coming to that conclusion... Jesus Christ is the only one of out of those ''religious guys'' who died due to His immense love to the people... because He loved them and wanted them to be saved, that is why he died (the others died from different diseases and ordinary consequences) !!!

Now you are saved by His blood, just accept Him...Pray...and smile, that is all Your Lord needs! He is your father...your everything!

2015-08-11 12:50:40 UTC
Who do you say Jesus Christ is ?

A PERSONIFIED COMPOSITE of the hopes and dreams of a people of the times
2015-08-10 18:24:25 UTC
Jesus is Lord and Savior of all who come to him. He is God in the flesh and that is how we can relate to him. Fully God, and fully human. He knows everything we're going through because he's been there.
2015-08-10 20:43:01 UTC
Jesus Christ is who I need. I can't live without him. Without him the sun would not shine and the flowers won't bloom.
2015-08-11 16:17:43 UTC
If what you say is true, then why are there so many religious organizations on the face of the earth? 37,000 brands of Protestantism alone. In 2370 BCE, Noah entered into the ark. Noah was a worshipper of the true God, Jehovah. About one year later, Noah emerged from the ark and built an altar and offered up sacrifices to Jehovah.

To exactly which God do you think we should be offering worship today? "God,"? "the LORD,"? "Buddha,"? "Allah"? Reasonably, and logically, if it got Noah through the flood, we should join him in worshipping Jehovah.
2015-08-12 00:20:38 UTC
Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, he is the Messiah, he is our redeemer and saviour, he is God, but not God the Father, he is the I AM and the creator of all things in the earth, he is also the author of our salvation, he is our brother because God is the father of all spirits, as he is the only begotten son of God
2015-08-12 11:52:39 UTC
Jesus Christ is YHWH, the Creator of this existence, he is also the Son of the Most High God.
2015-08-11 14:52:20 UTC
Jesus Chrust is the Son of God.
2015-08-12 09:12:51 UTC
"Christ the son of Mary was no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!" (Koran)
2015-08-10 10:58:58 UTC
jesus was a mythological founder of the god-soul theory of life. he explained that a supernatural god created the universe, and even you.

then, he put himself in the center of this universe, and said that he was the owner of you and thus controlled your life.

this is seen as a reflection of the times and the country which he lived in.

surely, you do not think today, that you are owned and controlled by a god, do you?

i do not. this the creation myth told by the christian community, but the scarey thing is that they want to own and control people, just like it was thousands of years ago.
2015-08-10 16:49:42 UTC
Jesus was a Jewish prophet who lived in the first century AD who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah. He was from Galilee, whose people were looked upon as the poorest, most illiterate people in the land.

To the Jewish people of the time, the yet-to-come Messiah was a warrior king who would come and free the nation from the domination of the Rome by armed revolt. The Jewish people later learned that was NOT the type of revolution he had in mind at all, and they felt he had "hood-winked" them. He infuriated the Jewish people when he claimed to be of the House of David (which he was not) .. the Messiah HAD to be descended from David. Furthermore, he especially infuriated them when he DARED to say that God was "his" personal Father. He was, in effect, saying that he was EQUAL with God. That alone was enough to get him stoned to death, according to the Jewish laws.

To Romans, "Messiah" simply meant King; and Rome would tolerate no King except Caesar. So, Rome crucified him on the grounds of treason to Caesar and setting himself up as "King of the Jews".
2015-08-09 19:01:57 UTC
Someone who weather real or not. Has helped hundreds of millions of people through tough times in their lives. For that he should be considered if anything a saint.
2015-08-12 12:41:08 UTC
Jesus peace be upon him is only messenger of god according to gospel of john

