Why Do People Think Ouija Boards Are Dangerous?
2010-03-31 09:06:58 UTC
Ok lets start with origins of the board itself.
they whole idea of the panchette + board was invented around 1890 (patent filed in 1890) by Elijah Bond and Charles Kennard altho the patent itself (U.S. Patent 446,054) lists Charles W. Kennard and William H. A. Maupin as the owners of the patent even though its widely known Bond played a major piece in its design. The patent itself was granted on February 10, 1891. Also at the time of filing it wasn't called an ouija board and had no definitive function and was said to be used for anything from contacting the dead to readings of the future.

It wasn't till 1901 when William Fuld took over the Ouija Board business from Charles Kennard that it really took off. Fuld claimed he had invented the board himself named it the ouija board (a word which mean precisely squat) and marketed it with the sole purpose of contacting the dead. Soon as it gain in popularity replica board started being produced and fuld took many companies to court trademarked the name ouija and continued to fight till his death.

Now a days the trademark is owned by mattle.

So the board was designed by no believers looking for some money. lets look at the idea its based on FUJI

Im guessing most of the people on here wont even have heard the word (except maybe the company) . Fuji is an ancient chinese panchette writing that the ouija board is loosely based on. While fugi is tied to the summoning of "spirits" (Note: not the dead) it was manly used for gaining insight into the future and past rather than conversing with the spirits themselves and wasn't considered dangerous.

Ok so still no danger.

Science, this is probably quite unwelcome but its all cause by the ideomotor effect lots of studies have been done into this but the most amusing and easy to get hold of (as i think its probably somewhere on youtube or elsewhere online) would be the one done on Penn & Teller: Bullshit! program (sorry about the name but thats what it was called) where the ouija board was switch round while the people doing it were blindfolded.

So can some1 tell me why they think ouija baords are dangerous, with details not just saying, "it opens portals to hell" but explaining where these beliefs stem from. Or is it just people making stuff up as they along.
Seven answers:
2010-03-31 09:18:52 UTC
You could poke someone's eye out with the thing!
Nummits and Crummits
2010-03-31 09:42:43 UTC

Why is anything in the occult world viewed as evil, dark and dangerous?

Organized religions telling us it is.

What people don't understand is, where these stereotypes come from.

A lot of stigma around these things originated from religions and made their way into general consensus.

So now we are in the situation of even non believers saying it's dangerous.

Communicating with the dead is Necromancy.

Necromancy was common practice and considered special and sacred to communicate with our ancestors in times of old.

Which raises the serious question why this sacred practice is now considered evil.

The answer can be found in Deuteronomy 18:10/18:11:-


“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,

Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. “


In the eyes of something like Christianity, if you make contact with a dead loved one it's not actually that person, but an evil spirit trying to trick you.

In their eyes, it's highly dangerous.

And thus, we have a practice that was once very special and harmless, being turned into something which is evil and dangerous.
2010-03-31 09:18:33 UTC
beliefs come from true documented cases just cause penn an teller played a cruel joke on some one does not mean anything. the planchette has been known to move without anyone touching it an also it has spelled out words in latin around people who do not speak the language. just cause you came up with a few facts about the origins doesn't prove a thing. these things work with vortex which allows spirits to come through. the info you have will not be changing any ones minds very soon including mine. an before you attack me be careful what you say
2010-03-31 09:23:49 UTC
History/beliefs are pieces of the past that people have decided to agree upon. If hitler won ww2 than people would be saying he is amazing. The germans would be writing the textbook. Is that true , NO he was an evil troll and other things I cant write on the computer. Its the same with Ouija Boards.
2010-03-31 09:24:56 UTC
Three things .... one that's what i bought my son for "bunny day"

two... I know a family of wiccans who have a marble podium like ouija board in their place of worship.... so I would guess the original game came about from an idea of an actual practice from maybe paganism....

and three (not religious at all maybe agnostic at a hard place) but I saw a spiritual guide who was 92 and she was a rev. or a christian church... I was dragged there ... only 17 years old ....

