On October 18, 2008 a few of us used the ouija board at a Halloween gathering. We decided to use the 1920's William Fuld board. This session lasted 48 minutes and 24 seconds.
Beth: Are there any spirits here who wish to speak with us tonight?
Board: Yes
Beth: Can you tell us your name?
Board: Yes
Beth: Can you tell us what it is?
Board: VF
Beth: VF? Are those your initials?
Board: No
Beth: So what is your first name? Can you spell it out for us?
Board: VAS
Heather: Our spirit can't spell.
Board: Yes
Beth: So you're telling us you can't spell?
Board: Yes
Beth: So, Vas, is there something you want to tell us?
Board: Yes
Beth: OK, what is it?
Board: Good
Heather: You're good?
Board: Yes
Beth: Anything else to tell us, Vas?
Board: No
Beth: OK, is there anyone else who wants to talk to us?
Board: Yes
Beth: Who else can we talk to?
Board: Dug
Beth: have you been, Dug?
Board: Nice
Beth: It's been a long time, Dug. Anything you want to say?
Board: *****
Heather: Is Beth a *****?
Board: Yes
Another person named Beth, who was sitting nearby, started laughing.
Brian: Which Beth?
Board: Both
Heather: When did you die, Dug?
Board: 1934
Brian: 1934?
Board: Yes
Beth: How old were you when you died?
Board: 36
Heather: Did you die in an accident?
Board: Yes
Beth: What kind of accident?
Board: Buggy
Brian: Buggy?
Board: Yes
Heather: Are you Amish?
Board: No
Beth: Were you run over by a buggy?
Board: Yes
Brian: Were you married?
Board: Yes
Beth: What was your wife's name?
Board: Bwt
Beth: Do you want to try that again?
Board: Berry
Brian: Berry?
Board: Yes
Beth: Did Berry work anyplace?
Board: No
Heather: Did you have any children?
Board: No
Brian: When did Berry die? What year?
Board: 1956
Beth: Where did you guys live?
Board: Junction City
Heather: Did she remarry?
Board: No
Beth: Are you both buried down there?
Board: No
Beth: Where are you buried then?
Board: Bremen
Beth: Which cemetery?
Board: Sacred Heart
Beth: Is that how you connected to me?
Board: Yes
Heather: Is Dug Hole your real name?
Board: No
Beth: Can you tell us your real name?
Board: No
Heather: Is that some kind of spirit rule?
Board: Yes
Beth: Are you a relative?
Board: No
Beth: What did you do for a living?
Board: Work
Beth: We know you worked, but what kind of work did you do?
Board: Ditch
Beth: So you still stick by digging ditches for a living?
Board: Yes
Beth: Can we talk to anyone else, Dug?
Board: No
Beth: He is a board hog.
Board: Yes
Beth: Is there anything you want to tell us, Dug?
Board: No
Beth: So you are just wasting our time?
Board: Yes dumbasses
Heather: We're dumbasses?
Board: Yes
Beth: Do you miss John S.?
Board: Yes
Beth: Have you caused me to do anything stupid at work lately?
Board: No
Brian: He must think you do enough stupid things on our own.
Board: Yes
Beth: My mom won't play. She's a big baby, isn't she?
Board: Yes
Beth: Are there any new spirits living in my house?
Board: Yes
Beth: Where did they follow me from? Anyplace?
Board: Yes
Beth: Where?
Board: Uby
Beth: Did you mess up spelling that?
Board: Yes
Beth: Want to try again?
Board: Cinshinnati
Beth: Where in Cincinnati?
Board: Stearns
Beth: Are you talking about the factory, Stearns and Foster?
Board: Yes
Beth: Why was the spirit at the factory?
Board: Uv
Beth: Why was that spirit at the factory?
Board: circled
Beth: Do you not know why the spirit was at the factory?
Board: No
Beth: Can you tell us the spirit's name?
Board: Robert
Heather: Is that his real name?
Board: Yes
Beth: Why did he follow me home?
Board: Hated factory
Heather: He hated the factory?
Board: Yes
Heather: Your home is way cooler than a factory.
Board: No
Beth: You don't think my place is cooler?
Board: No
Beth: Can we talk to Robert?
Board: No
Beth: But is Robert here right now, waiting?
Board: No
Heather: Did my son get three stars at school?
Board: Yes. Hello (to Heather's son)
Heather: Does Dug like kids?
Board: Yes
Brian: Did Dug have any kids?
Board: Idiot
Beth: Is Brian an idiot because he asked a question we had already asked?
Board: Yes
Heather: My son wants to know if you can spell go.
Board: Go
Heather: Now he wants you to spell alphabet?
Board: Alphabet
Beth: Do you have something else to tell us?
Board: No
Beth: Are you angry that I haven't used the board much lately?
Board: Yes
Beth: I get a lot of e-mails from people who visit the website asking about you.
Board: Famous
Beth: Yes, you are famous.
Board: Yes
Beth: Do you have anything you want to tell the website visitors?
Board: I love them
Heather: Can you give us the winning lottery numbers?
Board: No
Beth: We don't want to work anymore.
Board: Too bad
Heather: Do you know any mea