No, you cannot.
See, the thing so many people cannot grasp is that there is much more to being qualified to become a Freemason than just "belief in a deity" or "Supreme Being".
The Constitutions of the Freemasons make the qualification quite clear in that a Mason must hold a belief in, and hold his trust and faith in "One Supreme and Supernatural Creator of all the Heavens and Earth".
First off, satan is not a Creator, not even in the beliefs of satanists... rather, satan is part of creation, and the antagonist of the Creator. Most sects of satanists do believe in the existence of God the Creator, very much in the same sense as Judeo-Christian tradition, but by being satanists, they willingly refuse to put their trust and faith in God, and as such do not meet the qualifications to become Freemasons. (Satanism is in reality not really about demon worship so much as it is about self worship.)
Freemasonry is open to persons of many different religious faiths, and Masonry does not make any determination or hold any dogmatic opinion as to who or what God is or which if any religious sect is right etc. Basically it requires a man to believe he is accountable to whatever deity he believes created him and the world around him. Satanism rejects the idea of this accountability, much as an atheist does, and thus cannot become a Mason.