{5:30} I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

so, it's very very clear that he is just messenger
Wee Trojan
2015-08-12 06:04:01 UTC
I can only repeat the words of my school Headmistress during one of her sermons -

we have three choices regarding who is Jesus, a madman - a prophet sent before

his time - or - the Son of God.
2015-08-12 16:13:14 UTC
The real Jesus is not Who the Christians think He is. He is NOT "the only Son of God." In the gospel of John, it says that to those who received (accepted) Him, He gave the power to become sons of God. Christians will quote that passage ... and then in the same breath they'll say, "Jesus is the only Son of God!" when it clearly states that others can also become sons of God. The real Jesus was an "avatar," one of those who are fully united to God (That's why Jesus said, "I and my Father are one"). You see, I'm not telling you who i think Jesus is. I'm telling you who He is. There's a difference. The "second coming" of Jesus does not mean that He's going to physically return. He never said that. What it refers to is this: That He will appear (astrally) to those who deepen themselves sufficiently, those who become sensitized sufficiently to be aware enough of His actual presence to see Him in spirit form. This is the experience Francis of Assisi had every night. Jesus is someone Who was sent to take people back to God, but He could only help those who accepted ("received") Him. The cynics and atheists aren't even interested, so of course they will remain in this ugly, violent, insane realm with the Christians. Christians have many beliefs but with no idea how to contact Jesus Himself. That's a very metaphysical issue, something that can be understood only through the ancient Vedic ("Hindu") tradition. They know about meditation, but Christians believe that meditation is "satanic" or "demonic." That ignorance is what is keeping them from Jesus and from God. And, no, Jesus isn't God! He never claimed to be God Himself! Christians want Him to be God, but of course they've misread the things He said. One of the disciples said, "Lord, show us the Father!" Jesus said, "When you look at me, you are seeing the Father!" Does that mean that He IS the Father? No. It meant that He did only the Father's will, that He did nothing according to His own desire ~ God manifested in Him, using Him to accomplish His purpose here on Earth. It did NOT mean that Jesus was God Himself, regardless of what the Christian community believes. Much of what Jesus has said, has taught, has been completely twisted into something different by the various Christian denominations, and that's a shame. And no, Jesus didn't teach that someone throwing water on your head will "save" you. Most Christians don't know what the Bible says, they've no idea what the New Testament says, and do not know what Jesus is really all about. So never mind what I say He is. Find out for yourself. But you won't be able to do that if you're a Christian. Investigate the ancient teachings - the ones that existed long before Jesus got here. Of course the Christians will tell you that all such teachings are "false," but they mustn't be listened to. I would start with the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, a yogi who was sent here to the U.S. in 1920 to re-establish the real teachings of Jesus. Why? Because as i said, those teachings have been twisted into something unrecognizable by the Christian traditions. It's time to get them back and find out what Jesus was really talking about. What He taught and what the Vatican and the Protestant traditions teach are not the same ...
2015-08-10 23:50:00 UTC
2015-08-10 06:57:22 UTC
Jesus is the first born of Jehovah God. He is Jehovah God's begotten son.
The Duke
2015-08-17 11:12:46 UTC
The Son of God. Born to the virgin Mary. Savior of man. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The Great I Am. My Redeemer and friend.

2015-08-12 14:42:46 UTC
Son of Man

The Great I Am

Alpha and Omega


Son of the living god


Holy One

The Beginning and The End

Lord of Lords






Bread of Life

Lord of Life

King of kings

Mighty God

Lamb of God

Lord of life


Holy Spirit
2015-08-10 01:08:28 UTC
Matthew 16.14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
2015-08-11 05:30:29 UTC
Jesus is exactly who he said he was and who Peter said he was "the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Jesus said: "The Father is greater than I am." So Jesus is NOT Almighty God but his "firstborn" created son.
Hardest Worker
2015-08-10 08:14:14 UTC
Lord Jesus Christ aka "Yeshua" or "Joshua" or "Yehoshuah" in Hebrew(translation"ישוע משיח") "Yeshua Messiah" aka "Jesus Christ". Everything he has foretold has been happening we are in the time of The Book of Revelation, specifically the end of it. Jesus Christ was foretold since the beginning of time, and in some ways I do think he and the Holy Spirit of God have been around forever since only Moses is probably one of three people to ever actually come face to face with God. If you study the prophets. But he is the Christ, Our Savior, The Messiah, The Future King of Heaven and Earth, whom sits at the right of God on a Throne in Heaven and controls the keys to Death, Heaven, Hell, and Hades. No one else alive does, he is the only person, to heal people of every type of illness and blindness and deafness. He has words that are still true today in his teachings, and sadly, even some of the best people run away from him and God when they should run to him. He taught as a Rabbi, a Prophet, and a Healer for 3 years in Israel, he died on the cross to pay for our sins, gave up his life so we could be restored from what the evil one took away from us and tricked us into giving him. Then he conquered death and arose 3 days later, then spent 40 days teaching his people(what would later be called Messiah Jews and Christians) what to do to continue his work on earth, then ascended into Heaven, then 10 days later(50 days in total after Resurrection Sunday) gave his true believers and disciples his Holy Spirit of God.

