Whats the diffrence between a angel, fairy& a pixie?
2006-03-30 12:33:55 UTC
Whats the diffrence between a angel, fairy& a pixie?
Nine answers:
2006-03-30 12:36:13 UTC
an angel is a desiple of god to protect humans fairy are like angels and a pixie is a micro creature that sits on mushrooms singing
2006-03-30 12:45:21 UTC
Angels are creatures of light, they dwell with the father in heaven. Fairies and Pixies is where it gets a little blurry. It really depends on who you talk to, or what books you read. In general, Pixies are much more mischievious, and fairies are more stately. Generally they are both small, with wings and pointed ears. There is a difference between the wings of Angels and fairies/pixies. Angels are generally portrayed as having the wings og a bird, with the same bone structure. Fairies/Pixies have the wing structure of insects, generallydragonflies or butterflies. Angels also tend to be human height or taller, while fairies/pixies are usually about six inches tall.
2006-03-30 12:42:36 UTC
An angel is an entity associated with religion. Usually a helper or assistant to God.

A fairy is a creature found in legend, folklore, or mythology.

A pixie also comes from folklore, but is generally a small winged creature.

Type in any of these terms in Wikipedia for more info.
2006-03-31 02:36:14 UTC
Angel:A typically benevolent celestial being that acts as an intermediary between heaven and earth, especially in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism.

A representation of such a being, especially in Christianity, conventionally in the image of a human figure with a halo and wings.

angels Christianity The last of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology. From the highest to the lowest in rank, the orders are: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels.

A guardian spirit or guiding influence.

A kind and lovable person.

One who manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness.

Fairy:A fairy is a spirit or supernatural being that is found in the legends, folklore, and mythology of many different cultures. They are generally human like in their appearance and have supernatural abilities such as the ability to fly, cast spells and to influence or foresee the future. Although in modern culture they are often depicted as young females of small stature, they originally were of a much different image, tall, angelic beings and short, wizened trolls being some of the commonly mentioned fay.


1. mythol.

A kind of fairy, traditionally with mischievous tendencies.

Thesaurus: fairy, sprite, elf, leprechaun, brownie.

Etymology: 17c: originally dialect.
2006-03-30 12:42:24 UTC
Angel- messanger of God

Fairy- small, winged creatures who are connected to nature

Pixie- A smaller version of fairies
2006-03-30 12:38:01 UTC
an angel is describes as a messenger od God, and our protectors, a fairie is a fantastic (from fantasy) creature that lives in the woods and has good powers, and pixies are like fairies too

hope that helped
2006-03-30 14:18:23 UTC
Angles have been spoken for.

Fairy legend (as far as Ireland is concerned) comes from the Iron age when the race of ruling Gods (the Tuatha de Danaan) were defeated by the incoming race of Gods (The Sons of Mil). The Tuatha De Danaan were good stewards of the land and people of Ireland and so were not driven from the island as were their predessors but were instead offered to live "underground" in the realm of the sidhe (pronounced shee).
2006-03-31 19:31:49 UTC
Who you calling fairy?
2006-03-30 12:37:33 UTC
I dont know any differences.

One similarity is that none of them exist.

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