Well, just ran an astrologic chart for 1200hrs that date.
Looks like Jupiter & Venus are in opposition and Jupiter is
in its Detriment. Soooo, I'd say that any social events are
probably gonna end in a "snit". Many "friendships" could well
permanently fragment that day.
Pluto and Saturn are in sextile (which implies some reasonable-
ness to compulsive workaholic-ism...if that's possible) BUT
both are in Mutual Reception (giving each much more "oomph"
than they'd have otherwise).
Pluto is conj the Sun...implying some sort of serious "power
play" going on. Kinda like some "little guy" challenging some
big company like Hewlett Packard over some problem with
their tech support or something (legal issues maybe, certainly
issues of role or position-in-a-particular-context being
There'll probably be an emotional crisis later that day when the
transiting Moon hits 24 deg or Aries (only because the Moon
@ Noon is at 17 Aries and the North Notde is @ 24).
Other than that...without a specfic time...I can't write that I see
anything "catastrophic" here.