He will be back soon and what the world has become he will be back very soon. I think people need to take a deep, heart felt, God look into their hearts, souls, strength, and minds, and realize they need God. They need to say "The Sinner's Prayer/The Repenting Prayer" and give their life to The Lord and God. Don't try to lie to myself and other Christ and others, we know you can feel that ever deafening, darkness, cold, wet, horrible, gritty, slime, of evil in your heart, don't try to tell you can't feel that sad, anger, upsetting, defeating void in your hearts and souls. If you came back to God, he could take that all of that away if you truly need it. Remember Jesus Christ is The Lord, Savior, Son of God, Teacher, Healer, Capstone,The Master, Lamb of God, Son of King David, and Future King of all Creation of The Heavens and The Earth and Everything and Everyone that inhabits them. Jesus Christ is The Lord, Savior, and Future King.
The White Rabbit
2015-08-09 22:24:06 UTC
2015-08-10 02:50:31 UTC
He was Great man. He was Great Saint. He loves everyone. He sacrificed his life for mankind. He may be an incarnation of God or a holy spirit.
Just Say No to War
2015-08-10 22:11:19 UTC
He was yet another guy who wanted to be the messiah and failed. His parents had taught him a silly religion, he believed it and perhaps was also a bit on the crazy side, and tried to be the messiah he had heard about. He got himself killed, and it's his parents fault for filling his head with nonsense.
2015-08-09 18:53:24 UTC
Fictional. A bad rehash of Mithras.
2015-08-11 01:48:41 UTC
He is neither God or son of god, he neither a Jew nor Christian, he had no father, he is the Son of Mary, messenger and prophet of Allah, he use to perform miracles and walk the markets and heal the sick and help the poor. and preach the word and oneness of God.they tried to kill him, but he was saved and raised to the Almighty, and he will come back at the end of the World to set the record straight. nothing much, nothing less.
2015-08-12 14:33:04 UTC
He WAS an Aarabic, Jewish, well respected man born out of adultery or rape who believed his mother to be a virgin as she had to lie that she was a virgin to stop herself from being stoned to death due to modern customs. If you want to know what he IS however... well, he's a corpse. Just a corpse. A respected corpse but still a corpse.
2015-08-10 14:40:19 UTC
A fictional character
Rick G
2015-08-09 19:05:19 UTC
I agree with what the Apostle Paul said.

(Matthew 16:16) 16 Simon Peter answered: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
2015-08-12 12:12:50 UTC
God the Son, begotten not made. Part of the trinity.

Within the one being that is God, there exists eternally three coequal and coeternal persons, namely, the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit.
2015-08-10 13:18:20 UTC
A fictional character
2015-08-14 22:48:04 UTC
Jesus Christ was a human being and prophet of God. Neither God himself or son of God.
2015-08-10 03:25:36 UTC
He is my Saviour and my Lord. He died in my place, taking my punishment for sin so that I will not be punished when this life is over. His actions were a gift to me personally and, to benefit from that gift, I had to accept it as a gift to me personally and repent of my sins (and must regularly do so).
2015-08-10 10:46:33 UTC
A scam to lure people into a form of mass control.
2015-08-11 13:08:53 UTC

My Blood

My Love

My Life

My Hero

My Air

My Flight

My Gravity

He protects me from godless athiest muslim catholic nazi marxist socialist communist liberal traitors EVERYDAY!
2015-08-10 08:06:19 UTC
The Messiah that supposedly turned water to wine, died on the cross for his people and resurrected somehow, etc, according to the Bible.

