2007-06-06 17:22:56 UTC
Also, where do you think I fall on the Dark Side/Light Side scale of 1-100. 1 meaning as far as you can go to the light side, 100 meaning as far as you can go to the dark side.
-Made girls cry
-Sexually harassed women
-Hit on my best friend's ex
-Emotionally attached to my closest friends
-Have bad dreams about closest friends dying
-Hurt some of my closest friends when my girlfriend died and I also had nightmares about her death
-I do very nice things for my closest friends
-I helped out one of my close friends when they were in trouble
-When I was bullied, I payed those bully's back, but in sadistic ways
-I ruined the lives of people who picked on me
-Even joined up with the Trench Coat Mafia to save my best friend's life