Yes, although I dont always appreciate how he attacks everything and everyone and therefore is always attacked back, our secret government is a FACT which will increasingly be revealed as we head for big changes in our consciousness in 2012, a process happening now and the reason why TIME itself is flying by ever faster!
SO many things have been hidden from the masses by the s.g. and religion, but we are now in a phase wherein ALL that has been hidden must be revealed (as we see in the Catholic church and the expenses scandal in the UK government), so you can expect some shocking revelations and some that will surprise, for, yes, ET*s are real and have always been in touch with Earth, and with our major governments since the end of WW2, and positive ET*s are currently protecting us from our skies against what our own secret government is trying to do in reducing our numbers so that we might be easier to control..
The s.g. use fear to keep us in line, as we see in every newscast and newspaper, for they own most of it and control it all, but not for much longer, as their power is now waning as we approach 2012..Interesting times ahead..There will NOT be a dark *take-over* or destruction as in the s.g. film 2012..We on Earth have been under dark control for many thousands of years and it is now coming to an end, called for in the Divine Plan..
As I say, SO much has been hidden from the masses..David is one of those brave enough to stand above the parapet and tell people the truth..Other less well known individuals who did the same thing have suddenly met with unfortunate accidents, as did the occasional media investigator who got too close, sudden unexpected heart attacks usually being the outcome..