I don't believe a word of it, but hey, each to their own.
2015-08-10 17:37:24 UTC
A Jewish profit that greatly influenced his followers, to the point they

created a church in his name that is known as Christianity, which is exactly opposite to that he told them to do. His words are said to have been, "Go forth and teach the word of God."
2015-08-11 14:19:06 UTC
Son of God who came to reset the God-Human relationship with love and sacrifice
2015-08-09 19:15:05 UTC
I say He is who He says He is.

Who does Jesus say He is?

"I and the Father are One"

"Who has seen me, has seen the Father"

"Before Abraham was, 'I AM'"

Jesus clearly claimed identity with God. I take Him at His Word and affirm Jesus is God incarnate.
2015-08-12 03:30:20 UTC
He didnt even exist, just cause some fiction novel said he did doesnt mean he really did.. the bible is a ridiculous book.. the Christian god is a joke. He is a *****
2015-08-11 11:01:06 UTC
What any person says means nothing. What the Bible say is what matters and it says he is the Son of God. You will never find it saying he is God the Son. NOT in there.
2015-08-12 11:13:27 UTC
Jesus Chrsit is the Son of God

who iived with him for ever


and i stand i stand in Awe of you

I stand i stand in Awe of you holy

2015-08-12 02:19:21 UTC
A man who claimed to be the son of God. He was nailed on a cross and was left to die.
2015-08-11 10:52:00 UTC
Jesus is Lord and Saviour of the world.
2015-08-10 14:55:09 UTC
The Son Of God, the key to eternal Life and Love.
2015-08-10 18:21:44 UTC
He was this person who went around the Roman Empire preaching and stuff like that.
2015-08-18 09:41:06 UTC
He is a Prophet who established one of the largest religions in the world. (He's also my Savior, but that's not the answer to your question.)
2015-08-10 03:12:20 UTC
He was God's first creation, and so he is called the "fiestborn" Son of God. -Revelation 3:14.
2015-08-10 11:07:29 UTC
Because Pewdiepie says it
2015-08-11 09:26:53 UTC
A human being a prophet of God from a saintly mother.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-08-10 09:51:53 UTC
Mary's boy ! I think they lived in Houston !
2015-08-10 06:17:39 UTC
St Peter to Jesus, face to face:

Matt5 16:13 *And Jesus came into the parts of Cæsarea Philippi: and he asked his disciples saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is?

14 But they said: *Some John the Baptist, and others Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

15 Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am.

16 Simon Peter answering said: *Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God.

17 And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father, who is in heaven.

18 *And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

19 *And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. **And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.
2015-08-12 15:26:41 UTC
jesus christ is an alien who helped humans to evolve, his real name is bob
2015-08-09 18:52:28 UTC
The Son of God and Savior of humanity.
2015-08-10 02:13:28 UTC
The Son of the Almighy True God Jehovah.
2015-08-10 11:24:34 UTC
He is the only begotten Son of God in the flesh. He is the savior of every person. He is my brother.
2015-08-11 06:35:06 UTC
a creation of mentally unstable idiots who can't accept reality.
2015-08-10 10:49:39 UTC
A person who was born in cowhouse and becomed table fixer.
2015-08-10 14:06:05 UTC
jesus is a prophet sent by god to isreal nation to guide them to worship god according to my religion
2015-08-10 02:18:43 UTC
He is like Santa, most kids believe in him,but when adults do, it is just silly
2015-08-10 20:19:56 UTC
A Prophet of GOD, He was a KING, but he owned nothing.
the big man
2015-08-11 07:15:11 UTC
if he existed i believe he was just an ordinary man,who knew how to get people to believe what he wanted them to believe
2015-08-12 08:37:05 UTC
a human being 100%.
2015-08-09 22:03:41 UTC
Jesus is the Light and The Way!!!
2015-08-11 08:17:47 UTC
Jesus is the Son of God, God in the flesh.
silver d
2015-08-09 18:54:22 UTC
He is a mish-mash of several prophets/deities that preceded him.
Fort Erudite
2015-08-11 16:20:51 UTC
The Son of God, Redeemer and Our Saviour. He is not the God nor is he a god.
2015-08-11 02:01:14 UTC
A figment of your imagination nothing more.
2015-08-11 11:04:07 UTC
HE is my Lord. HE is GOD Almighty for me.