One of my bf just hung himself and not being religious at all was given the great advice he went to hell because on earth he was gay and tormented and driven to kill himself...

So for weeks after me and my other friends used my ouija to find out if he was ok ........ The first thing this women said to me when I walked in there after she asked me to put her feet up on her wheelchair feet holders... was Traymane D..... want's you to know he is in a good place and he knows you have been worried and trying to reach him....

I am a complete skeptic of all afterlife and anthing halfway there ... so this blew my f***ing mind!
2010-03-31 11:07:50 UTC
The Dangers of the Ouija Board

Dan Corner

Permission to reproduce this article is hereby granted, but only in its entirety, including author's

name and ministry address at the end of the article, and without any alterations.

One of the chief tools used in divination is the Ouija Board. Though Parker Brothers (those who manufacture it) would suggest that this is merely a game used for entertainment purposes, this occultic tool leads to spiritual darkness. It is described as such:

A board and pointer used for divination and by some as a means to contact spirits or entities. The name comes from the French and German words for "yes," oui and ja (ja is mispronounced with a hard "j"). Critics of the Ouija, who include authorities in most denominations of Christianity, say it is dangerous and a tool of the Devil. Advocates say that it, like other forms of divination, is a legitimate means to discover insight, wisdom, and self-truths and to communicate with discarnate beings.

The board includes letters of the alphabet, numerals 0 through 9, the words "yes" and "no," and a heart-shaped pointer on three felt-tipped legs. One or two people place their fingertips on the pointer, which moves to answer questions. In most cases answers probably rise up from the subconsciousness of the users, even when "spirits" identify themselves and give messages. However, Ouija pointers have been known to fly off the board and spin out of control, as though being directed by unseen forces, and some users claim to be harassed by external agents contacted through the board.

Precursors to the Ouija date back to ancient times. In China before the birth of Confucius (c. 551 B.C.), similar instruments were used to communicate with the dead. In Greece during the time of Pythagoras (c. 540 B.C.) divination was done with a table that moved on wheels to point to signs, which were interpreted as revelations from the "unseen world." The rolling table was used through the nineteenth century. Other such devices were used by the ancient Romans as early as the third century A.D., and in the thirteenth century by the Mongols. Some Native Americans used "squdilatc boards" to find missing objects and persons, and obtain spiritual information. In 1853 the planchette came into use in Europe. It consisted of a triangular or heart-shaped platform on three legs, one of which was a pencil. The medium or user moved the device over paper to draw pictures and spell out messages.(1)

NOTE: The Ouija board, like other forms of divination, has been used in an attempt to contact the dead (necromancy), which is clearly condemned by the Bible:

Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God. The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so (Deut. 18:10-14).

All other forms of sorcery are clearly denounced in Scripture as well. Those that refuse to listen to God regarding this command are mentioned in the follow Scripture:

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars�their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death (Rev. 21:8).

Their only hope is to find forgiveness by turning from this form of wickedness to the true and living God through Jesus Christ. See Acts 20:21.

Ouija Popularity Around WW I

The Ouija enjoyed enormous popularity during and after World War I, when many people were desperate to communicate with loved ones killed in the war and Spiritualism was in a revival. In 1966 Fuld sold his patent to Parker Brothers game company of Beverly, Massachusetts. Interest in the Ouija picked up again in the 1960s and 1970s, along with renewed interest in the occult and supernatural. Parker Brothers stresses that the Ouija is a game for entertainment purposes.(2)

Demon Possession and The Ouija Board

People know not what they do when they dabble in the occult, even innocently. By doing such they open themselves up to many spiritual dangers that normally would never occur, one of which is demon possession. Such has been linked to the Ouija board:

Some demonologists say the Ouija opens the door to possession by evil spirits ....(3)

Some evil spirits first contacted by the Ouija board has led to a deeper involvement and bondage in the occult.

Jane Roberts, Seth and Others

Some critics contend that such contact is inherently dangerous, and that any beings who communicate through such a de
2010-03-31 09:11:10 UTC
Its evil!!! :O!

Run for your life D:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.