I am happy that you are back to square one.
2015-08-09 19:11:48 UTC
The only one God reveals the truth of His prophesy to.
James O
2015-08-11 05:45:41 UTC
God Incarnate
2015-08-10 14:01:17 UTC
lord and Savior
2015-08-12 17:36:42 UTC
The Son of God and Saviour of mankind - and God himself in the flesh
2015-08-12 04:39:54 UTC
the Son of God, a miracle worker
2015-08-10 13:07:36 UTC alternative View you you havent heard of
2015-08-10 11:32:01 UTC
could be an energy, spirit, alien, human or not real we will never know
2015-08-11 10:10:11 UTC
He is in charge completely.
2015-08-10 11:53:47 UTC
The Son of God
Scarborough Fair
2015-08-09 18:56:50 UTC
God. Definitely not Michael, the archangel.
2015-08-10 18:12:09 UTC
He's my cousin.
King Mob
2015-08-09 18:56:06 UTC
Seaside Roses
2015-08-09 23:24:55 UTC
The kindest, most loving friend you could ever have.
2015-08-15 23:18:21 UTC
An extension of yourself and more.
2015-08-09 18:57:49 UTC
The light of my world & the love of my life.
2015-08-10 15:58:14 UTC
Me lol
2015-08-10 08:29:25 UTC
Son of God.
2015-08-13 07:28:06 UTC
I don't know.
2015-08-12 08:30:26 UTC
In the UK he is often referred to as "thingy"
2015-08-12 04:08:16 UTC
The one and only and best of the best.
2015-08-12 04:01:59 UTC
a victim of God
2015-08-11 08:24:40 UTC
God and Savior
2015-08-09 21:53:48 UTC
I have nothing to say.
2015-08-10 17:41:29 UTC
Your Judge at the end of it all.
2015-08-10 15:12:28 UTC
a phony
2015-08-10 11:49:02 UTC
The son of God
Alan H
2015-08-11 07:26:16 UTC
He is my everything! He liberated me.
2015-08-10 03:04:44 UTC
He's not real.
2015-08-10 12:49:00 UTC
He is the Whiteman and the Blackmans God.
2015-08-11 19:37:49 UTC
a character in a collection of ancient fairy tales.......
2015-08-10 15:45:12 UTC
my lord and savior
B. Ali
2015-08-13 05:02:12 UTC
Son of god.
2015-08-10 23:57:42 UTC
probably didn't exist
2015-08-11 00:24:59 UTC
bootless gerbil smoking crack who ate the tooth fairy
2015-08-11 04:10:47 UTC
son of god messiah
Habakkuk 2:4
2015-08-12 04:22:26 UTC
2015-08-09 21:25:04 UTC
he is the messiah god in human flesh
2015-08-11 00:42:13 UTC
He is.. I thought he was crucified!
pretty little
2015-08-11 12:27:50 UTC
all in your heads
2015-08-10 19:16:55 UTC
2015-08-09 19:45:44 UTC
He is the only begotten Son of God. God with us. Thanks for the question friend. God bless.
2015-08-11 00:16:42 UTC
A myth, the inspiration,...
2015-08-11 20:29:05 UTC
as the Bible states GOD IN FLESH
2015-08-09 19:07:40 UTC
He is MY hippy Son.

2015-08-12 14:56:26 UTC
my boss at work
2015-08-10 19:47:30 UTC
in heaven.
2015-08-11 01:01:41 UTC
God in the flesh
2015-08-12 06:38:48 UTC
my teacher
2015-08-09 22:55:47 UTC
our saviour
2015-08-10 09:24:27 UTC
he is our savior
2015-08-11 12:14:18 UTC
2015-08-11 09:05:26 UTC
2015-08-11 09:16:23 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.